Meeting with the public. We will start with the roll call. roll call . We have the first order of business Public Comment. This is for any Public Comment for items not listed on the agenda. Seeing none, general Public Comment is closed. Next is 2. Approval of minutes for august 20, 2019. I will ask for a motion for approval of the minutes. Motion. Second. Any Public Comment. Seeing number none, it is closed. roll call . The minutes are approved. The agenda item report from executive director. Thank you and good evening, commissioners on my topics to discuss with you this evening, i wanted to first apologize as i mississaugmiss reported somethiu at the last meeting regarding streamlining. I think i said it had passed when in reality at that point it passed through first reading. My apologies. I will give you an update. It has passed now. That is great. On wednesday, september 11th mayor breed signed the legislation and it will go into effect on october 11 to enable Retail Businesses to diversify offerings to attract new Business Models to vacant storefronts and increase opportunities for retail and nightlife businesses to sell vacant storefronts. It will support live music by limiting doilycative inspections and will reduce the Food Service Requirements for new and existing entertainment venues. It will clarify planning codes provisions around Liquor License types in order to bring consistency to the process. Update on implementation. As we approach this Effective Date in october, the office of economic and Work Force Development will meet with all departments impacted by the legislation including us and we will discuss implementation and outreach included in the package. Our role in this, too, not only are we going to be educating ourselves as defendant staff on how Department Staff on how we will handle the permits differently. We will do an Education Campaign to definitely incorporate educating constituents in a newsletter as well as at the summit this year. Moving right along, i want to give you all an update on the special Events Steering Committee born out of the mayors executive directive supporting special events. A copy is in your binders. You can follow along if you want. You have seen it a couple times. This calls upon city departments to review the current permitting process and identify solutions to make the process more friendly, streamlined and efficient for event organizers as well as City Employees and residents. The mayor convened the committee to handle the review and make recommendations to the mayor. She designated two cochairs the city administrator as well as director torrez. All role in this. I am serving as a member of the committee. We are also assisting the cochair in the Mayors Office to provide research and support for the meetings. We kicked off the first meeting at the end of august. This is going to run through the end of november. From her directive the mayor is asking departments to look at a few different buckets. We are looking at digital permitting, fees and ways to reduce fees, as well as organizational structure. I dont want to get too in the weeds with those because they are ongoing topics with in the committee. As we have drafts i want to share those with you so you are informed throughout the process. The group is engaging event organizers in the process which we did prior to this committee which was the impetus behind creating it in the first place. By way of focus groups and small interviews to continue to understand the pain points around the process as well as ideas from their end on potential reforms. I will keep you informed. If you have questions along the way, i am available at any point. Finally, we have an update for you. I think i mentioned this. I might not have mentioned this at the last hearing. It might not have happened at that point. We issued an administrative citation relative to a sound truck permit that was appealed. In that process the appeal goes to the controllers office, and they assign a hearing officer there. It is much different than appeals to the Entertainment Commission or by way of Entertainment Commission decision to the board of appeals. It is handled administratively. You will see the prehearing statement we developed to support our citation and issuance of it as well as response to the appellant. We had the hearing last week. We are waiting on a decision from the controller. It is over a minor infraction of 100, but, you know, we will keep you appraised where that appeal process goes and whether or not we win. Do you have any questions . Okay. One comment on the previous item and just pointing out that in the executive directive from the mayor the actions are taken by the Entertainment Commission and staff. I just wanted to take some i want the Entertainment Commission taking credit for moving forward and laying the groundwork for the special events work being done. I am glad you are representing us in that process, and i hope it makes things easier for all of our applicants and people looking for permits. I am glad you are involved. As we all know, our department as well as commission are a little bit biased. We support our constituents who are organizers. By nature of that we want to find where the holes are and where there are potential improvements so dillons work is vital in all of that and it is great that we should always say thanks. We are looking at that work as part of the Steering Committee on how to improve it and how we can utilize that in potential future reforms. I just want to sort of second that. I want to commend the mayor for assembling the Steering Committee. It is way overdue. It can do a