Thank you for sfgov tv. Can we have a roll call please. Commissioner bleiman commissioner perez Vice President thomas. And well note president tan is excused. Great. The first item of business is general Public Comment for items not on the agenda. I have one card for general Public Comment from michael noltey. Theres my mic. You have two minutes. Can i have overhead . It actually says five. Anyway, i wanted to point out that the guidelines for mentioning neighborhood outreach, i was at one of the hearings some time ago in regards to the black cat and i asked that the black hat do outreach to the Community Groups and to date, they have not. And one of the conditions of approval was coming to the neighborhood groups, the Pacific Alliance for better district six. They failed to do it. I sent emails. I guess they figure they have been approved and got the permit, and it was just too much to think about. And i think that flies in the face of the actual guidelines that state what kind of outreach needs to be done and i think im not privy to the files that the various permits but that is one of the bottom lines on the thing and i think that, you know, it should be looked at. Each person needs to do the sufficient amount of outreach to the community. I think thats the whole purpose of why we have the guidelines. For the many years that ive been coming to these meetings have asked for the guidelines to be instituted, way back when the commission got started, the whole idea of Community Involvement is to make a better business, run and function better and the community to give better input so particularly to a new Business Owner such as the black hat. When they come into a neighborhood and basically do in a way, particularly a new one, theres a lot of people in the neighborhoods who dont like businesses that dont look like theyre gentifying the neighborhoods. Ive been involved in Community Organizing for many years and i appreciate seeing the guidelines and i would just hope theyre not just a piece of paper but actually followed. Im talking to the two people on the commission and of course everybody else because you all have to look at the files and see that everything fits your various categories of why youre there. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other general Public Comment . Seeing none, general Public Comment is closed. Move on to approval of meeting minutes. We have the minutes from december 5th and december 19th. Any changes or corrections . Additions to the minutes . I move to approve. Both of them . Theres a motion to approve both. Is there a second . Second. All right, motion and second. Can we have a vote . Commissioner frost . Sorry, which day was the party after the meeting . What was the date of that, the 19th . The 19th. Yeah. It doesnt show me as being present. Yes, it does. Staff, sorry, thank you. I vote yes. laughter commissioner lee. Commissioner bleiman. Aye. Vice president thomas. Aye. Item three report from the acting director. Okay. So im sharing my update with a couple of Staff Members and im assuming a few commissioners might want to jump in on this as well since they have been working on some of the items. Just a minor update on the summit which is february 26th at the independent and so just wanted to update you. This is going to be three main topics that well be addressing. Im focusing on one of them, which is around security planning and active shooters. Im partnering with the Police Department and department of Emergency Management on that project and presentation and well have the directors from both of those departments present for the beginning of that discussion. It will be a High Level Panel to kick it off and then somebody from sfpd Tactical Unit leading that discussion around security planning for venues. And then commissioner thomas is going to be spearheading another one of the discussions around Harm Reduction. Theres two smaller presentations she can speak to if you want to jump in now. Sure. About providing additional tools to the entertainment and night life industry to help protect the health of people who participate in it. So one is going to be hearing about binge drinking intervention happening in the castro, trying to sort of reset normal levels of Alcohol Consumption but doing it in a friendly and Harm Reduction way. And then the second is conversation about overdose, particularly opioid overdose and educating people in ways to address overdose, whether that happens in participants, family, staff, just general community. Cool. Ill correct myself from earlier, i said the directors from both of the departments, one of them is the chief of police. So not really a director. Dylan will spearhead the third portion. Were not going to break up in groups, were going to have one large group the whole time, which will be different than previous. Dylan is working with burning man on this. If you want to say an a couple of words. Sure. This is to be an inspiring panel, you know, getting event producers together and looking at sort of imaginative approaches to creating and promoting sort of outdoor social space in the city, especially with the increased population density and outdoor spaces are high commodity. Some imaginative things happening and be kind of hopeful finish to our summit. Thank you mr. Rice. So thats pretty brief. Im hope you guys can all be there. Its a big deal to have all our commissioners present and if youre available to be there. And then just moving right along, dylan is going to share an update now on our web site changes, which were really excited about because it will reflect all our changes within our legislation for how we permit things. Yes, so in addition to the web site content enhancements, i was tasked with updating and stream lining our permit applications. So this rollout is on schedule to happen