Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20180204

SFGTV Government Access Programming February 4, 2018

Offices or labs. Another building was approved, a large building was approved for ucsf on the south side of 16th street was sold to dropbox as their headquarters, and they are taking over a building at a location that planning thought was going to be a large medical building. And this building additionally had illegal it had an enforcement action against it because the tire shop owner rented to a person who used [ inaudible ] so im asking the Planning Commission to goesimpa condition that all plans for the interior improvements have to be routed to the Planning Department and evaluated in terms of the use as office because ive been talking to the Zoning Administrators Office about their chart of office uses, and i questioned why this project wasnt on there. And they said well, if they apply if they change the use to be office under the planning code, they will have to get an Office Allocation. Im a citizynical about that, i think that tells you that you have to be paying attention to the future uses. One, tell the owner and his successors that everything has to be rooted to the planning for tenant improvements because theres no tenant proposed. And secondarily, the Planning Department looks at the plans for the uses and if they say this is a use that requires an Office Allocation, it has to be rerouted to the Planning Department, Planning Commission for an Office Allocation before people move in. Thats not too much to ask for. Its just do it in compliance with the planning code. Thank you. Thank you, miss hester. Any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, well close Public Comment. Commissioners . Commissioner moore . Commissioner moore im comfortable with whats in front of us. I believe that miss hesters request is a reasonable one. It protects everyone, including the owner. I move to approve with the addition of conditions as indicated by miss hester. Vice president richards second. President hillis and that would be the condition of any condition be routed to the Planning Department. And i think thats where the planner was going when he read that into the record. All right. Jonas . Clerk very good, then, commissioners. Theres a motion im sorry. Who made the motion . President hillis commissioner moore made the motion. Vice president richards i seconded it. Clerk thank you. So theres a motion thats been seconded to approve this matter with conditions as amended with staff reading into the record as well as for any tenant improvement to be routed back to planning. On that motion. [ roll call. ] clerk so moved, commissioners. That motion passes unanimously, 50. Commissioners, thatll place us on your discretionary review calendar, for item 15 clerk when speaking to the commission, if you care to, just state your full name for the record. Commissioners, we left off on your calendar at item 15, 2567 comMission Street, this is a discretionary review. The item before you is a request no, sir discretion year review, building permix 201705197190, which proposed to convert an existing ground floor space as a cafe into the restaurant cafe. The project proposed no substantial alternatations to the exterior of the structure. Petition claims in their request that it would exacerbate the gentrification of la tony working class residents in the are latino class residents in the area. [ inaudible ] and would not displace any neighborhood serving uses. Additionally, the proposed use is not subject to a restaurant concentration finding that four uses in the immediate area would be subject to. As such the Department Recommends that the department does not take dr and approves the condition as proposed. This concludes the presentation and im happy to answer any questions. Being on. Project dr requestor, you have five minutes. Thank you, commissioner hillis and commissioners, good evening. My name is peter papadopolous, and i am the dr appellant on this project for meta. To walk us through what were here for and what were hoping we can achieve tonight, weve been in negotiations with mr. Tierra of this Mission Street project for a couple months now, Mission Community groups and he have been talking and trading mou drafts, and were disappointed that we havent yet reached a conclusion. We feel were very close. We feel that actually this is something that we could very easily reach this deal. This is a franchise coffee shop coming onto Mission Street, and we feel that an mou or something in writing would be a significant help to maintaining the character of this working class and latino corridor. Its under dice stress from displace and gentrification, and this does include the large influx of restaurants, brew pubs, bars and coffee shops. This is one of just there are three coffee shops. One just opened, one around it within four blocks on Mission Street alone. Thats how many are coming in and whats going to support this huge inflex, right, is a continued move away from Community Serving towards destination tourist serving and thats having an effect on our working class families in the mission and in particular on our central corridor here. So were also greatly concerned about the concentration were seeing in regards to it, and we appreciate the Planning Department quickly pulling together a concentration study even though its not a requirement. We do think its critical in terms of whats happening here of ground floor use, and we dont really differentiate just to remind us of course that a limited Service Restaurant only means that they dont serve alcohol under the new planning code ruling on that. And if i could see have the overhead please, sfgov. And what i want to look at here is the we did this ourselves also extremely quickly, and we just want to think in our very kwiek rough