Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20180209

SFGTV Government Access Programming February 9, 2018

Mr. Chairman, you have a quorum. Item three is communications, im not aware of any. Item four, board of directors new or old business. Ill make this short my old friend from high school said he knew how to straighten out the Millennium Tower so i would announce it. You let the rest sink and then drill those piles. I talked to mark about that, he said yeah, thats been talked about. But i did promise my friend i would pass on his great idea. Okay. Thats it for communications. Item four, board of directors new under old. Chair nuru good morning directors. Everybody is eager to jump in. laughter item five executive director. Good morning directors. On january 24th, voted to place measure three on the june ballot for this year. The measure will increase the total on toll bridges, excludeing the golden gate bridge, 3 gradually by 2025. As importantly, 5 million in annual operations for the Transit Center. If passed by the voters, the money could be available as soon as january 2019. On june 12th we submitted our application for the rail Capital Program, including the request for 275 million for the construction of the downtown expansion. The Capital Program provides grants from the Greenhouse Gas fund for projects. This is a five year Program Updated every two years and provides 2. 4 billion in grants over five years. The approved project list is expected to be published end of april this year. In regards to the real operation study we completed in october 2017, the peer review of the real Operations Report and it includes evaluations of operation materials from the study and value engineering study on behalf of the property owner. Theyre composed of senior managers with substantial rail Operation Management with commuter and inner city rail lines, including jacobs, less elliot group and Port Authority of new york and new jersey. The purpose is to inform key policy makers regarding the operational advantages of having three tracks versus two track system. The Peer Review Committee held meetings with caltrain, high speed rail and Group Representative on january 25th and 26th. The peer review is expected to be completed in march of this year. The presentation of the results will be presented in april to the board. And at the april Board Meeting it is expected the final supplemental environment document will be presented for consideration. At this time i would like to have the efforts for the Transit Center. Morning erica elliot. Im here to present the retail update for the month. Want you to see if you could page 2, so we have extreme interest as usual, moving along. Go to the next page. Youll see where we are in our progress in getting towards the 11 stores open second quarter. We are scheduled for 11 by the end 13 by the end of this quarter. We have 11 already and its february. So we are ahead of schedule. Great news. In terms of the actual interest, getting varied interest in all categories and using that interest and the inquiries from the web site to go through our merchandising plan to appropriately place each tenants used to match what the board approved last year. One note that i think you all might be really interested in knowing, of the inquiries that we have, over 75 are local. We continue our our action items, we continue to speak with tenants, tour them through the spaces, receive their work letters, analyze them with the help of Lincoln Properties to make sure they fit mechanically in the spaces identified. Work through tenant work letters to get to the spaces to mechanically compensate for rierm requirements and then price that out and keep within our budget we have identified for landlords work and tenant improvement dollars and we are on budget. Any questions . Chair nuru i guess i have one question, this might be for mark. Since were paying for the build out, how does it work into negotiations when a new tenant comes in . Its part of the what we intend to do is provide certain allowance, depending on the tenant, what their uses are and what their capabilities are and weve provided a rough budget but we think each space is required for improvements and building improvements. Well pay 100 of improvements. Thats part of the negotiations. Capturing some of the money put up for that . We expect to get higher rents paying for more improvements. And less improvements, lower rents. The retailers can provide up front money versus paying the lease. Im assuming theres a formula for that . Sure. How that works for example we have a tenant interested in a space that it was originally designed for a restaurant and they dont require any venting. That expense that we supply goes towards takes out of that and into the rest of the bucket so to speak. If another tenant needs a shaft or cooking or Something Like that, that would cost extra, its paid for. So depending on the space, the tenant physical requirements for that space and type of tenant it is, we stay within our budget for landlords work, which is what mark was saying and then if its for a restaurant, a certain ti above the landlords work, if its not a restaurant, we dont give them the restaurant ti, we give them less. I see. Director nuru, each has different needs and were going to capture the total costs through the rent or chair nuru i understand that. But were putting up a lot of money and trying to make money. I dont want to give away everything. No, no, were not no. Its not given as incentive. Its by need. If we had it our way, wed have them pay all the improvements, but thats not practical. And we are sorting applications from bay residents who want to sit on the committee. Application deadlines are february 20th and applications are on our web site. That concludes my report. Chair nuru questions from the board . Next item. Item