Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20180123

SFGTV Government Access Programming January 23, 2018

Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors meeting for tuesday, january 23, 2018. Madam clerk, please call the roll. [roll call] breed present. Cohen present. Farrell present. Kim present. Peskin present. Ronen present. Safai present. Sheehy present. Tang present. Supervisor yee present. Fewer present. Ladies and gentlemen, please join us for the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] thank you. Madam clerk, are there any communications . Clerk none to present. President breed thank you. I would like to recognize reverend brown, former supervisor, who is here. Were approving the minutes from december 5 and 12. Is there a motion to move the minutes . Moved by farrell. Seconded by kim. Without objection . Without objection, Meeting Minutes will be approved after Public Comment. Clerk 18 are on consent. If a member objects, an item may be removed and considered separately. President breed roll call vote. [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President breed those items adopted unanimously. Clerk ordinance to approve lease and tenant improvement costs for department of homelessness and Supportive Housing in face equal year 20172018. President breed can we take this same house, same call . Ordinance is finally passed unanimously. Next item, please . Clerk item 10, an ordinance to appropriate 11 million to recreation and Park Department for funding received from cast powerhouse qalicb, fiscal year 2017 2018 and on controllers reserve pending receive of the grant. President breed with he can take this item same house, same call . Without objection, passes unanimously first reading. Clerk item 11, appropriate 177 million for transportation and road improvements to fund the Municipal Transportation Agency street and transit projects 20172018, placing the amount on controllers preserve. President breed same house same call . Without objection, ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. Clerk item 12, appropriatity 77 million in proceeds from the third issuance of the 2012 clean and safe parks open spaces 2018a to the recreation and Park Department for renovation, repair and construction of parks and open spaces placing on controllers reserve pending the receipt of indebt theness 2017 2018. President breed same house, same call . Without objection, passes unanimously on the first reading. Clerk item 13, ordinance to appropriate 300,000 for cigarette litter abatement fees. President breed same house, same call. Without objection, ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. Clerk item 14, an ordinance to amend the health code, to impose a license fee of 1,200 for cannabis smoking consumption permit. President breed same house, same call. Without objection, ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. Clerk item 15 resolution to provide recreation and Parks Department to accept and expend a grant from San Francisco Parks Alliance for renovation of certain playgrounds for letsplaysf for 15 million january 2018january 2026. President breed same house, same call. Without objection, resolution adopted unanimously. Clerk item 26, related documents between California Housing Financing Agency and San Francisco department of Public Health for the benefit of the willie b. Kennedy housing, at 1239 turk street with rosa parks lp for 20172018. President breed same house, same call. Without objection, adopted unanimously. Clerk item 17 to retroactively accept 7. 3 million grant from the San Francisco General Hospital foundation to participate in zuckerberg patient care Quality Improvement through 2020. President breed same house, same call. Resolution adopted anonymously. Clerk item 18, fix prevailing wage rates for workers under city contracts. President breed same house, same call. Without objection, resolution is adopted unanimously. Clerk item 19, amendment to ground Lease Mission bay Affordable Housing at 201, 207, 213, 215, 215, 219, 221, 223, 225 and 227 king streets at rich sorro commons. President breed same house, same call . Without objection, adopted unanimously. Clerk item 20, trance important asian and road improvement bonds not so exceed 177 million. President breed same house, same call . Without objection, item adopted unanimously. Clerk item 21, sale clean a and safe Neighborhood Parks bonds not to exceed 77 million. President breed same house, same call . Adopted unanimously. Clerk item 22, Emergency Declaration by the San Francisco tesla Treatment Facility flywheel power supply units hetch hetchl not to exceed 22,000. President breed same house, same call. Approved unanimously. Clerk acquire Real Property at 700730 stanyan street from Mcdonalds Corporation placing it under the jurisdiction of the Mayors Office for use in constructing Affordable Housing for san franciscans and make the appropriate findings. President breed im very excited that this item is before the board today. This is an opportunity to purchase the mcdonalds site at stanyan and haight. Its very challenging to find a site like things the Haight Ashbury community this is a significant opportunity. We got a belowmarket rate. And so im really looking forward of ward to this opportunity. And i want to thank the late mayor ed lee for working with me over the last two years to try to acquire this site. 5 want to thank my colleagues who are part of the Budget Committee for sending this to the full board with positive recommendation. And i want to thank members of the Haight Ashbury committee who have come together to agree regardless of the project on this site. It will be 100 Affordable Housing. Its exciting and, colleagues, i would appreciate your support. Seeing no other names on the roster, can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection, resolution adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call items 24 and 25 together. Clerk items 24 and 25 are two motions that respond to the civil grand jury request to provide a status update on the board of supervisors response and recommendations for item 24, r2, r3, r4, taking accountability and transparency to the next level. And r2. 