Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240713

SFGTV Government Access Programming July 13, 2024

Phones and electronic devices. Items will appear on the board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you. Can you please read item number 1. Yes. Supervisor walton, do you have any opening remark . Definitely excited that we have our working group almost completely full. We are working to make sure we have the youth represented on the work group and just looking to making appointments. I dont know if anybody else has any comments or anything. Nope. Okay, great. We have three applicants. Its julia, danielle, and kandy. Sorry if i mispro announced your name. If youre here, please feel free to come up and address the committee. Anybody here . I dont see anyone. Okay. Well then i will now open this item for Public Comment. If any member of the public wishes to speak on this idea, this is your chance to come forward. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] like i said, im excited that we have an opportunity to select the youth to serve on the work group. What i want to do today, if its okay with you, supervisor ronen. I would like to appoint kandy to seat four and i would like to wait until the rules committee to make the last appointment. Supervisor walton made a motion that is accepted without recommendation. Were not back from thanksgiving break. Accepted without objection. [laughter] that motion passes unanimous unanimously. Thats good, right . Yes. Okay, great, can you please read item number 2 . Too much turkey. Item number two is an ordinance amending the administrative code to apply eviction controls to units that are exempt from rent increases limitation because they received a certification occupancy after june 13, 1979. Thank you so much. We are joined by supervisor haney, the lead author of this legislation. Would you like to make any opening remarks . Sorry, im not signed in here. Your microphone is on, ill sign you in shortly. Great, thank you chair ronen and committee members. Im here today to ask for the committees support for our universal eviction protection legislation that will bring thousands of units under the protection of the rent board and the eviction protections. Despite some of the strongest tenant evictions in the country, they continue to contribute to the housing crisis. The rent ordinance, the citys set of laws that govern tenants rights. If your building was constructed before 1979, you have the benefit of rent control. If your building is newer, you dont. We have little data on what happens to tenants in these post 1979 buildings. In 2018, over 1,500 eviction notices were filed with the rent board, but this doesnt include with post 1979 buildings, because those landlords are not required to file anything with the city. 15 of renters reported they were threatened we with eviction. Eviction is the primary cause of homelessness has doubled. Its harmful for our communities. Now is the time to correct this inequity and treat all units the same when immaterial it comes to eviction. The act establishes just cause in eviction protections in every California City starting on january 1st, as well as implement a statewide rent cap. This is a huge win for tenants statewide. There are loopholes that continue to leave tenants without protection. The California Apartment Association recently boasted about winning exemptions for buildings construct in the last 15 years and buildings where a tenant has lived there less than a year. That means tenants that fall into those categories wont be protected by the state law. It also does not explicitly bringing it under the rent board, making it harder to enforce. This will close the gaps in the state law and build on the rent ordinance to ensure tenants in buildings constructed after 1979, including those that just moved in are protected by strong eviction protections. I will also say this will also offer protections for tenants who may be facing evictions right now and once this goes into effect, they will immediately be able to assert this as a defense. There are you know, i heard from many tenants and tenants rights activists, and tenants attorneys who have told me how critical these protections are and how they will provide for tenants to speak out. When theyre treated unfairly and theres retaliation, these protections will be able to be asserted in courts. I would like to thank the organizations in the antidisplacement coalition and Housing Rights Committee for bringing this proposal forward and partnering with my office to expand tenant protections. I would like to thank supervisors ronen, fewer, and robert collins, as well as Courtney Mcdonald from my office who has been working hard on this for months. I also just want to make sure everyone knows that if you are a tenant and has received a notice for eviction, you should immediately seek help from an organization like the Housing Rights Committee or the eviction defense collaborative. This is a critical step forward. It will be the largest expansion of people protected under our San Francisco rent ordinance in 40 years. Its something that people, activists, advocates have been fighting for for decades. This, the board of supervisors passed a similar version of this 10 years ago and it was vetoed. I am hopeful that doesnt happen this time and the momentum and the understanding of how critical these protections are has reached a level that this will be signed into law in the near future in San Francisco. I want to thank everyone who came out today. We had a rally on the steps of city hall and theres incredible excitement for this and also a huge need. Thank you so much. I just wanted to chime in a bit and express my excitement for this legislation. Thank you for bringing this forward supervisor haney. I hope the second try is the charm. I grew up in a rent controlled apartment in los angeles. I just went back for the thanksgiving holiday to visit my