Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171207

SFGTV Government Access Programming December 7, 2017

Clause and third clause still remain the same. Commissioner johnson that one, too. So you want the same kind of language for first things and the second. Vice president richards is that amenable to the maker of the motion. Commissioner moore i would like mr. Michael to come to the mic. Im not sure if you were in the room earlier. We asked the previous architect if he felt that was in line with standard architectural and trade practices. I dont want to throw a wrench into the realization of this project, but im asking for your guidance in terms of where you know where you are in this project. Vice president richards so before we go on, do you understand what commissioner moore he was in the room. I saw him. I think two years to get a site permit is a reasonable period of time, and that seems to be the standard by which if you dont have a site permit for two years, youll schedule a hearing to find out why and consider a revocation, and i believe thats a reasonable position to take, to have a site permit within two years. You know, as the prior attorney mentioned, there are a lot of things that are outside the projects control, whether financing dries up, whether contractors are available, whether dbi timely processes permits, but i think the two years to get a site permit is a reasonable standard ro. Commissioner moore well, architectee just stepped into the room. Architectee, the project is up for approval. Commissioner johnson is trying to add an amendment that site permit should be issued under two years. Im asking for guidance from the attorney general or for the attorney for the project. Two years for site permit is probably reasonable for this project, of course. Commissioner moore i will move to. Vice president richards with the secondary, you move for that modification. Commissioner johnson two years. You were making a motion. Mr. Fong was the secondary. Supervisor so i see what youre doing. I see what you want to do. Its transparent. It its obvious. I get it, but i think we should tread lightly and have a real discussion from staff, from other folks and other professionals about throwing that around, and i guess what youre trying to do, and im going to put the screws to building more Affordable Housing and living up to the mayors mandate, but i think that last project was special, and whether we start throwing this around for every single project Going Forward either tonight or next year, i want to know exactly what were doing to these projects and what it does economically reducing it by putting it on this project from two years to three years. Commissioner moore youre talking to commissioner johnson, i assume, because youre looking towards me. Commissioner fong yeah, because she had an amendment. Sometimes it takes about a month, month and a half to get the nsrs together and get all those documents together. I dont know enough about try to pass any suggestion on that, thats why im cautious about it. Commissioner moore i share your caution. Supervisor so youre not going to second that . Commissioner fong so i, with due respect, not going to second the motion and add that to it. Commissioner moore then the motion stabbeds as it does without the modification dense dense great, and i think this would be a great item, jonas, to add to the mayors directive. I was going to chime in, commissioners, that maybe that we do some internal research with staff to look at some dates for what were commonly seeing in permit review, basically, and provide some input to the the either Commission Officers to present back to the commission at a later date. Vice president richards and include the dbi improvements with that, not just what theyve been doing. Thanks. Commissioner moore can can i Say Something real quick . Vice president richards yes, please. I guess what commissioner fong is saying, just from my perspective, i said this before. I have thought about it before. I think it is well within our rights and responsibilities to ask projects to make progress in a 24 month period, and a revocation hearing doesnt mean thats whats happening, its a discussion hearing where they present progress and hopefully, if we do move forward with that as something that we do more regularly, those hearings will be very uneventful, and theyll either be continued or taken off the calendar, and then, the ones where we need to have it, thats what happens. Its just a shift its definitely a shift. Personally, i felt ive thought through the ramifications of that shift. Okay. Totally agree and totally worthy of a full discussion. Vice president Richards Commissioners, theres a motion and second to consider that motion and adopt secondary findings on that. [ roll call. ] so moved that motion passes unanimously 60. Item 17, 2014001400 enx at 275019th street. This is a large project 19th s. This is a large project authorization. Good evening, commissioners. Im ellen, Planning Department staff. What ive just distributed are copies of the cp that was that has a typo in it but has been corrected, so thats whats being handed out to you now. The request before you is request for authorization of a new construction, 68 story mixed use building. The project site is the corner lot at the intersection of bryant and 19th street. The project is located within the Mission Area Plan and is subject to the requirements for a medium project, pursuant to the 2016 Mission Interim controls. The project proposes the econo demolition of a six story building, and construction of a new building. Of the ground floor commercial space, approximately 2,500 impair feet would be operated as a limited restaurant use that will function as a culinary business use restaurant accelerator in partnership with a Community Based organization. The project would