through in the neighborhood just a few hours ago, to be honest, were seeing quite a bit more eating and drinking establishments than mapped out in the Planning Departments effort to quickly buzz through it. The pink things are things that we found additionally just today in taking a quick look. So we think in fact the concentration is significantly higher, definitely over the 25 just sort of benchmark right that we often look at whats going on in a corridor. So we have a lot of concern in that measure. So we are asking you today, therefore, to exercise your discretion as youve done before in similar projects in this case and really just encourage a healthy agreement on this project, which is really all weve been after, that were really looking for historically what weve seen is whats important is we need to get in writing some of the key components that keep this latino and family working class corridor stable and those components are things like local hire, bilingual staff and moderately priced goods. On those things are necessary in what we feel is getting towards our end goal characterized by priority policy two, that existing neighborhood and housing quirk be preserved. Its especially important, we feel right now as were beginning to take steps towards Mission Street hopefully we anticipate becoming a cultural corridor, and as well as in the meantime, were even seeing other protections moving forward in our Planning Department, as well as some discussions with the Mayors Office of economic and workforce development. We think its important that we maintain the corridor at this time while those things are in the works. We do believe were very close to an agreement. In fact after trading many rounds of mou drafts, the community has been working in good faith to make this happen. A couple of examples being even seven weeks ago we offered to simply cut the legal clauses that mr. Tierra was concerned about, but he declined, saying hed prefer lawyers to vet it, and of course everything naturally slowed down from there, and we also went as far as to add additional language above the language we were legally comfortable with to try to assuage some of his additional concerns. So wed ask you to exercise your discretion and help us reach a healthy conclusion there. Thank you. President hillis all right. Thank you. Is there Public Comment in support of the dr request . Teresa flandrich. I support the dr. I also applaud the attempts at negotiating this, as well as the importance of maintaining all that can be done to stablize this neighborhood. These are also coffee shops where kids in the neighborhood can go and work when they Start College or mothers, grandmothers thats such a key in community and in stablizing a particular neighborhood, and the Mission District alone has suffered so much, and so anything that can be done in my mind should be done, so i, again, ask you to support this dr. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening, commissioners. The hours getting late, so i wont take up too much of your time, but i believe what peter mentioned is important, that we are having a higher concentration of Office Retail coming in on Mission Street, considering that working class families are a key and important demographic in the community that exists along that corridor. I think its very important that were thoughtful about what measures were taking exactly whats coming in and how. Considering that the community has been engaging in a good faith discussion with mr. Tierra to try to reach a memorandum of understanding thats going to ensure that hes not only going to be able to operate his business successfully but its going to be accessible to the working class in the mission. We think that its important that the commission find that those efforts can continue and that memorandum can come to a signature at the end of the day between the community and mr. Tierra and ensure that his establishment is going to maintain a cultural awareness of the community in which it resides. So if time can be permitted to ensure that that good faith effort continues, especially considering the reasonableness of the terms of the agreement, that would be best for this project and for the community itself. Thank you very much. President hillis thank you. Mr. Hall . Im going to be a little scattered here, but basically just also asking for more time for the community to come to an agreement. Were not asking anything extraordinary that we havent done with other restaurants and folks, too. But i was reading Something Interesting today that is part of a sfgov. Its part of a study by ucla comprehensive project june of 15 entitled oriented for whom, and it kind of it looks at six different transit oriented stations and looks at characteristics that are changing and tries to make some recommendations for the city of los angeles. Their recommendations arent going to apply exactly to us. In fact were doing some of what they already recommend. The thing i found interesting was that theres a whole section the third section of this report tries to look at changing commercial corridors near these stations, and what they what they did was they basically said they basically used coffee shops and doughnut shops as the proxy for gentrification, and they said thats been done in other studies. They actually quote one another study where they where it was shown that certain that prices rental prices increased around the starbucks locations right after the starbucks locations came in. So the concept of a coffee shop as gentrifying is well understand by the researchers and the study. The fact that were talking about a coffee shop is important here. Its not just oh things right across from vida. Is it a coincidence that these kinds of gentrifying shops are popping up near these kinds of market rate projects . I think not. So some