parents there, and i always say that if it wasnt for that rent control department and for my moms pension as a lifelong teacher with the Los Angeles Unified School district, then my parents would be living with me. I am incredibly, incredibly, as much as i love them, thankful for these laws that keep people in place and allow them to retire on their own terms, in their own homes, and with dignity. The thing about living in San Francisco as a renter is that youre always nervous youre going to be thrown out on the street. You never get to rest easy and it didnt use to be this way. I remember a decade ago, but definitely 15 to 16 years ago, you knew that yeah, you could be evicted, but you would easily find another place you could afford and while it would be an inconvenience and awful, it wouldnt mean that your entire life would be turned upside down and you would have to leave the region. That is what it means nowadays, to be evicted from your home in San Francisco. So this legislation, any legislation that makes sure ten gnats are not arbitrarily pushed out of their homes without any good reason, without having broken any laws, without having done anything wrong. Its to me a no brainer, especially today in San Francisco. So i wanted to again thank supervisor haney for bringing this forward. Im proud to be a cosponsor, and im looking forward to Public Comment unless any of my other colleagues want to make an opening remark. Now we will open this item for Public Comment. Anyone who likes to speak, you will have 2 minutes. You can line up to your right, my left. That would be great. We can take one speaker right after the other. Good morning, please feel free to start us off. Hi. Good morning, thank you. Im a tenants right attorney in San Francisco. Im here to support the legislation that would extend just cause protections to buildings that were built after 1979. My only criticism would be that potentially it does not go far enough. Since my time is limited at 2 minutes, im just going to share one antidote that i think reflects what its like to live in a building that does not have just cause eviction protections, but i also want to add thank you supervisor haney about the Housing Rights Committee. Some people know and you know, the landlord lobby complains about the right to counsel now. I get calls everyday by tenants that spent all their money on their rent, and dont know that they have this right and dont know where to go. So, even though this legislation, as well as this proposed legislation, if its enacted, is there protecting tenants in theory, many tenants still do not know about their rights and often get taken advantage of based on their ignorance. So, i want to share an antidote from my time. I was living in daily city, and i was living beneath so i was a few blocks south of the San Francisco border and there was no just cause protections there. Due to my landlords negligence, the ceiling collapsed several feet from my head and my landlord who was a realtor at the time, licensed by the department of real estate saw this as an opportunity to turn around and hand my upstairs neighborhoods an eviction notice without cause, along with a rent increase notice giving them an option of either. Those students moved further. They were unable to live thank you. Im one of those lucky ones that has had apartments for the last 45 years built before 1979. Little did we know how lucky we were at the time. We were evicted twice, but they were legitimate. The arbitrary decision not to protect tenants in buildings before 1979 was shortsighted. We now see the great harm thats been done, harm thats been accelerated with gentrification and displacement in the last 10 to 20 years. It dramatically affected families. A few facts that im sure you already know. The number of people that are homeless increased 30 from 2017. 70 of people that are homeless had housing in the last several years. 30 of homeless are seniors. The number of people citing eviction as a cause of homeless spiked after 2009 and about 2,500 children at unified School Districts are homeless. There are also Devastating Health effects, including death that has happened because of evictions and the threat of evictions. My friend jay has been a tenant all her life and long time nurse and caregiver, working with the most Vulnerable People in San Francisco. Since retirement, shes been taking care of her husband 24 7, but was recently diagnosed with metastatic cancer. I got a panicked call from her, thinking it was about her cancer. No, she is absolutely terrified of being evicted because she has cancer and her daughter moved in to take care of her and her husband. So she is terrified while she goes through treatment of cancer, shes terrified about eviction. I also thought about the teachers in San Francisco who okay. Thank you. Excuse me if i started this wrong, its my first time. My name is russell. Were not talking a position on supervisor haneys position, but were concerned that the board of supervisors contorts itself to create legislation to San Franciscos affordability that ignores the underlying issue of the crisis, which is the under production of housing. They nibble around the edges and San Francisco has under produced. This under production is a root cause of the affordability and displacement crisis. Thank you. Good morning supervisors. My name is kathy and im a tenant. Im active in the tenants Rights Movement and im a member of seniors dability seniors disability action. They are trying to untie this knot for protecting buildings built after 1979. What an arbitrary cruel way of doing business. This has contributed to poverty, homelessness, speculation, and gentrification. Who else has benefitted from this but the Real Estate Industry . This move is long overdue and will bring a semblance of housing justice to our city. The no fault vicks from 1994 to 2016 are shocking and these numbers of 16,000 people, according to the antieviction