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Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714
Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714
SFGTV Government Access Programming July 14, 2024
My confusion is why is it so low . I understand the specialty. I know there are areas that we can use lb e. We have looked at those scopes and have made okay, but three point nine shoreside construction, but we only have eligible work or two point eight. Yes. The component that has no participation is 32,000,000 dollars in the project. Okay. The balance at 15 percent which is what we see in a normal package brings us to when you take the 32,000,000 dollars specialty back out. Getting crumbs. As usual. [laughter] im not supporting it on just giving the raw numbers. So we all understand it. There is nothing else we can do about this . We can once again, director forbes, i feel sorry for her having to listen to me over, and over, and over. I just feel sorry for her. [laughter] we do millions of dollars in project. Over, and over. Walkers through why the 32,000,000 dollars participation . Walk us through some of the suppliers, where the suppliers are, what makes them so unique so we understand that those companies cannot do this. Because we want to do it. And demonstrate that there they are only choices. This tells me if this is in the bidding process. This is sort of telling me were going to hire the company that is out there. I would conclude there would be some participation at that point . The master builder, because the 34,000,000 dollar project would be one of the largest firms that you see to have the various crane in the city. As well as dredging, and what they call the cat. Those work, inherently there are no lb eased up perform that work at this time. This includes the painting which is very minimal. There is also some minimal electrical work. There is also an there is a lot of concrete work performed by themselves. 30,000,000 dollars of it is not available, lb es are not able to provide that service to you. Its not the type of work they do. I guess, maybe at this point, it is something for the port. This is work we are going to do forever. We are going to need this type of work. What are we doing to partner with companies, or joint venture, or whatever to make sure there are
Companies Available
to do this work. One last thing i wanted to mention, sometimes we forget, the eight percent is a four. It is not a ceiling. We struggle to get to the floor. Trust me. A lot of the big firms that inherently pursue this level of work are well known to us at our the same type of contractors that work at the airport, or work on pc. They understand the expectations of not just cmd, they also understand the expectations of the various commissions and how they all want to see a robust participation within their community. We certainly can lean on them. They understand the expectations of the commissions, and certainly we will not let them shoot for the minimums. I am sorry, i did not get commissioner out of the chance to talk. The presentation wasnt really clear to me, probably more confused now when we started. I think victor was on point. Me myself i would like to hold this over, i would like you to go out and do better. To me this is unacceptable. Im tired of always coming in and expect to take crumbs. I think you can do better. I, myself, would like to hold this over madam president youd come back with something better. I just cannot accept that there is no lb eased out there. That is just where i am at. If i may make a comment, in terms of what the port is doing. Some of these firms, there is a huge barrier to entry. There is many millions of dollars to purchase equipment, and to be successful in the field there is economies of scale. So these firms have customers all over the nation in some instances. Perhaps it is a scalability issue and what firms can take on and it could be a mismatch between local
Small Businesses
and the
Marine Construction
field. This could be a question for the office of workforce and economic development. That is my sense of why there are no certified lb eased in the
Marine Construction
field. We are about to spend, you know, billions of dollars on this type of work. We have to do something to get prepared. So that our local
Business Enterprises
can participate. We have to do something area had a question on the holdover. Im confused, too. Can you remind us about the funding . Can you answer the question around the funding there is mobilization, materials that need to be purchased. There is other items for earnest money that we could do to make that goal if we prepare and spend that money before it is forfeited we have to look for another source for that area does that answer your question . In terms of what we would be able to do in a month. We would not have capacity to enter firms into this field. They are not certified, they are not there. What we would look to is things like the mentorship
Protege Program
or other forms of
Community Building
or workforce building that we could accomplish this contract. We would not be able to create these terms or cause assembly. It would be much more around metro protege and other
Capacity Building
efforts. We can certainly work with our
City Partners
and see what we might be able to come up with. I think that is a great suggestion and hopefully we can put that in place prior to spending any more funds on this project that needs to move forward. 750,000 dollars we can move forward with this, we have another 36 alien dollars to deal with finding. I would like to understand what your proposal is if we move ahead with this area at the same time we ask the staff to develop the mentor
Protege Program
because it doesnt sound like the percentages going to change within 30 days. Its not a question of identifying more firms, that is not going to change. Its a
Development Effort
to get more firms. I wasnt laying out the process
Going Forward
just what you might purchase anticipate if we take a month to work on it. You have two options here, you can approve this item now and we can work with other staff on sin
Capacity Building
