Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20171212

SFGTV Government Access Programming December 12, 2017

I think theres a toxic mix in San Francisco today. You have a bunch of new people who have very fast cars and very fancy cars and like to go very fast. And then you have a bunch of new cyclists. [bell]. Public and they are all together and thats causing enormous problems. So, i think theres no question in my mind that we have to make things really different and we have to make cycling safe in this city. Chairman peskin thank you. Next speaker please. And if there are anymore speakers, line up, otherwise this will be the last speaker. Public hi. Thanks for listening today. I moved here recently over the summer and i have been biking for a long time before i moved here. I was in seattle most recently and there i was also involved in a lot of bicycle activism. It took people dying in order to get protected bike lanes there and i really dont want to see that happen here. I would rather move faster, put up posts like has been mentioned before in areas where there are bike corrals and make temporary prevent tifr changes fast preventtive changes faster. I have seen bikes and cars and pedestrians coexisting. It is possible. It happens in a lot of places all over the world. Ty dont see why we cant i dont see why we cant have that here. We can have cars and pickup spots for uber and lifts out of the bike lanes and we can have protected bike lanes. All it is going to take is working for it and i think that we can do that. So, i just want to strongly encourage everyone to keep fighting for these protected bike lanes because i know we can. Thank you. Chairman peskin Public Comment is closed. Commissioner ronen. Supervisor ronen yes. I want to thank everyone who came out. It was very eyeopening. Not that we dont know what is going on. But to hear that bikers are using the red lanes for the buses as a safer alternative to what was supposed to be the bike corridor is just insane. And the crazy thing about it is it makes perfect sense. Thats how dangerous valencia has become. I have asked the mta several times to increase enforcement of double parking on valencia. I know supervisor sheehy has done the same. I see dillon in the audience. I think we need to have that meeting again because while we will continue to prioritize and fight for protected bike lanes, thats going to take some time. I share the urgency of all the public speakers today. Im very fearful that someone is going to get severely injured or killed if we just wait to get those protected bike lanes installed. We need to act urgently right now and that means we need to triple, quadruple enforcement and make it known that if you double park on valencia, you are going to get a ticket. And in addition, we need to push these companies especially uber and lift. I know the problem is beyond them. But those companies are a lot to blame for the fact that the corridor in the mission that is supposed to be the bike corridor has become the one to most avoid for bikers. That just makes no sense. It has thrown the entire scheme of how transportation is supposed to work in the mission up in chaos. And we have to do something about it urgently. So, im looking at dillon and would like to schedule that meeting in an emergency fashion. Chairman peskin commissioner sheehy. Supervisor sheehy it is really an urgent situation. Having stood out there, i have personally seen how dangerous it is. What i have is a question maybe for the director and maybe even for mta. Having looked at this been talking about moving on this, im wondering as we get the data from the study, are there things that we can implement because i look at this as really there seems to be some really lowhanging fruit, putting barriers up around the bike corrals, the parklets. That seems like a nobrainer. And from my discussions from mta it seems from 19th to san jose is a place where the amount of work that you need to do in order to move towards that theres a lower level of complexity. Thats before we get all the overhead wires and the street narrows, it seems like thats something that could move a bit faster. I do know that last stretch as you get closer to market thats more challenging. But is there a way we can think about doing this in phases because every bit that we do will make it safer . And the faster that we can improve if we could just get 19th to san jose which is also bike protected all the way around san jose with concrete barriers and get that as soon as possible. I recognize the challenges that exist once we start having the overhead wires. But if we wait to solve for that before we do these other things, we approach this in phases and take it as we show as we start studying. To wait a whole year to start any of this seems im not sure i understand the necessity there. Jamie parks with mta. Overseeing bicycle capital prompts. Absolutely, we want to look at what we can do now to improve safety. Part of the plan is coming up with a phase implementation structure towards how we move towards a safer valencia street. And if we identify something everyone can agree on, we can move right away. Thats part of our study. Supervisor sheehy great. Lets be in contact on this, please. Thank you. Chairman peskin commissioner kim. Supervisor kim i want to thank supervisor sheehy and ronen for seeking improvements on valencia street. Having looked at the south of market and the tenderloin with sfmta we have protected parking on folsom street. I doesnt go as far as we would like it to. But just having that from division through 4th street really is making a big difference and was just installed last week. But i have to agree, i always assumed that valencia was one of the safer streets to bike down and i dont bike down to the mission very often. But my few experiences biking down there as left me deciding not to bike down valencia as a beginner biker anymore. In fact, i feel safer on some of our corridors in the south of market now because we do have parking protected bike lanes on seventh and 8th and division as well as now folsom street. So, i just want to thank all the members of the public for coming out today. I think this is a corridor that is often viewed as