Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240713

Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240713

Good morning, everyone. The meeting will come to order. Welcome to the october 21, 2019 meeting of the rules committee. I am supervisor hillary ronen, chair of the committee. Seated to my left is rules Committee Member gordon mar and vice chair walton will be joining us shortly. Our clerk is victor young and i would like to thank jason and matthew from sfgov tv for staffing this meeting. Please make sure to silence all cell phones and Electronic Devices and speaker cards and documents to be included shall be submitted to the clerk. Awe superviser ronen and can you please read item number one . Is an ordinance to the amend the administrative code to allow tenants who have received a passthrough relief from the landlords from the rent board from financial hardship. Superviser ronen i am wondering if supervisor peskin will join us. I dont see anyone from his office. I will open this up to Public Comment first and get someone from his office here. If there is any member of the public would like to speak on this item, please come forward now. Good morning. Teresa from senior disability and action. I am so thrilled that mr. Peskin, supervisor peskin, has put this forth. This is going to be so important to so many. And the building Affordable Housing and have people priced out because of passthrough is not a good thing. Thank you so much. I do hope you will support this with all of your energy and hearts and souls. Lets get this through. Thank you. Jordan davis speaking for myself. I stand up for rent relief no matter what type of housing one lives in and we can agree the rent is too damn high and i support any robust waivers for passthrough be it capital maintenance or in the case of this legislation, thank you, supervisor peskin, and bond passthrough which cant be considered for the artship application and as these type of passthroughs, lets face it, they cause displacement of communities of color and communities of people in the city and, of course, like from not only apartments but even sros that are on the private market. And speaking up for identification purposes only, i sit on the citys sro tax force tenant representative and tried to get this voted on and no quorum due to frequent absences and the makeup of the body makes it [bleep] to do right by the tenants. Please pass this out as soon as possible. Superviser ronen thank you. Next speaker. Supervisors, we worked with the Community Tenants association and the Tenants Union to address this. Lets say its a gap in our existing rent law that needs to be corrected, which is to create a hardship waiver for tenants who are facing a passthrough that would often times in our tenant counseling, we have tenants with 10 and 15 a month increases because of not debt service but because of bond passthroughs, and that may not seem like all that much for folk, but for folks living on the margins, that is a few meals that people have to scale back on. So i think its important reform. Thank you very much. Superviser ronen thank you. Good morning, supervisors. Peter cohen with the council of Community Housing organizations. As you might imagine, we are very supportive of the Affordable Housing bond, and i think in general as our city uses bonds to pay for infrastructure, it is a good thing. But we are very supportive of everything you heard from the tenant community about making sure that is not having a consequence on low income tenants. This seems like very smart policy, frankly maybe a little bit overdue, so glad we are putting this in place as a matter of policy going forward, and i hope the full board will be supporting it. Thank you. Superviser ronen thank you so much. Is there any other member of the public who would like to speak on this . Please line up if i would like to speak. Kevin welsh. And this in one way is a simple matter of equity. Owners of property get to take deductions. And tenants do not. This gives some equity in the relationship in the city of Saint Francis at least between tenants and landlords. This is a critically important part of the formula to create a more affordable city. I would urge you to pass this today. Thank you. Superviser ronen . Thank you. Any other members of the public wish to speak . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I still dont see anyone from supervisor peskins office, which is very strange. This is his legislation. But i will just move forward since we would like to move this forward. I would actually ask to be a cosponsor of the legislation. I think it is incredibly important. It is long overdue. And i am happy that its moving forward. Supervisor mar, would you like to say anything . Superviser mar sure. I want to thank south korea supervisor peskin and the tenant board to create some measures for vulnerable tenants and from passthroughs resulting from the Affordable Housing bond and other bonds coming up in the future. So i am happy to support it as well. And i would move that we recommend this to the full board or move this forward to the full board with positive recommendation as a committee report. Superviser ronen great. Without objection, that motion passes. Thank you. Mr. Clerk, please read item number two. Yes, i would like to note that item number was passed with member walton being absent today. Not today, if for this item. Item two is a hearing to consider appointing three members for indefinite terms to the