Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171115

SFGTV Government Access Programming November 15, 2017

Economic draft. Those in low economic communiti communities clammer through sweat, tears, the blood of our nations enemies and blood of american heros. I invite you to allow the emerging cannibis community to empower an overlooked community, my ask is to expand to military veterans. Perhaps underserved veterans that receive less than Honorable Discharge for cannibis use could meet your standards for inclusion. Combat veterans are only 10 of the community. Perhaps they will earn your consideration. Thank you next speaker. Good morning. My name is shane. I want to thank you guys for listening to everybody before me and everybody after me. I want to talk about the Compassion Program. I want you to keep it in the state and make sure its safe for everybody. Im a poor patient and i would like to see the task force maybe have patients in there as well. Keeping room for everybody. And thank you for listening to me. Thank you. Yeah, we added the Compassion Program today. I appreciate you speaking on that. My name is denise dori, member of access love Compassion Community and produce six tv shows all about compassion. I want to ask you first on the top of the list, should be Compassion Programs for low income and no income, veterans and elders. Do you know any elders who dont have aches and pains and it prevents alzheimers and half this room will experience alzheimers whether its them or their parents. One out of two or three get it. So i dont even believe theres such thing as recreational. But since we have to work with what we have because 64 was written to decimated the compassionate community. Thats why it was written. We proved ourselves 20 years ago. It has been 20 years and dogs are still playing with cats i guess. So anyway compassion i can grow a pound of cannibis for 10. I know, i grow it outdoors and when you grow it outdoors, you can grow a pound for 10 it averages out. I figured out the cost for the water, soil, irrigation system figures in. Theres no real need we need to regulate greed. If we want to set an example for the world, we have been doing that every where else, we can do it here. We wouldnt have been vulnerable to putin if we regulated greed. I have lyme disease and i wont be eligible for a doctors letter. We need to strengthen parameters and include more conditions. We need to diversify the task force. I dont feel represented on the task force and nobody really understands what we go through. 16 was a success and dont let hate groups define us in San Francisco. Thank you. Next speaker please. Kendra saver, david mccarthy, michelle hi. I want to say thank you for the compassion. Yes, we need loose leaf. When you go to a pharmacist, isnt it loose in the bottles in the back already. Come on, its the same thing. Okay. We need patients on the task force so we are all represented, and 600 feet zone is thats it. This is ridiculous. All right. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker. Hi, i want to first thank you for taking the time and really evaluating this process and figuring out what works best. As you see, theres a lot of people here who support this. And i really feel that it is important to provide consumption lounges for people to have a safe place to medicate and consume responsibly, so one its part of the healing process and two, theres people not consuming on the streets. If theres concern that it smells or its not comfortable, then having a place where people can go and consume it in a safe place, this will provide safety and an environment where its avoided and in a safe place. So i think that consumption lounges will be a great way for yeah, to allow this i think consumption lounges will be a great way where people can go and not consume outside. The more consumption lounges that are opened will prevent people from consuming outside. Its important not to have one or two or three. Its important to allow multiple consumption lounges. There will be multiple tourists here. Make sure you allow more than the amount open right now. Also its important to allow Equity Program and make sure you allow Equity Program, there has to be enough properties available. If theres not enough property available and the square foot is not appropriate, youre not going to have a great Equity Program. In my terrible speech i guess my point is to allow consumption lounges and enough of them and good Equity Program. Thanks. Thank you, next speaker. David mccarthy. Jan, michael cowen. Terrence allen. Im a veteran and member of access of love and operation evac which is a Veterans Group that means educating veterans about cannibis. I want to say its really important we get diversity and the task force to allow patient groups to have a say about compassionate care. And i know you are hearing some things over again, but its so important because the opposition gets up here and goes over and over again about their speel. And we need equity for the dispensaries as far as the footage, so that people can find optimal places to open up. And bottom line, Compassion Care for veterans, low and no Income Patients and seniors is very, very important. The dispensaries not only should be required to have Compassion Program, but they shouldnt be scared off by having to pay extra permit or tax or whatever to said program. I know they pay bulk tax when the medicine comes in the back door of current medical dispensaries, they shouldnt have to pay yet again to give it away. And so we just hope that you understand that principle that some people quit having Compassion Programs because it was financially not feasible anymore for them. And, you know, also i hope every