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One of the things i have been involved in they have all been the same s. R. O. S out of ingleside station at june jordan , at academy soda, i struggled with a young man with a loaded pistol, and then this here at balboa. The other two incidents impacted me, but this issue this year, it was my son. It totally impacted our family. It impacted me, my relationship with the School District, and it impacted the way that a look at things differently. So i ask you to pleas hold people accountable to when things like this happen. We have been fortunate that nobody has been killed. Please be ready for when it does one of the things that i do ask as we do better training for staff, for line staff. I have been in the district 20 years and i have never been trained. The con the people that get trained are the administrators. I administrator trained as last year but now she is leaving. So now we need to keep continuing making sure people are trained correctly. When the incident happened at balboa, they said that there were councilors in Mental Health nobody was sent out for six days i had the emails communicating with the department of health lady at the clinic. They were sure to go on the news and say there was councillors there, but there was no therapy there. I was in the back. We need to do a better job of that. We also need to have a check off list so when this does happen, it ministry theres no what they need to do, and make sure all parties sign off every year that they read and understood the m. O. U. It is not fair that for people to have to deal with kids and not know what is expected of them. So with that, i thank you guys for this and hopefully we will create some change to make our schools safer. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon, good morning. My name is deirdre. I am a teacher librarian at Malcolm X Academy and also a parent of a junior at Burton High School and who my son frequently gets into altercations and i feel fortunate to say he talks to me quite a bit about his life, and i know that when he does get in altercations with other students , the last person in the world that he would ever want to go to, or have involved is a Police Officer. I know that we all understand what i mean when, you know, when i say we have to consider Police Conduct in our communities, particularly black and brown communities a Public Health issue because too many people are harmed. Our black and brown people, our community members, are harmed. What i want to say is that the Community Needs more opportunity to look at this memorandum of understanding that is being presented today and have opportunities to give feedback. Thank you. Thank you so much. Next speaker. Good morning. My name is annabella. Im an attorney would Legal Services for children. We represent young people in it dependency court, immigration matters, guardianship, and expulsion proceedings which frequently run parallel when there is an incident on campus that requires Police Involvement two things, first, this issue, of course, is incredibly visible right now because of the incident at balboa, but i want to flag that this extends further than that. We had an m. O. U. Pass in 2014, it has been five years now, and we are still trying to figure it out. I want to highlight this is an issue the Community Knows very well and that we should appreciate there has been some involvement there of trying to get that Community Voice into this. I also want to talk about the question about court involved youth and the notification requirements. In particular, i would suggest the involvement of contacting h. S. A. Social workers. Each dependent has a social worker assigned to work with them and has a trusting relationship. In particular, it is great to contact resource families if a young person is any family where there is an adult who is able to respond and we could have young people who only have social workers is a constant in their lives. They also have quote courtappointed attorneys. I would also recommend involving those people as well. I want to highlight the agreements like the m. O. U. Are only as good as they are being honored. Is much as i appreciate the willingness to listen to the community and the willingness to have a complaint process, ultimately, there are no guarantees that a complaint these complaints could result in any changed behavior. On behalf of the young people that we work with, i am requesting more robust measures of accountability in the event of violation of this m. O. U. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. I am tracy. Im here today as a parent and im here to talk about what happened that day at balboa. There are clearly a lot of things that we can learn from, but i also want to point out that there was an incident at june jordan where things were handled so well. Apologies were made, students had community circles, there are some great ways of how to address this. In the balboa incident, it just did not happen. There was no restorative circle with the family. As a matter of fact, when i went back to take the student to school, we were told that we couldnt have a restorative circle, or reentry or the principal and administrator was there. I know from experience of the incident at june jordan had the Community Reaction that we needed. The way we want to see things happen in the community and in the School District. If we are really about restorative practice, i want to say for the record, the harm has not been restored. This happened almost a year ago. There was never an apology by the School District. Although, Board Members and commissioners have apologized, nothing from the School District there was nothing for the students to say, hey, this was not the kid that was portrayed all over the media. Hey, im sorry your kid was looking like he was a criminal all over t. V. There was none of that that happened. We need more training for teachers and other administrators, the police. I agree with a lot of the recommendations, and lastly, the s. R. O. S, like, what are there schedules . Can they work more games in the evenings . We want to be able to have an m. O. U. That works for everyone and we need more Student Input. Theres a captive audience of students, and you only have 100 people give input is really just not acceptable. