Item two, general Public Comment members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes on any matter within the commissions jurisdiction and does not appear on the agenda. Speakers shall address the remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or Department Personnel. Commissioners are not to enter into debate or discussion with the speaker. The lack of a response by the commissioners were Department Personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement with or support of statements made during Public Comment. Thank you very much. Is there any member of the public that wishes to give Public Comment at this time . Please approach the podium if you do. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item three, approval of the minutes. Discussion of possible action to approve the Meeting Minutes of the july 24th, 2019, meeting. Thank you. At this point, item three, approve the minutes. Is anyone from the public would like to state Public Comment on this item of approval of the minutes . Seeing none, madam secretary, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners. Move to approve, mr. President. Second. All in favor say aye. Aye. Thank you very much, commissioners. Madam secretary, i am going to, commissioners, move item six out of order, the update from the assistant deputy chief up to the next item. The chief has a pressing meeting that he needs to attend and also Department Personnel from his unit his here, as well. With that, commissioners, madam secretary, i will call the chief up. Thank you. Good morning, commissioners. Here this morning to give a brief overview and update of the division of Fire Prevention investigation. Todays agenda will be highlevel presentation today. It is a general overview of the division and breakdown of scope and duties within the division. Well talk about recent accomplishments over the past few years and programs we have launched and continue to grow. Well talk about current initiatives that are ongoing and then i have our senior staff here which i would like to introduce at the end of the presentation to acknowledge them for all their hard work that they do. This first slide is just a general breakdown of the division. The division is made up of two bureaus, the bureau Fire Investigation, and the bureau of Fire Prevention. We are 100 members strong. We have an assistant fire marshal, we have nine captains, we have 12 lieutenants, we have 50 plus inspectors, we have nine investigators and six Fire Protection engineers, seven admin support. We are a large group and it takes entire group to get the job done. We are a team. It is worth mentioning this past fiscal year that we completed 26 inspections. Is a 50 increase over the last ten years. In addition, we have processed 13,000 construction permits as an increase of 100 over the last ten years. Beginning with the Fire Investigation, that team is headed by our assistant fire marshal. There is a captain of the lieutenant and admin support. The captain who is the manager of the unit is not here today. I would like to go down with this response. They respond to up to 20 fires in a month. Zero five prevention. What i have before you on the slide is a breakdown of our sections. Captain harold is here today and manages our plan check section. About 1,000 plans plus a month. Districts, captain matthews is here for districts. Or team is, if you look at the lifecycle of the construction project, the very end of it is the field inspections. Her team goes out to see that all the work is done per plan and is per code. Her group is the last to sign off. Fire permits, those are operational permits. Theres about 42 of them in the fire code who regulated activity from the fire code. We process about 4,000 of those a year. Highrise, we have a highrise section. That is all under captain mary shea. We have five highrise inspectors. We inspect every highrise once a year. There are 622 of them. Fire complaints, that is a new section that we have launched over the last couple of years, no speak more to that on the next slide. The port of San Francisco, the port is over seed in any Fire Prevention activity is his responsibility. He also serves as our new hearing officer, and he is also he has been assigned a special project with the fire code amendments, which he has done a fine job and i will speak to that on the next slide. S. F. O. , captain russell. She heads the team down there that is responsible for Capital Improvement projects. It is the terminal one project, and the new hotel. Schools, we inspect every school annually. Theres 240 of them. That falls under captain mary shea. Residential care facilities, again, social services before permitting these Residential Care facilities request by requested the next four items i will speak more in depth on the next slide. Community outreach team, training, and special projects and housing. I would like to review some of our accomplishments that weve had. Becoming fire marshal four years ago, we had a backlog of Fire Investigations and it is now down to 53. I credit that to management and training. The captain is doing a fine job. Fire complaints section, this is a new section. It is headed by a lieutenant, that is our accelerated Code Enforcement officer, and their four inspectors dedicated to fire complaints. All the fire complaints were sent over to the district inspectors who had to balance their load with new construction and referrals, and fire complaints. We want to make fire complaints a priority. We created a separate section and that can give it the ability to address it properly. We receive anywhere from 400 to 500 complaints a month. The majority of our fire complaints come from our r1 and r2 