So the Observation Deck is to observe the firefighters in action. Yes. And deploying the boats and that sort of thing. Is there a way we can monetize that . Im just kidding. [laughter] one of the things that was included is they wanted to see tours made available to the historic station, and i believe since it is no longer a dormitory site, that that might be possible. Right. Maybe you can try for that. Okay. Thank you very much. Youre welcome. I had one other question for you , i cant remember what it is right now, but can you please send that last visual to our Commission Secretary so that she can distribute it to us . Certainly, i will do that tomorrow. Thank you again. Thank you very much. Thank you for your report. It sounds like your heart is in this project. Absolutely. I have been working on it for a number of years, and i do think it is it is obvious the very innovative in terms of its response to sealevel rise, for example, and i think it is something that it has been under the radar so far, and i think once it gets under construction and it gets closer to completion , you will see a lot more, you know, publicity about it. Theres been a little bit about it from junking in the chronicle , but i think it is a really neat project, and obviously, you know, really important project for the city in terms of providing critical Emergency Response infrastructure. Im very excited about it. I know Port Commissioners are as well. Chief nicholson mentioned we were at the Port Commission last tuesday the 14th, unfortunately i had been called in for jury duty, so i wasnt there. I watch the video. They are very, very supportive and poised to approve the m. O. U. Next tuesday. Its a contributing resource to that. The short paragraph about dredging is it requires much dredging as some of the areas due to the buildup of the float and i dont know if he is able to say more about that but that will be the responsibility of the Fire Department if that is required. Again, during our finding, through a maritime consultant, theres a potential for a buildup of cells as jamie explained. If that does occur, we would be responsible for removing the buildup so that the float would still be able to rise and fall with the sea level. I think though, according to our calculations, unless there was something pretty catastrophic, were looking at not much, you know, removal. I think were in pretty good shape. In terms of what we were the information we were given through the Consulting Group from d. P. W. The draft of the new structure, do you have it off the top of your head . I dont. Neither do i. One of the few items. I will add though that this project, the float itself is to build the fire house itself o are so theres a lot of local, o theres a lot of local enterprise working on it. Very good. Ok. Did the footprint off the top of your head, do you have the footprint difference in Square Footage according to bcdc . Are you referring to where we started out with the project . I know theyre finicky. Anything over the order is considered filled. I was wondering how this worked out . I dont have the exact numbers. You know, the facility was sized to sort of provide the minimum m amount of fill that would meet the requirements for this facility. It started out as a larger facility and certain things got moved into that were originally in the new facility got moved into the historic fire house. I would like to add the actual float is it was built to berth all of our maritime vessels so the float itself could not be downsized. But the building was downsized by 7 after initial row marks from bcdc when we first started our project with them. We did reduce the size of the building but the float cannot be reduced because then we would not have the capacity to put all of our maritime assets. Chief nickolson, who is going to be the point person on this . Have you decided yet . What do you mean the point person . The new commander to oversee this project from your staff. So, our support ser visions,s it our go to and chief rivera on our fire station rebuilds. He has staff that works for him who oversee those or intimately involved in whether station 5 or station 16. Thank you. I was surprised i was looking forward to maybe some harsher problems financially for the Fire Department. In short term, things are looking good. Thank you. Thank you, very much, commissioner hardeman and thank you in terms of your questions and comments. Thank you very much for your comprehensive presentation and update just as a point of information. This will go in front of the Board Commission when . Tuesday the 28th of may and our Port Commission meets at 3 15 every other tuesday. So yeah, this next tuesday. Its scheduled as a consent item so unless one of the commissioners wants to take it off the consent calender and ask questions, we expect them to just vote on it without having a presentation. No further presentation because we gave them an informational update last week. That calender, with the action item in terms of a motion and a vote. Correct. And i will say in terms of the timing, the timing is good. We sort of pushed it out as far as we really can without running into the potential to impact the project schedule. The project team is anxious to get going with actual construction starting i think with some of the demolition work that we talked about at the existing site. Obviously, as the chief mentioned, some of the work is done overseas. The window for in water work construction window opens up on june 1st so theres a desire to get going and utilize that window as much as possible. Thank you, very much mr. Hurley and thank you very much chief for being