On commissioner lopezs comments. Talk about in terms of utilizing the partnership with sfpd, when are we at the point, okay, this is not something we can do or are we short on t10s . First, the sfpd does not supervisor oversee at all. We want to be clear with that. Some have misunderstooding over the years. Our t10s call them so the only calls to dispatch should come from the school administrator. Not from security. I wanted to clear that up. We have a high turnover in security. We are trying to get the security guards trained. We have had extra trainings. We had trainings on Crisis Response including how to respond to emergency situations. Certainly i think our security guards. Some are highly skilled in part of that community and absolutely worth a tremendous asset to the school. We have a high turnover and it is difficult to bring everyone up to training. The Security Force is inconsistent from school to school. If we had the security t10 staff, are we calling sfpd because we dont have the capacity to provide the service to our kids . Is there a specific reason we call it. Is it specific . Schools with t10s call more frequently than those without t10s. In terms of training for the sros. We are calling dispatch. How many times do we actually have training . I think folks are busy. Officers have to get the ball. How many times are we getting officers not trained in the school resoars sources that you offer. Is it proper that we could get it because kids are inside and outside the schools, right . I concur with you. In fact, commissioner, i was discussing this with mr. True wit today. It is a goal that i have set and i am waiting to engage in a conversation with my commander on having a daytime patrol receive some limited training on how to deal and interact effectism with juveniles. How to be more understanding. It is another level of additional training. I propose it is included in the professional development and training which occurs every two years for officers on a rotational basesis. So all members can currently good some form of training in dealing more effectively with juveniles. I want to let you know right now we have two highly trained resoars officers that are cit trained so sh they can work with those who work on the citywide basis including the child Crisis Services so we are all on the same page working together to establish some cents of stability for those young people. Center i appreciate you brought up the cit stuff. Would it be possible for them to have cit training . I have two with a specialty in this area. They are working closer with the Men Tell Health experts. They are helping other sros that may have a crisis at we are still developing within the program. My last followup. I havent had one in a long time. I want to thank you. We are doing good. We are talking about arrests . We are talking about a citation, it is an exchange of custody until we can clarify later what the timeout come of the situations . What we report is any time that student leaves the custody of the school in the custody of the police. We are considering that arrest change of custody. We dont have custody of the student. We dont know what will happen to released. They could be taken, we dont know that when the student leaves is school. Did the student leave the school, yes. I report those to you at the board. The preventative stuff around the shooting stuff, mass shooters. In terms of preventative work to prepare in schools and families and i know that nobody wants to talk about it. I am pretty sure it is on the radar. You be reading my papers. We have an active attacker. We dont want to think of it as necessarily being a shooter. The training is going to be occurring the end of january. The first officers to be trained will be School Resource officers. We are working with paramedics and response members to expect if there is a situation that requires this level of deployment. Thank you. We have been having three come verb session. We trained him with some of the school Staff Members. I would love to do the training, too. We will put you down. Thank you. Commissioner lamb. Thank you for the presentation and all of the work that has gone into putting the m. O. U. In regards to the training, you talked about the vast amount of training encouraged. I think an appendix to list out the trainings would be part of the record. I know there is language around encouraged that they be required. That will be for you all to consider and what that solution might look like. It would be helpful for me to understand what trainings are elevated and what opportunities we think would be beneficial for sros to engage in. That is one comment. I am curious on the cit training. This is new to me. If you can explain about the approaches. At what point do you bring in Law Enforcement and professionals to deal with a crisis situation at a school site. It is a 40 hour training for our officers. With that training they learn how to effectively partner and collaborate with Mental Health professionals and we have some Mental Health professionals within the Police Department as well. What that looks like i will give you an example. If we received a call, say a young person considered a juvenile beyond control. When the officer responds there, they know when they arrive try to calm down the situation. If it is something out of control to then consider contacting child crisis for assistance and at the same time also consider calling for an ambulance to assist because the last thing that we want to do when a child is experiencing a crisis situation and your uniform. It is a form of traumatizing and inflaming the situation further. This is some of the many things that we continuously discuss with our resource officers greating understanding about our response and what it means to others before we take any action. What has been raised by my colleagues is an opportunity in how to bridge