Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171201

SFGTV Government Access Programming December 1, 2017

Public my name is fran taylor. Im cochair and retired member of the Typographical Union which i mention. I want to remind you that the people will be attacking are also workers. I support the original total ban. I have long suggested folk who is lack a home should get a tent in the shape of a car and no one would blame them for blocking the sidewalk. I have never heard an elected official complain when a car forces a pedestrian to walk in the street. We can never get by. Nobody cared. Similarly, if you are tired with nowhere to go but the sidewalk, officials aiming for Higher Office have an answer for you. Let machines run amuck in the same space and watch those same officials fawn over them. New technology, innovation. My second suggestion is the tired humans should dress themselves as robots if they want to be left alone. What does this say about San Francisco . If you are a human in public space, you are swept away, ticketed or even in the case of luis pat, shot to death by police. If you are a machine obstructing our sidewalks, we will praise you to the sky and find excuses for the harm you do. If you are elected officials supporting machines over people, giving priority to robots over pedestrians, i have one final suggestion. Lets just cut out the Human Element all together and go straight to robot supervisors. Not a bad idea. [laughter] public hello. I own two pizza places in San Francisco. One in marina district. I work a lot with delivery and deliveries is really important to my business. I want to tell you why i support this real quick and first of all, i am the president of merchant association. Im also on the board of the merchant association. Im active for business and measure chants and i really merchants and i really support any business and especially a beautiful new idea like this in the city of San Francisco. I recently in my place in the marina, replaced at least ten delivery drivers in the last year and it is all because i cant compete with what they make with uber and lift. I ended up not delivering anymore. Im just relying on the Delivery Companies to take my food to the people. This innovation or this New Invention will help a business like mine big time. And it will help me stay in business because i cannot afford anymore to hire people to deliver the food. I cannot compete with whats going on in the city. [bell]. Public when they first brought the idea to me, from my daughter, i just jumped. I am like one of those people drowning and someone like a boat came over to help me. It is really helpful and i would really like to support it and hopefully it will go on. All they are asking for right now is just to test it. Thank you. Thank you. Julie. 170599, jim, david. Public good afternoon chair ronen and supervisors. My name is josie and im is Senior Community organizer and walk San Francisco. As you will recall from the previous meeting on this item, the community had great concerns about the impact of autonomous delivery vehicles on the safety and mobility of pedestrians. We would like to thank supervisor yee for starting this important conversation and forgetting forgetting ahead of the problem. We ask you to support this legislation today. At the same time, we ask you to ensure that those limits are robust and truly ensure that pedestrian use of the sidewalk takes precedence above all other consideration. Once we let these vehicles on the sidewalks, it will be hard to get them off. Getting this right and being cautious is imperative. We will be asking you to very seriously consider the following things in your discussion today. One, how this will Pilot Program be enforced . If we allow some vehicles on the sidewalks who will enforce the location of the vehicle as being ahered to. And the maximum number of vehicles will be nine. We ask you to be consecutive in the number of conservative on the number of vehicles allowed. Thank you to providers for your thoughtful consideration on this topic. Thank you. Public good afternoon. San francisco chamber of commissioners. Supervisor yee, thank you for taking a second look at this and working out what i think we were seeking from day one, and that is reasonable regulation in a test stage. I know what is pending is a broader Civic Working Group on technology as a whole. And i think the Chamber Small business resident civic organizations are more than willing to sit down with the supervisors and city departments on looking at about appropriate regulation across the Technology Spectrum as new industries get nurtured in San Francisco. But we appreciate you recognizing supervisors and your colleagues that have cosponsored the legislation that theres a role for a limited amount of testing, properly regulated by the department of public works to allow this industry to continue to model as it has to on sidewalks to assure that we are part of the development of this. Whether it is rolled out in the future, how it is rolled out, thats an issue for residents, businesses, elected officials to deal with in to coming years. But thank you very much for the direction you are going today. Public thank you. My name is david and i represent star ship technologies. I was here last month and i want to once again thank the board and the staff for their willingness to engage us on this matter. As i mention before, starship technologies are an International Robotics company. We are operating in five countries. We have had about 11 million human interactions. About 66 thousand miles operations and we deliver thousands and nows of projects. Supervisor yee, i want to extend a personal thanks on behalf of the company. When we came to you and asked to come up with a framework that would work for the city of San Francisco and for the company. We were