this commissioner. Yes, chief nickolson, just a quick question on this. Why doesnt the commission, the park commission, has to approve the nyu . The Port Commission has to approve it because theres a ceqa. Its not this isnt for the permit process to move forward. Do you have something to adhere . In general its been the practice of the department to bring m. O. U. S that involve outside agencies before the commission and not necessarily within other city departments. We have a few for a variety of services with other city departments if thats the desire of the commission Going Forward in the future, we can definitely suggest thasuggest that but itt practice. Its important for our commission to officially endorse and support this m. O. U. Dont you . They wan support so i would like to make a motion to support this m. O. U. Its not an action item. Im going to have voice president covington comment on this. Voice president covington . Thank you, mr. President. I understand from the City Attorneys Office its not necessary for us to vote on this. It would be good for us to just say by a vote affirmation that we appreciate the work of the Port Commission and that we are in agreement with what is in the document. Going forward, as mr. Corso said, if we want to make sure were voting on particular things, that would be the new approach. Because of the ceqa requirements, California Environmental protection concerns, we dont want to hold anything up. I agree with that. So for us to insist at this point that we have a formal vote would hold things up. Well, yeah, we just put it on the agenda obviously. For discussion. It was an agenda as something for us to vote on. Something to think about in the future. Absolutely. We can discuss that for sure. Thank you. Thank you. At this point again, thank you, very much mr. Hurl. Hurly. You got the flavor of the commission in terms of this as well and the understanding. I concur with the statements of our voice president in terms of sequence and process. Also that we have our folks that have been working very hard on this and were ready to go. And this particular point in terms of what chief rivera referred to in terms of construction, as well as part of this equipment or in terms of the berth that is being made overseas. Theres a window here in terms of when that berth can come over here to San Francisco. At this particular point, we thank you for that and mr. Hardeman has a comment. Yes, jamie, id just like you to send my regards to mike nernie. He was the maritime director and he is still the assistant. He is a very wonderful guy who works with you. I took a cruise out of pier 27 out of jimmy herman terminal. Ive had a couple other cruises since the terminal opened but there were other ships in there so i had to go out of 35. My First Experience was at the end of march on a cruise and its remarkable. Being named after jimmy herman, who i served on the Port Commission with, i dont know if any of you every saw jimmy herman in action. He was president of the union for many years and many years as a Port Commissioner, every meeting he would get up for 10 or 15 minutes, stand up, go back and fourth and give a speech to the audience that the Port Commission, the most wonderful words came out of his mouth but you werent sure what he said but he sounded really good. He didnt have that opportunity but yes. Having a cruise ship named after him is his first dealings as a maritime person were as working on a cruise ship. Report from chief of department on Current Issues and events of the Department Since the Fire Commission meeting on may eighth, including budget, academy, special events, outreach to other Government Agencies and the public and report from Administration Deputy chief jose vello on administrative division, fleet and facility status and updates finance support services, Homeland Security and training within the department. Thank you, very much, madam secretary. As in our tradition, chief nickolson give your report first and ill ask for Public Comment and questions from the commissioners and they will move into the report for the administration with deputy chief joe a vella. Welcome. Thank you, president. Vice president , commissioners. Sister marine. This is my report. First i would like to to a intre a couple of people. Weve made promotions since i told chief vello down here. We have we are promoting an acting assistant chief and shes here tonight. Chief lori kaylo, she will be in division 2 moving forward. And then, were also making some changes in e. M. S. And we have neil with us here tonight and can you stand up, neil. So he will he already is working hard for us so thats a couple of changes that were making. Some of the other things that are happening i happening in oud chill reached out to all the employee groups and meet with them we have made contact with them and well be meeting with them. Even our Chiefs Association is nothing life again which is great. Theres a lot of support in the department. Cd2, 3 and myself, we attended the Union Membership meeting on may ninth. And spoke to the members and had a good reception. Just opening up communication. Opening up the communication lines so we can collaborate on what we can Work Together on. We had a Labor Management meeting with chief vello and myself and the board of the union local 798 yesterday. That was a productive meeting. Cd2, 3 and myself are continuing to visit the fire stations. And were going to get to every sing of one of them and within the first month. They have made quite a dent to getting around to talk to all the members. Ive made it to several stations. Station 5, station 7, station 13, aim