include approximately 4,800 square feet of common open space, 24 off street vehicle Parking Spaces in a below grade garage, 81 class 4 bicycle Parking Spaces, and 20 class 2 bicycle Parking Spaces. T it locates the rear courtyard to connect with developing midblock open space. The ground floor provides pedestrian oriented commercial space on both frantages, retains the original bring facade of the industrial building and the project will satisfy the requirements of the inclusionary Affordable Housing program by having Affordable Housing onsite equivalent to 11 units and has elected to provide 20 of the uniting by adding one additional unit above what is required by section 415. As part of the large project authorization, the project is requesting exceptions from the planning code requirements for rear yard, dwelling unit exposure, and transparency for the street frontages, and this is to retain the brick facade. Compliance for each of the criteria is described in section 329 of your packets. Staff believe it is warranted in overall design. In regard to the 2016 Mission Interim controls the project sponsor provided a summary of compliance for these controls. Staff reviewed the sponsors submittal and has spot checked that those originated from qualified independent professionals. The motion important topics for the commissions consideration would be the construction of new market rate housing and a mobile pdr space. In regards to the housing, the project will not demolish existing Housing Stock nor displace residential tenants with the construction of new units. In the construction of new market rate housing on project and displacement, the project sponsor cited two studies from the market rate controls. Based on these reports, the project sponsors analysis concludes the project is contributing to the supply of housing and likely has no direct or indirect on housing displacement in the unit. The project sponsor discussed the effect of pdr business and the effect of commercial activity in the neighborhood. The existing pdr tenant, Fitzgerald Furniture Company is part of the project sponsor team as the owner of the property, and will voluntarily relocate their business. The project will include space for new business and Community Serving retail, including the culinary Business Accelerator space that will promote new Business People to develop their businesses. Although the project will remove existing pdr space, the Department Found that this project, which includes new market rate housing, inclusionary housing space complies with the general plan related to the mission zoning control. To date, the department has received a significant amount of public correspondence after the original correlation date of the packet. To date, the department has received communication from the united to save the mission, calle 24 latino cultural district in opposition of the proposal. They have done so because it provides less than 25 of the units as inclusionary, does not have a commitment to hiring union labor and does not provide replacement pdr space. They further find the project to be contrary to the mission of the plan, and that it does not contribute positively to the neighborhood and the affordablity of housing. They also raise concerns that the environmental evaluation was inadequate because of the eirs assumption on the number of units built. Neighbors are concerned that the height and dense kit is inappropriate for the neighborhood and requesting that it belowered to three to four stories. Additional comments concern loss of pdr space, the lack of commitment to union labor, and encouraging increasing onsite parking, and the amount of retail space. The Department Also has received 51 letters in support of the proposal, including from the Mission Create merchants association, three local business owners, and four from the Fitzgerald Furniture Company which is the owneroperator. They expressed support of development of housing in the neighborhood and the proposed Development Package to create onsite business, restaurant accelerator space and a commitment to hiring small and local businesses. The project sponsor has also provided a list of 64 signatures in support of the project including those employees of the Fitzgerald Furniture Company. In summary, the department supports the project because on balance, it meets the goals and objectives of the general plan, Mission Area Plan and the intent of the mixed use district to create a mix of uses in the neighborhood while maintaining the characteristics of the formerly Industrial Zone area. The project adds 64 new units to the citys current Housing Stock. The project exhibited overall design that is compatible with the diverse character of the surrounding neighborhoods, and meets all the applicable requirements of the code noting those exceptions requested through the large project authorization. This concludes staff report. I am available for any questions. Thank you. Vice president richards thank you. Proje project sponsor, you have five minutes. Good evening, commissioners, my name is annie, and thank you for the opportunity to speak today. We appreciate all the hard work that you and the planning staff have dedicated to our proposed development. We are pleased to present a development that presents 64 homes, and a Robust Community benefits package. The design and the programming are the result of several years of concerted planning effort and dozens of meetings with various community members. We developed an innovative project benefit. At a high level our goal is to expand access, exposure, and the opportunities for local businesses, resident students and entrepreneurs and artists. We are pleased to have partnered with eight siblings of the willen family who own the site and have run the Fitzgerald Furniture Company since 1980. To retain a connection of the buildings