lot of good to make small cultural event in the city more frequent. I also think it is fantastic we have a meaningful seat at the table that is a wonderful thing. I am happy that you are doing all of this extra work on it. Thanks. I want to give a shout out to oawd forgetting the streamlined legislation passed. There is a long road. I know that ben is watching this and i am excited for him and everybody and i commend the mayor for signing this. The hard work paid off. Is there any Public Comment on our directors report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 4 is report from the Deputy Director. Thank you and abou good even. I will take you through the report on the highlighted sections. Page 1 with club 26, you have seen this on your report for a few weeks now, and i want to let you know that we are responding to complaints that come in on the weekends. I have spoken with the head of security and it is about the outside dispersal at 2 00 a. M. They are in compliance with the security conditions on their permit. However, during the week that is when we receive the complaints. We dont have inspectors in the field on sunday through thursday at 2 00 a. M. I have asked the station to help us. We are still working that out. I will say of the times we have responded on the weekend, they are in compliance so that is where that stands. If we go on page 3, looking at royal oak, just letting you know we have received 8 complaints since the last hearing about this location. They are not having live entertainment, it is streamed music they are playing with doors and windows open, and we have been receiving neighbor complaints. The inspector has responded and determined it is not live entertainment. I have spoken with the owners and let them know we are receiving these complaints. They are not eligible for appeal due to the Zoning District unless they do conditional use authorization. They are willing to go for llp. The bulk of people come after 10 00 p. M. We will see where that gets us. I looped in northern station and asked for support on this as well. On page 7, just bringing to your attention there is a flea market on saturdays and sundays. We are receiving complaints about them, quite a few complaints. Again daytime events unless we schedule an inspector for the daytime we are in the field at night. It is hard to respond to. Now we received complaints two weekends in a row we will coordinate an inspector to determine if they need a permit for this and what has happened. Inspector roberts is in contact with the complaints, and we are doing our best to respond when we have people in the field. Moving on page 12. Virgin hotel. The inspector went to conduct a routine site inspection and this is a complaint i will let you know this came in on sunday after he responded excuse me. This came in on sunday after he conducted the routine site inspection on saturday night. We have been receiving complaints about this location specific to the rooftop bar. On saturday night when the inspector went to do the site inspection he did find the dj after 10 00 p. M. It was close to midnight. It only allows entertainment on the roof until 10 00 p. M. They were issued a notice of violation for this. Financi want to bring to your attention there was an outdoor event that happened with quite a few complaints about it. We did contact the event producersers. We will set a sound limit for Outdoor Entertainment events prior to the next event that they host. We were informed no more Outdoor Entertainment with music events happening until next summer. The rest of the year we will have and into the beginning of next year we are keeping that on the radar. That is all that i have highlighted for you. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. I am curious if they dont have a poe and they are playing their music just cranking it up, what do you tell them . They have no permit and no dj, not in our purview. They are disturbing the peace. What is the next recourse . Royal oak . That is one example. Anybody for my own information. What generally happens the inspector collects Contact Information and then i reach out to the Contact Information, hopefully, the owner to follow up to say this is not permitted. You must have an entertainment license for this. Sometimes that works. Some people comply because they didnt know. In the event it is an out vitthat they are not wanting to get a permit, then we have to bring in pd. Correct me if i am wrong. Are you referring to places that dont host entertainment at all . If they cant get one and just play streaming music way up there without disregards we cant do anything about it, what is the next recourse. A venue that doesnt host entertainment we would take investigation in pursuing that. They don dont want to pursue e would engage the Police Department to enforce. We are looking at code relative to this today. It is not that common where we are dealing with a place that has no oversight from the Police Department to regulate. Within police code, you have to be in compliance with the eight decibels. Are we allowed to give them a ticket . That is where it is very odd. When we look at actual staff within the city that use sound meters and understand sound code, it really is us relative to entertainment or music. We could set a limit. It is not attached to an entertainment permit. We are trying to sort that out. We dont want to use staff hours on things we cant cost recover on through the permit application or license process. We want the neighbors to be able to enjoy. We dont want them to say, well i dont think that is the issue. We reglate sound when somebody has a