or other things we can do with these contract dollars to build the pipeline down the road. I dont know if you have any thoughts on hand, or you can hold us over and we could come and tell you what we plan to do next month and you can consider the item that . What you come and tell us youre going to do has to do with future funding, not necessarily this contract . We can move forward with this contract, but prior to any additional allocations being sent, lets have a plan. The underlying bid will be part of the plan or it will not be a part of the plan . The 750,000 dollars contract can be advertised. Everything underneath is different, separate. This is just advertising. All lives matter one favor . Resolution 1927 has been approved. [reading items] good afternoon. I am a capital manager here at the port to present to you the 2012 clean and safe
Neighborhood Parks
bond. It was approved by voters in 2012 for a total of one 95,000,000 dollars, of which 34,500,000 was allocated to the poor for waterfront parks. Since then the board has participated in two of three bond sales for a total of 31,400,000 dollars and port staff is now recommending that we initiate the fourth bond sale which is the final sale from this bond and the remaining total of 3,100,000 dollars. We would pursue this in the summer of 2019 so we can join with un
Affordable Housing
bond to save on issuance costs so more money can go towards the projects. The proceeds would be used for construction. Im going to briefly give you an update on the status of the bonds appropriated to date and then we will highlight the intended uses of the proposed sale. This slide shows the full programming of the 2012 parks bond. I would note that this is a bit higher than the 34,500,000 i stated on a previous slide because this has an appropriation of interest earnings. Of the projects in this program, one has been completed the cruise terminal project known as the northeast wharf plaza. That was completed in 2014. As you know well, crane park is under construction and that is funded with 28 and 2012 general
Obligation Bond
funds. The remaining projects are in planning and design including the peer 27 public art led by the
Arts Commission
and improvements which will begin conceptual designs this fall. Anticipate all bond proceeds would be expended by june of 2021. This chart shows the details of the existing appropriation as you will see it includes 31,400,000 we have sold in the prior to sales as well as 331,000 dollars of appropriated interest findings. Of that, 13 percent is remaining balance that is unexpended. The proposed final bond sale would include 1,700,000 dollars for aqua vista park and one point two four karens head park. It shows an estimated cost of issuance of one 89,032 dollars. As outnumbered changes and gets finalized, any delta would be reflected in the final karens head park budget. The aqua vista park which you just heard a little bit about in the previous presentation is a 2,000,000 park renovation of an existing port park that will complement the missionbased area landing and the mission bay bay park front to the north. It will improve the experience for pedestrians and visitors by upgrading the furniture, the lighting as well as the access to the existing fishing pier. The herons had park and improvements are complementary to improvement made with the 2008 parks bond and response to the increased usage we are seeing at the park, similarly it will connect a chain of parks by improving access to the improved pg e shoreline to the south of the park and conductivity down to india basin, includes signage improvement, pathway improvement as well as upgrades to the ecocenters. Panels on electrical systems, it is a
Green Building
but the solar panels are rather old so it can use some upgrade to better serve the needs of the facility. As we can see from the schedule, i touched on earlier. The last object anticipated to be completed from this group is aqua vista park which is said to be completed in mid 2021. If the
Commission Approves
the item today we would proceed with the
Capital Planning
committee for approval on july 22, and the item would be introduced along with the
Affordable Housing
bond to the board of supervisors on july 30. Happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Can i have a motion . So moved area in any
Public Comments
on this item . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Thank you for this presentation. We have all been happy to see that the park program is a very straightforward, just think its execution of something we had agreed to and just to see the schedule on very supported in the item. No questions youd thank you for the presentation, no questions and i am supportive. No questions thank you for the presentation. We all want this to move forward. I am supportive. [laughter] of this one. Thank you. Thank you for this report. Just one question, once we receive the funds, will you come back to the commission on how they are going to be spent and with whom . In terms of issuing contracts we would be back when we issue contracts for the work, yes it would go to the two projects as described but then we would come back with the contracting. Aqua vista is part of the
Mission Bay Ferry Landing
. And then separately herons park. Youre going to come back with the designs on the programming and all that good stuff . Okay. Thank you. All lives matter one favor . Any opposed . Resolution 1928 has been approved. Good afternoon, or maybe good evening commissioners. I am the port cfo, and im here with a request to approve a supplemental appropriation to support the
Seawall Program
. Should the city be unable to move forward with the first sale of the seawall bond due to litigation that has been filed contesting proposition a. A measure that passed in november of 2018 with 82 point seven percent voter approval. The port is requesting that the board of supervisors consider and approve a supplemental appropriation from harbor fund balance to support ongoing planning,
Community Outreach
and preliminary design work on the seawall. I am here today, because in april of 2019, two
San Francisco
residents filed litigation challenging proposition a. They alleged that the city had violated a variety of state and local election laws in conjunction without measure. On june 18, the litigation with this list by a superior court judge who did not give the plaintiffs an opportunity to amend their complaint which was the best possible outcome that the city could have seen. However, the litigants have 60 days in which to appeal the dismissal of their case. The deadline for their appeal would be august 19. The