housing conservatorship working group. Superviser ronen thank you so much. We have a lot of applicants today, so we would ask all of the applicants to come forward and do your best to limit comments to three minutes. And i will not call you in any particular order. We have five applicants for three seats. If any of the applicants are here, please feel free to come now and line us up off to the side. Do you want to start us off, jessica . Jennifer, allison, rachel, and sarah and michael are here. They can also speak. Are any of the applicants present . Thank you. Good morning, supervisors. My name is Jessica Lehman and i am honored to apply to the housing conservatorship working group. I have about 20, 25 years of experience working in the disability rights world. Starting in college and then i worked for several years at an Independent Living Center in hayward and working with people with all kind of disabilities before coming to senior and disability action. So particularly in the disability rights world the institutionalization is a huge issue. And so i have works for years on looking at why do people end up in institutions and what are the myriad of programs and services that can keep people out of institutions, in our own homes, in the community. And senior and disability action really looking at the intersection of senior issues and disability issues and i think that has given me that added angle on the issues that people face, and particularly with so many Homeless People in San Francisco being both disable and seniors. And that experience is really valuable. And then in the process of working on sb1045, working, of course, against passage in the state legislature and to opposed implementation in San Francisco, i talked to hundreds of people, senior and disability action had a senior and disability university where we were able to hear firsthand from people with Mental Health conditions and people who had experienced Substance Abuse use. And people who had experienced homelessness, aed on the really hear what they thought of this and what they think is needed on our streets and in our communities. We also had two community forums. We have talked to dozens of Community Organizations and i have talked to people from various city agencies. And so i think thats really helped me understand the diverse perspective in this issue. So i am prepared to ask hard questions and make sure that implementation of sb1045 doesnt bring harm to our communities. Thank you. Superviser ronen thank you so much. Next applicant. Good morning. I missed the prompt. Not sure if i am just supposed to tell you why at this particular time seat. Superviser ronen absolutely. And asking you to try to keep it to three minutes if possible. Absolutely. I amgener if esteen, a i am Jennifer Esteen and i have worked a z a nurse serving those with psychiatric illness and the last four years have been in placement and helping people who are currently conserved get permanent housing after they have been treated in emergency and crisis services. I also because of my job work with people in treatment programs and make sure they are eligible for the services they receive and that the programs are providing with the city contracts their services to do. And because of that, i feel uniquely qualified to serve as a labor representative for the seat with the housing conservatorship working group. Superviser ronen thank you. Youre welcome. Superviser ronen thank you. Ms. Short. Good morning. I am sara short and really excited to be considered for this position, and heres why. I need to read this. I have a deep passion and commitment to the dignity and rights and respect of those living with severe Mental Health conditions. And those who are selfmedicating the impacts of trauma by using substances. I also have a wealth of experience working with providing services both clinical and housing related to those individuals. I am deeply invested in the outcome of the working group deliberations that achieve both safety and meaningful care to those needing it. And that improves Public Health, safety, and Living Conditions across the board for those housed and unhoused. I believe that i can help produce that balanced outcome. My most relevant experience aside from the current position here at shp which the Community Housing partnership hold on. And it is that i spent three years working in l. A. Skid row doing a Homeless Outreach program. There i really witnessed the mechanics and the workings of from az in terms of when folks were on the streets and there were questions about them being a danger to self or others. That included the 5150 process which i watched closely firsthand working with the clinicians and our program and staff from department of Public Health and down there with the department of Mental Health. And also the aot program and assisted Outpatient Treatment Program and of course, conservatorship themselves and working with that office. I learned so much about the repercussions and the needs for when that conservatorship could be considered a possibility. And i really brought me to a place where when this issue became so big in San Francisco and now there is this working group, i feel that i really can help the conversation and see the balanced perspective of what its like to be on the streets working with those individuals and also the larger ramifications around Civil Liberties and the process itself which respects the actual dignities of the individuals and bridges a compassionate