one that should be the most biker friendly. So, i really look forward to us being able to continue those extensions into the neighborhood and also want to make sure, listening to the members of what the public said, it did take a fatality for us to move forward on protected bike lanes on seventh street and on folsom as well. We certainly dont want that to be the impetus for any near term improvements going to the ground. You know how quickly mta can act when that happens and how the near term improvements happened on folsom street was almost shocking to me after the fatality we had. Within a month we were painting a green stripe down folsom. I encourage the city to continue to act on these major kor dors corridors the way we do when these tragedies occur. Chairman peskin thank you. Commissioner breed. Thank you. I have some questions about the bike to work day. Maybe someone can answer the questions. Im not sure who. I missed the presentation since i wasnt here early. Chairman peskin we will see what ms. La fort says. Specifically for the bicycle education classes, is this the first time this program has happened . This is not the first time. How many years it has been conducted, i would need to check. We funded it about 18 months ago for one of the semesters. How long has this be in effect . About six years. First of all, i think im confused about the allocation of expenses. It specifies construction and then it goals into detail goes into details about bike equipment and helmets. If the program existed, im trying to runs these things that get funded every single time that we support this program . Yes. So, we buy new helmets and bikes every year . Is that how it works . Yes. Theres a helmet allocation could you identify yourself . Im the Planning Program manager. And we do buy new helmets every year just from a health perspective. The lowcost helmets we provide are given to the students at the end of each class so they have the safety protection. There were concerns about sharing helmets and passing that along to the classes. We dont buy new bicycles every year. The bikes being proposed are the property of sfmta. We would be able to use the bikes year after year. The other question i had is whats the outreach process . I know i have heard about these programs being done before and i think the implication that because they are being done at a specific school would be that the participants come from those schools and i dont think thats entirely accurate. I just want to understand what with some of the past classes that have been taught, whether or not the students in that particular school have been outreached to and for the participants, what are the percentages of the number of students from the particular schools that they have done it in the past have participated in the program . A hundred percent of the students in each class and each school would be from that school because these classes are actually held within the pe class. Got it. So they are not after school or weekends . No. This is in the middle of this is a partnership with the School District as well. Okay. And just a little bit more information. Can you talk about the feedback for this program from the high schools specifically . Sorry. Can you help me understand, the feedback the feedback from the students that participate in the high school program. It has a very high appreciation. We collect data related to students comfort and knowledge of bicycling before and after they take the class. We produce an annual report with a school by School Breakdown of how those numbers change and how the kids have responded to the classes and any feedback that we receive to the class. We could make that available to you later today. Okay. And so, the expenses for staffing like a program director, p. E. Coordinator, program lead one and two, all these people are needed to coordinate a class for absolutely, yes. So, the way this program is organized, we work with the ymca, the why bike program, and they coordinate with the School Districts p. E. Coordinators and with each p. E. Teacher, they come in for two weeks. They provide training to the teachers and then also depending on where the school is, let me step back. Theres a threeyear kind of program in which the first year my bike comes in and shows the p. E. Teacher at a school how to offer the class. The second year it is more of a coled and the third year there are there for support. There are teachers in classes that are now providing their own bikes and their own instruction with no prop k or sfmta support because the program has gone through. So, it depends on where each school is and where the teachers are. So, yes, each one of these people has to theres a lot of coordination that goes into making sure the bikes get on campus and are stored. That the teachers are prepared and ready, et cetera. And then we meet a couple of people on site for the twoweek period as well. So, why is there no line item for transportation . Of the bikes. Im sorry. Of all the things i didnt bring. There is a line item that is related to the transportation that we do pay for essentially the gas. Why bike owns the van and the trailers so we dont have to pay for those. However we pay for the time spent transporting them from school to school. Okay. Thank you. Can someone answer the questions i have specifically about bike to work day . That is also me. Okay. Do you have a breakdown of the budget . Because for the sponsorship, the bike to work someday, the 38,547, theres a list of items specifically but theres no breakdown of those items. I just would like to see a budget specifically for those particular items. This seems like a lot of money. I know in the bigger scheme of things it is not a lot of money. But it is a lot of money for one day. And i wanted to this has been going on for many years, every year. And so, i just wanted a breakdown of what those numbers actually look like. I didnt see a reason why those couldnt be provided in the report that we got. Theres just a generalization of what it pays for. This is literally just a sponsorship. We are one of many sponsors for this. We are the biggest. But it is reimbursed. So, it is implying it is not reimbursed. Prop k reimburses the mta