City Attorney
strongly believes that this case is without merit, and in fact, this was supported by the action that the superior court took last month. The first sale of the seawall bond has been delayed until at least august 19, and perhaps beyond. As the city evaluates the risk of selling bonds before the appellate timeframe has expired. If the litigation persists and if the city chooses not, the port would propose to appropriate available harbor fund balance to support the
Seawall Program
through this new fiscal year. Through june 30 of 2020. When the bonds are finally sold, the ports 11,500,000 dollars contribution would ultimately be reimbursed to the harbor. The seawall bond, as you all know, provides a majority of funding for phase 1 of the program. It has no other sources other than the harbor fund to backfill the prevalent potential delay of the bond sales. As of today, staff is estimating, at the current rate of expenditure, the
Seawall Program
will exhaust its appropriated funding at the end of september, beginning of october. Without a bonded sale or supplemental appropriation, the
Seawall Program
will run out of funding. The appropriation request is a contingency that will allow us to have worked on the program and continue if we ultimately face a worst
Case Scenario
with the bond. The total that the port expects to spend on the
Seawall Program
in fiscal year 1920 is approximately 18,180,000 dollars. The proposed supplemental of 11,500,000 dollars will find nine months of work. October through june on the program. This work would include completion of the multi hazard risk assessment, the initiation of alternative development and the continuation of our
Public Engagement
work as well as our ongoing collaboration with the army corps of engineers on the flood study. If the commission were to give its approval today we would go to the
Capital Planning
committee for their approval on july 22 with an eye towards introducing the ordinance at the board of supervisors on july 30. If there is no appeal, of the dismissal of the litigation against prop a by august rd of supervisors. If there is a an appeal and the city chooses to delay the first of bond sale which is an open question we would work to get the items scheduled at the budget and finance committee when the board returns from its recess at the beginning of september and then we would hope to have full board approval by the end of september which would then allow us to continue the program. That concludes my presentation im happy to answer questions. Can i have a motion . Moved. Any
Public Comment
on this item . Public comment is closed. Thank you for the presentation i am in support of the item and i would continue to see planning so we can move this work forward. Thank you. I support the item. I support the item and think you, its important to have the contingency measure. When you take the funding, the 11,500,000 as the contingency plan out of the ports harbor fund, what line does not affect, county wise . It takes us out of fun balance. We have concluded fiscal year 1718 with a little over as it happens, a little over 1,000,000 dollars in revenue to the good where we had not been counting on that money. Those funds fell to fund balance, we had not programmed the funds for anything. It would be a debit from cash and it will show up as a contribution to capital that has been repaid by an external source of capital. My second question is if you had a bond sale you would have an infusion of cash honestly. Now youre having to use cash. Whats the impact of having to use up cash unexpectedly for this we have a fairly healthy cash balance we have above and beyond what we have given ourselves as policy guidelines in terms of cash balances the we feel confident that we can let go of this cash as a contingency measure and then be paid when the bonds are ultimately sold. Are not concerned on a cash flow basis . Absolutely not. I understand now. Do you want to include that so we all understand how the
Financial Impact
on the
Financial Statements
as well on your cash flow im glad we have very positive cash balances. [laughter] we have a lot of allocated projects that sit in cash. Good presentation, you always sit back in the back real quiet and right before you have to speak, passed by the public 82 percent. I was like look at her. This one makes me mad. We should not be here today. Anyway, like my fellow commissioners, i am also supportive. Thank you. These funds have already been appropriated . No, maam. We would be going to the board of supervisors to ask for the appropriation. Okay. As far as to consultants and the youth staff. You have to come back to us, or are we approving how they are going to be spent next . The funds will be appropriated into a project budget for the seawall. And then, the project, that appropriation which we are asking you to approve gives support staff a lot of leeway in how to allocate the funding weatherby between staff or consultant. Okay, i guess my question is this appropriation would be allocated to the contract already approved. What we had planned was a bond sale with the
Companies Available<\/a> to do this work. One last thing i wanted to mention, sometimes we forget, the eight percent is a four. It is not a ceiling. We struggle to get to the floor. Trust me. A lot of the big firms that inherently pursue this level of work are well known to us at our the same type of contractors that work at the airport, or work on pc. They understand the expectations of not just cmd, they also understand the expectations of the various commissions and how they all want to see a robust participation within their community. We certainly can lean on them. They understand the expectations of the commissions, and certainly we will not let them shoot for the minimums. I am sorry, i did not get commissioner out of the chance to talk. The presentation wasnt really clear to me, probably more confused now when we started. I think victor was on point. Me myself i would like to hold this over, i would like you to go out and do better. To me this is unacceptable. Im tired of always coming in and expect to take crumbs. I think you can do better. I, myself, would like to hold this over madam president youd come back with something better. I just cannot accept that there is no lb eased out there. That is just where i am at. If i may make a comment, in terms of what the port is doing. Some of these firms, there is a huge barrier to entry. There is many millions of dollars to purchase equipment, and to be successful in the field there is economies of scale. So these firms have customers all over the nation in some instances. Perhaps it is a scalability issue and what firms can take on and it could be a mismatch between local