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning. My name is lydia. Diego is my son. I have several recommendations on this m. O. U. , but i would first like to address the fact that i believe there was a lack of Community Outreach in the sense that having 100 people comment on this issue is a little disturbing to me, being that there are so many schools here and so many parents would love to be able to provide feedback. I also would like to note that the schools where the Community Meetings were located at were not a neighborhoods where more of the kids affected by this m. O. U. Live. So that is an area of concern for me as well. The other thing is, one of my recommendations is i would like for this m. O. U. Or the children s rights to be addressed in some type of assembly to kids at the beginning of the year so that every year, they can be explained their rights, so they know in the event that something happens, what to do, and what their rights are. Second, a big thing for me is i want staff, if there is an event that another traumatic incident happens, that the staff involved are required to take some type of Mental Health training or counciling to help them cope with their feelings about what happened because i can guarantee you that my son was mistreated throughout the rest of the year that he was at balboa and any little action that they felt required discipline was completely taken out of proportion. Any disciplinary action that was taken was not in line with disciplinary policies. I believe that that stemmed from whatever feelings where, you know, still impacting them. Those are two things i would like to see, but i would love to thank each and every one of you for being here and being part of all the conversations that are happening, specifically supervisor safai who has been a tremendous help to our family, supervisor walton, and also supervisor ronen in proceeding with the ordinance. [indiscernible] thank you so much. Next speaker. Good afternoon, supervisors, commissioners, and trustees. Im here today wearing many hats im a grandmother of a child in an sfusd school, i care about what happens at her school. I am a mother of a former student at thurgood marshall, and we have a huge Police Incident which prompted the redo of the m. O. U. That you are now looking at. It has been revised quite a few times since that incident in 2002 and im here today wearing my essay sciu hat for the San Francisco unified San Francisco unified School District. I want to know and appreciate the comments made by some very specific groups. Huckleberry youth, they gave some really good outstanding comments. Advocates, take these comments seriously. If you have forgotten some, go back and review the tapes. The Youth Commission also had great comments and there were many folks also from other groups, patty, here as well from the public defenders office. All of these are so necessary and need to be put into this document. City College Needs to have a joint m. O. U. So we can create a network all across City College Campuses that are mirroring what is happening in our sfusd school sights. They need to be included in this process more robustly. I also appreciate that the department of Police Accountability is here with materials so that one of the things they also want to say is kevin truitt is retiring if i am correct. Who will take over this legacy of work now that he is leaving the School District . I am hoping this person is on board right now so can start transferring that work over. It is deep and it is a lot of history that we will lose when he leaves, you know, nothing against kevin, there were ups and downs around this, but we need to make sure that think hes a much. Any other members of the public who wish to comment on this item please come forward. Seeing then, Public Comment is closed. I just want to think members of the public for their patients today. I know we had a lot of presenters. This hearing was a number of months in the making, so i appreciate your patience. I also appreciate all the different departments that came out with my staff and supervisor walton staff to put this together. Just to respect everybodys time , if we have any followup comments or questions, i just want to keep it about the m. O. U. I think theres a lot of things we could dive into today based on the data, based on the conversations that we are having , i think we learned a lot today. I want to thank specifically the families coming out and sharing their story. I know this has been a tough year for them, but i would like to say i think there is some light at the end of the tunnel. I think there are some really good, positive conversations happening, and i think this m. O. U. Is better because of that incident, because of your engagement, because he didnt walk away, and you insisted on making sure that your voice was heard, and the voice of your son was hurt, and i think we are all going to be better for it. I would just like to summarize a few things that i heard. Having, in terms of the recommendations, first i want to know, maybe from the sfusd and people that are in charge of that, when they are planning on having the m. O. U. Finalized, what other opportunities will there be for the community to be involved in the process of ensuring this m. O. U. Is finalized in a more inclusive way, as much as we can. One of the really strong recommendations is they are all strong recommendations, but having private space for interviews when and if an incident happens. I think thats really, really important. Having the students explained their rights at the beginning of the year in an Assembly Type of environment, i think that is important. Training for administrators, as well as frontline staff. That was kind of the point that i was trying to hit in terms of you have gone through this document, youre talking about training, how does that trickle down to others that are involved it is not just the principles, it is frontline staff as well. That was a