2 contained in the 20162017 civil grand jury report entitled the San Francisco retirement system, increasing understanding and adding oversight. President breed same house, same call . Without objection, motions are approved unanimously. Next item. Clerk item 26, ordinance to revise the definition of gross floor area, to delete and modify accessory and nonaccessory committees. And appropriate findings. President breed same house, same call . Without objection, passed on the first meeting. Clerk item 27, to address typographical errors, clarify nighttime entertainment and update inclusionive Affordable Housing. President breed same house, same call . Without objection, passes on the first reading. Clerk item 28, ordinance to prohibit nonretail professional uses, and allow catering uses within the Mission Street Transit District and make the appropriate findings. President breed same house, same call . Without objection, ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. Next item . Clerk item 29, zoning controls in certain personal service uses and require conditional use for conversion of any commercial use to a residential use to aform the ceqa determination. And make the appropriate findings. President breed supervisor safai . Supervisor safai weve initiated a planning process with planning. Weve been working with a 30member working group comprised of residents, Small Business owners, merchants and longtime neighborhood leaders and associations. In that process, we intend to come one a neighborhood plan. As part of that neighborhood plan, there will be policy recommendations, legislation, and direction given. One of the things we wanted to do was put a pause on certain uses to allow it to go forward. I appreciate your support today and ask it to be voted on. President breed thank you. Can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call items 30 and 31 together. Clerk items 30 and 31 two resolutions that determine that the transfer of a type 48 on sale general public premises item license 2919 16th street will serve the public convenience and item 31, Liquor License to City Beer Store llc, 1148 and 1150 Mission Street will serve the public convenience and recommending that the California Department of Beverage Control impose conditions on the issuance of these licenses. President breed same house, same call. Without objection, adopted unanimously. Clerk item 32, to declare the second monday in october to be Indigenous Peoples day . Supervisor peskin weve received lots of emails about this. I would like some time to see if we can figure out a path forward that works both for our indigenous, native peoples as well as for folks of italian heritage and i have some thoughts about how we might be able to go about doing that, but would respectfully ask for a oneweek continuance. President breed is there a second . Seconded by supervisor tang. Supervisor cohen . Supervisor cohen i ask that we dont continue this item. I think its been important. Its been discussed in committee. And i would like to ask that you deny the request for a continuance and take the vote today. President breed supervisor yee . Supervisor yee why dont we just take the vote for continuance. President breed okay. On the vote for continuance, madam clerk, please call the roll. [roll call] clerk there are 4 ayes and 7 nos with kim, safai, sheehy, yee, cohen and fewer and breed in the dissent. President breed continuance fails. So supervisor yee . Supervisor yee i will be supportive of todays initiative legislation. And i also want to say that we need to id like to support something as a followup legislation to also honor the italianamerican heritage. For me, its not taking one away from the other. But actually to try to honor all the groups that have contributed so much to what makes San Francisco what it is today. I want to be sure i make that statement and anybody that would like to do followup legislation on this to honor the italianamerican heritage in San Francisco, i will be glad to work with them. President breed thank you. Supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen i supported the continuance because i always think its great to give time for diverging opinions to get together and see if we can reach a consensus, but since that didnt pass, i want to thank supervisor cohen for introducing this. I think this is long overdue, despite the fact that i was supporting a oneweek continuance. Correcting our history and the history of the native people that were brutally slaughtered and killed off by disease, who were in this land prior to an italian explorer coming and discovering the land that people had been on for a very long time is very overdue and i will be very proud to support this today. President breed thank you. Seeing no names on the roster, madam clerk, please call the roll on the item. [roll call] [roll call] clerk there are 10 ayes and one no, with supervisor peskin in the dissent. President breed ordinance passes on the first reading. [applause] [boos] president breed id like to remind members of the public that audible expressions are not allowed in the board