Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171209

SFGTV Government Access Programming December 9, 2017

Summit is here next year in San Francisco. Are we doing anything that highoit the work we are doing . It is amazing when people talk about the growth and development. People perceive that there are greater levels of pollution. They understand the New Buildings are so much better than previous for climate purposes it is a good reminder when we talk about consolidation and the overall impact this needs to be part of the language when we look at a change to help people ride buses and ride bikes and walk. We need to include that as one of the big reasons to do things quickly and safely and efficiently on that note i think what this strategy should you choose to adopt it today suggests is that the mode shift goal when tim mentioned the goal of 50 is the goal that you established when we put into place our current Strategic Plan in 2012, we are going to discuss the next plan at the retreat in january it will beg the question if 50 is good enough. In the strategy it is reaffirming the longer term goal that 80 sustainable mode share. 50 is great and we met the goal more quickly than we thought. Holding at 50 doesnt get us to where we need to go. One of the Big Questions we need to contemplate for the next plan is what is the next interim step that we need to take . I dont think we have public comment. Before i ask for a motion for approval i will remind us if we approve this we need to hold ourselveses to it in future actions as we continually remind ourselves we need to hold to vision zero goals we need to hold ourselves to Climate Action strategy as well. Motion to approve. That concludes the meeting for today. That was a long meeting i appreciate you sticking with us. We are adjourned. Tion of the me. Thank you. Tion of the me. Since we have a new commissioner michael papas, i would like a few comments about his background and tell us about himself. Thank you, mr. Chair. I am Michael Pappas and i have served as the executive director of the San Francisco interfaith council. Our Interfaith Councils constituency comprises of the 800 congregations in the city and county of San Francisco. A lot of theed ed ed ed ed eee base within this region and we convene the c. E. O. S of the major faithbased social service agencies. Each of these constituencies in some way touches our aging adults and people with disabilities, as well for the last six years and three months, i have served on the human rights commission, and in that capacity served for five of those years as chair and cochair of the lgbt advisory committee. And in my advisory committee, the lgbt senior task force was incubated, and i had the privilege of helping transition it to the task force and make some recommendations regarding the members of the task force. Im so thrilled to see my friend perry lang, commissioner lang here, who is very instrumental in that, and to see the good works that have come out of that. Thank you very much. And welcome to the commission. Im sure your expertise and experience will be very valuable. Very kind. Thank you. Next item is approval of the december 6, 2017 agenda. May i have a motion to approve . So moved. Second. Moved and seconded. Any questions or comments . Comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, call the question. All in favor . Any opposed . Thank you. Item 3, approval of the november 21 meeting minutes. A motion to i a prove . So moved. Second. Any comments or questions . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, call the question. All in favor . Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Item four, the directors report. Thank you, commissioner. I am honored to be here, and full disclosure, a little nervous. So i have written out everything so that i make sure i have everything, and i have a tendency to go off topic if i dont. I will partially speak and partially read for you. I want to let you know that i think you know that director mcspadden is in washington, d. C. Attending the National Area agencies on aging conference and it is the advocacy arm of tnati group much like c4a is the state arm. This last month we had a c4a conference that we attended. And as they reported, it was one of the highest turnouts they have ever had. As part of the directors meeting at the conference, there was a discussion ability ab959 which as many of you know is the state rollout of the questions, and San Francisco rolled our version out last in july of this year. The state rolls out in july of next year. And they turned to both San Francisco and l. A. For best practices for the rollout and to try and get a sense of how we did it in both some of the areas that we wanted to let them know to beef up in other areas. So it was we have had staff that have participated on the state calls, and we will also be sharing our curriculum with them. So to help the rest of the state. At one of the sessions, the achair of the assembly and aging longterm Committee Held a hearing as part of the conference itself. It was one of three hearings across the state. Focused on the potential federal changes and the implications of californias aging and longterm care programs and services. They had two really interesting panels that include d policy folks as well as justice and aging and c. B. O. S and providers and consumers that served on the panels. It was very informative and well atenlded. At a local level, the mayor is releasing his budget instructions today, so that process will begin. Last month we introduced to the board of supervisors a budget supplemental of 9. 6 million of which 8. 8 million will go towards ihss. San francisco assumed an increase of 11 million in the Budget Approved in july, but that has now increased to 19. 