good recommendation. I also like to the point that Mental Health, after incidents, is an important aspect of it. Not just for students, but for staff. I think putting a time limit on that, that there will be a requirement of one Mental Health services have to be provided, we often will use the term of 2448 hours, but knowing that that deadline is there, and it has to be met, i think that would be an important piece of putting that into the m. O. U. So that we have something to hold everyone accountable to. The question about the s. R. O. In terms of when they work, and can they work after hours, i leave that up to the board of education and the Police Department to negotiate and negotiate hours of when they work and the Work Schedules i would just say that the board of education and the sfusd and the Police Department can come together on that, it makes sense to me that if you have things after hours and on weekends, like Football Games or sporting events, or whatever they might be that draws people, having presence there, if you look at the statistics again, if that is what the community wants. I dont want to make that assumption, but i heard that today, and and what accountability is built into the m. O. U. If the m. O. U. Is not followed . What consequences are there, if any . Those are a number of things that we heard today along with a whole host of things, but all i would say is there a reason we would want to continue this item to the call of the chairs we want to have a public setting where the board of education, our trustees, and the board supervises come back to see the progress that was made and finalized this and i want to thank the sfusd, as of p. D. , and all the Community Advocates that have been involved in this, and community members, and everyday parents. It sounds like there is a call for more inclusive process to expand the number of people that can have input on this document, and i think that would be important. So we are about to go into our august recess, so maybe we can work with the chair, and maybe sometime in the fall we can reconvene. I would like to ask mr. Truitt to come back up if he can just give us an idea of what the process is Going Forward in terms of what the idea to finalize the m. O. U. , and what other processes will be made based on what you have heard in terms of spending the opportunities for involvement. Sure. Right now the m. O. U. Is being reviewed by sfpd. We have not received their comments yet. Our legal office has taken the first pass through the m. O. U. We got a number of all the comments and feedback that the community gave us, it is probably comprised of well over 300 pages of notes. Everyone received those comments we try to incorporate as many of them as we can, gave that to sfpd. They are going through their legal team and it comes back to us with their comments. Our plan has always been that this would go to our own board of education to review as the superintendents recommendation. The superintendent superintendent would review it. The chief would agree and say yes, this is ready for my signature. We then put it on the agenda at a Board Meeting as a superintendents recommendation to approve the m. O. U. And it was our intention that that would happen at the Board Meeting in the second one in august the beginning of the school year. Okay. My office will summarize those and send them over to you. Im sure you guys there has been a lot of information going on, but we can send you that information. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioner collins . I wanted to thank you for the list of questions. They were my list of questions, i think it is important that there is followup and the big picture is, what i am hearing, is also being specific. Time, who is doing it, time limit. When is it happening, and what we are seeing also is there is an accountability. We are focused on this m. O. U. , but theres also responsibility for the School District in terms of Training Staff or in terms of providing support or coordinating with social services. I would love to work with commissioner cook or president cook and others to also outline a list that has come out of this meeting of actions we need to take as a district in terms of staff, the work we need to do with staff, with the work we need to do with providing emotional support or supporting schools because those have also come out. I also heard one more, which is educating students, how do we do that best, checklists for staff on what they are required to do, and also, i do believe that we deserve the june Jordan Community and specifically the family deserve an apology from the district. I would also like to work on, in order to repair harm, you have to acknowledge consequences. I think in order for that community to move forward and for us to acknowledge what should have happened or what we would like to happen in the future, that is something we have to work on is well. Thank you. Any other trustees or commissioners want to make oh, trusty selby . Thank you. I will be very brief. I want to say that i really appreciate the that you guys are having this conversation. I apologize for coming and in in in the middle, but as you know, i im sure you have Police Officers unarmed at city college in one of the things that might be interesting is to have them in my opinion is that they are experts of deescalation because they dont have firearms and they do manage maybe there is a way can Work Together to have Police Officer that or an armed and be able to participate in some way, partner in some way with this. The other thing i wanted to say is that you may have already mentioned this, but theres a book called the end of policing. I thank you guys are all touching on this right now, but Police Officers are not necessarily also social workers, they are not also im not going to belabour this. I think we all know this. I think sometimes that what we are asking our Police Officers to do could be done by other trained professionals, be the social workers or the Mental Health professionals or whatever i dont know if that is in the scope of this m. O. U. I think it possibly is, but just thinking a little