our practicing, School Climate and how the sro program mean an agreement in place. It is going to be for the board to see this is not happening in the icelation. It is going to be an inti grated site in the School Climate. It is important for students to feel safe. We are going to do joint training with sfusd in the summertime when we are on a break. We have discussed with the School Resource officers that is a time to train together. I think how important it is that you raise the importance of working with captains and the neighborhood stations because exactly we dont see the borders between schools, serving young people and how our Police Officers are working in the community with students overall so thank you. Thank you. I am going to wrap up this series of questions with a few comments and some appreciation. I know that a lot of discussion has happened before this draft got to this point. I appreciate you bringing it to the board to weigh in before we voted on it. Congratulations on your last presentation. I do want to sleep tonight. I am tired tonight. If we get into it, the cops are here. laughter . I could have been his principal. He hung out at mission when i was a principal there. Let that be a lesson. You never know who i will be looking up to. All right. So i want to uplift and appreciate the comments of our student delegates around the ongoing tension between the community and the police. I have had a lot of encounters with the police in San Francisco when i called in distress. When i was approached for no reason. Now, i have one friend, two friends that are Police Officers. This effort to keep kids safe should involve the police. We know that in the community when people feel in danger, a lot of them are calling the police. That is why we have people taking issues in themselves or responding in ways that are selfdestructive. This work. We dont want to be at odds. We want to keep our kids safe and their families safe, to echo it. We have our kids when they are in school. A lot of officers see them when we dont have them. Chronic absenteeism. I would rather we deal with them then the police. Lets get those numbers down. I want to keep them away from the cops. I am sure some of you guys are night, though. Those are my general comments. Maybe we can have an update. Hopefully we can i like an opportunity to meet some of the officers that come to schools on a regular basis. I did a tour of the northern station. I have been to the baby station. Anybody tha that is in regular contact with, our schools, i want an opportunity to get to know. Did you have Something Else . I want to share a little story that happened to a friend of mine. I will not mention his name. He is a member. I remember this was about two or three weeks ago we were talking about roads and thorns in the class. He said that the day before he was waiting for the j outside of school, two Police Officers came to arrest him, handcuffed him because a white woman reported that she had been harassed. Just because he was africanamerican and you are only 17years old. He was arrested right outside the school. That is why i am telling you it is incidents like this that makes us feel uncomfortable with pay Police Officer in the school. I appreciate the work done around the m. O. U. I want you to remember that. Thank you. Good night. Number two. I would like to excuse our student delegates. Ten take tip agreement between San FranciscoUnified School District and united educators of San Francisco. Good evening. We lost a few people. Margaret, director of special education and overseeing a whole wing of our work and mostly compliance issues. I am the chief of special education. We are here tonight to hopefully provide you a brief report of an activity that we participated in throughout this spring and a report was generated. We want to give you a little bit of the synopsis of what took place. We start with the core values. I say when they first came out i didnt know what to make of them. Now they are my anchors. I like to stay focused on them in our daily work. We start with those. This is a comprehensive review from the California Department of special education. It is something they do each year and they look at the entire state of california and look at some data reports and derm a score for each district. There is a cutoff point of 62 . Unfortunately for us this year we scored 61. They had to look at us. We are moving to the next slide to tell you what that review entailed. What we wanted to explain is how it is that San Francisco unified got selected for the comprehensive review. There are a number of monitors systems. Data informed noncompliance. You have probably heard of it. It is called think. It is a black and white do we do ieps on time and or transition plans are they done completely. They collect that data. Another one is Performance Indicator review which has 14 different targets that the state is looking at that are fed have you cal pads or the dashboard. Where we have failed to meet the targets is on the english. The ela and math achieved participation. It brings us to th us to the pe. We are disproportionate in the number of africanamerican students on ieps as well as disproportionate in the identification of kids of africanamerican students for a specific disability areas both ed and other health impaired. Another area they are looking at in terms to determine whether or not we need reviewed is th the number of complaints filed. I want to add this is the 61 score. There are rubrics for each of the four items that put them in coming to our district and what they did when they came out to our districts. They did a series of audits. They get access to facebook and like for compliant ieps. Next was a benefit review. They did a training with our staff and we invited other admin teachers to join, and they looked at where they reviewed three files to determine whether or not kids