Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20180106

SFGTV Government Access Programming January 6, 2018

Referred to Code Enforcement, 76. Housing inspection services, housing inspections performed 906. Complaints received, 368. Complaint response within 24 to 72 hours, 354. Complaints with notice of violations issues, 142. Abated complaints with notice of violations 319. Number of cases sent to directors hearings were 20. Routine inspections were 157. For the Code Enforcement services, number of cases sent to directors hearing, 72. Number, order of abatements issued, 24. Number of cases under advisement, 11. Number of cases abated, 49. Number of cases referred to the litigation committee, is two. Thank you. Mr. Lowry, just on the accessible business Interest Program which is now kind of starting to build for us. I would not mind in the presentation maybe in february we could have some thoughts on that at some point later on, i know its 4 to 6year program here, but how we are going to deal with a notice of violations on that. If somebody doesnt apply, or doesnt seek out the, to ratify and what is the tenant or the landlord. Maybe an accessibility section. I think we need to keep it separate. My first reaction, we could have huge amount of these, we cant really act on. We cant close out for one reason or another. And it will skew our numbers if we dont have them separate. Historical issues, or d. P. W. Issues to work through, we are trying to do our job with you we cant because its out of our jurisdiction. How we handle that, you know, i think is important. I could bring that up with the working group. Every two weeks concerning this and we could work on putting some type of a form together. I think the first thing that we could do, give you an update on the screening forms. Notices sent out and received and screening forms, an update on whats going on with the screening forms. Yeah, yeah. We have worked hard over the years to get these down, and it is a very difficult program because it involves planning, d. P. I. And building, so we are trying to get a core group together of all three agencies, we could look at them together. Thank you. Thank you. Any Public Comment on the directors report items 8ad . Seeing non, item 9 review and approval of the minutes of the regular meeting november 9, 2017. Move to approve. Second. Motion and a second. Is there any Public Comment . Ok. Seeing none, are all commissioners in favor . Aye. Opposed . The minutes are approved. Item ten, adjournment. Motion to adjourn. Motion and second. All commissioners in favor, meeting adjourned. And adjourn in the honor of the mayor. Yeah, obviously we close in honor of mayor lee and his family, and our thoughts and prayers. Ok. Thank you. Our meeting is now adjourned. Well start by having a roll call. Prescott. Present. Vice president lin. Present. Commissioner breslin. Here. Commission. Present. Supervisor sheehy. We have a quorum. Thank you. Action item number 1. Item 1 action item Public Employee appointment hiring hss executive district or position vote on whether to hold closed session for update discussion and possible action regarding board selection of h. S. S. Executive director prescott. Im now ready to entertain a motion to hold closed session for the purposes outlined in action item 1. I move we have closed session is there a second. Second. Properly moved and seconded that we have a closed session for the purposes outlined in action item 1. Are there any questions or comments from the board . Any public discussion hearing and seeing none were now ready to vote. All those in favor signify lets move to action item 3. Item 3 action item whether to disclose discussion held in closed ask. President scott. Im ready to entertain a motion whether we will disclose our discussion held in closed sex. I move we do not discuss the discussion. Its moved and is there a second . Second. And properly moved and second s that we not disclose any or all discussion held in closed session and any Public Comments . No Public Comment were now ready to vote. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed. The ayes have it. Action item 4. Item 4 action item, possible report on action taken in closed session. President scott. Im ready to entertain a motion on possible reporting on actions taken in closed session. I move we do not disclose the action taken report. Yes. That we not report on the action taken in closed session is there a second. Second. Its been properly moved and seconds we do not report on any actions taken during the closed session. Is there any Public Comment . Hearing and seeing no Public Comment were now ready to vote. All those in favor saying aye. Aye. All those opposed. Without further business, we will now adjourn formally the closed session. We are now ready to take up our regular meeting. Ill invite everyone in. Invite them all to come in. I call this meeting in order and i ask you to remain for the pledge of allegiance and stand and ok knowledge the passing of our mayor edwin lee. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under god, in divisible with liberty and justice for all. Join me in a note of silence for the mayor and his family. Thank you. Well now i have roll call. Prescott. Present. Vis president lin. Commissioner follow. Sheehy, we have a quorum. Thank you. Were ready for action item 1 clerk item 1 action item approval with modifications of the minutes of the meetings set fourth below and regular meeting of september 14th, 2017. Special closed session of september 22nd, 2017. Special meeting of october 12th, 2017, special meeting of november 9th, 2017. Special closed session of november 16th, 2017. The documents have been provided and im seeking a motion foray approval or any etiquettes that anyone would provide to the minutes distributed. I move we approve the minutes as stated. Its been properly moved that the minutes of the pre seeding meetings of