bit about whose role is what role is it worthwhile endeavor. Thank you, president cook. Thank you. I especially want to thank everyone who came up and spoke in Public Comment. And also the former commissioner involved in the comments at the end. One of the big things that i took away that i think is important that we revisit is the amount of Student Input on the m. O. U. I heard you mention that we only had 100 people that participated and i am wondering who can come up to talk about how we can increase that number so we can have more voices in the process. Can you speak to that . One of the strategies that we had his we created a facilitator s guide and we provided people we didnt count the number of people who participated with coal and aunt the Youth Commission did their own session. They provided us all the feedback. So any agency, any c. B. O. Can have their feedback session. We provide them the materials to you and you can give us that feedback. We had the front for Community Meetings which provided a ton of responses, and like i said, this opportunities for any of the Community Group c. B. O. His to do their own self facilitated session. We provided the materials for that. The alliance for girl says here. They did a session, also. I dont know how many people are included in theirs. Are you requesting that we have another Community Meeting . Im suggesting that we find every opportunity we can up until the august vote to continue to engage publicly around what they want to see out of our partnership. I think it is important and the other thing i wanted to say was related to just the execution of these incidents as they happen because i know that there is a longstanding career in different who spoke from sfpd, how much they care about doing this the right way, but when we are in the moment, things play out in ways that dont always reflect what we write down and, you know, we had the father who we apologize to personally and he talked about never being trained, or we have constant incidents that we hear about on campus where teachers are saying , you cant come on campus , and then they say, well, actually, they have to. So the disconnect and information. That is not what you will necessarily speak to. It is, when stuff happens, either people dont know, they forget, things get complicated, and people over react. I was a student at their good martial the day that a Major Incident that was referenced several times today, i a ton of overreaction. So, you know, it is one of these things that it is hard to say that we are going to be able to prevent overreactions, but hopefully, through the learning process over time, we can put people in place that intervene in the appropriate way. That is a process and committed to figuring out with all processes involved because like he said, once a gun is pulled on somebody, that is permanently imprinted on their mind. I know we all care about having that happen. We never wanted to happen. That would be the opportunity for feedback. They were previous sessions that we have had and those have been on the current m. O. U. The next iteration, once we get the comments from sfpd have had a chance to come up with an actual draft language then the next time that would be a Good Opportunity for us to have more Community Meetings or us to look at the new one. Thank you so much for having this hearing. I think i and others at city college share how this might involve us, but i think that the conversations today i think there is a need for us to be engaged on this, especially as were having a large number of students come into the city college in the San Francisco campus. I will be following up with our staff and sfpd and maybe your staff and others can see how we might want to make sure that students are protected when they are taking class on our campus. I would add that little piece. Im just making sure the city college either through joint m. O. U. Or a separate one, whatever process is the process is to make sure that students who are attending classes at our college have the same rights and protections that the m. O. U. Students have. I dont want to have a loophole where they are in classes at our campuses and dont get the privacy of protections or partnership with sfpd that they are afforded if they go to school at the same time during the day. Great. If you could send something over , i will try to put that into words. Thank you. I know were also joined by commissioner lopez. Thank you. I will actually have kevin come up because i need some help here i appreciate the work that is being put in and everybody being here, but i think we need to highlight that this is yet another policy that the number of people who have to implement it will have no idea it is in place. I say that as a teacher who is pretty active in the district. I didnt realize there was an m. O. U. Until i became a commissioner. Thankfully i have the skills and the heart to support my students if an incident arises, but there are a number of people who dont have that and i think we also need to point out the adults that are part of the escalation that get our students into these situations. I guess i really want to understand, what are we doing to the people who have to notice this information is it familyfriendly . Is it available in multiple languages . As part of the administrative training, the security guards are trained in the m. O. U. And also active shooter increases response. All of our paraprofessionals are not. It is not part of their training it is not part of their teacher training. There is all the administrators that are trained and there is there are the important parts of the m. O. U. That talk about, you cant call the police for disciplinary reasons. Those of supposed to be reviewed with the teachers during the opening p. D. Days. So if you are saying you have it , i think it bears messaging and strengthening that message that what are the things that we do have to inform the teachers of . We build it into the teacher training because our p. D. Schedule is so jampacked right now. So we need to think more about that but i hear your message that people, our line staff, where people