Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171129

SFGTV Government Access Programming November 29, 2017

And that is an immensely diffict challenge for businesses to maid to comply. I dont see the reason to requis unless there is a reason, whicht been set forth in any of the dos ive read, why would the cannabs business or this new industry be burdened by this requirement onm the getgo they may not be ableo qualify. Were creating a business that t qualify or maintain the legalits existence by not being able to d employees. It is counter it does not sem logical to me and would like ths commission to inquire with the y attorney as to its enforceabili, enforceability of this provisio. And im completely surprised ths been maintained at this high le. Yes. I mean you can construct all kif easy. Mental arguments against this. Imagine a business with 12 empld six live in the city and six lif city. One of the six who lives in they decides to move out of the city. Do i have to fire somebody and a local hire in order to stay in compliance . Now am i going to deprive my eme who has a right to move, deprivf the employment because of the requirement the city has put ony business. There are other mental construcu can come up with that makes it impractical for a business to c. If it was the rule that if ye more than 50 residents of San Francisco, you may qualify for t of an exemption. That is that may exist, thats n incentive to hire locally, but t penalize a business that is stag that can not find employees loc. Thats the reverse is logical, t penalizing, imposing such a high threshold, 50 of the workforcen the city appointments county ofn francisco has not been able to e threshold, the bar is too high d should not be in this legislati. I argue there shouldnt be at all. The county should not be slg it. I agree. I believe we should send sometho the City Attorney and see if ths enforceable. I run a bank and i love hiring. I can give people the peoplee now are living in the east bay r peninsula. And your wage scale is highe. Trust me, its high. And i just find this, you know,e trying to it seems like theye trying to thil industry before s started kill this industry bt gets started. I know for a fact there are mcdn the city that are having problet hiring right now. Let alone hire from within San Francisco. So i want to echo what both of e said. Thank you. Commissioner. Again, just to push the point just makes no sense. Im not going to beat it any fu. And also within the 600foot win businesses, thats two football. You can have a dispensary here i want to open a cupcake store tws down, i cant do it. That is two football fields. Thats two 49er fields to the lh that you cant have an existing business. Only restaurants will be able te cannabisinfused products. Were only 7 feet by 7 or 8. Were talking football fields h. A comment on the local hire. I think its with good intentiot its not practical. I think we should take a look a. Commissioner dwight all rig. Any other comments, questions. Do we have any members of the pc that would like to comment on t . Seeing none, Public Comment is. Next item, please. Clerk item 9, updated repore office of Small Business and thl Business Assistance center. Department programs, policies ad matters, announcement from the , announcements regarding small bs activity. Thank you. So first, before i get started,t want to wish commissioner adamsy belated birthday. He had his hitter day this weeki believe. Happy birthday. Shall we sing . No. Before you is just reiteratie number of legacy businesses thad for the Business Assistance gra. We have can completed the firstf review for all 73 grants. And so there are a number of grh followups. And 30 of those grants, we are o have to get on the vendor, we ke city has now changed the defini. We no longer call a business a registered vendor but a certifid supplier. It will be easier now that busio not have to meet the 12d compl. The logo on branding, the contrs now being circulated for final e with the City Attorney. With the holidays and anticipatt probably it will be january 1, y sooner but january 1 well be ao start the logo branding program. We have some rules and regs to e and one of the key ones that wie coming up in january for you wie making the determination of what risk for displacement should tht be any funds in the rent stabiln grant. We have to develop some criteriu to be able to determine what stn ll qualify for a business to bet forward to you for that conside. The business portal beginning jy 2018, the content management foe business portal is moving over e office ever Small Business and l chang will be managing that. Also will be the release of the autofill permits and on line sl long with payments. This is necessarily all dppts, a number of departments all departments, but a number of departments. One of the meetings jason emmerl be here to provide a demonstratr you for that. I mention identify couple of tit i have listed as 1550 mission, d goodwill site where well have a permitting center. But a new building is being buio house the department of public , planning and building departmen. Their offices will all be in thd ago long with other buildingg with other city agencies. On the second floor will be a fr where all the permitting the permitting sections for each oe departments will sit. Well have police, well have ae different elements of dbi, plan, p. U. C. , public works. Tax and treasurers office. Department of Public Health ande of Small Business has a small sn there as well. Were looking at the opening das sometime in 2020. So this is really exciting to bo have all these permitting agencr one roof. So now for any business that hal with the police department, theo go down to third street so now t have is going to be contained is one building. And on the second floor. Ill send you a layout that have following this meeting. Also i remind that are the heale security ordinance rates are gop this january. So for businesses with over 100 employees, its 238 an hour. For businesses between 20 and 9s 1. 