Small Businesses<\/a> and the
Marine Construction<\/a> field. This could be a question for the office of workforce and economic development. That is my sense of why there are no certified lb eased in the
Marine Construction<\/a> field. We are about to spend, you know, billions of dollars on this type of work. We have to do something to get prepared. So that our local
Business Enterprises<\/a> can participate. We have to do something area had a question on the holdover. Im confused, too. Can you remind us about the funding . Can you answer the question around the funding there is mobilization, materials that need to be purchased. There is other items for earnest money that we could do to make that goal if we prepare and spend that money before it is forfeited we have to look for another source for that area does that answer your question . In terms of what we would be able to do in a month. We would not have capacity to enter firms into this field. They are not certified, they are not there. What we would look to is things like the mentorship
Protege Program<\/a> or other forms of
Community Building<\/a> or workforce building that we could accomplish this contract. We would not be able to create these terms or cause assembly. It would be much more around metro protege and other
Capacity Building<\/a> efforts. We can certainly work with our
City Partners<\/a> and see what we might be able to come up with. I think that is a great suggestion and hopefully we can put that in place prior to spending any more funds on this project that needs to move forward. 750,000 dollars we can move forward with this, we have another 36 alien dollars to deal with finding. I would like to understand what your proposal is if we move ahead with this area at the same time we ask the staff to develop the mentor
Protege Program<\/a> because it doesnt sound like the percentages going to change within 30 days. Its not a question of identifying more firms, that is not going to change. Its a
Development Effort<\/a> to get more firms. I wasnt laying out the process
Going Forward<\/a> just what you might purchase anticipate if we take a month to work on it. You have two options here, you can approve this item now and we can work with other staff on sin
Capacity Building<\/a> or other things we can do with these contract dollars to build the pipeline down the road. I dont know if you have any thoughts on hand, or you can hold us over and we could come and tell you what we plan to do next month and you can consider the item that . What you come and tell us youre going to do has to do with future funding, not necessarily this contract . We can move forward with this contract, but prior to any additional allocations being sent, lets have a plan. The underlying bid will be part of the plan or it will not be a part of the plan . The 750,000 dollars contract can be advertised. Everything underneath is different, separate. This is just advertising. All lives matter one favor . Resolution 1927 has been approved. [reading items] good afternoon. I am a capital manager here at the port to present to you the 2012 clean and safe
Neighborhood Parks<\/a> bond. It was approved by voters in 2012 for a total of one 95,000,000 dollars, of which 34,500,000 was allocated to the poor for waterfront parks. Since then the board has participated in two of three bond sales for a total of 31,400,000 dollars and port staff is now recommending that we initiate the fourth bond sale which is the final sale from this bond and the remaining total of 3,100,000 dollars. We would pursue this in the summer of 2019 so we can join with un
Affordable Housing<\/a> bond to save on issuance costs so more money can go towards the projects. The proceeds would be used for construction. Im going to briefly give you an update on the status of the bonds appropriated to date and then we will highlight the intended uses of the proposed sale. This slide shows the full programming of the 2012 parks bond. I would note that this is a bit higher than the 34,500,000 i stated on a previous slide because this has an appropriation of interest earnings. Of the projects in this program, one has been completed the cruise terminal project known as the northeast wharf plaza. That was completed in 2014. As you know well, crane park is under construction and that is funded with 28 and 2012 general
Obligation Bond<\/a> funds. The remaining projects are in planning and design including the peer 27 public art led by the
Arts Commission<\/a> and improvements which will begin conceptual designs this fall. Anticipate all bond proceeds would be expended by june of 2021. This chart shows the details of the existing appropriation as you will see it includes 31,400,000 we have sold in the prior to sales as well as 331,000 dollars of appropriated interest findings. Of that, 13 percent is remaining balance that is unexpended. The proposed final bond sale would include 1,700,000 dollars for aqua vista park and one point two four karens head park. It shows an estimated cost of issuance of one 89,032 dollars. As outnumbered changes and gets finalized, any delta would be reflected in the final karens head park budget. The aqua vista park which you just heard a little bit about in the previous presentation is a 2,000,000 park renovation of an existing port park that will complement the missionbased area landing and the mission bay bay park front to the north. It will improve the experience for pedestrians and visitors by upgrading the furniture, the lighting as well as the access to the existing fishing pier. The herons had park and improvements are complementary to improvement made with the 2008 parks bond and response to the increased usage we are seeing at the park, similarly it will connect a chain of parks by improving access to the improved pg e shoreline to the south of the park and conductivity down to india basin, includes signage improvement, pathway improvement as well as upgrades to the ecocenters. Panels on electrical systems, it is a