delighted with the reception we received. By way of background, starship is active in five states here in the u. S. And we have never once operated without having obtained local permission and authority. In fact, i have been personally involved in the legislation that has moved through these states and we have insisted that the state actually permit local governments to make exceptions and to have local control. Even when we were offered to have that exempted, we insist on that because we believe each jurisdiction is different. What we have here is a process of reasoning. Elected officials of San Francisco believe that this is the best framework to allow this new technology to be introduced and we support it. I will say that as a former elected official, i spent five terms as at large member of the city council in washington, d. C. I appreciate the challenges of wrestling with constituent concerns and embracing new. I chaired the committee on health and saw firsthand how this technology i believe will be helpful to our underserved by lowering the cost of delivery of necessary items that help people, especially lowincome people stay in their ohm and produce a better quality of life. This is new and we very much appreciate the ability to reason with one another and come up with a framework. We are supportive of this framework and want to thank you for your time today. Thank you. Thank you. Public members of the board, thank you for taking the time. Im with the company post mates. I actually just moved to San Francisco recently last working in the Obama Administration and i didnt anticipate spending this much of my life talking about robotics but we are here. If we walk away with this with nothing everything, i discovered supervisor yee and i share a mutual admiration for sofa. We are not a robotics company. We are Small Business enabling company. We help local retail like the gentleman that was speaking earlier distribute their goods around town. In the city of San Francisco, as the town has seen a 35 decline in retail sales, merchants on post mates have seen an increase in revenue. We appreciate the strides in progress that supervisor yee has offered us. You run a multistakeholder process. We are not asking to move this in a transformational direction, but all we are asking for is to have an additional dialog about what is the right way way to balance to help businesses distribute goods. Your staffer, jennifer was kind enough to email that this morning to get our views. We look forward to that continuing dialog and conversation. And at the end of the day to some individuals speaking previously, we are not asking to be inoculated as another company. How does local retail compete and we think we can help in a meaningful way. Thank you. Are there any other Public Comments for this item . Supervisor ronen Public Comment is closed. Supervisor fewer. Supervisor fewer thank you. I just want to state for the record that quite frankly, i dont see the need for robots on our sidewalks. Im just going to say that i just think that we have delivery service. We have those services to deliver medications. This is the most ridiculous reason that people say we need robots to deliver medication when quite frankly i can get my medication delivered any time from kaiser and they actually walk it up my stairs. As most seniors or people who have just been released from a hospital would want. Also, im 60 years old. Maybe im biassed. I like to have a sidewalk that is actually cleared and that is free for people with apparatus such as walkers, but also strollers that would have access to our sidewalks. I think when we start blaming strollers, we are in trouble. We have food delivery, we have door dash. We have grub hub. We have eat 24. We have a lot of food delivery in San Francisco. I dont see how this curtail as Small Businesss able to deliver food when we have all these companies that do food delivery and many do it on scooters that have zero emissions. So, im just going to say personally on the record i dont see the reason for robots. However, im seeing that actually many colleagues on my board actually do see a purpose for delivery and i just want to thank supervisor yee for taking a broader look at this, first bringing this to my attention. And also for working so hard to come to an agreement i think strivers to pro strives to tro protect the sidewalks. The suggestion for taillight Social Security a good one if they are going to be operating all hours of the day and night. I think taillights are reasonable to ask on a robot. Im sure whoever is designing the robot can put some taillights on there. And also i think that 70 of my of Golden Gate Park is my district. And i havent run this by our general manager of the park. So, i would like to exempt Golden Gate Park from robot use just until we can actually have a conversation the general manager of the parks to see whether or not this is something conducive that we would want in our parks. I hope that is something reasonable. Also, i have a question now that someone just brought it up about large events. Are we allowing robots during large events . I have large events in my district. Is there language in here, supervisor yee, that actually addresses when we have large events, whether or not robots will be for example, rallies, parades, those type of things. So, the legislation states that that he could actually do the they could actually do testing for research and developments and not for deliveries in pdr zones. So, those zones generally arent the places where they have large events. Supervisor fewer okay. For instance, the park is not a pdr zone. You dont have to really talk to the general manager because they are not allowed. Supervisor fewer they are not allowed. Okay. Thats great. Because im just looking at this when it says permitees shall only test devices on