Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714

SFGTV Government Access Programming July 14, 2024

14,000 citations had been given affecting homelessness as defined by the budget legislative analysts office. By 2017, we were happy with the department and working with them and getting those numbers down. The last time we got those numbers it was at 9,000, still a huge number, and a huge cost, most of them unpaid. Since 2017 we have not seen that data. I have been on the phone with the Treasures Office who said the police are not collecting on the data. We should be tracking this. We should be able to see if we are giving more or less citations. These numbers are low. We have heard the citation of 647e mentioned. That is important. That is used to threaten people taking the tents away and taking it as evidence. When i was doing evidence in 2014 and 2015 this was not regularly used at all. This is something we are hearing on the streets and now in data and the prosecutor is not progresses cuting the cases because the threat carries a lot. We have heard, though, that they are using 647e. We have heard as david lazar mentioned in the march hearing they would take tents from people not cooperating with their orders to move. We know there are more officers now dedicated towards homelessness. More dpw workers doing the cleanings which result in the tents being thrown away. What documentation do we have when the tents are taken away. Many people are in the hospital getting food. You try to protect the tent of another person. If that is not your tent, we are going to take it. We have documentation of tents thrown away and the contents in them. Are they throwing away peoples property or garbage in so those are some of the things that i want to put into the picture. One last one was that in the controllers report the main statistic they are measuring the reduction in tents. There was i a 40 reduction. The number of new beds added were Something Like 691. However, we have closed two or three Navigation Centers. I would be interested how many net beds closer to 150. If we reduced 40 of tents of the 5,000 people and only created 250 more beds, we can understand what is going on here. We are taking peoples shelter away. As we have mentioned today people are dying on the street. We need solutions. We need to mott make it worse. Taking the dents away will kill will kill the person who is struck on the street and cant get to the shelter. I encourage the commission to ask the questions, continue asks for more data to get a clear picture how this is working and the impacts of people on the street. I want be to ask you this same question i asked the last group. The most problems and what do you see as the solution the city can implement . I think you can take that on a lot of levels. My favorite answer is Supportive Housing. I would go higher to affordable housing. You heard could ma lazar descrig another tickle. Shelter beds people want. When i was on outreach with officers, they loved when they could get a person into the place they wanted to be. The truth is they couldnt offer that, very rarely because of the services available. In the shorter term. Safe spaces where people can be and not worry about being shuffled around. When you are moving people around as much as we do and the controllers report shows reduce respond times, more Police Officers and dpw workers. That has consequences. Lost medicine, more instability, increases what i saw often times peoples need to go steal stuff from other people to survive on the street and to protect their own property. When you push people around and the whole idea is to avoid complaints. If the police push you around you need a new spot. You dont want to be in somebody elses territory creating tension. Why in the bayview . Asock is more successful downtown and in the tents. It is my speculation. Commissioner. I am intrigued we like best practices. We put this together with the Police Department in the lead. That is great. What is the best practice . Is it having the police leading the process on homelessness . No. I can send you the federal guidelines on encampment resolutions there. Are key things such as enough time for people to plan to involving the Community Organizations and Service Providers. It sounds like they have done very well in collaborating. We havent seen the Community Process that would work more with the Service Providers on that end. There is a number of cities that have taken broader steps. Eugene 20 of all 911 calls with homelessness are Public Health workers. They say we are halting. In santa rosa the court defined what adequate shelter met. 30days taking into account the gender, ethnic and religious backgrounds, reasons people wouldnt be in shelters, pets and partners. We will see how this provides shelter and being able to not threaten somebody that they are going to take their tent or move if they dont have a place where they can feel safe. A couple other questions. That was interesting. If we doubled resources how much are we spending on this issue . I am asking lazar. When he first heard the report as 24 now 24 plus 34 officers. How much are we spending . Talking about salary costs of officers . What is the bill . The overhead mostly is cost of salary. I would have to do the math. Isnt 80 of the budget salary . 