Green Building<\/a> but the solar panels are rather old so it can use some upgrade to better serve the needs of the facility. As we can see from the schedule, i touched on earlier. The last object anticipated to be completed from this group is aqua vista park which is said to be completed in mid 2021. If the
Commission Approves<\/a> the item today we would proceed with the
Capital Planning<\/a> committee for approval on july 22, and the item would be introduced along with the
Affordable Housing<\/a> bond to the board of supervisors on july 30. Happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Can i have a motion . So moved area in any
Public Comments<\/a> on this item . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Thank you for this presentation. We have all been happy to see that the park program is a very straightforward, just think its execution of something we had agreed to and just to see the schedule on very supported in the item. No questions youd thank you for the presentation, no questions and i am supportive. No questions thank you for the presentation. We all want this to move forward. I am supportive. [laughter] of this one. Thank you. Thank you for this report. Just one question, once we receive the funds, will you come back to the commission on how they are going to be spent and with whom . In terms of issuing contracts we would be back when we issue contracts for the work, yes it would go to the two projects as described but then we would come back with the contracting. Aqua vista is part of the
Mission Bay Ferry Landing<\/a> . And then separately herons park. Youre going to come back with the designs on the programming and all that good stuff . Okay. Thank you. All lives matter one favor . Any opposed . Resolution 1928 has been approved. Good afternoon, or maybe good evening commissioners. I am the port cfo, and im here with a request to approve a supplemental appropriation to support the
Seawall Program<\/a>. Should the city be unable to move forward with the first sale of the seawall bond due to litigation that has been filed contesting proposition a. A measure that passed in november of 2018 with 82 point seven percent voter approval. The port is requesting that the board of supervisors consider and approve a supplemental appropriation from harbor fund balance to support ongoing planning,
Community Outreach<\/a> and preliminary design work on the seawall. I am here today, because in april of 2019, two
San Francisco<\/a> residents filed litigation challenging proposition a. They alleged that the city had violated a variety of state and local election laws in conjunction without measure. On june 18, the litigation with this list by a superior court judge who did not give the plaintiffs an opportunity to amend their complaint which was the best possible outcome that the city could have seen. However, the litigants have 60 days in which to appeal the dismissal of their case. The deadline for their appeal would be august 19. The
City Attorney<\/a> strongly believes that this case is without merit, and in fact, this was supported by the action that the superior court took last month. The first sale of the seawall bond has been delayed until at least august 19, and perhaps beyond. As the city evaluates the risk of selling bonds before the appellate timeframe has expired. If the litigation persists and if the city chooses not, the port would propose to appropriate available harbor fund balance to support the
Seawall Program<\/a> through this new fiscal year. Through june 30 of 2020. When the bonds are finally sold, the ports 11,500,000 dollars contribution would ultimately be reimbursed to the harbor. The seawall bond, as you all know, provides a majority of funding for phase 1 of the program. It has no other sources other than the harbor fund to backfill the prevalent potential delay of the bond sales. As of today, staff is estimating, at the current rate of expenditure, the
Seawall Program<\/a> will exhaust its appropriated funding at the end of september, beginning of october. Without a bonded sale or supplemental appropriation, the
Seawall Program<\/a> will run out of funding. The appropriation request is a contingency that will allow us to have worked on the program and continue if we ultimately face a worst
Case Scenario<\/a> with the bond. The total that the port expects to spend on the
Seawall Program<\/a> in fiscal year 1920 is approximately 18,180,000 dollars. The proposed supplemental of 11,500,000 dollars will find nine months of work. October through june on the program. This work would include completion of the multi hazard risk assessment, the initiation of alternative development and the continuation of our
Public Engagement<\/a> work as well as our ongoing collaboration with the army corps of engineers on the flood study. If the commission were to give its approval today we would go to the
Capital Planning<\/a> committee for their approval on july 22 with an eye towards introducing the ordinance at the board of supervisors on july 30. If there is no appeal, of the dismissal of the litigation against prop a by august rd of supervisors. If there is a an appeal and the city chooses to delay the first of bond sale which is an open question we would work to get the items scheduled at the budget and finance committee when the board returns from its recess at the beginning of september and then we would hope to have full board approval by the end of september which would then allow us to continue the program. That concludes my presentation im happy to answer questions. Can i have a motion . Moved. Any
Public Comment<\/a> on this item . Public comment is closed. Thank you for the presentation i am in support of the item and i would continue to see planning so we can move this work forward. Thank you. I support the item. I support the item and think you, its important to have the contingency measure. When you take the funding, the 11,500,000 as the contingency plan out of the ports harbor fund, what line does not affect, county wise . It takes us out of fun balance. We have concluded fiscal year 1718 with a little over as it happens, a little over 1,000,000 dollars in revenue to the good where we had not been counting on that money. Those funds fell to fund balance, we had not programmed the funds for anything. It would be a debit from cash and it will show up as a contribution to capital that has been repaid by an external source of capital. My second question is if you had a bond sale you would have an infusion of cash honestly. Now youre having to use cash. Whats the impact of having to use up cash unexpectedly for this we have a fairly healthy cash balance we have above and beyond what we have given ourselves as policy guidelines in terms of cash balances the we feel confident that we can let go of this cash as a contingency measure and then be paid when the bonds are ultimately sold. Are not concerned on a cash flow basis . Absolutely not. I understand now. Do you want to include that so we all understand how the