mapping project spell misery and pain that we will never fully know about since no stats are taken on what happened to those who lost or are losing their homes. So supervisors, this is a big step forward and thanks in advance for voting this bill out of committee and fighting for it before the whole board. Thank you very much. Hello. As we all know, buildings built after 1979 currently do not have just cause. In january, under 1482, i think up to 2,000 more units will be under just cause. Its great to know that if this bill passes, we will be including all the other buildings not covered by the refere rent control or 1482. I believe that means Single Family homes and condos that are not included in 1482. This is great. I mean this is long overdue. In my almost 20 years at Housing Rights Committee, as a counsellor there, i seen a lot of people displaced from units that were not under rent control. I think one of the ways we see most often is that if you live in a building thats being sold and you dont have just cause, and you can be evicted because of selling it. Its, you know, there is no just cause. I think its great that those tenants in those buildings will have some protection, even though there is pressure to take buyouts and all that. There will be some form of protection against evictions. I assume these units will be under the rent boards jurisdiction. If thats the case, i also want to raise the question of the units under 1482, and the fact that at this point, my understanding that they wont be under the rent boards jurisdiction and i urge you to address that issue. Housing Rights Committee does support this legislation and i hope it sails through the board of supervisors. Thanks. Good morning supervisors. Im anastasia. Im a district 8 tenant and member of the San Francisco Tenants Union. Im grateful to supervisor haney for introducing this legislation. Its long overdue. San franciscans deserve a way to enforce their rights under state and local law. The legislation introduced to expand just cause protections to buildings built after 1979 is estimated to bring an additional 35,000 units under eviction controls. When people get evicted, either for cause or without just cause, they have no place to go. We have an affordability crisis, so this will stem the bleeding, as such. Thank you so much. Good morning supervisors. Im with the San Francisco land use coalition. I just wanted to thank supervisor haney for introducing this much needed legislation and all the supervisors who are in support. This is a city that comes with rent control, but no vacant sit control. This is a city that gives instruments such as owner move in, eviction rights to owners to get rid of their tenants. We do have just cause. I think this is a huge improvement and thats why im grateful for you supervisor haney and fellow supervisors that support this because every time you go through, especially the east side of the city and you see those cranes who are building these new apartments, those are the ones that are going to be having residents, potentially ten in and aboants e the beneficiaries of this. These New Buildings need protection for the tenants. If the action is pushing for more units, well, this is exactly what well be protecting, the tenants that are going to be renting those new apartments and those new units. So, i wish they would be here to actually voice their support, but we are here. We are voicing our support. We are the ones that want to have equity and justice for all. Thank you very much. Good morning supervisors. My name is gayle and im a tenderloin tenant, resident. I cant tell you how many protests i been to for evictions so im very, very happy to see this. Thank you for writing it and all of you for supporting it. Im just here to say i support it and i really hope that it passes because the last thing we need is more people being kicked out of their house and on the streets. Were trying to house people. Thank you so much. Good morning, my name is susan marsh. Im a volunteer member with the San Francisco Tenants Union and housing rights. I regret to have to start with something thats secondary and negative, but i must point out that the individual was misrepresenting the situation in that both the housing jobs balance report shows San Francisco is not in fact massively under producing new build im sorry, market rate housing. Its quite the contrary. I could go on with this, but i dont wish to be negative today. The fact is that this legislation will help protect tenants in the new build construction that we are seeing all around us and all buildings built after 1979. In doing so, it will also correct a truly fundamental injustice, which is the injustice of tenants not being protected from arbitrary evictions at the whim of landlords. It will provide all tenants with the ability. And i urge you to pass this. Thank you. Good morning supervisors. My name is curtain and im the cochair of the tenderloin peoples congress. Im here to speak in favor of this measure. I hope you will pass it with unanimous consent and send it to the board. Were going to fight hard and pass it there. This isnt going to solve our crisis, but this is one tool in a tool belt. Weve been passing a number of measures and we still have work to do. This is one important piece. Its hard to measure the impact of the current system, the way its set up. Its hard to measure that impact in terms of how many of the people we see out on the streets were directly related to what were talking about today. We know that some of them were. Some of those folks ended out there because they didnt have the appropriate protections to keep them in their housing. We also know that it cost a lot more to help get those people back into housing than to keep them in their housing. So we know whos benefitting from the system the way it is currently. The landlords, the developers, if profiteers, but whos payi

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