Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171124

SFGTV Government Access Programming November 24, 2017

Commissioner michael hardeman. Commissioner francee covington. Commissioner joe alioto veronese. No meeting scheduled for november 22, 2017, or december 27, 2017. Item three, general Public Comments. Members of the public may address the commission up to three minutes on any matter in the commissions jurisdiction and does not appear on the agenda. Speaker shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or Department Personnel. Commissioners are not to enter into debate or discussion with the speaker. The lack of response by the commissioners or Department Personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement with or support of statements made during Public Comment. Thank you, before we ask for Public Comment, the gentleman along the wall there, you may want to move on this side, on the other side, to not block the door. The Sheriffs Department gets upset blocking exits, as do we. Thank you. So, any Public Comment this morning . Seeing none, Public Comments closed. Madam secretary, next item. Item four, approval of the minutes. Discussion and possible action to approve the Meeting Minutes of october 25, 2017. Any Public Comment on the minutes . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners, what is your pleasure . Move, a second . Commissioner covington seconds. All in favor . Aye. Thank you very much. Its unanimous. Item five, chief of departments report. Report from chief of department, joanne hayeswhite, on current issues, activities and events within the Department Since the Fire Commission meeting on october 25, 2017, including budget, academies, special events, communications and outreach to other Government Agencies in the public, and report from operations, deputy chief Mark Gonzales on overall field operation, including greater alarm fires, emergency medical services, bureau of Fire Prevention and investigation. And airport division. Regarding the budget, we have entered into the send quarter and are following through on all of our 1718 initiatives, including the purchase of fleet and equipment according to the plans approved for multiyears. We will be reconvening the Budget Committee prior to the budget season. On december 6th, receive the budget instructions and we will be prepared on december 13th to provide an overview of those budget those budget instructions to the Fire Commission at the upcoming meeting. Related to academies, 123rd academy in the seventh week and progressing along very well. And we have all 54 members remaining in that class. 124th class is scheduled to begin some time in march, either mid march or late march, zeroing in on that date. And we are in the process of beginning to look at selections for the 124th class. In 2018 as reminder, another two classes, both scheduled to have 54 members in them. 42 off the list and 12 coming from station 49. Since the last meeting, actually the evening after our meeting on the 25th of october, i had heard on my way home that there was a twocar accident on Park Presidio and crossover drive, and there were three extrications that were required. Two done within about a 20minute period, and one took over two hours, about two and a half hours. And i would like to commend the crews that showed up to that, responded to that incident, starting with engine 22 and truck 12. Rc2, ba at all battalion 8, a very complicated rescue and extrication. At one point, which has never happened in my career, there was a call for a field amputation, the patient was so trapped into his vehicle. That fortunately did not need to happen. I responded to the scene and within about ten minutes the crews had been diligently working to extricate the patient were successful in doing so, and i would like to say even though it took that length of time, the new tools that have been distributed to our rescue squads as well as all of our Truck Companies made the difference in making that a successfully extrication, albeit a very lengthy one. Hats off to the crews that did a phenomenal job on that rescue that evening. On the 26th, i had the privilege to pin more badges on h3 level 1 e. M. T. , and h2s recently, that had paramedic licenses that stepped up to become fully cross trained h3 level 3 firefighter paramedics. I believe just under 30 people that we, over the course of two days, were able to acknowledge and like to acknowledge the e. M. F. Division and the Training Division to get that coordinated and their good work. On the 27th of october several of us at headquarters met with the department of public works, i know he has reported here before, to get an update on some of the easter projects, including status of the complete tear down of station 16 on greenwich and station 5 on turk and webster. We will continue to work closely with them. We are monitoring very closely. Somewhat disappointed in the delay in station 16s progress but we are monitoring that very closely. And d. P. W. , as well as the director, aware of our concerns regarding some delay on that. On the 28th of october i participated and attended a neighbor fest, which was first of its kind, done all through solar power and the use of generators. Its district 7, and under supervisor yi, he had done a participatory style budget, asked members of his district to participate in what they would like to see, and they 25,000 of i believe 250,000 sort of the pot of money dedicated toward enhancing the nert program in the miraloma district residents. So we had a lot of nert presence there. A member of our Community Outreach arson investigator, janet brock was there, showing people how to use an extinguisher, hashim anderson, talking about the nert program, and engine 20 and engine 39 came by. But basically it was an informative session adjacent to miraloma schools, so a lot of kids there. I attended that, and i think it