Financial Impact<\/a> on the
Financial Statements<\/a> as well on your cash flow im glad we have very positive cash balances. [laughter] we have a lot of allocated projects that sit in cash. Good presentation, you always sit back in the back real quiet and right before you have to speak, passed by the public 82 percent. I was like look at her. This one makes me mad. We should not be here today. Anyway, like my fellow commissioners, i am also supportive. Thank you. These funds have already been appropriated . No, maam. We would be going to the board of supervisors to ask for the appropriation. Okay. As far as to consultants and the youth staff. You have to come back to us, or are we approving how they are going to be spent next . The funds will be appropriated into a project budget for the seawall. And then, the project, that appropriation which we are asking you to approve gives support staff a lot of leeway in how to allocate the funding weatherby between staff or consultant. Okay, i guess my question is this appropriation would be allocated to the contract already approved. What we had planned was a bond sale with the
Engineering Contract<\/a> and staff work that you already approved. This is just a change in funding source. Thank you. I just want to ask a question on the process here, because we dont have any proceeds at the bottom as we had planned and this is an appropriation or use of fund balance, what is the reason we go to the board of supervisors . Katie can answer this question. [laughter] we need appropriation authority. This 11,500,000 dollars has never been appropriated, we cannot spend money without getting approval from the board of supervisors. I got it now. Any other questions or comments . All lives matter one favor. Resolution approved. Mrs. Meriwether and her firm have been instrumental in maximizing
Small Business<\/a> participation. She will be speaking during the outreach portion of my presentation. The director of cmt is here and can provide insight and our chief harbor engineer can talk to specifics about the scope of work at the conclusion of the presentation. The item before you is a request to recommend a ward of the lb set aside
Construction Management<\/a> request for qualifications to darby inc. And joe
Hill Consulting<\/a> engineers. Each contract will not exceed an amount of 1,000,000 dollars for a fouryear term, and an option for one additional year. This project complies with a number of our port ride strategic goals increasing funds spent by the port with micro obe and firms and utilizing
Engineering Services<\/a> to implement
Infrastructure Projects<\/a> that maintain the ports financial strength. By way of background commissioners, you will recall in april you awarded as needed
Engineering Contract<\/a>s valued at 3,000,000 dollars each. One of the most commonly identified barriers by local businesses competing for city work is that the contracts are too large and small firms cannot compete against the
Large Companies<\/a> located outside of the city. The goal of this solicitation is to build the economic power of small local businesses and help micro lb ease develop skills, build relationships and get the tenacity to increase competitiveness and processes. We issued this rfq as a micro obe setaside opportunity meeting that micro lb terms certified to provide
Construction Services<\/a> were eligible to compete for this opportunity. The resulting contracts for the solicitation are for oncall or as needed
Construction Management<\/a> services due to the nature of as needed services. It is not feasible to define the specific scope of work in advance of the proposed contracts. The scopes will vary from project to project area it however we anticipate utilizing these contracts for comprehensive site
Engineering Services<\/a>. Our chief harbor engineer can provide additional detail about the project scopes of the conclusion of this presentation. Given the significance, and uniqueness of this opportunity we have contacted the meriwether i
Williams Insurance Services<\/a> to help us develop a robust and inclusive outreach program. We promoted the solicitation at open houses, and proposal meetings. We have two technical workshops cohosted with meriwether and williams. The first was in november of 2018 and the second workshop which was specifically organized to encourage firms to propose for this opportunity was held on february five. At this point i would like to turn the microphone over to ingram meriwether to talk about our approach to support and commission micro tran10s for this opportunity. Good evening. Thank you for the opportunity. We worked closely with court staff to try to do a number of things, one expanded the reach of the effort to identify prospective micro lb ease and the
Construction Management<\/a> arena. Give them the earliest opportunity of awareness of these opportunities so that they can maximize the time to consider and to prepare, and then in the second workshop, we were very specific for the
Construction Management<\/a> setaside. We had pretty strong attendance, i think there were somewhere between 4060 firms that attended. They were very engaged. They were networking with one another, they were absorbing the information that was being provided which included strategies to submit a winning proposal on port staff, very specific about not only what they were looking for, but what firms could contemplate by way of how this work would be left. In edition, one of your larger firms was also present and gave