9 million. Consequently t supplemental. I know that director mcspadden has talked about the implementation of dignity Fund Community needs assessment, and so there has been three prongs to this, the rollout of this. One has been Community Forums. One has been focus groups and surveys. I think last month we had completed Nine Community forums. We have now completed all 11 with one held in each district. There was some interesting demographic statistics that we got from the forms for people who signed in that i thought i would share with you. The number of attendees across all of the forums that signed in was 547. They ranged in age the attendance ranged from 17 to 81 at each forum with an average of about 50 attendees at each one. They started small and as word got out, they grew. The age t majority across all the forums were between 65 and 74 years old, about 36 . And between 75 and 84 years old at 27 . The race and ethnicity breakdown, the overall 45 of people who completed the Demographic Survey and there was a signin and a Demographic Survey of the folks that completed it. 45 were asian. 36 white. 14 black, africanamerican. And 5 identified as other. Other demographics, the majority of the attendees across the forums were female. Sexual orientation questions were asked. Overall the majority of the attendees across all the forums, about 83 at each Community Forum were heterosexual or straight. And about 4 identified as gay, lesbian, same gender, and 4 bisexual and 7 preferred not to answer if primary language across the forums, 65 spoke english as the primary language. The overall breakdown was 65 english, 20 cantonese. 10 spanish. And 3 tegalig and 2 other. The veteran status overall t majority of the attendees across were not veterans. About 92 . The number of veterans ranged from one to six individuals at each forum. Part of what we have been trying to do is target veterans in the dignity fund. To the time in San Francisco, the majority have lived in San Francisco for more than 30 years. So it was an interesting turn out. We got a lot of great feedback that the consultants are starting to compile. The focus groups are happening this month. There is going to be 30 focus groups across San Francisco. We are trying to have the focus groups represent the diversity of San Francisco. The primary focus obviously is on consumers, but we do have a couple for providers. We have reached out to other groups to also have conversations with people that arent necessarily already connected to services. We have reached out to two other groups, for example, like the Faithbased Community leaders as a result from the meeting. Im going to be hosting that one. Thank you very much. The other thing thats been happening is the survey has been launched this month as well. People have until this friday to complete the survey. Were hoping primarily for people to complete the survey online. It actually shortens the survey a bit because if you answer no to something, you skip the next five questions, but we do have paper surveys available in all thrive threshold languages. We are also doing as part of this very targeted phone survey as well. That is a random selection throughout the city. The surveys, we have met with the community to get suggestions on distribution as well as asking them to connect with their networks. The idea is someone is much more likely to complete a survey if they know the person who sent it to them as opposed to massive pushout by us. So far the consultants have received 50 o surveys and 200 from providers. We have been talking to them about the numbers that nay need. Theyre feeling very good about the numbers. There are still some areas that we are trying to beef up in getting surveys back and have done some targeted outreach to those. But overall they feel pretty good about it. I am happy, i am assuming everyone has got an copy of the survey. We can have bridget resend them again in case its fallen down in the hundreds of emails that come through, and also so you can share with your network as well. Changing focus a little bit, on november 8 in recognition of veterans days, daas cosponsored a press conference to publicize the great work that the awardwinning veterans benefit protection project has been carrying out. I want to i a believe yate it. The vb the vbpp is collaborating to fight pension poach ing the vbpp is collaborating to fight pension poach i poaching scams. And supervisor katie tang spoke. And we had representatives from San Francisco Veterans Affair commission present as well as state partners including dave joen jones, californias insurance commissioner. Last but not least, you will be hearing from director mcspadden working with the meta fund to host an event on reframing aging and ages by the frameworks academy. Frameworks academy is part of the frameworks institute. And what they do is they design and conduct events and publish multimethod, multidisciplinary communications research. And they are trying to find ways of reframing the social topics and to create a better public and adult needs. And to use communication and outreach to drive a more informed conversation about aging and the implications for the community. And many of us have had opportunities to attend workshops, and to the person we have all walked out just inspired by it. And they are really changing the way we have conversations in a way to get others to hear what were trying to say. So its really exciting to be able to have this date set aside to work with them as well as other who is will be receiving an invitation of the save the date from director mcspadden. For right now know it is january 23, and i will leave you with that teaser. It is really a fascinating approach to what were trying to do. I think thats it for