dispensary that had to close because of federal issues and stuff that had great Compassion Programs four or five of them thank you sir. Next speaker. Michael cowen, terrence allen, nina parks, michael ledbetter. Good afternoon. My name is michael cowen. Im secretary of the democratic club. I want to make a suggestion, that is for with Compassion Program, how about tying it to medicare. That way you could track it, it would handle people who are already in the system and i think it would be practical way to manage a Compassion Program. Second point is i think were going to need more consumption lounges, we have eight in the city. Were going to have thousands of more patients medicating and we need to find a place where they can medicate safely and away from schools, parks and other locations where its not going to be allowed. My last request is that please do not overregulate cannibis. This is a new industry, we it needs to be managed but it also needs to be managed in a responsible way and overregulation will damage it and could kill it. Thank you so much. Good afternoon supervisors. Excuse me. My name is greg goodbetter. Im cochair of the rose kenya group, a small group of patients that share medicine and activities here in the city. I am also sit on the chair of the board of the Mental Health here in San Francisco. I think i have a good solution to the cry for smoking lounges and it would be a great idea for all of our community to be able to turn around and heal together. A Community Center in this city is desperately needed where all of us, all different ethnic groups and parts of the medical cannibis community can come together for events and just have Harm Reduction groups and things like that. These lounges are great idea but thats just what they are, lounges. Medical cannibis patients need healing places, places they can have bingo, movie nights, or just be able to sit down and talk to one another. With that im going to close but know that patients in San Francisco are waiting for you guys to make the best decisions that they can get out of you for medical cannibis in general. Thank you. Next speaker please. I think we got a little out of order. Im terrence allen. Ive been h. I. V. Positive since the early 80s and chair of the task force. There are members of the task force, i encourage you rules committee to appoint those members and encourage more patient voices. There is no practical legalization without consumption and really no legalization without compassion. If i went to all of the cannibis consumption lounges in the last week, i added up how many patients are allowed as of right into the eight consumption lounges and supervisors do you know the number i came up with . 175. That is all the patients that fit at one time in all eight consumption lounges. Theres no space for tourists and we dont want to put them on the sidewalk. As we talk about the eight, we have to understand the restrictions of size and access that the dispensaries have put on the eight locations. 175. Theres no equity without property. Without an address, the Equity Program is broken. So the overregulation that is the tendency of trying to get out of the just say no message, we have to keep coming back to make sure we dont exclude through overcomplication. Theres no public process without the task force. I thank you for expanding it another year and im open for this rules committee to expand the membership of the 14 and make it as representative of the community as we can. And theres no representation if we dont listen to those 74 of the voters. Cannibis users will be disappointed. 414,000 voted for it, they represent a clear majority. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello, good morning. My name is nina parks. Im an advocate through super nova women, women of color organization, we have been participating in San Franciscos equity cannibis Equity Working Group. We have been convening with quite a few people affected by the Equity Program and experts to help to strengthen the data that we needed to be able to push the most equitable Playing Field that we can. And also as a Business Owner with my brother who spoke before me, obviously we have a lot of horses in this race. So equity issues, one in regards to licencing, the licencing requirement says felonies considered from 1971 to 2009, however like my brother said, 2016 we were still seeing African Americans arrested at 10 times higher than any other rates in San Francisco and 2. 4 times higher than African Americans anywhere else in california. That was within the Human Rights Commission report submitted. In regards to other equity issues. Capital and real estate is a big issue. Us having shared locations, multiple businesses in one space would be helpful to us on equity. Delivery, delivery was preserved to have a low barrier retail access, like equity businesses, where they would be able to enter. So to be able to to have a static manifest is going to be difficult for us. To go back and forth it would not make us competitive with the larger people. I know theres a lot of conversation next speaker. Im david carter, were hoping to make the transition. Today i want to talk to you about a couple of things i heard here, other people talking about, one is the ownership, it would be it would make it a lot easier for businesses my size which i already said is small if we were able to attract a larger percentage of investors than what i think you said right now is 20 which is a start but to expand it would be helpful. Also consumption is really important thing, obviously we have heard it mentioned a number of times today. We need consumption sites. I think i heard we have eight right now. Were about to go into adult use, the