going to go to station 14 this friday and we also had on the 17th, we had a town hall meeting at station 49 which we got a really good reception and chiefs attended as well. A lot of questions and a lot of back and fourth. I felt it was really helpful, productive and again, theres sort of a ground swell of movement there. Were working on new committees that can come out of station 49 to work on some of the issues there. Feeling good about that. Were going to have a pretower in jun for the members of station 49 who would like to transition into suppression so they can get on the list for that. Budget, budget, budget. We have submitted our enhancement requests to the mayors Budget Office. If you recall, we were asked to cut two and a half percent and we pushed back on that because of our increased in call volume and all the increase things that we are committed to doing for the city. We felt it was unsustainable for us and so we moved forward with some enhancements so that is with the mayors Budget Office right now and as you know, weve been having meetings with some of the supervisors with some of the members of the commission and were moving forward with that and having good conversations, bringing the data, bringing the story to them so they understand and understand where wore coming from. We met with supervisor fewer, supervisor walton and we had a meeting with supervisor peskin. Were doing some promotions. I dont know if you saw emails today but there are more retirements so theres movement in the department. We met with dhr regarding regarding testing and what tests well move forward with and in terms of whether we keep the schedule the way it is or if we accelerate things. That is a conversation were having internally whether we go with a three year or two year with a oneyear extension and we are having that conversation internally and well have that conversation with local 798 as well. This week, ill meet with the head of the bicycle coalition. Were on good speaking grounds. So were not bashing heads and working on what we can work on together. We all want the city to be safer and there are Different Things to think about with that today we met with brad rusey, myself and Olivia Scanlan met with him in regards to the morgado case and he will update all of you in the near future. Were meeting with department of Emergency Management on our disaster preparations and plans and training moving forward and we are weve had a couple meetings with some of our e. M. S. Partners and wore meeting with emsa and the medical director for the Fire Department and medical director of ems moving forward. We also met with the member of the council of hospitals today. Were not working in a vacuum, theyre not working in a vacuum so we need to open up the conversation so we know how we can all best Work Together with transparency and good communications. And then, just lastly, i know that there are a lot of hopeful people here in the rooms. People hoping to get a job with the Fire Department. We applaud you for coming to the Fire Commission meetings and you are certainly welcome here at any time to hear what is going on and to if you want to drop off your resume here thats fine or send it to our headquarters. Myself approximate m and my coml not meet after the meetings. Were changing things up a little bit moving forward. You are certainly welcome here and i think its a great place to get some information about the Fire Department. We just want to be up front with you about that. That concludes my report for tonight. Thank you, very much chief nickolson. At this particular point ill ask for Public Comment off your report. Is there any member of the public who wishes to give Public Comment off of chief nickolsons report. Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Any questions, discussions from the commissioners . Thank you, mr. President. And thank you chief, for your report. Couple of questions. When you talked about the testing schedule or what not, that d. H. R. And the departments had a conversation about and you will have to go to local 798 for any changes, is d. H. R. Suggesting that we have some sort of changes . No, they are not. Its simply the schedule and again, it could certainly have a Financial Impact on us if we have tests more regularly. By think it can also have a positive Operational Impact on us in terms of ive seen some lists where weve gone all the way through the list and hired everyone on the list and sometimes that is to our benefit and sometimes its not. Moving forward, we can figure out whether we do the threeyear test or twoyear test with a oneyear extension or how were going to work it. The test with the biggest impact on us is typically the h20 test because its what most people tend to take that exam. This is all a discussion that weve just started that we havent ex to any conclusions on. Again, its just were opening up conversations with all sorts of different departments, different aspects, and so nothing has been decided as of yet. But the entry level that is continuous testing. Nothing is changing with the entry level. That was my question. One other question, you met with the Hospital Council with david. Yes. He is a really good guy and the Hospital Council, is there almosroom for our commission for opportunity for our commission to meet with the Hospital Council . Im sure we could arrange that. Absolutely. It was a meet and greet and from where im coming from, where the new administration is coming from and lets see how we can Work Together. I was invited to their meeting in june. I think we have to have these conversations because as you know, we dont work in a vacuum. Holh