will be a model for the city to basically make sure neighbors are getting to know one another and have a sustainable plan in the event of a large scale emergency. Since i was at that, deputy chief williams represented and attended, i know chief francisco was there as well, as other members in the department, a vigtant guardian exercise that also took place with multiple agencies. We had on duty participation as well, and i believe that deputy chief williams in her report next month can give you greater detail, or today, either she or chief francisco can answer any questions on the elements of that exercise. On october 30th station 35 as they always do, welcomed graciously members of the councilor corps on the fire boat, i was not able to participate but i met them at the pier when they came back. And that was organized through the councilor corps and the Mayors Office of protocol. Acknowledge the members of 35, probably get the most visits per year from dignitaries and visitors, they do a great job receiving them. On october 31st, we did have a Police Matter where there was a Police Officer seriously injured in a shooting in the Castro District and we had a busy night, nothing that was out of the ordinary for halloween night, being it was tuesday, we managed our resources fairly well. There was an auto versus pedestrian fatality, i responded just to see what that was about, and the person was it was dark, i was hopeful that it was not a child trickortreating and it was not. Nevertheless, it was very difficult incident for our members as well as the members of the police department, where the victim was beyond viability for transport and was pronounced at the scene. So i know that investigation goes on as to what exactly happened there. On november 1st, the city administrator, naomi kelly, called a meeting with the relevant departments related to the many building projects in the city to make sure that everyone is coordinating and communicating. On november 2nd i participated in a monthly chiefs meeting, the large urban departments in the state of california, that do a monthly phone conference. Also attended i know president cleaveland, you have been there and toured it, very impressed with the new medical Examiners Office out on one new hall, also part of a bond, 65 million project. They had a grand opening on the second of november, and we obviously work closely with members of the medical Examiners Office and are pleased for them they have a facility thats really modern and efficient for them to work out of. And dr. Hunter, who is the, michael hunter, the chief medical examiner, i know hes very enthusiastic about it, so i wanted to support him. Also that afternoon the members of station 13 welcomed us, myself, assistant deputy chief rivera, and deputy chief asked to meet with them and take a look at the new engine we have. The first distributed, deployed engine, and so we talked about the new features of the engine, including the installation of solar panels, smaller profile, tighter turning radius, and all of the environmentally friendly aspects of it, not to mention the vision 0 aspects of it. So, that went well. The lets see, on november 3rd, lets see my dates here i attended, i have my notes mixed up here, so, on monday of this week, monday evening, acknowledge Vice President ial nakajo, honored as 1 of 4 honorees later this month by spur, its a huge award, and a chairs reception on monday evening. This monday evening i had the pleasure of attending and championing all the work you have done for the Fire Department, Vice President nakajo, as well as the community. Congratulations on that welldeserved award. Today, the 8th, marks the lieutenants exam, we have 310 members that applied for that opportunity to promote, so we wish them all well, and want to thank everyone, including our Assignment Office that did a lot to make sure operationally that we are staffed to the extent that we need to be. As well as letting out of the 310, i believe 57 or so due to work today. So, while they are taking the test they have been backfilled so we can keep the city safe and supported. We have a veterans day parade coming up this sunday. The venue is fishermans wharf, 11 00. Many of us will be marching. I know the mayor will be attending as well. Any of you are welcome to attend. On the 15th, we have two events that i wanted to mention. O one is our meritorious ceremony at reardon high school, at 6 30 p. M. , acknowledge meritorious conduct for the period of 20152016. Thats in the evening. During the day, i dont want to steal any thunder, but i would like to acknowledge president cleaveland who is not going anywhere on the Fire Commission but is retiring from his day job after 22 and a half years with bowma, and look forward to attending a luncheon in your honor on november 15th. For all of your good work at bowma. So, congratulations to you, president cleaveland. Then on the 18th, i wanted to make sure you are aware we have a nert citywide drill. It gets underway, i believe, around 9 00 a. M. At everett middle school, postponed in october due to the north bay fires. And that concludes my report. As it gets closer to the end, we had two retired members pass away, i will give you that information, al mccarthy and don lyons later in the evening. President cleaveland Public Comment on the chiefs report . Seeing none, commissioners. Do you have any questions, commissioner hardeman. Commissioner hardeman thank you, mr. President. Thanks for the great report, chief, as usual. You are very busy. I missed the councilor tour on the fire boat, carolyn lee, billies wife, used to be the c. A. O. Of San Francisco invited me and theres a couple people that had referred to kelly on different items, and he was, bill and his wife are looking to put this tour together, they asked me if i would go and referred to, compliments to kelly, and more from u. P. S. About kelly getting things