this board as outlined in this action item be accepted. Is there a second. Second. Its been properly moved and seconds we accept the minutes as outlined and distribute it. Is there any Public Comment . Hearing and seeing no Public Comment were now ready to vote. All those in favor signify by saying aye. All those opposed. It is carried. Item 2. Clerk discussion item general Public Comment on manners within the boards jurisdiction, not appearing on todays agenda. Is there any Public Comment on any matter thats within the boards jurisdiction that is not on the agenda today . Hearing and seeing none we will now go to item 3. Clerk item 3 discussion item president s report. I wish to remind the Board Members that in the current climate it is critical that if you have not completed your Sexual Harassment prevention training, that you do so by the 31st of this month. It is a requirement to continue to sit on this commission and we all must do it even though there arent points of pause in the course or book marks in the course but were asking everyone to complete that. We have been working very diligently with the search firm and with the board and our meetings to move forward with the selection of an executive director and we think that we are within arms reach to do that so it would be my hope at the ensueing meeting in january we would be in a position to make a public announcement about the results of those efforts and that is all of my report for today on that topic. Is there any Public Comment . Any comment from the board . No. Well proceed to discussion item 4. Clerk directors report acting executive director griggs thank you president scott and members of the board and i want today give the board today that will be concise and we have some really great presentations and i just want you to know ive spoken to every presenter and weve be efficient with time since were starting late and it encompasses open enrollment and september and november so weve had a lot of work to do and to say the least and i was just watching last years meeting where we presented an open enrollment and Catherine Dodd said it was the busyest open enrollment ever and that was last year and this year i want to say that this is definitely the busyest open enrollment and its good and it was complex and it was a heavy list but we made it through and well present a little bit later a summary of the metrics just to show you the volume of that work. Before we get in to that i just want to talk about some open positions and positions we filled and are about to fill. We have filled a 1209 benefits technician position by Jesse Franklin who is in the audience with us today. Would you please say the name again. Jesse franklin. Jesse franklin would you please stand up so well know exactly who you are. On behalf of the board we welcome you and hope that this stop will be a major contribute or to your Career Growth and development. Thank you for joining us. He definitely was a big contributeer to open enrollment and he took off running and were appreciate of that and weve selected a candidate for the 5320 Graphic Designer and were waiting for h. R. To do their veting and well write an offer. We filled the 1649 accounting intern position with todd cell who is also in the audience today. Where are you . Thank you for standing and welcome to the Health Services system werely delighted you joined us. So im going to continue with the report before the presentation but as operational ly for open enrollment this year the technology that we have put in place really helped if we didnt have that Technology Like the Enterprise Content Management System which takes all of our paper and puts an electric form and our data base to the specific members we would still be doing data entry and filing copies of enrollment forms so all of that have is complete and that was a huge help this year. And a lot of that was due to the add add Minute Services team and they took the forms that members were bringing them and scanning them and linking them in data base so i want to mention them on the report and their involve ment this year administratively. They did the set ups for all of our events and side events so everyone comes in and we have a little area that members can come in and speak to analists directly up and we have a vender week where our vendors come in and theyre responsible for setting up and breaking that down and another big task they do is they keep inventory and keep supplies of all of our new planned materials ready for members when they come in that its right there for us to access so theyre always a big help so the manager of that division. I also want to mention Enterprise Service system anna anna an a lit ticks and they do the plan year which say huge accomplishment and they also are responsible for implementing technology i mentioned earlier and theyre also responsible for bringing the data in so when i give you numbers in a minute about the enrollment, theyre the ones that were responsible for doing that and last but not least, Brian Rodriguez and marina coolridge is our project manager who has done an ex ex exemplary job. We have 35 of these left remaining to be tested and so were still that and this is for our when the report was written theyve gotten through a few more by now but january 1st when we start sending files out, we have to have those, most of those complete. Another important thing that marina and her team accomplished here is we had a selfservice pilot so 165 members participated in that and everyone really enjoyed it and they enjoyed providing feedback and were taking a survey they completed and when we start developing it more for a bigger roll out well use all those responses. Even though we were really busy we had to get that in and it was well worth it. I do want to go back up a little bit to operations and talk about some of the outcomes of the enrollment. We had several big things that happened