history, we have greed to maintain the current brick facade and will name the building appropriately the fitzgerald. Over the last months we have had multiple meetings with community groups. We have greed to provide a higher percentage of units onsite than required. Third, we have reduced our parking by 47 . Fourth, weve programmed the ground floor as a pdr retail flex space. We made these changes without sacrificing any of the other Community Benefits that were proposing. We received widespread neighborhood support including 52 letters and 64 signatures totaling over 115 supporters for this project. I would now like to introduce steve perry with perry architects. Thank you for your time. Good evening. My name is steve perry and i would like to demonstrate how were creating a building that reflects the neighborhood. This image, you can see we looked at the urban fabric, and we tried to understand what the textural feeling of the street was. Both understanding the richness and facade and working with the neighborhood neighbors request, we intend to keep the existing facade as a major component of the design, and im going to move kind of quickly here, skip over some things. Going to our bryant street facade, weve clad the upper floors in a dark metal panel with deep contours then, to reinforce a two story expression at the windows, we use a light color panel at the slab edge and also utilize the parapets. Then, going to our 19th street facade, we have a different expression at the end of the building, and at the ground floor, we create a location for a mural and a garage entrance to the right, clad in the same materials as above. And then, ill leave you with a street view that really adds to the vibrancy of the street, and well work with street artists to create a variety of forensics. Now ill turn it over to monica. Good evening, commissioners. My name is monica. Im a San Francisco resident and im here today to go over a quick overview and the scope of work completed in the Community Benefits that includes the design, implementation, monitoring, tracking, as well as goals to create, expand and enhance longterm partnerships with local Key Stakeholders including business relevant cbos, high schools, both high schools, as well as other resources to be able to bring other resources to the table. This work has occurred over the last 18 months, if not longer and it focuses on four core areas focusing on eight distinct areas. Going to quickly jump into the first one which is excuse me is Economic Impacts associated with opportunities contracting opportunities for lbes on this project, both in the design phase and the construction phase. What we are doing is voluntarily layering on ocii, sbe program on this project, which calls out for significant participation by lbes. Next project up is going to be the local, as discussed earlier. Local culinary arts program. It is a program that takes the Small Businesses from incubation to accelerate and provides space that is heavily developed with barrier removal strategies to maximize the success for these entrepreneurs including 65 to 100 million, flexible licenses, no personal guarantees, these are strategies we will be employing. Next one up is Community Arts. We are working closely with had Community Art representatives to design something very innovative for this. We believe this can be more than a location for only a mural. We believe theres opportunities inside the building, outside the buildings to curate and rotate and constantly revive this building with new buildings, new images, new themes. Lastly, i am thrilled to say that we are wrapping our arms around those high schools to bring in opportunities and professional service firms. Im very sorry that its been cut so short. Thank you for your time. Commissioners, i have a note that we granted organized opposition for this item, so we should provide the same time same time, seven minutes well, we didnt even use seven minutes. Okay. So youll have five minutes. This hasnt been heard before. Right. We gave the project sponsor five minutes for or excuse me, six minutes for a presentation. We may have questions, mr. Weaver. We still have several items left. Were trying to make sure were not here all night. I understand. So with the proposed project is in a small working class neighborhood that has a smattering of pdr, and its slowly being gentrified up on harrison and pot remember orer beast up on bryant and were trying to preserve this. We have 64,000 square feet of commercial space thats going to be converted to high end retail. Even the proposed accelerator space doesnt have any price points as to what the rent will be or duration as to how long the arrangement will last, so theres no question with 80 luxury housing that this is going to have a gentrifying. Unfortunately, mr. Tillman has lowered the bar as to what an acceptable project is. Were asking you weve asked the developer to put in 25 affordable, and to have the pd ground floor use at vetted by Community Organizations and with assurances that rents and the duration of the tenancies there will enable Community Serving organizations to occupy those spaces. You have to decide whether meeting the minimum requirements is enough. This is a minimum requirement plus one, in terms of affordablity. And we submit the conditions should be included that would blunt these impacts higher affordablity and conditions with respect to the ground floor space. I think im going to have to yield the rest of my time since were running short here. Jerry ortiz, united save the mission. This has been been a lot of bad faith negotiations that have gone into this. The reason we have 20 of this now, is we had to press for this and it had to be continued on. There has not been much effort to try to work with the community, so this pro

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