89 and hour. We have seen an uptick of busins contacting our office due to dry lawsuits for the ada. I am the only thing i can sus that because of the mandatory ey ordinance, there might be a more concerted effort for these indis to do their lawsuits while they. So, ill be notifying the merch association to give them a heado make sure they notify their memd provide some recommendations ont they should do. But the mandatory entryway ordis going into effect in may of 201g with department of building insn with department of building insn its the Property Owners only gt there are nuances based on how e is written and if the property s requiring them to do the upgradw that may need to be handled if y cant afford to pay for the upg. Thats when the upgrade is paidp front as opposed to having to e Property Owner pays for it and s the business later. As marianne mentioned, we had te kickoff for Small Business satud shop small for the holidays las. In your directors report is a f state legislation that the gover signed in october that are mosty employeerelated. Can ab11008 was the discriminat meeting. The city is updating the fair ce ordinance in relationship it th. Then ab168 is the salary inforn again, very similar to our requs that you cannot ask an employeer their salary. Sb63 is california new paid pal lealeave act for employees with0 employees to provide 12 weeks ob protection for employees that wt least a thousand 250 hours. Thats essentially part time ho. That is including so that iso ensure multiple locations. Okay. Also added is now the gender g with gerund identity is mandatoe added to any harassment trainint employers provide their employe. And then ab1379 has is reing right now when you pay your buss registration fee, there is an al dollar that is added on. This has been helping to fund or certified our su subsidized d cast program. 70 cents of the dollar stays hee local level. Technically it was to go to dbip ensure that inspectors got certd Access Training but they didntt so they referred it back to oure and we created the subsidized ct program. With this bill, that was going t and expire at the end of 2018. And so this now is continuing tt theyve increased the dollar amo 4 an hour excuse me, 4 pers permit. So i will need to reconvene the different agencies to discuss wl do with the additional funds. And then there is the series ofl ordinances that have been refero the Small Business commission ao those will be getting scheduledn a remind that are the commissios not have a Commission Meeting on december 25th. Which would be the last meetinge month if it was not december 25. That concludes my report, unlesu have questions with. Commissioner dwight commiss . Any questions . Toursarkissian. Its more of a suggestion ona driveby lawsuits and outreach o businesses. I wonder whether the reminder ta Small Business office of smal business sends to businesses for permits and taxes whether similr outreach could be designed to wn businesses and to help them com. To avoid and prevent the lawsuits r especially in the corridors. Often a lot of businesses get se same corridor, because the samen files the action against similan against a lot of businesses. Located in that corridor. It would be nice to inform the businesses and help them comply. Yes. And we dontfje send out the nr the license and permits with tte can work with them to get the lr outreach. Since the list exists, it woe nice to kind of send that to all businesses for compliance. Thank you. Commissioner dwight any othr comments or questions . Do we have any members of the po comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is. Clerk to report on recent sl Business Activities and make announcements of interest to thl business commission. I have only one thing to repi attended the launch event at thm of ice cream, it was fun. So and it was great to have r there and pitching for small bu. All good. Anyone else . Yes, go ahead weereither way. I wanted to bring up i recend an article in a business magazit discusses that whole noodz has whole foods has made a major chn in how they stock their stores t could have a bad effect on Small Businesses. Before this change, they courte, local suppliers and played a bin helping promote them locally ang on to nationally and it was a a huge benefit for small food manufacturers. Now theyve change changed thatt will be all foods will be recatd as national brands, the decision what to stock in the whole foods going to be made at the head qun austin, texas. So thats dined of distressing e previously whole foods has had d reputation for, you know, startt with small food manufacturers, g them and eventually having themn into a nice, medium, or even lar businesses. So hoping this is not a disturbg trend. Commissioner dwight duly nod because we have a number of locl businesses that have developed r business based on whole foods gg them shelf space. News russ businesses. Numerous businesses. There are people that have bt of whole Foods Program that havn bounced out dwt dwt. Commissioner dwight and whos accounting for 50 of their bus. Imagine losing 50 of your busis overnight. If youre a manufacturing, whict are, thats devastating becauseu cant just say i guess ill cuty Capital Equipment in half and fr the employees and still be in b. This is something we need ton eye on. If its going to develop in oth, we dont generally think of thet of Small Businesss that are in e inside of a