six, citizen advisory update. We have bruce with us. Good morning chair nuru, directors, im the chair of the citizens advisory committee. My comments are focused in the following areas today, first on the staff report, we continue to encourage the San Francisco Planning Department to work with the Key Stakeholders and Decision Makers to move forward with the process leading to a decision on the preferred alignment of the downtown extension as part of the study for a host of reasons that we shared at previous Board Meetings. We were pleased to hear that mayor ferrell will receive a briefing and look forward to hearing back. Regarding construction update, we had with the substantial completion date now pushed out to june 1st, we see a significant risk with the implementation of full bus operation by mid june. With that said, we heard at our meeting that ac transit and other operators are working closely with the project team to get on site as soon as possible to ensure training can occur prior to achieving substantial completion of the center. And we wanted to note, the project team fully agreed that employee and Operator Safety as always comes first and no early training would be scheduled if there were any risks. We do understand based on how training progresses, implementation of full bus operations could be pushed out. We were also pleased to see that the aec is holding. We had discussion in regards to how that is being managed as we know that scheduled delays intuitively lead to overruns. It was explained that those are covered as we know many of the bid packages awarded were higher dollar amounts at premiums than the estimates. Moving on to faulcilities and retail update. We provided feedback on our concerns of readiness of passenger signage, status of bus departures and information of that sort. This was identified as a risk unless appropriate workarounds could be identified and we ask for a presentation at our next meeting of the status of popup readiness. We were interested in forecast, types of popups planned, locations, next steps, etc cetera. On several slides we requested additional clarity and month to month completion dates. The project team agreed and committed to communicate status and schedule. And on the slide i just noticed on the report, this morning, that changes were made from tuesday to really focus in on the cumulative progress as retail is being brought on. The last item i wanted to share with you was regarding a followup on the cac item we have been tracking closely, the integrated Planning Efforts to address and support issues associated with the potential homelessness population that could be attracted to the center. At our meeting december 5th, 2017, the staff facilitated a multi agency Panel Discussion of coordinated response to quality of life issues in the trans bay neighborhood. This was done in response to request to understand the proactive approach being planned to provide support services to the potential Homeless Population that could be attracted to the Transit Center, a premier public facility and neighborhoods around the center. This started about 18 months early with the request to have detailed plans presented prior to the opening of the center, specifically procedures and protocol in the center and surrounding neighborhoods focused on safety, security and availability of supportive services. There was Significant Interest from the neighboring building tenants. Representatives from mission bay and others attended the meeting. Members of the panel from the department of homelessness and supportive housing. Captain fong from sfpd. We thank them for attending, presenting and for their commitment. The presentation focused on each department outlining procedures. First describing the three levels of support within the center, ambassadors, security and sfpd officers. As additional assistance is needed, the transit personnel will work with other agencies, in most cases department of supportive housing, sfpd and others as appropriate. They will follow current procedures and protocol to handle situations on a case by case basis as they do citywide. Various examples on the effectiveness of how theyre working together to support atrisk residents. If neighbors and agencies outside of the center see problems or identify issues, theyre instructed to call or contact 311 or the sfpd and theyll respond which is current protocol. To ensure optimal response, each agency indicated they might need Additional Resources. The members had a robust debrief and follow up discussion on january 8, 2018. We were pleased with the direction of readiness of the center and protocol with the city departments however remain concerned about the potential impact of increased Homeless Population on neighborhoods adjacent to the center. These neighborhoods dont have the level of dedicated and coordinated resources that will be on site within the center and would face challenges responding to and assisting the homeless. In light of the high profile nature of the public facility in one of the most or soon to be densely Populated Areas of the city, were making the following recommendations to ensure engagement, clarity of protocol and expectations of stakeholder groups and city agencies. First, establish a committee to review plans and protocol and upon the opening of the center monitor effectiveness of the plans to ensure safety, security, quality of Life Services are being provided. At minimum one member from the staff, sfpd, department of homelessness, neighboring business should be members of the committee, members of other constituent groups should be added as identified. Second, part of the planning process review with the committee what specific types of services will and can be offered to those identified as homeless and others who are at risk. Identify responsible organization, where they will be