together when they had things, because of their problem over in their headquarters and so kelly seems to be doing a great job for you and she should be recognized. Chief hayeswhite kelly is my assistant and hopefully shes watching. This is part of her work, she watches. So, thank you to kelly. My assistant, unsung hero. Thank you for acknowledging. Commissioner hardeman Everybody Knows how wonderful she is now. The extractions, i heard that on the tv and i said that must be an error. You just confirmed it wasnt. Yeah do you have any idea, anybody know the condition of the one patient for so long, did he or she lose a limb . Chief hayeswhite the work onscene was incredible as it always is by our members, they put their hearts and soul into it. But my experience has been if we can get the patient to s. F. General, the quality of work thats done there is amazing, that most people would not even survive, let alone maintain their limb. My understanding is they were able to save both of his legs, both of his legs were very badly injured, and there was concern that he might lose both of his legs. I believe they saved his legs and he has a long recovery ahead but is alive. Commissioner hardeman thats good news. Good job, thanks, glad to see that you made it a point to talk about that. The reason why i missed that, was for larry martin, who is a head of the Transportation Workers Union for many years and the Vice President , i was at his funeral, so i did not get to go on that. Chief hayeswhite i attended his rosary the night before. Commissioner hardeman he was a dear, dear friend of mine. You brought up 36th avenue and sloat. A couple years ago at the celebration of that street being now called john verdun highway, where he was raised, and from 19th avenue to the beaches, and earlier this year i was complaining about what a terrible condition that road, that street was in, the worst street fortunately, they have it repaved and sorry to hear somebody was killed there, but that has been all repaved as you probably know, not too far from your house either. I was happy to hear that. And happy to hear that you still have, that the training has kept all 54 people in class, that is really, thats good seven weeks and running. Would it be a record if we had the whole class . How often since we had such a large class that they would all make it through . Chief hayeswhite its rare, but it has happened. Not with 54. When i was director of training we had 48, and then i think one time since chief we have had that. I will note forever the optimist, we have, you know, seven weeks is getting deeper into the academy. We do have some members that are, we are really trying to support, a couple of them are they are struggling a bit, but hopeful that well be able to turn things around. Commissioner hardeman i had a, somebody who should have slam dunked the all that training and had no demerits and sort of was lackadaisical his first month or so and was up to like threequarters of the way through and was told hey, with all this talent and everything, you still have to pay attention. So he made it through, that was a few years ago. But it shows that you have to be diligent, not to build up the demerits. Chief hayeswhite definitely. Commissioner hardeman good news, thanks for the report. President cleaveland any other commissioners have questions . Station 16 delay, whats the reason . I know Public Works Department does a good job, whats the day on 16 . Chief hayeswhite they have had some, they had early on in the project, which began about, just about a year ago, they had some weatherrelated problems, as did most other construction sites. But they have had some issues missing deadlines, having a difficult time, which i have, you know, read articles and i understand it to be the case. They are having a difficult time, actually, getting subcontractors to do some work. And i dont think thats going to get any easier with all the work now done in the north bay. But interesting, i was reading an article about sort of this younger generation, many of them not going into the trades and so there does seem to be a big vacuum of skilled carpenter, electricians, plumbers, so there is, for the for the contractor that bid on and got the award, there will be potentially financial penalties associated with liquidated damages going beyond the deadline. Thats something we are continuing to work through. President cleaveland some of the people here that want to be firefighters, maybe a career is opening up for carpenters and electricians and plumbers. Chief hayeswhite i think that would be if anyone is interested in that, true. President cleaveland might be where you want to go right now. In lieu of any visit by our commissioners to the new medical examiners facility, i would like to have the commission extend it through you, the chief, an invitation to mr. Hunter, dr. Hunter to come here and talk to us a little bit about the new facility and what its capabilities are. I think it would be good information as well for the public. Chief hayeswhite sure. Im happy to reach out to him. President cleaveland also the medical people that were involved in the extrication of that, those three individuals, perhaps have them come and be recognized at a future meeting, if not december, certainly in january. Chief hayeswhite i know already that that incident has been written up for inclusion in an upcoming, not the one in two weeks, but an upcoming meritorious ceremony. So they are definitely going to be acknowledged for their great work, and teamwork, real active teamwork that night. President cleaveland all right. Thank you very much. Chief gonzales, please come forward and give us an update. Good morning, president cleaveland, commissioners, chief. Deputy chief gonzales of operations, my report for october, 2017. During this period we had two greater alarms, b

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