for this. But the agreement that is signed with the bike to work day is for us to we simply sponsor it for that amount. So, it is a sponsorship. Yeah. Not because, for example it lists staffing and support and then it is listed again as construction and then it has all these things. Then it says sponsorship and it outlines what the sponsorship pays for but not specific dollar amounts attached to it. Then it says it is on a reimbursement basis. Item lees we are award it implies that we are awarding the impression im getting is somehow it is a grant but you are saying it is a sponsorship. It is a sponsorship. Which is contradictory to what i think we have in our packets. I think thats where some of my contusion i understand. I think what the staff report was trying to say is we sponsor this. Where the sponsorship money goes from us from mtc is to funds the staff time and the activities. Both the ta and the mta logos are located on the materials. We are listed alongside all the key sponsors. But there is why not just call it a sponsorship and take out the line items at not attribute it to construction which i think is confusing . The construction, my understanding, moniker is just a part of the art process for prop k. I would ask anna to exmra inthat. Explain that. This is the phase that it fits best under. I suppose it could go under a planning phase. But we have certain phases that we fund with prop k Planning Design construction. We are funding a we are a sponsor for this event. We are giving money for a sponsorship and thats just what it is. That doesnt fit in any other category for prop k funding . The only other category is operations and the only operations project is paratransit. Okay. It is confusing. So, thats why i was asking the question. Okay. If i could also point out there is some material in the enclosure to the prop k request item that gives an overview of the classes that were conducted at each of the schools last year. I saw that. Thank you. Okay. I just wanted to understand the responses of the students. And theres additional surveying we can provide to your office. Thank you. Chairman peskin commissioner ronen. Supervisor ronen i just wanted to request the ta and the chair bring back a report on sort of a near term progress on valencia street and if mta can report as well. In perhaps three months. Is that enough time to come and give a Progress Report . March 1st . That makes sense. Supervisor ronen sure. Okay. That would be great. Thank you. Chairman peskin okay. It shall be. If there are no other questions or comments from members, can we have a roll call on item number eight . I would need a motion made by commissioner sheehy, seconded by commissioner ronen. Clerk commissioner breed, aye. Commissioner cohen, aye. Commissioner farrell, aye. Fewer aye. Commissioner kim, aye. Commissioner peskin, aye. Commissioner ronen, aye. Commissioner sheehy, aye. Commissioner tang, aye. Commissioner yee. Aye. The item is first approved. Chairman peskin next item. Clerk item ten. Award threeyear professional Services Contracts with an option to extend for two additional oneyear periods to not to exceed 400,000. Good morning. Im here to seek approval to award professional Service Contracts for modeling as much ass to two teams. The contracts would be for a threeyear period. These would commence after the current on call expires at the end of the year. It would be funded through the other projects they support. The two teams are led by wsp and rsg or are on our current on call. Transportation analytics. Additional sub consultants include the university of kentucky and bowman research. Representatives from wsp, rsg are here in attendance and available to answer questions. The target 5 for both contracts individually. Now about the process. Staff issued an rfq in september. A Selection Panel evaluated and made a recommendation to award contracts to two of the three teams. The current on call has spent about 500,000 in the period between 2013 and 2017. The slide shows what we have used the money for. And for the new agreements we expect to use the projects for sftp and other modeling improvements and applications as needed by work program projects. Thank you. Chairman peskin any questions from members . Seeing none. Is there any Public Comment on item number nine . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Is there a motion to award the threeyear professional Services Contracts made by commissioner cohen. Seconded by commissioner farrell. And do we have the same house . Clerk we do. Chairman peskin same house. Came call. Thank you. Next item please. Clerk item ten. Presentation on the San Francisco municipal transportation agent 2017 facilities framework. This is an information item. Ms. La fort. I would like to introduce jonathan from the mta. Thanks. Good morning commissioners. Jonathan ruers here to talk about the Building Progress Program and facilities framework. I want to start off very quickly to note the importance of this infrastructure. If you ride the 14 mission here in San Francisco or the gary rapid network, you should know that a lot of our Services Start at the various facilities that we have throughout San Francisco where we maintain, where we store and where we upkeep the fleet. This is where the majority of our 6,000 employees work daytoday, where they change into their uniforms and take their showers. It is an important foundational Infrastructure Service here. I think everybody is florida with our muni forward with regard to getting a rubber fire fleet. That will go into service this week. And also following through with our 10 service increase around San Francisco. Now we need to focus on the next step and that is modern sizing our facility modernizing our facility and we have started our community outreach. So, a component of that is our 2017 facilities framework. What we wanted to do is we knew our facilities throughout San Francisco which i will show shortly, were in need of reconstruction, renovation and modernization. But what we wanted to do was develop a plan that was both dynamic, allowed us to make continuous immovements across San Francisco and our campus and realistically co

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