provided and established metrics. Third, allocate resources from across associated city departments to be dedicated to this plan. Commit these resources to a lockbox agreement. Four, based on the evaluation of metrics and conditions, if Additional Resources are needed, they can be identified and submitted for approval as part of the next two year city budget cycle and last, once the center opens, the committee should meet at least twice a month to assess issues, performance and metrics and make necessary adjustments. The cac is excited about the opening of the Transit Center. So much great work has been completed to this point. Additional focus in this area is just another element to ensure that the center will be the premier transit facility and public aminutety. There is much discussion to whom it should be addressed and district six supervisor, supervisor kim with cc to mark farrell and all the associated departments who participated in the panel. This was done yesterday evening. As a cac we are not experts in this area and provide the recommendations only as a framework for consideration as an appropriate path forward. Thank you for the opportunity to provide the update and happy to answer any questions. Chair nuru Board Members . I have one. I know i havent, but maybe staff has, seen the way that the terminal will funnel people and protect people from where the construction still maybe going on, how theylling g get up to bus deck, has cac seen anything like that . We have not seen an update on the egress looks like as a center initially opens. I dont know maybe ac has but were going to have to see that soon so we know how our passengers are going to get up there and relatedly, too, as far as i know, linda would know better, were not going to have any all Night Service through the terminal. Theyll run until midnight. But there is a time that from ac transit standpoint, you could close the terminal down a few hours. Security will still be there and maybe thats another coordination that needs to take place. A lot of facilities can use three or four hours of down time for various reasons and the hope would be maybe passengers will be all night station, that kind of thing. Were coordinating closely with operators on what needs are, what time they need the bus there and so forth so we can close areas off. Obviously the park is going to be closed. The bus station will be closed after midnight and service will be street level and we do have a plan showing how that will be, well bring that up at the next meeting. In general access would be up through the park. Retail areas would be cordoned off. The areas west of free mount within the Transit Center would be closed. It would be a separation. Well make sure it doesnt feel like a construction hall. It will be fully open and we just cordoned off on sidewalks around. Well present something next month. I want to thank bruce for his help with the homelessness situation. We are in close contact and coordination with the Community Benefit district in terms of how were going to coordinate any issues once we open. The next item is for members of the public to address you on things not on the agenda. Jim patrick. Welcome. Patrick and company, two issues that i want to call to your attention. Number one, we focused on this homeless notion, which is an important notion. I rode in on the bart today with a homeless person who i think was placed by the hospital, she had a lot of hospital stuff on her wrist and have you, we can receive Homeless People into the Transit Center and need to have policies that deal with those people. Kansas city sent someone on a Greyhound Bus to San Francisco, what are we going to do . We should proactively try to address it. Number two strategically i would like the board to agendize the peer review meeting going on. This is a strategic issue we need to jump on immediately. Im glad mark reported on it but we need to be on top of that and immediately support it. What we dont want is for it to die in the committee some place. Thats my hope. Thats my fear. Thats not my hope. Its my fear it will die in committee. We want to be out front, we want to be the leader on this and have the Mayors Office come in on it and approve it and get this in our eir and get moving on it. It needs leadership from the board and i think being more proactive with this, well achieve that leadership objective. Everybody is looking at us to move forward on this. My recommendation agendize the peer group so we have a report and we know what the end result is and the position well take when its complete. Thank you. Okay. That concludes members of the public that wanted to address you under that item. We can move into the regular calendar. Item 8, construction update. Good morning. Ron and i will report on our monthly update. Its busy out there, still over 700 workers in all zones throughout the entire area. In our usual graphic that we update monthly, you can see on the roof top, it is very active from the gray water basin from the east to the great lawn amp theater to the west on the roof top. A very different color from last month, the bus deck, you can see a lot of the purple color, what that is depicting is a lot of ceiling panels that will start going up. All the work above the ceilings is relatively complete. A lot of the areas have been cleared so the southwest, our subcontractor for that particular work can progress and thats throughout the entire area of the bus deck and when you move down to that lower line, it shows the exterior, the ground level as you look at the overhang above the ground level. And moving down to the second level, theres a lot of activity in that area, web core is getting ready to turn over to turner projects for improvements. These are the Facility Improvements such as greyhound and amtrak a

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