who are interacting with students and not aware of the m. O. U. Itself, so what parts of that to be need to review . How do we best do that . Somebody mentioned making sure the whole entire m. O. U. Is in the handbook. I have said to many people that i dont think the handbook is the answer because the handbook is becoming a phonebook and people are not reviewing it. I dont know what the best communication tool is for us to get that message out. The m. O. U. Has been translated in the past. It is accessible in different languages. It is not a very popular document. So how we emphasize that, it definitely needs some more attention and strengthening of that message. I agree with you. Thank you. Thank you for joining us today, commissioner lopez. I will wrap up by saying i think the summary of the items that i have listed out we will send over to you and to sfusd and we will follow up. We think it is important to reiterate for the record that there be more Community Involvement and that many of these recommendations be incorporated into the final document and we will continue this conversation and we will ask the site and be continue to the call of the chair. And as we hear more updates in terms of the progress on the m. O. U. , then we will reconvene, but hopefully we can move forward and finalize this document so that we have some clarity, and also ready to go, as you said, mr. Truitt, the training can be there for the beginning of the school year, including maybe some other recommendations like having assemblies and having students know their rights and some of the other things we talked about today. I want to thank everyone for coming out today. Thank you do all the departments thank you to all the Community Advocates and students and parents and the Youth Commission for their involvement working with our staff and supervisor waltons staff and sfusd for their help in terms of working with us and sfpd for helping to work with us to move this conversation forward. Thank you, mr. Chair, and thank you for everyone to come for coming out today. Thank you, supervisor safai and supervisor walton for calling this hearing and thank you to all of the commissioners and the trustees and the departments who are here. I think this is exactly why we have this committee. This is, of course, something that is incredibly important to the safety and wellbeing of our students but it is also an interdepartmental issue and one i think by bringing us all together we can hopefully get to some solutions. I do want to know a couple things. Positive note, i am happy to see the number of students arrested and detained has been going down the last few years. I hope the thing is we are doing , the parts of this m. O. U. Would that have been working that we continued to make sure we do those things. I have seen, in some cases, when i was a schoolboard member, that we would see things moving in the right direction and then something would change and it would stay going to the bag so i just hope that for the School District and for all of us that we really recommit to make sure we continue this trend because ideally, we would like to get down to zero, no students being arrested on campus because we are doing all the right things in terms of deescalation and supporting them on campus in other ways. I like the trends here, but at the same time, we know when we dont get it right or when there are gaps in our m. O. U. , or the way that we are implementing it, that it can have very damaging impacts, so i want to underscore also some of the recommendations that were made, and also the ones that were here from the Youth Commission. I think these are ones that we should really take very seriously and including. And when i say we, this is more for the School District now at this point. It is up to you all. I do think that they have made some really good recommendations here. Finally, i think it will be great for us to continue this conversation and who few months for an update and that we will be capable to get you back to that point and i want to appreciate everyone he was here. I think our m. O. U. Has been viewed as a model in many ways. When i was a School Board Member i could contact other School District and say we want to do Something Like that, and they dont have anything like this. It was clearly something that was wanted by the community and really pushed for. I want to give a huge shout out to the coleman advocates and getting to this point. We could always make it better. We can always improve on it. Theres a lot of things that we can do to even improve on what is already something that is critical to the way we operate as a School District and as a city. With that, we will revisit this again in a few months with some updates and again, i want to appreciate you, supervisor safai , and all of the folks here who really engaged with this conversation in such a serious way. With that, with nothing else, this meeting is adjourned is there a motion . Can i have a motion . And take that back. There is a motion on the floor by supervisor safai. Do we have a second . Second. Motion is taken without any objection. We will continue this at the call of the chair. The meeting is adjourned. Thank you. Shop and dine the 49 challenges residents to do theyre shopping with the 49ers of San Francisco by supporting the Services Within the feigned we help San Francisco remain unique and successful and rib rant where will you shop the shop and dine the 49 im e jonl i provide sweets square feet potpie and peach cobbler and i started my business this is my baby i started out of high home and he would back for friends and coworkers theyll tell you hoa you need to open up a shop at the time he move forward book to the bayview and i thinks the t line was up i need have a shop on third street i live in bayview and i wanted to have my shop here in bayview a quality dessert shot shop in my neighborhood in any business is different everybody is in small banishes there are homemade recess pesz and ingredients from scratch we shop local because we have someone that is here in your city or your neighborhood that is provide you with is service with Quality Ingredients