Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714

SFGTV Government Access Programming July 14, 2024

The majority of the class were people of color, men and women. I had the opportunity of going to the access point for a whole month in and out of the office, sitting, listening, and talking to different people. I got to hear the men and women, the joy of learning how to work the computers. The peace and confidence of doing it because of being walked with hand in hand. That was the response when we told them about other places of employment and training. In knowing that we do need to pursue more opportunities to do all types of work. Many of our young people want to do the cosmetology side. And making their own clothes. We do want to see you do more differently, and better, with your side of it area there are other opportunities that are springing up and doing a good job. I wanted to make a comment. First of all, i do want to thank city build and all of the other different agencies that Work Together to do this training and Workforce Development and all of the underrepresented communiti communities. The one thing that i do want to see happen is that these organizations work with the community as well as the. , not much in a contentious way but more of a cooperative way. And then listening to the Public Comment as well as a comment from the Different Department heads, i am hearing from both sides that there is some areas of improvement around transparency. One of the ways that that can be alleviated is not just to take the members on tours of the properties, which actually provide them the. With an actual reporting of what is happening in terms of compliance. Maybe whether it be quarterly, or by annually, but letting the. No specific governing body in the area and also overseeing some of the Workforce Development stuff what is happening. I know joshua was saying how these reports are coming forth. I think letting the. Be informed of what is happening and what is changing in terms of the workforce. I would love to see this program and expand doubled the numbers and not just 100 people, seeing if we can maybe do 200. Identifying additional gaps on more zip codes that need this training to prime that pipeline. Like you said, we are not meeting the 50 . Even though that is a lofty goal, we should be doing everything we can to get more people in the loop and get to those direct, i think you said it was i direct interview stage. Okay. Thank you. Any other comments . Commissioners, the last comment i want to make is i want to express my gratitude to the commissioners, the ocii staff. Just for context. Ocii has the highest placement and gets the most for local residents. I definitely want to thank you for all of the support you have been providing to the program. As part of the gratitude, we have a chili cookoff that is happening this saturday. Its an alumni get, full of graduates, over 1400 graduate that graduated the last 13 years. Not all of them are going to come back. We are expecting at least 200 people, ten contractors are cooking the chili. You get to vote to see if the chili taste good or not. They are going to get the prize, the grand prize is dinner for 4 at the house of prime ribs. That is our appreciation to them. These are contractors of ocii projects across the city. Its a way for us to think these contractors were hiring our students. That is the first thing. Im going to hand it off to mr. Clark. Second, if i do not give a special thanks to my Housing Authority association, a lot of the association knows i am a product of Housing Authority. I grew up in public housing. We actually received a lot of services that we are currently providing at the workforce. I want to give a special thanks to them, and to you to give me the opportunity to continue to serve the public. Thank you for that opportunity. Please join us at this chili cookoff. Thank you. We hope to see you on saturday, those of you that can make it. We provide an invitation for the opening of the district 11 access point that will be operated by innercity youth and Community Developers in the next couple of months. Thanks again. Thank you. Okay. The only followup question is the budget. If we are adding a task to the mou, is there sufficient budget so folks can come back . We will define the scope of work and have oewd give us an estimate for a budget amendment. Thank you. Fellow commissioners, i think we are ready for a motion. Would someone like to make a motion . I move that we approve the mou with the San Francisco training oewd and ocii infrastructure that they would continue with the subject to annual appropriation of funds. I second the motion. The motion of five d has been made by commissioner scott. Can you please call the role. [roll call] the mou is adopted. Thank you. Item c, authorizing the executive director to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the city and county of San Francisco Controllers Office for Financial Systems, accounting, and audit support, in an amount nottoexceed 245,000 for fiscal year 20192020. Action resolution number 132019. Madam director . Thank you, madam secretary. This item is routine. Its not as exciting as the previous item. This is just Financial Systems auditing, and audit supports an accounting that we typically rely on the Controllers Office to deliver. I do not expect, oh, really, i didnt see you. I will turn it over to rosa torres to present. Thank you. Good