the report. And im happy to answer any questions. Thank you very much. Any comments . Commissioner loo . Yes, cindy, its interesting that the survey of the Community Members attending. I wonder if i can get a copy of that. Just curious. Sure. Thank you. Any other questions . An i just appreciate a roster of the other focus groups that will be doing the dignity fund. Thank you very much. Sure. Thank you. I am the commissions representative on the Dignity Fund Oversight committee, and i would just like to thank melissa, cindy, and everyone else thats been involved. They are doing an extremely thorough job in assessing the needs of the community, and that assessment will look at what providers think the community needs, but what the community itself is asking for to see if there are any gaps there. And in terms of the statistical everything that cindy so eloquently summarized, ive asked the consultants to make sure that they indicate a confidence factor regarding the number of answers answers that received surveys and have been sampled so we know where they have received sufficient information to come up with a 9095 confidence level versus where information is lacking, numbers are lacking, and where they had to come up with a reasonable estimate. And theyre also working with the tremendous amount of statistical information at the office on aging has put together regarding San Francisco demographics. By district, by ethnic group, by racial group, and by gender and sexual orientation. And the way this project is approaching it, we will come up with a great deal of information. And at least well have a better idea of what kind of questions we should be asking. I would like to publicly thank the Oversight Committee under melissas leadership and its really been remarkable. Thank you. Any other comments or questions for cindy . Thank you. Next is the Employee Recognition and the department the aging and Adult Services commission and Deputy Director Cindy Kauffman will recognize sandy tran, a daas his his social worker supervisor. [applause] congratulations. Okay. This is so much fun for me. I always look forward to these because when before i was at daas, i always got to hear a whole lot about what was happening in the department, and was like, wow, this is very cool. Now with only my first year in, i still get to learn about that side of the house that is jills side of the house, and that i then get to connect with. This gives me great pleasure, although this one, i am mostly going to read because the amount of stuff that sandy has done and continues to do, i want to do credit to because it really is very impressive. So here goes, but i will try and slow down. Sandy tran has contributed a tremendous amount of work and dedication to the department of aging and Adult Services in the Inhome Supportive Services program. Her kindness, patience, creativity, compassion to understanding differences and Unlimited Services to staff and clients shine through her work. Sandy god got promoted to the his his social work supervisor in 2010 over seeing a unit of chinese and vietnamese cases. Can we clone you . Throughout the years at ihss, sandy efficiently translated ihss information to vietnamese while actively assisting peer, social workers, and management with various projects such as coordinating the annual Salvation Army holiday meals, assisting with the rental assistance demonstration project, steering the alzheimers disease walkathon fundraiser, and spearheading the homeless seniors Christmas Luncheon every year. In addition to volunteering for the project, sandy is dedicated towards work improvements as she has had invaluable input into various committees. Ihss outreach team, ihss policy and procedure committee, daas quarterly leadership planning committee, ihss staff appreciation party, and other ihss projects. She continue her continued dedication and dependability makes her an invaluable asset to daas. I couldnt agree more. We are very honored to have sandy as part of the daas team, and we recognize sandys outstanding contributions. It really, really is very impressive. Thank you. [applause] thank you, cindy. Thank you, commissioners. Im honored to accept this award today. And i want to thank my ihss Program Leadership for their leadership, support, and i also want to thank my staff for the dedication, hard work, and commitment to better serve our clients. So i believe in daas and ihss vision, mission, and vision. And i will continue to commit to providing Exceptional Service to all of our client. Thank you, all, for being here today, to show your support. I truly appreciate it. Thank you. [applause] next is the Advisory Council report with leon schmidt. Good morning, commissioner rs and deputy. We met on november 18 and had a district who may be appointed to the council, so he came to take a look at what we do, and hopefully he will be approved to become part of our council membership. We had a report from our membership committee, and they have distributed information to district one, district six, and district 10 about having folks from those districts also coming aboard. So those are the three districts that we dont have membership from. Several members of the Advisory Council had attended at least one of the dignity fund forums and were very impressed with what they saw. The report was very good that we got back from them, so thank you for doing all that. We also had a site visit to an Activity Center and a discussion it was a very good report and raised some discussions about some issues that are taking place at Senior Centers around the homeless population, and how we can work with some of our homeless seniors. Dr. Edellman reported the construction on a 79unit new Seni

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