and quality products and need to be know that person the person behind the products it is not like okay. Who usf donates 100120 pounds of food a night. For the four semesters we have been running here, usf has donated about 18,000 pounds of food to the Food Recovery Network. Im maggie. Im nick. Were coechairs of the national led organization. What food recovery does is recover and redistribute food that would go wasted and redistributing to people in the community. The moment that i became really engaged in the cause of fighting food waste was when i had just taken the food from the usf cafeteria and i saw four pans full size full of food perfectly fine to be eaten and made the day before and that would have gone into the trash that night if we didnt recover it the next day. I want to fight food waste because it hurts the economy, its one of the largest emitters of Greenhouse Gases in the world. If it was a nation, it would be the Third Largest nation behind china and the United States. America wastes about 40 of the food we create every year, 160 billion worth and thats made up in the higher cost of food for consumers. No matter where you view the line, you should be engaged with the issue of food waste. Access edible food that we have throughout our Lunch Program in our center, i go ahead and collect it and ill cool it down and every night i prep it up and the next day ill heat it and ready for delivery. Its really natural for me, i love it, im passionate about it and its just been great. I believe its such a blessing to have the opportunity to actually feed people every day. No food should go wasted. Theres someone who wants to eat, we have food, its definitely hand in hand and it shouldnt be looked at as work or a task, were feeding people and it really means so much to me. I come to work and theyre like nora do you want this, do you want that . And its so great and everyone is truly involved. Every day, every night after every period of food, breakfast, lunch, dinner, i mean, people just throw it away. They dont even think twice about it and i think as a whole, as a community, as any community, if people just put a little effort, we could really help each other out. Thats how it should be. Thats what food is about basically. An organization that meets is the San Francisco knight ministry we work with tuesday and thursdays. By the power of your name i have faith to move mountains because i believe in jesus. I believe its helpful to offer food to people because as you know, theres so much homelessness in San Francisco and california and the United States. I really believe that food is important as well as our faith. The San Francisco knight ministry has been around for 54 years. The core of the ministry, a group of ordain ministers, we go out in the middle of the night every single night of the year, so for 54 years we have never missed a night. I know its difficult to believe maybe in the United States but a lot of our people will say this is the first meal theyve had in two days. I really believe it is a time between life or death because i mean, we could be here and have church, but, you know, i dont know how much we could feed or how many we could feed and this way over 100 people get fed every single thursday out here. Its not solely the food, i tell you, believe me. Theyre extremely grateful. Its super awesome how welcoming they are. After one or two times theyre like i recognize you. How are you doing, how is school . I have never been in the city, its overwhelming. You get to know people and through the music and the food, you get to know people. We never know what impact were going to have on folks. If you just practice love and kindness, its a labor of love and thats what the Food Recovery Network is and this is a huge i believe they salvage our mission. To me the most important part is its about food waste and feeding people. The Food Recovery Network National Slogan is finding ways to feed people. Its property to bring the scientific and Human Element into the situation. Better. San Francisco Department of environment is a place where climate hits the street. We know that we dont have all the answers. We need to support our local champions, our local community to find Creative Solutions and innovations that help us get to zero waste. Zero waste is sending nothing to landfill or incineration, using reuse and recovery and prevention as ways to achieve zero waste. The Grant Program is a Grant Program specifically for nonprofits in San Francisco to divert material from landfill. Its important to find the San Francisco Produce Market because theres a lot of edible food that can be diverted and they need positions to capture that food and focus on food recovery. San francisco Produce Market is a resource that connects farmers and their produce with businesses in the bay area. I think its a basic human right to have access to healthy foods, and all of this food here is available. Its a matter of creating the infrastructure, creating jobs, and the system whereby none of this goes to waste. Since the beginning of our program in july 2016 to date, weve donated over 1 Million Pounds of produce to our community partners, and thats resulted in over 900,000 meals to people in our community, which were very proud of. Carolyn at the San Francisco Produce Market texts with old produce thats available. The produce is always excellent. We get things like broccoli, brussels sprouts, bell peppers. Everything that we use is nice and fresh, so when our clients get it, they really enjoy it, and its important to me to feel good about what i do, and working in programs such as this really provides that for me. Its helping people. Thats what its really about, and i really enjoy that. The work at the Produce Market for me representing the intersection between environment and community, and when we are working at that intersection, when we are using our resources and our passion and our energy to heal the planet and feed the people, nothing gets better than as latinos we are unified in some ways and incredibly diverse in others and this exhibit really is an exploration of nuance in how we present those