permit and the police regulate if there is no permit. In this case the applicant may be applying for limited live. In that case we will have the opportunity to talk. So say if they get an llp and do entertainment until 10 00. After 10 00 they stream music, if they want to go louder after 10 00 thanks is not acceptable. They have to be in compliance with the sound limit at all times. They can be regulated by us. If the place has sound complaints currently pd enforces that and says turn it down when they have the availability to do so. They are working on heavier things. The neighbors have a number evera numberof number of the. You know you have local pd, local politicians, neighborhood groups. All of these things get together, trust me. I know. I have never been on that side of it. We have never had a problem. His all have permits. My personal feeling that is not we have laws around what it is we can and cannot do. We keep responding to the calls and we are not getting recovery from it. When we respond, we look to investigate on the entertainment front. I am not going to have my staff go out multiple times if we are not finding entertainment. At that point we have to send it to the Police Department. We have a sound monitoring fee so we could cost recover on that if the Police Department wanted to utilize our services in setting limits and enforcing them in some way, shape or form. I think commissioner lee is bringing up an interesting conversation. I want to go back to where we started at the meeting with both executive directors comments. I am looking at the flea market right now. I certainly dont want to understate the frustration of the neighbors. I also think this could be exactly what we are talking about when we talk about small cultural events. Maybe we could get in front of these things and see if we can get this to be an approved event because i think we are just so darn bureaucratic, it is a complex process. Part of our charge is to promote entertainment. This flea market could be a good fit. I know there are a lot of things to overcome. As we have said in the past. This flea market would be easier managed if they were actually permitted. What i am putting forth to you and your staff is seeing if we can license them at least in some capacity and actually turn this into a positive and make this to what president blieman was saying earlier, a real cultural event. I have no idea what the flea market is. It could be a asset and attract people. I think that is what we are all shooting for. Instead of looking at these straight up violations, which it is, but if there is an opportunity to make good out of it and meet the mission that is put upon us to promote entertainment and bring about these little events, this could be an easy one, and, hopefully, satisfy the concern of the neighbors. Thank you very much for the report. Any Public Comment on the report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Moving along. We are on number five. Police department comments and questions. I dont see any officers present. We are moving to number 6. The next item is hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission. Deputy director please introduce the items on the consent agenda. The two permits on the agenda are accessory permits. They both received an outpouring of support. The Police Department had no added conditions and i am happy to answer any questions you have about these. Motion to approve. Second. So there is a motion to approve the consent agenda. Any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. roll call . All right. Congratulations. Your permits are approved. Please follow up with the Deputy Director at your earliest convenience. The final agenda item number is number 7, commissioners comments and questions. I just would like to propose we close tonights meeting in the memory of a dear friend who passed away presently. He and his band mates were my introduction of the San Francisco live music. I would like to dedicate the session tonight to the base player of native elements jamie durand, jimbo, may you rock on forever. Anybody else have anything . I have a few things. First to congratulate commissioner coulcommissioner cg reappointed. I want to point out the three cultural institutions near the ballpark that closed this week. Padros and petes tavern shuttered out of the blue. Nobody saw it coming. It is an indication of the state of Small Business in the city right now. The costs and everything that is going on that is making it regard to do Small Business. I am just want to continue to think about ways, for example the streamlining legislation and Steering Commission to make Small Business easier to flourish. I want to say the 4 00 a. M. Bill which became the 3 00 a. M. Bill died in the assembly, never came out of the assembly. It is not on this calendar this year for legislation which is very sad and i think it will show us the rest of the state still views nightlife as a nuisance. In San Francisco we see it as a economic and cultural driving force. It makes me proud to live here. Knowing senator wiener, it will be back. He is the energizer bunny. Maybe the 12th time is the charm. Any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We will close tonight in honor of jamie jimbo durant, and the meeting is over at 6 01 p. M. Thank you. Welcome to pricidia middle school. I am emma dunbar and i had the enormous privilege to be the principal in this community. Thank you all for joining us. [ cheering and applause ]. I want to give a very warm welcome to my students, to our staff, to elected officials, Board Members, mayor appliappli and our trusted partn