of the stuff they recommend in here is simply to, you know, have Community Based organizations work with the developers to mitigate gentrifying things. Thats all were trying to do, exactly what they suggest. By the way, we San Francisco get some kudos because along in here our corridors, our formula retail controls is one of the things theyre recommending. Thank you. President hillis thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners. Eric abuela with calle callete cuatro. We have had a larger influx of businesses coming into the Latino Community on Mission Street. Its very important to have an mou especially in areas like anything else street, because of gentrification, displacement of our small businesses. It works well with the business, and it helps the community if issues are addressed in writing and in advance. Its a way to disclose the plan that the community has for the mission, like 24th street, to be better prepared. Itll prepare the business in order for it to fit in. New businesses have expectations of the area to become like a valencia street. Thats something we found, and a lot of folks coming in dont understand the neighborhood and whats going on, especially if theyre from outside the area, thus becoming more of a problem to add to the gentrification of the area. We saw many businesses that came in the 90s that eventually closed because they did not understand the issues or the economics of the area in this latino working class, so this mou shows a good effort, and we have signed quite a few on 24th and Mission Street on our end. One thing i want to point out is the built in environment is an indication of who it is and who will go in or not. Weve seen businesses come and remove murals that are historical here from the outside or the inside, hiring people that dont understand the neighborhood, have created a hostile environment for locals in the area, so we need this to protect our community. Weve dealt with businesses that have signed it and working well, using english and spanish, preserving historic signs for us, lowering their prices, creating a wall for for the neighborhood to place art and to be part of the Art Community in the area. So this is something thats really its good for the business and the community as a whole. Thank you. President hillis thank you. Any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, project sponsor . Welcome. Good afternoon, commissioners. I think mr. Michaelson has summarized this very well. This is a space the building was purchased six years ago by a landlord and it was completely renovated. He turned this particular space into a company cafe, which is not in conformance with the code as a retail space, it should be open to the public. So at some point, they realized that they could not use it as a company cafe and decided to lease this completely built out cafe to make it available to the public and thats where i came in. So its a very kind of a simple decision from a code perspective. I think meta griefances are more Public Policy grievances and have less to do with this space. Its about issues related to displacement of various essential businesses. We are not displacing any essential businesses that serves the local families. The space has been vacant for six years. Prior to that, it was a bridal shop, i believe, a porn shop, a porn studio, so taking it from a company cafe to a public cafe, you know, serves the Public Interest in that it brings the space into a conforming use. And i think this mou that weve been working on for the last three months, i included a copy in my packet to you from january 18th, and you can see clearly that there are violations actually, criminal violations, one that dictates that 80 to 85 of our employees have to be bilingual. Thats a violation of the eeoc compliance manual. Its also a violation of title 7 of the 1964 civil rights act. So meta purports to be a champion of civil rights, but in the process, it wants to, you know, violate what is the bed rock of civil rights in this country. And thats thank you thank you for having me. President hillis thank you. Any Public Comment in support of the project and opposed to the dr. Seeing none, dr, sir you have a twominute rebuttal. Thank you. I just want to address a couple of those issues that he noted, and ill start with the last one, which is that as i said, not only was our lawyer and meta comfortable with the legal language as it existed before, suggesting elements of a local hire and that have been signed before in the mission, but hearing his continued concerns, we even went so far as to considerably rewrite them even more in a way that we felt was well and beyond anything that could be questioned, and you can see i only have one copy, unfortunately, but if people want to take a look at it, youll see extensive language written in, so it would erase any legal doubt in order to assuage his concerns. I want to point out that we are here how our land use unfolds is our Public Policy and they are one and the same. They determine the outcomes of our community and the ongoing policies as we go forward. This was additionally i mean, we do we want to know, this was not known as a cafe. In the public meaning, this was an office that nobody knew was a cafe behind frosted glass for many years, so this is yet another conversion, a coffee shop will yet be another public coffee shop. All that said, we havent even been trying to stop this project. I want to note very clearly, weve just been asking for the very similar mous, and i think mr. Arguello can tell you, a nearby cafe signed a similar mou with callente cuatro, and that the Community Stands ready to sign away. If mr. Arguello would sign the deal, we hd all go away. Mr. Tierra, you have any rebuttal . The changes that mr. Papadopolous is ta

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