were experiencing educational benefits by being in special education. They look at the years. The other audit was eip implementation. They asked to see the service grid, what services did we say we were going to deliver, what were then as well as the service log to show we actually did what we said we were going to do. They also visited sites. They went to 12 schools, six high and one nonpublic. In those they interviewed 59 Staff Members and attempted eight families. They interviewed two families. This comprised the report. On the first shrine there is a review of the report for you to read. The results of the comprehensive review required corrective actions. Those consisted of training so we had to actually mobilize quickly and create a deck for the entire special education staff. Our administrators, the folks who serve in nonPublic Schools. I acknowledged it is not the only way to engage but what we could put together in the time lanes they pr provided. Last year with legal we made it more friendly for our folks at the school sites in Central Office to participate in. There was Technical Assistance required in four areas. Discipline for those identified as africanamerican and preschool and timelines. There is a lot of trainings modules available through the cde. Also we get a lot of help when we build these relationships at the monthly table. Corrective actions are specifics to those in if ieps. The last one was tonight to present and inform you what we went through and throughout this year to become fully compliant. Without getting all of the particulars we pulled out some big ideas for you. Trying to condense it for this presentation. The big ideas of the staff training consisted of iep components. We did an educational benefit training of needs to goals to services and progress reports. There should be a very clear continuum. We revised ieps when students are not making progress. It has come una lot in close session. Is key in our work as special ed you indicators. The lpac, secondary transitional plan. We need to convene to address behaviors impeding access. We need to sat in realtime. We want to be proactive. Parent communication, notice of meeting and prior written notices and procedures. We must device means to be sure services are delivered and documented in the iep. More training is required. Timelines. That black and white thing we get dinged if we dont make the timelines. We need to do all we need to do for kids in a timely fashion. Everybody needs to come to the table for kids at the iep meetings. People are popping in, leaving early, that is giving the wrong message allaround. We started that training early last year and we are not giving up until everybody gets the unified message that Everybody Needs to present themselves with students first. Free and appropriate Public Education required after the tenth day of suspension. This was disease. W o dicey. We owe kids an education. We need to work with kids after the tenth day of suspension. We had to do a deck for administrators. Lea reps and principals are vital. I say your school will run as well as special ed services. Summary every choired admin training of the required admin training. Service and delivery is required when students are suspended beyond 10 days. The local education administrator must be there, that is the principal. General education and parent or guardian. Service delivery is required despite staff absence. We have trouble filling the gaps when people are absent. The principals need to come up with a creative waited. Educational benefit. The purpose. The streamlining between the goals and must align. People need to be well trained and understand that. In the spring they are coming back and will continue to work with us. The California Department of education will sample in the spring and conduct the educational benefit review to ensure it has evidence. They are looking for the data and growth on our end. Our work is ongoing for many years. We will continue to line up priorities in developing the Strategic Plan given the progress and results of this review. I say our work continues. When will we complete the review. We will exit the process once all corrective actions have been completed by the lea and accepted by the California Department of education. It must no longer meet the criteria for selection for the review process as demonstrated by improvement on state Performance Plan indicator products and the percentage of complaint noncompliance. They look at the cde compliance complaints as well. We have seen a dip in those in the last couple of years. Obviously, you have our contact information. Many of you do contact me. We margaret up there. She is on a first name basesis with the folks conducting the review. They will be in partnership until the end. It will be glorious when we are fully compliant. We provided this for you for your review from the notification letter to the full report and you can look at the discipline and disability numbers from the dashboard. I thank you for your attention this evening. Thank you for the presentation. Susan. Yes, thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. Susan solo man, usf president. I want to preface by saying these comments are not personal about any individuals. We are talking about a systematic problem. We need to be mindful how we talk about it. We heard some comments about the importance of putting students at the center. That is what we all do. We heard about people popping in and out of iep meetings. We need everybody to be present and we need ways to get substitute teachers into the believe when teachers are absent. Our members were provides special Education Services are drowning, too much work and too little training. This is a national problem. When i go to meetings for unions around the country, we hear this all of the time. One moment of hope today i was on a Conference Call and there is a campai