87 . To your earlier point there are Homeless Outreach officers providing high visible patrol in areas and doing other things. I want to make that point as well. They help backup officers on patrol. I dont have those exact salary numbers. It is not just salary, you have department trucks and cars and other resources being used. If you take the trucks and not bagging and tagging. If you are going to the dump it is resources and time. If you can get the picture how much we are spending on this. The question is should the police be the lead . Should the police be doing all of the work when we have a collaborative, how much effort do we need to have the police front and center, so to speak. I will do that research, yes. Then it is lazar, one more question. I noticed in the presentation and he told us in 2014 there were 14,000, 2017, 9,000 citations. We dont have data for the last two years. We would have to get the data. We have numbers. The great news those are before the collaboration and before the officers being out front getting people connected. You quoted working with an officer who hasnt done this work in three years. We definitely changed the strategy. We will Work Together on the numbers definitely. The department should consider we should consider the commission whether if the police are going to continue in this capacity if it is worth putting the Work Together for what role and what resources should be spent on this . That is something we should consider as a mission. Thank you. Before you go i would want to ask do you two folks meet and talk frequently . We could have coffee next week, if you would like. Hang on. Wouldnt asoc and the coalition on homelessness have so many interests in common you ought to be meeting regularly . Is there a reason not to do that . That was put to the policy group many times. Recently in the last meeting, it will happen. I know that has been put to the Department Heads. As i mentioned earlier the last meeting was the topic discussion. We agreed that needs to happen . Can we do that pretty soon . We plan to do that. The policy group is the hsoc Department Heads involved. We have an Operational Update every two weeks and Department Head meeting to address whatever direction that we need to give to the operational team. It seems obvious to me. Thank you. Vice president taylor. Commissioner taylor you talk about the ad what shelter. Seven days is not adequate and 30days would be adequate to move someone. I struggle with this. I can tell you, i have a neighbor in the wheelchair who complains there is an encampment on our street and they threaten her for money. A friend from australia was assaulted. It is the only way officers can move is a 30day shelter available. To me, we all have anecdotes. They are dangerous. I can think of two opposit oppoe examples. I have seen the pd move people is my experience. If there is a 30day bed available. That suggests that could be a Public Safety issue. If there is an encampment and the entryway to my building and people are using, we have a different kind of problem in the city. When i ask for solutions, i dont want to hear it, i really want to hear it. That to me seens unworkable. We can talk offline. It is more complicated because if you are able to give the people the longer beds which they need and this is the worry in sacramento right now, all of a sudden what is happening to the shelter supply. As we heard from hsh tonight, there are 10 beds left. At the end of the month or beginning of the month. By next week there will be 100 people in chairs who waited for 4 to 10 hours for a bed and didnt get one. If we start reserving and offering great beds to folk like navigation to the streets this is going to displace other people who are waiting. This was an issue with the Navigation Centers when they first opened. To complicate the picture of the person living outside o of your door and is a Public Safety threat because they are using. When we are moving someone we are increasing their threat of their health and safety by moving them around the city. Tell me why moving someone who has an addiction why moving to a seven be day shelter increased the risk from dying overdose. I mean moving around the city which is the way we are dealing with it now. We are asking people to move. If they go to a seven day shelter bed and some take this and it will be interesting to see the data what happens after the seven day beds. For the most part they are returning to the streets. I dont know the answers. You have the complicated problems dumping into each other. I think we do a disservice when it is like it cant be that moving people is bad all of the time or seven day shelters are bad all of the time. If those are always bad we have no solutions. We dont have a city full of 30day beds. These are good questions. How it is handled today versus two years ago or versus another city. We need more data to determine it. Over the last two years we may have worsened the situation in investing more money in police and moving people more and increasing suffering on the streets, taking tents more and increasing danger on the streets. That is what i would like to get the data to understand better. Good evening. I apologize. Thank you for your work and presentation tonight. I dont have much followup. It seems like you had a lot more questions than answers for the data. That is something we need to address. To the degree the Police Commission can have an impact it is great the idea of you working with the Partner Agencies that have been involved in hsoc. Commissioner dejesus mentioned a working group with the department and some of the other partners. Is that something you think would be helpful and you would be willing to participate in . I would be if it was taken seriously. My hesitation is two years ago there was a task force for the San Francisco homeless Advisory Board can we were invited on. We met and there were some good meetings upfront. Over the year 30 of the meetings were cancelled. Another large number were changed last minute without our scheduling. It was about their scheduling. If this was a Real Partnership and not just going to be sort of, you know, a facade, yes. It was the San Francisco Police Department Advisory Board. It was organized through the commander lazar before hsoc. If there was commission oversight, yes, i would be willing to participate and i know the coalition would be, too, from what we discussed already. If we have a say in ownership