pool of cannibis users is going to explode i like what miss fewer said about the access. Creating an access to lower income is important. And supervisor yee, its great about the chinese medicine reference. Thank you sir. Next speaker. Excuse me sir. Sorry. Aaron ash. Gregory ledbetter, andre greenburg, aaron ash. Okay, were going to skip them. Were here. Come forward. Sorry about that. Thats okay. Good morning. Im andy greenberg, one of the coowners of a small womens medical cannibis collective in San Francisco. We primarily work at private parties, educating women and selling products, we also have a small delivery aspect to our business. Like i said, education is a big aspect of what we do. I really want to thank the supervisors of this committee and the office of cannibis for putting on the record and working on the education aspect for this community, cannibis policy is not developed in a vacuum but is a long and complex history. I thank you for acknowledging that. This is important to understand in order to educate people and battle misunderstanding. We at society jane support the two step regulatory process, this will give us a pathway forward and allow us to remain in business. To that end, its essential to have colocation or space sharing allowed. We also support the Compassion Program, the portability of permits, the 18 year age requirements for employees of medical businesses, Technical Assistance and importantly on site consumption locations. I also support the San Francisco cannibis Equity Working Group and all theyre asking for to make equity possible, buffers between mcds, cannibis businesses and schools should not be increased but i would argue decreased to 500 feet. We also support what i have been hearing today about the increasing the ownership chains from 20 to anywhere less than 50. Thank you for your time. Thank you next speaker. Good afternoon. Thank you for your time. Im aaron ash, a law student here in San Francisco, Vice President of students for sensible drug policy. Im here to show support for the amendment that supervisor sheehy proposed today. Compassion is extremely important. Addressing supervisor fewers concerns, state regularlations do allow loose leaf to be on display. I appreciate the concerns of finding the right quality of cannibis for each individual patient. Consumption is huge. The voters voted to legalize cannibis, if we limit consumption to be only eight places we are recriminallize cannibis and pushing people out on the streets. I really appreciate your support for a stronger Equity Program. Overall i think its great. I do want to echo some of the concerns of the other speakers, you should extend the conviction window to 2016, i worked at the Public Defenders Office in San Francisco all summer, i have seen that continues to be a problem. Communities of color are targeted way more than any other community in San Francisco. Recently as 2016, a federal judge ruled that the ss police used racially selective law enforcement. Im sure you remember the case where all 37 detectives were african american. The video show the police going up to white drug dealers and declining to buy the drugs and going and arresting black people. I think even after 64 its been a huge problem. Extending the window to 2016 is important. Thank you next speaker. Chris emerson. Betsy cabiker. Im Senior Member of access of love. And im a disabled veteran. I also was born in San Francisco in district 11 and all i wanted to stress again about having patients and advocates of the community in the process of the task force so we can get input from the community as well. I also like to stress education, especially to the schools because i have been smoking cannibis since 18, my three nieces i have raised have been educated with drug education and they have a few points about cannibis use they were against and i was proud of that. I explained to them what is good for me may not be good for you. I wanted to explain to you that when i was living in oakland, i lost my unit because i got run over by a car here in San Francisco. I ended up in a shelter for eight months in a wheelchair and had nowhere else to go. This is why its important to have dispensaries where low income and disabled can at least go and stay until closing time even. Play bingo games, chest games, open mike. Things like this that if you talk about a problem with homeless, this would be a perfect idea, especially for those who smoke cannibis, thank you. Thank you next speaker. Chris emerson, betsy and jessie stout. Hi, i manage two of the consumption spaces in San Francisco among other businesses in cannibis. Consumption spaces are for education, not necessarily for recreation, but be able to get information, if you didnt have that source you would have to sift through forums online and thats not really from experts necessarily. So being able to have access to those spaces is extremely important. Even if it is simply for recreation to have a city with only eight bars is a little crazy to me. Im sure you guys feel the same way. Another point i want to bring up, shared manufacturing space. I also have been developing an Edible Company for a few years trying to make it compliant and seeing the overhead is too much for an individual within the space. To share the cost with other entrepreneurs in the space would be beneficial to me among 400 people part of the california edibles manufacturing alliance, this is a problem that many people are faced with. Along the lines. Having event permits available that are just temporary. Good afternoon. Im jessie stout, thank you for having me. I appreciate you taking so much Public Comment and hearing everyone out thi

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