watch what inspections, company inspections. Part of that fire complaints, i would like to make note in the appendix, i put in the appendix probably more detail than we really need, but it shows the lifecycle of a complaint and the notice of violation in the administrative citation, admin hearing, it is all there. There is a chart of the lifecycle of complaint. Part of that lifecycle is the ministry of hearing. We have two administrative hearings and month. The administrative hearing officer those issues that are not abated or corrected or forwarded from the integrated hearing at the time they are issued. It is worth noting our website. We have answers on our website. You can look up fire records which will link you to the building, which you can look up and address and all fire related inspection activity is right there at your fingertips. The Community Outreach program headed by captain bombing. Participating in about 15 events or presentations a month, including the monthly fire safety fears. We interact with about 2,000 San Francisco his each month. Website enhancements, further on the website enhancements, i would like to thank and acknowledge our p. I. O. We have a number of fire Safety Information sheets and tips on our website. Also we have a fire safety video that our Community Outreach team developed, and it is on the website for all to view. And then we have special projects team. Affordable housing. Originally this team was developed just to address the development projects. Theres a proximal he 17 of them i refer you to the appendix. If you look in the appendix, there is a snapshot of the pipeline. I assume you all have a copy you dont. Here is the fire complaint lifecycle. It goes into detail from end to end process all the way from Code Enforcement. Here we go. This is what i was referring to for our housing team. The latest data for the Planning Department. 72,000 new residential units in the pipeline. A significant portion of those fall under the review of our plan check but also our special housing team. That team has now taken on other duties, as well. We are adding a lieutenant to that team. We have a Fire Protection engineer, two inspectors, theyre taking on the a. D. U. Then we have task, which is a new program, as well. Captain chad law works with m. T. A. And d. P. W. Vision zero, walk and bike s. F. , and he oversees or he represents a Fire Department for any and all street calming proposals. He has to strike a balance was safety and pedestrians and bicyclists while maintaining Fire Department access. That is his job. Current initiatives. I got out of order there. I apologize. I thought you had this slideshow otherwise i would have just ripped i wouldnt have just referred to the appendix. Investments to our budget, we are repurposed singh a couple of our positions up to chief level officers. And again, i refer you to the appendix. If you look at the appendix here , if you look at our chart, that is our existing order chart when i came to the department, when it came into the bureau in 1997, we had two captains, now we have nine captains. We felt that was under control and would be better served better served with an additional 42 positions. We also felt that given the Decisionmaking Authority at chief level officer positions would serve as well. And also, quite frankly, just to be more strategic and more responsive and flexible in making these decisions, and basically owning the sections below you and giving it more direct oversight. The next slide in the appendix was the new age 42 will show the different breakdowns and the structuring that is under control. I think it speaks for itself. Highlighting right now the fire code amendments. We have the 2019 San Francisco california fire code which will go into effect with amendments january 1st, 2020. Captain kaufman has headed that, making those revisions and we take the old code, we update it, the section numbers et cetera, we do little tweaks, little changes here and there. Nothing really significant or controversial, it is just cleaning things up a bit. The process, we have the final draft, which i will share with the chief. We get their input and approval then it will go to the City Attorney for them to review. After that it will come to you as the commission to vote on it before it goes to the supervisors. All this needs to happen by january 1st. Also part of that update, the administrative bulletins, they are part of the fire code. They will come before you for approval, as well. Our assistant fire marshal pruitt and captain harold have been working on those with their teams. Fortynine south van ness, it is a onestop shop permit center. Next june it will be there. The main changes there will be that we will be joining the construction permits and operational permits a 49 south van ness. The reason were doing that is because there is some overlap, and it makes sense to have the city together. So for consistency, and also it is more efficient with our management team. Also on that, we are in the process of migrating to electronic planning. We are starting a pilot next month. We will start small with the a. D. U. Team. I think eventually it will take some time, a couple years, but we will be across the city and everything will be done paperless. The advantage to that is, besides being paperless, is parallel pass review. The departments where theres overlap and review, redundancy, but necessary redundancy, i might say, right now it goes through each department. You can have realtime parallel path review and electronic review. You can see realtime, other departments comments, et cetera it will be a major improvement down the road. Special projects, housing. We just recently signed