chambers and unfortunately if it continues i will need to go in recess, which will prolong the meeting, so i ask that you please cooperate with our board rules. If you want to express your support for any item, please do your wavy fingers. If you want to show your disapproval, use your thumbs down. Thank you, so much, for your cooperation. Madam clerk, call items 33 and 34 together. Clerk two Charter Amendments amending the charter for San Francisco, provides that appointed members of boards and commissions under the charter fore fit their offices when filing for elected office. For 34, Charter Amendment reduces mayoral appointments from retirement board from three to two members and require that the City Attorney appoint one member to require there be a hearing and board of supervisors approval within 60 days, but if not objected upon become effective on the 61st day and require that the term of any mayor appointed between december 1, 2014, expire 2018, with an appointment to fill a vacancy and require that certain retirement board disclose certain Investment Information on a biannual basis at an election to be held june 5, 2018. Given this is the first appearance, theyre required to be continued and sit for at least 6 days between the first appearance and when the board can act on them. President breed thank you, madam clerk. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you. And thank you to the members of the rules committee for forwarding both of these amendmants and i want to thank the cosponsors of the first item and i will reserve my comments on that until next week when we consider it for submission to the voters. In the matter, item 34, with regard to the retirement board, i just want to thank all of the members of the board of supervisors who have continuously now for a half decade, the previous board and this board, encouraged the retirement board to divest. I want to salute the leadership of supervisor cohen, who serves on that board, and wish you godspeed in your deliberations tomorrow, where hopefully well make significant and meaningful progress on fossil fuel divestment, which is not only their fiduciary duty, but moral imperative. With that, supervisor cohen, good luck on that youve been on the right side of that fight since youve been on that board and hopefully your colleagues will join you. And i want to acknowledge mayor lee and acting mayor for continuing the policy of furthering divestment from the retirement board and well consider this item next week if we still need it. President breed thank you supervisor peskin. Supervisor cohen . Supervisor cohen thank you. Thank you for being here for important discussions that will be transpiring for the rest of the afternoon. Supervisor peskin, thank you for picking up the mantel and helping us get this very Important Message to the finish line. Im grateful that you recognize my leadership. I want to recognize supervisor avaloss leadership. Quite frankly, ladies and gentlemen, this has been an incredible heavy lift to even start the conversation of divestment. Not only are we dealing with a precarious subject that few people understand or understand the ramifications or implications of what fossil fuels do and what theyre doing to the environment, but most importantly, people want to rest behind the fact that we are making money off of this investment. I want to recognize the professional staff at the San Francisco Employee Retirement fund. Weve had weve certainly had our differences and not seeing eye to eye on this issue, but have been professional and forthcoming with information so that not only myself as a fiduciary trustee serving on the retirement board, but also as we further this conversation publicly. This is an interesting conversation. 5 want everyone to know that were not the only trustee board dealing with to divest or not to divest. Its something coming up to mention funds across the country and i think its important for San Francisco to stand up and be a leader in this and not to be afraid, but to stand strong in acknowledging what is right and walking in that light and in that direction. With that said, supervisor peskin, thank you. I look forward it joining you on this and also look forward to an ongoing, long, continued conversation on this particular matter. Thank you. President breed can i entertain a motion to continue these items to the meeting of january 30, 2018 . Moved by supervisor peskin. Seconded by supervisor ronen. Colleagues, can we take that without objection . Without objection, items will be continued to the next meeting. All right. Madam clerk, we have 2 minutes until our 2 30 commendations. Lets skip over and start with roll call for introductions. Well be able to at least get to one supervisor. Supervisor kim submit. Supervisor peskin rerefer. Supervisor safai thank you, madam clerk. Today, myself and supervisor peskin, are introducing an ordinance that has to do with sfmta. Many of you have heard the conversations weve had over the last two months about a ballot measure with separating the department into the department of livable streets and mta, which would allow for that agency to focus on the issues in the neighborhood that are very important to us. Over the course of the last year, ive worked aggressively with the sfmta. We had 40 to 50 meetings prior to that. We then shifted over to the executive director, ed reskin, and began to meet with him exclusively. In that time, i tell you in talking with constituents, along with hundreds and hundred of people in the city there was a general frustration as it pertains to the issues that are relating to

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