of, you know, everybody has got to buy in on this in the city. It is impacting policing so much that i do think that a working group might be a good idea here to just keep the ball like commander laza are understanding. I may be harsh. The Partner Agencies are dedicated people, but getting everybody together and listening to everybody, i think, is always a benefit to discuss as a commission. Thank you. That would be great. I appreciate it. Commissioner elias. I had two requests one is fulfilled having you at the table because i think it is very important that your input is communicated to hsoc. My second request is that the data be provided and you difficult the lead program which has a phenomenal documenting system and i dont know if that is because it is a grant and that data is required. They have a system to tell you how many arrests happen in the district, where they were referred what the clinician was and what the result is. They track it. They have a model in terms how the data is to be gathered, collected and produced to the stakeholders to measure howtule the program is. I ask that you lead out and find a similar system to get the data to see if this is really helping or not. Will do. All officers are participating in lead. Thank you. I will follow up. Okay. Thank you for your presentation. Incredibly heart breaking. Next item. Public comment on this last item. We are ready. I just requested he bring in a quieter fan. That is appreciated by all of us, im sure. I am unhappy with the city. This is no way to treat seven volunteers, members of the Police Department and public. I will make my feelings known to the city. At least i did something about it. Thank you. First of all, i believe the brown act was violated. The materials were not ready in time before the meeting. That is not unusual. First of all, its criminal to arrest people for homelessness. It is a chime. It is cleared by theth district th district court. Go here while we steal your stuff. This is theft. The theft of peoples property and the only home they have. Why dont we go in the encampments and see what the homeless say they need. Why dont we say move out of the way so we dont have to look at them. If you are concerned about drug addiction maybe talk to the sfpd about the raids that are in cooperation with ice maybe you could do something about that. Maybe do something with the fact 70 of the Homeless People were evicted from the San Francisco situation. They didnt come from out of town. Without just cause they cant just see evict people. Capitalism hires police to protect money not people, not communities. The whole system underlying problem is that we are not concerned about the welfare of the people. I know for a fact in articles people that have gone to reclaim possessions have been told to stand out in the rain. There are reports of people taking their possessions in the department of public works and even selling them. This is theft. Not confiscation, not tagging. To continually arrest people that cannot pay bail, cannot afford, you know, the fines given them is just forcing them deeper and deeper into the criminal system. It is appalling, we are not doing our work here. It is shameless, frankly. Next speaker, please. Hello, commissioners and chief. I am the founder and director of the st. Francis homelessness challenge. In 201617 we worked with four large encampments we acted as a liaison. We made a suggestion two years ago for an hsoc like organization. It is missing a key component working with the encampment residents and advocates and Service Providers. People need a place to go. Chris mentioned a couple of of things as solutions a safe space. We are working on a cod code complaint management for Emergency Shelter response a transitional village. We have budgets, the ability to deploy this with political will. We could create a thousand savoringed spaces for people this upcoming year with the transitional villages. It fits with the current Emergency Shelter ordinance passed earlier this year with the department of homelessness and Mayors Office. These are solutions. Chris mentioned eugene program, the white bird clinics. The police and fire den departmt love this. 66 of the encounters with people experiencing homelessness are with crisis, deescalation expert and certified emt. Savoringed spaces and the model are two things i would love to present to the group. I will send you an email with will links. Thank you. Thank you. I am evan. I have been a resident in San Francisco for seven years. We just saw that value one of hsoc is lead with services. I didnt see anything in the presentation about what happens to individuals who enter shelter through hsoc calls after one month, three months. I didnt see anything in the controllers lengthy report on hsoc. Why are short term outcomes not reported . It might have something to do with the mullin multiple slidesn reducing tents and encampments. The 15 beds earmarked why dont they fill up when there are 5,000 homeless. Hsoc does things with homeless. The beds are bare minimum. They cycling people through the system. They are a leaf so they can rationalize and legalize the daily trauma and that take tents and tarps. Sweep up possessions and Survival Gear and make great looking powerpoint slides how it is improving peoples lives. They can tart the narcannery versal after there were 150 instances of narcan taken. These mass confiscations contribute to the 400 deaths on the streets. If referrals are working lets pay the hot teams and stop treating this as a Law Enforcement issue. Good evening. I am kelly. I am a human rights organizer with the coalition on homelessness. I am thrilled we are here. I am on the homeless coordinating board. I have been asking for the data and information that you have been asking. I have been asking every month for the past year and a half. We

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