by february 1st. So, again, were communicating the changes. Were trying to increase the clarity of the rules and forms you need and who does what in the office. You know, increasing the font, faqs, things like that that will help reduce the number of calls we get and number of rework that has to happen. And in your binders youll see just a mock up of the new menu of items and then youll see samples from the get a permit tab and the fees and pan line tab. And i included the new fee matrix that reflects the new permits and with the help of commissioner perez, were using part of the outdoor permitting guide to explain in a flowchart way how the approvals happen for outdoor permits. Any questions, let me know. I think its pretty self explanatory. I have a question. Go ahead. The Good Neighbor policy, is that a download or so that exists in the codes and policies page. So i didnt include all of the pages but like that page will be virtually unchanged. Same thing with Public Notices and meetings. But there is going to be a new page that im going to oversee called the Outdoor Events page, the hub and resource for my work. Okay. Great. Thank you. I just wanted to make sure it didnt get lost in the shuffle. Commissioner perez, i make sure to always highlight that in great detail in my intake meetings. Thank you. If you guys do you have questions about the web site or any of the changes . Were hoping it makes it more clear to applicants on how to apply. So whats the timeline for updates . The end of the month by the latest. Were putting our ducks in a row in terms of the documents that go along with anything were missing here. Really small but we want it to go out at the same time and we need to train miss stewart over here on doing intake on her end as well. A couple of weeks. Great. Exciting. Cool. Final update then is on our Good Neighbor policy working group. If you guys recall, i believe it was december 5th we decided to have a Small Working Group with inspector burke and commissioners bleiman and caminong. Ill let sean speak to that and if either commissioner wants to jump in, you can. Good evening commissioners, acting director wiland. Im here with a quick update. We had a quick meeting, commissioner caminong and commissioner bleiman and i sat down and talked about the Good Neighbor policy and what it says and maybe what we want it to say in the future and the tone that we think it should take. I think one of the major things that we had brought up was the possibility of separating the document into more of a good operator policy and sort of a neighbor bill of rights sort of document. Instead of having one document that addresses everything, we have a document that speaks specifically to what it means to be a good operator and a document to speak to what you as a neighbor of a night life establishment can expect from the Entertainment Commission and the operator. I dont want to get into too much detail because its very early in the process but if you have questions or either of the commissioners on the working group wanted to chime in, id be happy to allow that. Sure. I just wanted to acknowledge that commissioner lee actually was interested in joining the work group as well, and so, we makingly emitted him from the first meeting. Its okay. Busy, busy anyway. But i want to definitely join the group and you know, its great to have two documents but i dont want it to be cumbersome for operators, especially Club Operators and i want to make sure its a good balance. The neighborhood bill of rights is a good idea but at the same time, i dont want to we just need to make it a very its a great point. I dont want to suddenly have another document used against the clubs. Good point. Were planning on a meeting very late january or very early february, sometime in that week, well keep you posted. Okay. In the meantime, if anyone has questions about the direction or input, feel free to reach out. I would like to say, too, this is it may seem having Little Information that we have a solution in looking for a problem here. But theres some real serious fundamental issues with enforcement that sean is experiencing because of the current state of the Good Neighbor policy and he was very clear and very specific. We are actually trying to solve very specific issues with this and i think we have a good shot at this point. So thanks ben. Thank you. Do you guys have other questions . My only concern with the good operator policy was the acronym that would create. Thats a joke. Anything else . Okay. Thank you. Item four report from the inspector. Inspector burke, good evening. I have running in the new year with our first two page hearing notes. Youll see on the back, theres quite a bit more. So i think my goal here is to give you a full rundown of what it looks like out there. In the description on the right side its word for word what was put in through complaints or Text Messages or emails. This as you can see this is just mid november through the end of the year. Next hearing i plan on having the ones that came in since the first of the year. Theres only a few more but its a nice big chunk. This is in addition to sort of the ongoing investigations that are sort of constant each weekend. Im not sure theres any need to go into anything specifically. If you have questions about the new complaints, im happy to address them. We do have a couple of unpermitted places that may be able to be brought into compliance. Weve got bars that i visited in the past that dont have a permit with us and maybe cant get one with us. Its all over the place. We have bars, large venues, established venues, Great American music hall, we dont hear a lot about them. We have sidewalk musicians in the mission popping up and we got a complaint about that. So kind of all over the map. On the back side on the back side, we