this year one of them as you know, the implementation of blue shield trio and well get in to more details in the next presentation after the direct report with blue shield but again as we knew that would be a big task and that was a big enrollment movement. That was a big set up in july, august and september and in october when open enrollment is live and people make changes and as we move on after october and in to the first of the year, that is also a big a lot of work for us. Any time we make plan changes and any time is expected well save money next year for it and its going to cause work and so its well worth that work. We have some occurrences back in august and september where we felt perhaps our abilities and communicating our plan choices appropriately and we took some preemptive and proactive action with them and along with erik the City Attorneys Office we sent a letter to them making sure they knew that any communications to our members about our open enrollment or our boards decision could be run by us and its a good thing we did they showed their hand they had prepared a communication that would have seriously confused members and especially if it got outside of the members they were referring to. That started a dialogue between me, them and the Mayors Office as well because i contacted the Mayors Office about our request not to communicate to these members so we were all to collaborate on the communication that where 80 ok with so we did mitigate some damage there. Other than blue shield trio well get more in to it in just a bit i want to mention some of the other enrollment results we did we implemented the kaiser multi region plan so we offered kaiser in hawaii in the northwest, oregon and washington so we had a total of 38 subscribers enrolled and its good and that is not the total so i dont have those numbers yet. That message out got out there and im sure in the following years we will continue to get good membership with that. Outside of trio, non medicare and blue shield decrease about 127 subscribers so they did lose some membership. Kaiser active enrollment increases 406 subscribers and it tripled that number so that was a good addition for them and city plan members increased by about 31 subscribers. Healthcare, medicine care, vantage, ppo increases by 171 subscribers and cruger senior advantage 150 were gained. So i just wanted to give you those numbers and just so you know how our Communications Work and what type of migration and activity is going on out there and theres just a ill finish up here. Vision premiere plan which was another very popular addition that we did this year we have many, many, many compliments from membership thanking us and the board forayeding this. We enrolled 10,123 members. Thats huge. And 9,000 dependants so 19 lives all together. Last year we introduced voluntary benefits, these are your pet insurance, supplemental life, accident insurance, those types of things. We put those out there foreign rollment again this year and we received another 1100 enrollment s were total of about 5,000 for the supplemental benefits. A move on to finance and accounting, so when we wrapped up open enrollment now its budget time so we are preparing for the fiscal year 20182019 of this year and 1920 budget season in january there will be a presentation on the budget and the budget instructions that were passed down from the mayor s office just a week or so go. We have executed Service Agreement with a partner in our web design so were looking forward to im certain by open enrollment but hopefully earlier have a brand new website so were really looking forward to that work. Finance and accounting always help us out a lot during open enrollment and sometimes we dont give them enough credit for that and they help us a lot with their rates calculating our rates and going to the m. O. U. S and looking at the things and the differences between the m. O. U. S and how the employer contribution comes out and then when we get all that information and we start developing and writing our materials, theyre key in reviewing those materials and make sure theyre accuracy. So we have great participation in that from finance and accounting and communications always plays a big role. Again i want to do a shout out to Carole Karimi who is our new Communications Manager she came in and got the materials all drafted and so she helped us get them together and she was a huge help and she really dug in and what this is especially now with our Communications Going out with our confirmation letter she was key in that process as well. We did have a large website present as you can see, 58,000 website its in october and 2017 and again responsible for producing all the member materials and just recently we created 75,000 confirmation letters mailed and most of those have been received by membership according to our call volume which goes up when we mail something. Wellbeing will be presenting later the review of the wellbeing program, data and successes soy just want to mention that again we did 26 clinics, flu shot clinics in october and some in november as well and that is one of our big out reach during october the flu shot clinics along with providing either a help fair and open enrollment all at the same time and its really bringing in members and were there to answer questions so its been definitely. Its a bit fanatic and we might want to work on that next year but we did the same as we did last year with 4,131 flu shots between october and november. Speaking of off sites, we are geting and i know shavon will mention this a bigger percentage of participation so we go to department of Human Resources and the p. U. C. Building, we come to city hall, and those types of things and we saw about a 22 increase in participation this year and some of those i enjoy going that is ruccsf and we have a health fair with a f

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