ideas. Our debts are not for sale. A piece about sanctuary and how his whole family served in the army and its a long Family Tradition and these people that look at us as foreigners, we have been here and we are part of america, you know, and we had to reinforce that. I have been cure rating here for about 18 year. We started with a table top, candle, flower es, and a picture and people reacted to that like it was the monna lisa. The most important tradition as it relates to the show is idea of making offering. In Traditional Mexican alters, you see food, candy, drinks, cigarettes, the things that the person that the offerings where being made to can take with them into the next word, the next life. Keeps u. S us connects to the people who have passed and because family is so important to us, that Community Dynamic makes it stick and makes it visible and it humanizes it and makes it present again. When i first started doing it back in 71, i wanted to do something with ritual, ceremony and history and you know i talked to my partner ross about the research and we opened and it hit a cord and people loved it. I think the line between engaging everyone with our culture and appropriating it. I think it goes back to asking people to bring their visions of what it means to honor the dead, and so for us its not asking us to make mexican altars if they are not mexican, its really to share and expand our vision of what it means to honor the dead. People are very respectful. I can show you this year alone of people who call tol ask is it okay if we come, we are hawaii or asian or we are this. What should we wear . What do you recommend that we do . They say oh, you know, we want a four day of the dead and its all hybrid in this country. What has happened are paper cuts, its so hybrid. It has spread to mexico from the bay area. We have influence on a lot of people, and im proud of it. A lot of tim times they dont represent we represent a lot of cultures with a lot of different perspectives and beliefs. I can see the city changes and its scary. When we first started a lot of people freaked out thinking we were a cult and things like that, but we went out of our way to also make it educational through outreach and that is why we started doing the prosession in 1979. As someone who grew up attending the yearly processions and who has seen them change incrementally every year into kind of what they are now, i feel in many ways that the cat is out of the bag and there is no putting the genie back into the bottle in how the wider public accesses the day of the dead. I have been through three different generations of children who were brought to the procession when they were very young that are now bringing their children or grandchildren. In the 80s, the processions were just kind of electric. Families with their homemade visuals walking down the street in San Francisco. Service so much more intimate and personal and so much more rooted in kind of a Family Practice of a very strong cultural practice. It kind of is what it is now and it has gone off in many Different Directions but i will always love the early days in the 80s where it was so intimate and son sofa millial. Our goal is to rescue a part of the culture that was a part that we could invite others to join in there there by where we invite the person to come help us rescue rescue it also. Thats what makes it unique. You have to know how to approach this changing situation, its exhausting and i have seen how it has affected everybody. Whats happening in mission and the relationship with the police, well its relevant and its relevant that people think about it that day of the dead is not just sugar skulls and paper flowers and candles, but its become a nondenominational tradition that people celebrate. Our culture is about color and family and if that is not present in your life, there is just no meaning to it you know . We have artists as black and brown people that are in direct danger of the direct policies of the trump a administration and i think how each of the artists has responsibilitie responded ss interesting. The common once i got the hang of it a little bit, you know, like the first time, i never left the court. I just fell in love with it and any opportunity i had to get out there, you know, they didnt have to ask twice. You can always find me on the court. [ ] we have been able to participate in 12 athletics wheelchairs. They provide what is an expensive tool to facilitate basketball specifically. Behind me are the amazing golden state road warriors, which are one of the most competitive adaptive basketball teams in the state led by its captain, chuck hill, who was a National Paralympic and, and is now an assistant coach on the national big team. It is great to have this opportunity here in San Francisco. We are the main hub of the bay area, which, you know, we should definitely have resources here. Now that that is happening, you know, i im looking forward to that growing and spreading and helping spread the word that needs that these people are here for everyone. I think it is important for people with disabilities, as well as ablebodied, to be able to see and to try different sports, and to appreciate trying different things. People can come and check out this chairs and use them. But then also friday evening, from 6 00 p. M. Until 8 00 p. M. , it will be wheelchair basketball we will make sure it is available, and that way people can no that people will be coming to play at the same time. We offer a wide variety of adaptive and inclusion programming, but this is the first time we have had our own equipment. [ ] [gavel] the meeting will come to order. Welcome to the june 28, 2019 special meeting of the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services committee. Im chair of the committee. To my right is vice chair stephanie and to my left is supervisor walton. Our clerk is john. I would like to thank those at s. F. Gov. Tv for staffing this meeting. Please be sure you have silenced your cell phone and any other electronics devices. And any documents should be submitted to the clerk

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