have three ongoing complaints, you can see a list of whats happening there as of late. He was issued one citation since the last hearing that has been paid. Double dutch has not been issued a citation as of yet, they have not been found out of compliance. Three inspections, one is just a place that had music one night and didnt know about the process and i informed them of the llp. Hope theyre going to apply. They do things infrequently. And these are sort of involved ongoing operator neighbor communications that have just surfaced, bubbled up into my line of sight based on neighbors feeling like maybe the communication wasnt up to their liking, maybe communication sort of stalled and they reached out for me to contact the operator and get conversations going, in both cases i think thats happened and im trying to keep an eye on it and make sure the neighbors feel they have a voice and the operators are motivated to make progress. Any questions . I have a question about the Church Services, i assume are Actual Church services and not a location called Church Services. Correct. To what extent does the Entertainment Commission have oversight over Church Services . Not much. We usually consult with the district in question and work with them. What i am sometimes depending on the availability able to do is sort of be the eyes in the field and document whats happening so they can build a case and address the disturbance. We dont have the ability to bring them bring that into compliance necessarily, i try to assist. All right. Thanks. Just a point is there a way in the future of the complaints you can communicate simply next to them which ones have entertainment permits and which do not. I can do that. Thats a good idea. Any other questions from commissioners . Yeah. So housian, two citations. Yes. Arent they aware if they continue getting citations we could suspend their permit or cut it back. I was the one to issue both of the citations because its written within the code, if you send it from the director if there are three within three month period, the director has the authority to suspend and theyre totally aware of that piece of the code. She knows, right . She knows. Yep. Commissioner frost. A couple of things sean, for the Great American music hall, you havent gotten complaints on them . Not that ive been here in my memory. I tried to do records but theyre kind of spotty. We dont have really a way to search in a hurry. In my experience, i think i dont recall one. Have you talked to anybody in there . Most of these complaints this one specifically was anonymous and i have yet to go by Great American. Both complaints were anonymous . Okay, cool. And then double dutch. Yes. I lost count because i started listening to something, a lot of complaints, all from one person . Yes. Have you met with that person . We have not met in person. Weve had many a conversation trying to keep in good contact with the operator to move forward. Ive been out to conduct an ambient sound test and back to take measurements inside and outside based on the limits assigned and i have yet to find them in violation. And it does show the last complaint was on the 7th. So thats 10 days without a complaint. That looks actually pretty good. You think maybe they did something that occurred to me while i was putting together the list. I think it might be wishful thinking. It depends on whose perspective youre seeking i guess. Yeah, i mean, on the outset maybe thats a good indicator or maybe a neighbor was out of town or its hard to tell. Thank you. Any other questions . Comments . All right. Thank you inspector. The next item is number five report from our Senior Analyst for community and cultural events. Dylan rice again. This will be kind of quick update, so in addition to the web site and application enhancements and rollout, thats a priority for me right now to get it done by the end of this month, i am still making progress on the outdoor planning and permitting guide and commissioner perez has been amazing with doing a lot of that great sort of detailed work with me. It is very intense and specific and very granular in some cases. As far as feedback from different agencies, the point is to have a collaborative document that has the buyin from all the agencies. Dem and ems agency which is now separate, they have given me good comments and changes. And then from the mta, i have gotten changes from the temporary and taxi and Accessible Services division. Were making progress and trying to clarify the rules with drop off and pick up zones and staging areas for both taxis and Transportation Network vehicles like uber and lyft. And then we are going to hear back from more mta people on thursday, people who do sustainable streets and the transit. Get their feedback thursday. It may be very broad. Well see how in depth they get. And sfdp, theyre reviewing the guide and hoping to have clarity on their timeline by this week or next. So i definitely have to be sensitive to the different schedules of the different agencies. And in the meantime, commissioner perez and i are fine tuning the content and the design of the sections and i do now have access to adobe suite software. Ill be able to make a lot of these updates. Its going to be more efficient for me to have access. When people change jobs, or roles, i can change the contacts page for example. And im excited next week, im heading over to austin for the municipal special events summit and thats going to be convening government workers from around the country that regulator promote or produce special events. And so ill be the representative from San Francisco and im sitting on a panel about policy planning and development for special events with chattanooga, nashville and austin. Im excited to connect with peers doing this work and learn as much potential model