sidewalks so, they must meet a, b and c. It is not either one i mean, if they not just a or not just b. But it must meet sidewalks that are a, b and c. Is that correct . Right. Supervisor fewer okay. Thank you for the clarification and i just want to say thank you for taking the lead on this and actually having the forsight and standing up also for all the people that use our sidewalks to permit this. But also have some is regulation which i think is really needed when we have new technology coming into the city and county of San Francisco. Thanks, supervisor yee. Supervisor ronen yes. I want to echo supervisor fewers comments. Supervisor yee has been very bold and visionary in this legislation and i was prepared to support the complete ban on the sidewalks. But i appreciate the permit scheme that you have developed together with the companies. I think it is limited and reasonable. And i think that this is a real difficult issue. Hearing some of the public testimony today, it was incredibly compelling and i appreciate it. And perhaps at some point the public will want to go to the ballot, depending on how this all plays out on the streets. But in the meantime, i do think that this compromised measure that you negotiated, supervisor yee, it is a good one. And im prepared to support it today. So, thank you. Thank you. First of all, i want to reemphasize that the amendments arent in a direction where we are saying we are giving up our sidewalks for just delivery purpos purposes. Maybe these devices will end up doing that, but what the amendment does is allow for companies to do some research so that if whatever they develop, it is something that is attractive to other locations. They are able to have something that can be manufactured in San Francisco. And it might be something at the end of the day where these devices will fill proper infrastructure and the development right work in San Francisco. I dont think currently thats the case. I feel like the somebody mentioned about data collection. Thats why we built in, in terms of the testing itself that the companies that test need to give us the data they collected and see whether it makes sense or not. So, we are getting ahead with things like uber and lift basically fighting tooth and nail just to get information to us. So, im happy i was able to work with some of the companies to limit what we are going to go in San Francisco. And im also happy that we have some legislation to look at those Guiding Principles and setting up a task force for future types of technologies. And really, i do appreciate supervisor ronen in all this as sort of a thought partner and really heavily having her staff be involved with thinking out some of the issues. Even the idea of having these principles was really a Great Partnership to have supervisor ronen and her staff to say, well, maybe it shouldnt be just about one thing and absolutely correct. This is really the tip of the iceberg. Im just seeing future developments in technology that may that will eventually impact the quality of life for residents in San Francisco. Im not alone. We dont know what they are right now, but we need to be prepared for them. So, those are the amendments. I dont know why or if we need to continue have an extra meeting on the amendments that are suggested. Can you explain that . Sure. Deputy city attorney. Given the breath of the amendment and will require an opportunity for Public Comment. Can we have that continue at the next meeting . Supervisor ronen should we take a motion to adopt the amendments . Yes. Before we adopt the amendments, i promise will i never require robots to do salsa dancing. [laughter] i would like to make a motion we adopt the amendments as i described. Supervisor ronen second. With that objection, those amendments pass. I just want to clarify supervisor fewer because you asked to exempt. Given thats not a pdr zone, im assuming that is not necessary. Supervisor fewer right. Can we do a call of the chair because im not aware of the next meeting. I believe we need to issue a fees as theres an administrative fee being established. Supervisor ronen we will continue this item to the call of the chair and supervisor yee to schedule as soon as possible. Thank you very much. Supervisor ronen thank you. This item is continued to call of the chair. Are there any other items, mr. Clerk . Clerk that complete the agenda for the day. Supervisor ronen this meeting is adjourned. Thank you. All right, good afternoon, what a Beautiful Day it is in our city and every year around this time, we see more visitors who are coming to San Francisco to shop. We are a destination shopping place for people and while everyone is shopping we want to make sure that you have a really great and enjoyable experience so today well talk go all the Additional Resources and things the city is doing to make sure that experience is the greatest one can you have and do your shopping for your family and all the people you shop for and just last week, we actually had the Lighting Ceremony for the snow flakes and as we go in to the Holiday Seasons, theres several more events that will be taking place and most importantly, is to make sure while you are down here that you feel safe and that you really enjoy what you are down here for and so at Public Works Department, we are going to be adding a lot more addition al resources here downtown especially from the hours from 11 00 to 9 00 you will see more street cleaners around here to make sure that you know when you walk around everybody is clean and your trash cannes are clean and well add some additional steam cleaning and night crews will be here making sure that the city is presentable for the next morning and so were going to do everything we can to make sure the downtown area is nice and presentable a

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