perspective. Thank you. Superviser ronen thank you so much. Are any of the other applicants present . Dont see them. We will open this item up for Public Comment. Please feel free to come forward and anyone feel free to start us off. This one . I am Brian Edwards and i live in district five from the coalition on homelessness and speak in favor of sara shorts appointment to the working group. She is one of the amazing women i learn from every day in San Francisco and is compassionate, and i do think when it comes to implement this is law, the best oversight is people that are critical and then if it turns out that it is the best way to go, that critical eye has already taken a look at it. I think of a better person for the six seat on this. Thank you. Good morning. I am rheya small a senior disability action and representing the voluntary Services First coalition made up of over 30 Community Organizations who work to oppose sb1045. And we would like to recommend that you appoint Jessica Lehman, Jennifer Esteen and sara short to the board. Jessica because of her rights with disability and the work at s. D. A. On this you shall shoe and jennifer because of the direct experience in health care and particularly providing health care to people with Mental Health disabilities and Substance Abuse. And sara for many years of work on housing and homelessness issues. Thank you for considering them. Superviser ronen thank you. Looks back i am again. Jordan davis, i am speaking in support of Jessica Lehman, Jennifer Esteen and sara short. Jessica i know from various contexts and working with the voluntary Services First. Me and her have like, you know, really good working relationship. And she has a good working. Jennifer esteen and i know her from save the ark. And sara short, come on, she is a legend in the city. Anyway, just want to say i didnt want to have to come here. I didnt want this item to be in consideration because i was really, really [bleep] opposed to 1045 and the local implementation. But we got to have the best people here. We got to have people who are to protect the Civil Liberties of peopleened a the and if they get forwarded out of committee and someone tries to pull something at the full board, i will be very [bleep] angry. Thank you. Superviser ronen thank you. Any other member of the public who would like to speak . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Do you have any comments, supervisor mar . Superviser mar i want to thank the three applicants who presented today for accepting up on this really, really important Oversight Committee. We are fortunate to have such Amazing Community and labor advocates and who are able to serve in this role, so thank you so much. And i am happy to support your nomination. Superviser ronen the three incredible women who showed up are three women i am excited to support today. I have worked closely with all three of you and especially around supervisor haney and the attempt to reform the Mental Health system and Mental Health sf. And not only do i know the three of you to be deeply committed to this community of people and to respecting and getting the care that people need and deserve, in order to live well and to live safely in our communities, but i am so impressed by the depth of your knowledge and your expertise and your professionalism. So i am very excited to be supporting you three today and so with that, i would like to make a motion to send forward with positive recommendation Jessica Lehman for seat two with the requisite residency waiver. And jennifer estten with the residency waiver. And sara short to seat six. If we can take that without objection. Without objection, that motion passes. That matter was passed without objection with member walton being not present. Superviser ronen we are going to skip out of three and we will have to wait until supervisor walton gets here because we have to excuse supervisor mar. If you would call item four please, mr. Clerk. Item four is a hearing consider appointing two members, terms ending december 3, 2020, to the cannabis Oversight Committee. Superviser ronen thank you so much. And we did have a long hearing on this item a couple of weeks ago, but we did not fill seats 10 and 12. And so for today, we have four applicants for those two seats. Jessica cry and im sorry. Jessica cry is the only applicant still here for seat one or is maybe Jennifer Garcia did not pull out. Both of them are applying. And then Erich Pearson, Shawn Richard, and Annarae Grabstein. If the applicants are here, feel free to come forward and if you could limit your comments to three minutes, that would be great. Good morning. Good morning. I am jessica cry and work with united local workers and a resident of San Francisco and been involved in the Cannabis Community for seven years. Prior to being an organizer, i worked at three different Cannabis Retailers in San Francisco. I am excited to see where this is going and the progress especially involving the community and labor because i know a lot of people are in need of some help within the Cannabis Community and looking forward to hearing from us. Superviser ronen thank you so much. Any questions . Thank you. Good morning. I am Shawn Richard, executive director of an Organization Called brothers against guns. San francisco native. Lived here my whole entire life. Worked throughout the whole entire San Francisco community. The first equity applicant and hope

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