afternoon. My name is rosa torres, and i am with ocii, accounting supervisor. I will be presenting a resolution to authorize the executive director to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the city and county of tran07 Controllers Office. Our Financial System auto audit support with an amount not to exceed 245. Before we start, i just want to say that this mou with the controllers has been going on annually since resolution. This mou is included in the approved 1920 budget. With that said, we can go on and this mou is for 245,000. It is for current time fiscal year, 1920 1920. It is for this scope of work, it is for specialized Financial System accounting and audit support for ocii. The scope of work has the main component. System access. And support. Ocii utilizes Management Information system which we call it fsp. That is mous records. We also utilize the executive Information System data which is known as eis which is for reporting prior years. Accordingly use the but of course we use the Budget System to use the budget, monitor our budget and the whole budget process. That is the first skull. And then the second component is accounting review services. The controller reviews and approves all ocii Financial Transactions which includes journal entries, vouchers and other documents. The controller also maintains ocii is vendors and updates the vendors and their files. Another support that they provide to us is accounting entries. This is not your regular entri entries. We are unique area we have a lot of unique accounting transactions. We have refunding of bonds. We have a new gatsby every year. Gadsby is government accounting standard score. They come in and help out. The third component is that independent audit service. It is for the preparation and issuance of ociis annual financial audit. That is the completion of my presentation. We request for this to be approved this resolution to be approved. If you have any questions or comments . You want to introduce oh, michael. He is from the controller, he has been working with us since dissolution. If anybody knows, foz on the city, anything, or everything for redevelopment, him. I want to thank him. He is amazing. Hes always helping and trying to find ways. Like i said before, we are unique and different kinds of transactions. He can tell you that, weve never seen him before, lets figure out how to do it. Thank you michael, personally. I think the ociis thank you for everything. Since dissolution he has been there. Thank you for your service. Do we have any speaker cards . No speaker cards. Any member of the public like to address the commission for the mou for the Controllers Office . Being none. Public comment is closed. To my fellow commissioners have any questions or comments, or motions . No questions or comments. Thank you so much for the work that you are doing and have done. Thank you for your report. I would like to make a motion to adopt the mou with the city and county Comptrollers Office for the fiscal year 19204 245,000, resolution 132019. I second that motion. The item has been moved by commissioner brackett and seconded by commissioner scott. [roll call] the mou is adopted. The next order of business is agenda item d, authorizing a Legal Services contract with curls bartling, p. C. , a professional Law Corporation, for disclosure Counsel Services in an amount nottoexceed 148,950. Discussion and action resolution 142019. Madam director . Thank you. This item is new to the commission. Engaging a disclosure counsel, practices and the Public Finance industry. We are excited that we are at least in the process of contracting with the disclosure counsel to provide services. Good afternoon. I am the financial recording management analyst of van nuys. The i do be for you is the authorization of an for the council not the amount to exceed 148,950,000. On a 48,950. Issuance of bond creates ongoing regulatory and contractual obligations to Material Information that might affect the security of these bonds. Because of this complexity. They will hire specialized disclosure counsel to provide legal counsel. Providing training for staff, commissioners and Oversight Board to ensure required disclosure. Issues may arise throughout the year, best practices will have counsel for continuity. The scope of the contract includes the following. [reading notes] in october 2016, the City Attorneys Office established a panel of bond and disclosure counsel. We issued an rfp to hold counsel on this panel. We received seven proposals and these are reviewed by our manager, deputy counsel in our advisor. It included relevant experience and bond transactions and exposure experience. knowledge of ociis debt portfolio and other agencies. The quality of the proposal and bay area presence and the cost of services. Our panel selected bartley pc, Small Business enterprise. They have provided transaction in the past. [reading notes] the term of the contact contract is it pending approval. This allows counsel to develop knowledge on credits which is required to meet reporting obligations and provide consistent disclosure advice. The not to exceed amount is 148,950. That concludes my presentation. We also have Janelle Walker from bartley here if you have any other questions . Thank you. Do we have any speaker cards . No speaker cards. Any member of the public like to address commission on this item . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Fellow commissioners, any questions or comments . No questions or comments. The only comment i have is i want to thank curls bartling for putting together a thoughtful proposal. I understand it was a unanimous decision by the seven Panel Members and the specific piece of mou is going to help provide consistency to the organization of van nuys and so forth. Thank you. Ocii and so forth. Thank you. The only question i have i is does our Small Business policy apply . Yes, it does. Yes, it does apply. Curls bartling is a Small Business, minority owned business. Just to follow up, Small Business enterprise that is deemed compliance with policy . That is correct. Do we have a motion . Yes i would like to make the motion that we approve of the Legal Services contract with curls bartling, the professional Law Corporation for disclosure Counsel Services, in an amount not to exceed 148,950 through may 31, 2022. I second that motion. Thank you. The item has been moved by commissioner scott, seconded by commissioner brackett. Role because. [roll call] thank you. The contract is approved. Please call the next item. The next order of business is agenda item e, authorizing a personal Services Contract with mjf associates consulting, a sole proprietorship, to manage the office of Community Investment Infrastructures Hunters Point Shipyard site office and to provide outreach and Administrative Support Services to the mayors Hunters Point shipyard Citizens Advisory Committee cac , the legacy foundation, and ocii for a Contract Term of july 1, 2019 to june 30, 2022, and a total contract amount of 914,404. 58; Hunters Point Shipyard Redevelopment project area. Discussion and action resolution 152019. Thank you. This item has been before the commission over a period of time when we initiated the process, as you can see now we are holding a selection, we are excited. I have members here, folks can wave, they are here because this Service Really represents them and would be providing Administrative Services as well as outreach for the work we do. We are happy and excited with mjf and associates is going to partnership with us again. With that im going to turn it over, and this time we actually have some controllers that are new that will be providing outreach work. Im going to turn it over to lila and she can do her presentation and introduce the team that is before you today. Thank you director, sesay. Nadia covered half of my presentation. Just kidding. Im going to go over some project area context to contextualize this contract and some of its history. What you have here is the project area, this is the map that many of you have seen many times. It covers candlestick. And phase two of the shipyard, and historically provides services for the project area. A little background here. In 1991, the u. S. Navy was authorized to transfer the shipyard after environmental remediation. To the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency now known as ocii in 1995, the Hunters Point shipyard was swarmed to advise the Re Development agency and ocii on the redevelopment of the shipyard. In 1996, the Redevelopment Agency began operations of the Shipyard Site office. There have been support services for the site office dating back for a very long period of time. Just broadly, the main buckets of categories that the Shipyard Site provides a lot of Administrative Support Services. The legacy foundation, the. Which makes recommendations on ocii to the phase i and phase two benefit funds. They disseminate a lot of information to the public about projects, housing opportunities, other Community Meetings and generally help people who walk in who want to know about the project. They are some of the first people we talk to the public about the project. They do broad outreach for the Hunters Point community that are related to this project. Earlier this year, my colleague came before this commission and provided informational memo on the actual rfp itself. And this is the issue we ordered an rfp earlier this year. The proposals were due, we also had panel interviews, it consisted of two. Members as well as to ocii members. And then we took that recommendation back to the full. Some of the scopes of services are to require that the staff operating the site is at 451 galvez between 58 00 p. M. The critical component is a support to the evening meeting that the. Has which could run up to 78 meetings per month if all of the subcommittees were provided notification as well as supporting materials to the cac members are members of the public. They provide Outreach Services as well as reservation system for entrance into the site. They do the reporting they have reporting requirements with ocii to talk about how many members of the public they serve coming in, and what of the work is involved. So, this is also an overview of minimum modifications. Three years experience, ability to work with diverse population. The second bullet. I want to thank the cac for emphasizing the second bullet point cards for this contract. A lot of the discussion from the cac to make sure we are reaching a much wider audience. There we need to do better. We make sure there is Strong Language in the rfp. Also demonstrating familiarity with the shipyard as well as the broader bayview area and experience working with Public Sector compliance, and ability to create a work plan to support the entire s

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