formula retail or ah larger business. And how these things can impactr manufacturers and discourage st. Commissioner dwight commiss commissioner adams. Nobody is doing anything this evening. Were having a holiday treeligg ceremony on the corner of 18th d castro street starting at 6 00. From 6 00 to 6 20. Wwe have dan na sashay and the q choir singing and santa and an l make an appearance. We expect a big crowd tonight. And dogpatch will have the hy tree sale and lighting ceremonys saturday december 2nd. Any other commission arse annou . No . Okay. Do we have any members of the po comment on this item . Seeing none, next item, please. Clerk 11, new business, alls commissioners to introduce new a items for future consideration e commission. Discussion item. Commissioner dwight any news items . Yes. I know we talked about this in. Again, i heard it over the weeki heard it the previous week. That is businesses affected by e earthquake mitigation, i mean, s nothing we can do about it becas required by city law that the st storey retrofits need to happen. But i hear Horror Stories from businesses. Theyve asked to bring this up a hearing where things have changn businesses were supposed to go o the previous space and things at what they were. Its something id like to brina future meeting. So, may i id like to have on e on one conversation so we t figure out how to form late the. Commissioner dwight any othw business suggestions . All right. Any members of the public to con this item . Seeing none, next item please. Clerk sfgovtv, could you ple show our slide. Commissioner dwight while ts coming up, its our custom to bg and end each business as a remit Small Business is the only way t your new business in san franci. The best place to get answers tr questions on doing business in n francisco. The office of Small Business she your first stop when you have an on what to do next. You can find us on line or in pn here at city hall and all our ss are free of charge. Its the official public forum e your opinions and certains on p. If you need assistance, start ht the office of Small Business. Thank you. Clerk item 12. Adjournment action item. Commissioner dwight motion . I move. Commissioner dwight second . I second. Clerk all those in favor. That motion passes, the meetings adjourned at 3 27 p. M. Good morning, everyone. My name is todd rufto of the Workforce Development program. Its great to be here at the San Francisco museum of ice cream. I want to thank the entire team here for hosting us for this event. This is a special day. We are doing the Fourth Annual launch of the mayors shop and dine in the 49 local shopping campaign. This is a really big deal because it is a partnership between a great many members of the Small Business community and the neighborhood throughout the city focused on helping san franciscans spend more money in our local commercial corridors and at Small Businesses in San Francisco. But it is also an opportunity to celebrate the entrepreneurs that are making that keep San Francisco strong, that are keeping the city thriving and vie brand. One of the things that im really excited about and want to focus on today is the incredible partnership of all the members of the Small Business community that are here today. Where are you, jason . Raise your hand. Hi, jason from shop small saturday. Thank you very much for your partnership and continued klb ration. Collaboration. We have mark quite thesing, regina dickendreezy, the council of district merchants has been a critical partner of ours as well. We have the Council District of merchants here as well. Juan of the things that were really proud of and really inspired by is our mayor, ed lee. The mayor came to us four years ago, the office of economic Workforce Development and said i challenge you to create a program and campaign that gets more shopping done in our local neighborhoods. Increase the amount of spending to support jobs and Small Businesses and also support taxes and the vitality of our neighborhoods. And we, through the incredible work of Mariane Thompson and gloria chan, Joaquin Torres in the office of economic Workforce Development launched this program to do exactly that. To encourage and challenge san franciscans to do more in our Small Business community. Mayor lee has done more than any mayor that i know to invest and support in Small Businesses, directing more money and investing more money than any administration in the citys history to support Small Businesses through the invested neighborhoods program, by launching a Small Business portal, by meeting constantly with our Small Business leaders and as a tireless advocate for the issues that they care about most. It is my honor and privilege to introduce mayor lee. [applause] thank you. Thank you, todd. Good morning, everybody. Let me correct todd because i want to make sure you understood the challenge. I challenged him to find me more ice cream. That was the real challenge. And im really happy to be here. At the Ice Cream Museum. This is one of those innovative ideas, very unique to the city and, of course, theyre getting booked up like crazy and were in the heart of our shopping and union square and, of course, the chief and i already have enough chants. We need some opportunities to smile and, of course, were about to jump into this speckle pool. Forgive us if we have too much fun. The holidays are beginning. Were going to have lots of fun. I want people to not just come to the city but take advantage of really supporting the backbone of our Business Community and Small Businesses and people here, karen fled knows union square is at the heart of a lot of things that we do during the holid

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