an m. O. U. With d. P. W. To expedite review and approval for all homeless shelters and navigation centres. That scope has grown. Special housing has to do with anything thats Large Community development or affordable housing, including homelessness. Training. That is something i have been trying to focus on. As you can see, we have so many of them sections within the division. Each section become specialized. So to be efficient we are limited on the flexibility in how we can move our Human Resources around, and what we what we are trying to attempt to do is to broaden our base in training and the plan review, and we have had two classes now. We are just finishing up a sixweek class for plan review or Fire Protection engineering our Fire Protection engineer has been doing that. We had an intro plan review and we just had an intermediate plan review completed. We anticipate one on fire alarms will be our next class. Broaden the base, give us flexibility to respond to any priorities that is asked of us. Recently, as per the direction of c. D. Two, we have been meeting monthly with our battalion chiefs and district inspectors. This is a great idea. The inspectors can share in their district any projects, concerns, or any information that they should know, and in return, they can ask questions or whatever they need from our fire inspectors. That line of communication is now open and it has always been open, but i think this is a major step forward. And now i would like to introduce our senior staff. If you can all come up. I like to see a couple things about our staff before introduce them. They are very experienced. The average experience level of our team is 24 years in the Fire Department. I want to bring them up to acknowledge all their hard work. My monthly reports that i give, i try to attach a name to it to show this is a team, a group effort, and that is why i wanted them to come forward here. It is also worth noting, everyone here behind me came from the ranks of firefighter. They serve on engine companies, truck companies, they are e. M. T. S, so they know what our field units, what challenges they face. They bring that forward when they conduct their duties in Fire Prevention. Not only did they look after the occupants in the building, but they look out for our members. They know what to expect, they know fire behaviour, they know what kind of tools we need to do our job. So i thank you cant put a price tag on that. It is invaluable. So i will start with our assistant fire marshal, achieve pruitt. Achieve pruitt overseas chief pruitt overseas the Fire Investigation section. Captain matthews is our district she heads our district inspectors. Mary shea is our admin captain. She is located at headquarters. She oversees a number of things including operational permits, highrise inspections, fire complaints, Residential Care facilities, schools. Captain harold is at our plan check section. A very difficult job. The whole end to end, whether it be the planning review, rejects, all the way down to water flows, were getting data for spengler science. That falls under captain harold. Captain russell at s. F. O. , again , i mentioned there was a large Capital Improvement project that she was involved with. Captain ken kaufman is next to her. Next to him is mike pat, our housing special projects team. And we brought our Fire Protection engineer which is a core member of our team. I always get his name wrong. I just call him come all i just call him kamal. We are open to any questions you may have. Thank you. Thank you very much, chief. At this particular time, we will ask for Public Comment first and then we will ask for comments or questions from the commissioners any member of the public wishes to give Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners . Thank you. It is always nice to see a big guy that is approachable and nice and just has a way about him that doesnt overwhelm people. You have a good attitude for a good got a big guy. I used to admire that in great athletes. He would take you out in a second but he never did it. You just try and use discretion. He didnt use his physical ability. He was one of my favorite guys. Anyway, great report, im real happy, whos ever idea this was. Im really glad to hear it because i learned a lot and how busy you have been, and how the department has expanded. I like the idea of going from two to nine captains. That was a great move. One thing i am interested in is captain kaufman has a new assistant was it last year that you got the new assistant, or was it two years ago . Do you want to come on up . Didnt you get someone to help you out down there . Oh, yes,. Just a few months . It started a couple of years ago , it took that long, okay. [laughter] originally when we spoken we had spoken before there was me and one other person. I have since got another inspector, and we approved or lieutenant recently. Now i have a lieutenant. Good. I catch a little bit here and there in the report but it didnt stick into my head. Maybe with the chase center, 70, this new navigation hot topic, maybe the chief could have you come before us in a couple months once the chase center opens and sort of see how well that is going. You have a lot of obligation down there with all that stuff going on. The chase center, that Property Line right there is on city property. Oh that goes to you . I do have [simultaneous talking] i also have mission rock, the giants development. That is a huge one. And the seawall lot 330 navigation centres. That one is quite interesting i dont know if any of you heard the report yesterday about some person being attacked and injured, it was on the radio this morning. I heard it and it is a controver