Technical Information<\/a> and an understanding of what firms again could participate in a working relationship with the ports and how the work would come at you, how much time you would have to identify, may be potential other sub contractors if it was a scope of work that the firm itself did not have a disciplined internally. I think the results were, you know, disappointing in comparison to the participation we had at the events. A lot of the firms, the diverse affirms that attended the events did not propose. What my opinion is on a go forward basis, that a deeper dive is necessary to really discern what are the barriers for firms who express interest, but do not follow through with actually submitting a proposal response, and then identifying ways that those specific barriers might be addressed through
Technical Assistance<\/a> and capacity development. If you had any questions i would be happy to provide them. Bless you. Following the two workshops we issued the rfq on march 12. We then had a preproposal meeting, to go over the specifics of the rfq. We also had a strong turnout there. Over 50 individuals attended that meeting, then convened a threemember panel to evaluate proposals that consisted of the ports project
Office Manager<\/a> who is here today, and engineer from the mta. The
Senior Engineer<\/a> from the department of public works and our may three submittal deadline we received five proposals. The first step in the evaluation process is to review each proposal with the rfq qualification. Often also a barrier that is identified by small firms competing for city work. At the qualifications on this rfq are purposely low two point five years expense over the past five years and ask for each firm to have completed a minimum of two projects in the last five years. All five proposers met the rfqs minimum qualifications. They provided into two phases. Total of 100 point. Four of the five firms were invited to the next phase, oral interviews was also worth 100 points. The most fibrous wand and were the two top highscoring firms. This slide shows the final scores we are recommending contact award to consulting engineers, the two highest ranked proposers. Both performed well in each phase of the process. Ajay is here from darby, darby is a 17
Employee Firm<\/a> in
San Francisco<\/a> since 2001. They have project experience that includes a better markets
Streets Program<\/a> and oncall
Construction Management<\/a> services with the
Public Utilities<\/a> commission. Self performing 70 percent of the contract work and subcontinent subcontracting. Joe hill from joe
Hill Consulting<\/a> engineers is also here. They are recent graduates of the
Contract Division<\/a> from a
Protege Program<\/a>. Joe hill has been providing construction imagine that services in
San Francisco<\/a> since 2007. 100 percent of their contract will be going to lb ease. If you award this contract today we will work to issue the notice is to proceed to in midaugust. The contracts are scheduled for completion in the summer of 2023. In conclusion we respectfully request that you award the ports micro lb as needed to darby inc. Each contract is valued at 1,000,000 dollars with a four year term and an option for a oneyear extension. Represents from the winning teams, meriwether, myself and representatives from the
Contract Monitoring Division<\/a> are available to answer your questions yet can i have a motion . So moved. Any
Public Comment<\/a> on this item . Seeing none. No questions. I appreciate the presentation and detail that we have. I think this is apropos to some of the discussion we had earlier. It sounds like we are making progress in certain areas and the support we continue to go in this direction, even though this has been used in a specific contract award. I think the whole process is something we need to continue to reinforce per our previous conversations. Thank you. Thank you for the presentation. I really appreciate the scoring was equally. I think sometimes of the magnitude of having to apply for the city process can be overwhelming for all sorts of firms. I appreciate how the scoring broke out. I support the process. I can tell you, you get better and better. I think you are starting to get your head around it. I approve it. I wish the former have the same results. I support it. Thank you. Thank you so much for the presentation. Thank you so much for your input. Thank you for all of the outreach that you have done to try to get our lb ease involved in the work we have going on here at the port. Its a little disappointing because we have such a huge turnout at the preconference, that more people did not take advantage of this opportunity. I want to thank anyone everyone involved. Including you. [laughter] all lives matter one all lives matter one in favor good evening on the port cfo. It is my distinct pleasure to be here to ask about the
Commission Set<\/a> the base salary of the port executive director for the fiscal year i just began on july one. The charter state that the ports executive director salary may not exceed the prevailing salaries
Holding Similar<\/a> positions and comparable maritime employment. To understand what the universe looks like, port staff conducts a survey of salaries for directors at comparable port. Additionally we gather information on the salaries of directors at similar
City Department<\/a>s. In may, the hr staff survey salaries of four directors in eight major west coast port focusing on the five parts i have jurisdiction. The average salary at comparable
City Department<\/a>s which includes the
Public Utilities<\/a> commission, public works and the airport is 352,000. Just as a point of comparison the executive directors current salary is 292,000. Unlike most
City Department<\/a> heads, the ports executive director is not a member of the municipal executives association. While the port director is not a member, historically the
Port Commission<\/a> has applied the same collectively bargained
Salary Increase<\/a> that applies to mea employees to the port director. As you may know, just recently, the city completed the collective bargaining. We have a new threeyear contract and the first year of that contract guarantees mea employees a three percent base wage increase on july one and then an additional one percent in december of this year. If the commission were to apply the contract increases to the executive director salary that would end increase the salary with the three percent cola in july. And then the additional one percent foz on december taken the salary to up a little over three zero 4000 dollars. This would be in compliance with the charter requirement that the port director salary not exceed amounts paid to directors in comparable maritime employee. Employment. However since the current port director salary is lower than the average salary of other seaport directors as well as lower than the average salary of comparable
City Department<\/a> heads. The
Port Commission<\/a> may make a decision to increase the port director salary at a greater rate than three percent. This is a policy decision entirely for the commission. We drafted the resolution to reflect we would amend the resolution accordingly. Is there any
Public Comment<\/a> on this item . Seeing none. I do want to say, we discussed this in closed session we also did a performance evaluation of the director. We are all extremely happy with all that she has accomplished this year we agreed on a certain amount, but before we discussed that im going to let the commissioners say what they would like to say. Thank you for your analysis you decide generally supporting what the mea negotiated for executives. I want to make another observation which i think is important on whether decisionmaking will be at the end. I dont know if the other directors want to comparison, they fall under the commissions or do they fall under the mea . They are by in large
City Department<\/a> heads, they are members of mea. i do want to point out, a director is not represented by labor positive on this particular stance. We have a
Department Director<\/a> who is woefully underpaid when benchmarked against them. The only current woman in her possession. From an equity lens, we have moral responsibility to make sure we have equity pay among all of our executives at the city. We do know that women make 60 cents on the dollar to male counterparts. Excellent work, director forbes has done over the past year. Those include my comments. I am very pleased with director forbes performance with the
San Francisco<\/a> port. I hope the joint decision by the commission, with resolution will be favorably accepted. Commissioner woo ho . I think we had a very good discussion and i think we are all lives matter one agreement about director forbes a performance i we are pleased to see the results over the past year. Not only that executive director, but the whole team, i think the port has pulled everyone together and i think thats a good statement to her leadership. Its not just the whats, it is the how that i also look at in terms of performance evaluation. I think elaine has done a great job in terms of the content. Even though she says shes all about execution. Shes all about how to get the execution done with her team. I want to compliment her on that. We want to reflect in our recommendation for her adjustment for salary that reflects not just the absolute, i guess, housekeeping way of doing this, but also to reflect the qualitative assessment that we have made about her performance this year. I would have to say, this is an l b e issue. [laughter] finally got it right. I think she is right, and commissioner woo ho also. You are an at will employee brady dont have a union. I cant imagine having a staff of over 200 people and all of the workload you have to take on and also dealing with five hardheaded commissioners thats got their own visions on
Different Things<\/a> and youre able to do that and integrate staff. I agree with the rest of my commissioners, i am very supportive and its well overdue. In honor of the us womens soccer team, you deserve it because they are standing over the same thing. [laughter] thank you, katie. Thank you, elaine, for all you do for the port and for all that you have accomplished over the last few years. It really shows in the team and all of our output to get everything we are doing. You just accomplished so much, we really appreciate it. We also do not want you to be grossly underpaid within the city, and with your peers in the industry. I would like for someone to move that we change the resolve of second to last resolve the says the valley of the port executive director will be representing, and come up with a figure. Representing the cola of three percent plus an additional five percent. For a total of eight. For a total of eight. Okay. I move it. Any opposed . Motion approved. For the record, an a percent increase over the executive directors current salary would take her up to three and a 50,000 trina 15,00787 per year. And on the one percent at the end of the year. Trina 15,000. Want to say on item 13 a, commissioner adam opposed. New business . The only new business i have is i would like to see the giant lbd report that we have never seen. I would like to request a presentation on the cityville
Program Starting<\/a> the background of how they establish that i what would the barriers be to doing something similar in the maritime construction trade. We can ask for stipulation all day long, there are not folks that are trained in it, interested in it, we are going to get nowhere. To really view that as a sector need. I would like to see them come and do a presentation on how they make those determinations. I have one item for new business and either we can discuss in the
Commission Meeting<\/a> or you can send a memo. I would like to understand the status of our lease at pier 24. I second that. I agree. We need to have this conversation. I agree. Any other new business . Any
Public Comment<\/a> on new business . No
Public Comment<\/a>. Motion to adjourn . Second. Meeting adjourned at 6 18. Shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses, and challenges residents to do their shopping within the 49 square miles of
San Francisco<\/a>. By supporting local services in our neighborhood, we help
San Francisco<\/a> remain unique, successful, and vibrant. So where will you shop and dine in the 49 . I am the owner of this restaurant. We have been here in north beach over 100 years. [speaking foreign language] [ ] [speaking foreign language] [ ] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [ ] [ ]","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/28\/items\/SFGTV_20190814_090000_Government_Access_Programming\/SFGTV_20190814_090000_Government_Access_Programming.thumbs\/SFGTV_20190814_090000_Government_Access_Programming_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240716T12:35:10+00:00"}