Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240713

SFGTV Government Access Programming July 13, 2024

Ronen absent. Commissioner safai . Safai absent. Commissioner walton . Present. Commissioner yee . Present. Yee present. We have quorum. Thank you, mr. Quintanilla. Could you please call the next item. Clerk item number. Citizens advisory report. Commissioner stefani is amongst us. Mr. Larson. Good morning, chair peskin, vice chair mandelman and commissioners. Im here to report on the november 20th meeting of the c. A. C. Starting with item 5, allocation of 3. 3 million for better Market Street. Critical to the success of the project. Smta noted the project working group, which included business along Market Street and the planned turnaround. As well as coordinating with developers on large projects for midmarket. C. A. C. Members also reacted favorably to the elimination of private vehicle traffic on all of Market Street, in the project area below 10th street. Seeing this as an advantage to reducing congestion and moving transit in this crowded area. The c. A. C. Recommended approval of this item. Turning to item number 7 on your agenda, the projects in the bayview, the comments centered on the transit assistance role. And the muni transport Assistance Program or mtap coming out of the bayview Transportation Planning process. Members were very supportive of the transit assistance and the mtap, given the vital role they play in deescalating and providing a safe environment for the riders. Funding associated with this item will go toward allowing mtap to increase the transit assistance presence on bayview lines during their working hours. Members approved the item both because of the worthwhile program itself and its prioritization through the participatory budgeting process in the community. And hope the lifeline transportation grant helping to fund the initiative will identify Sustainable Future funding sources. The c. A. C. Was also presented the 2019 San Francisco Congestion Management Program. The data and metrics used to inform the Congestion Management Program or c. M. P. Were of particular interest to the c. A. C. Members. One member was interested to know whether the data could be use for other projects and evaluations. Staff noted that data had been used already to support the freeway Corridor Management study and most recently the San Francisco downtown congestion study. Reporting back to the c. A. C. On the policy Advisory Committees activities in the new year. On that note, i would like to say that the c. A. C. Looks forward to the new projects and updates. The c. A. C. Will welcome two new members, who will join several new members who joined the c. A. C. In the past year. Im happy to report that the c. A. C. Not only represents the citys geographic diversity, but also the diversity of the people who live in San Francisco. In particular more members who are younger, along with those who are older. Id also like to take this opportunity on behalf of the Citizens Advisory Committee to thank the hardworking staff, whose expertise and professionalism make our role to advise that much easier and effective, both in this year and every year. And that concludes my report. Thank you, mr. Larson. Are there any questions for the c. A. C. . We will address some of the things you brought up relative to better market, when we deal with item number 5. Are there any members of the public who would like to make any public testimony . First speaker, please, on the c. A. C. Report. Yes. On the c. A. C. Report. Ive been following s. F. County Transportation Agency for ever since its inception. And the older c. A. C. S would address issues all over the city and county of San Francisco. So when it comes to congestion and when it comes to increased in the carbon footprint, this commission hasnt addressed it in realtimes. And im going to theyre doing some documentation on it, so that to address it in real times. So its very easy to say that a new committee will be formed for the bayview and the southeast sector. But let me tell you that congestion is getting worse. And the best way to find out about that is for you all to go and visit it, not talk about it, spewing diatribe. That doesnt help at all. And more, if youre old, more if youre physically challenged. So the c. A. C. Does play an important role, but the c. A. C. Has to have empirical data. And the c. A. C. Has to have solemn pathy and compassion for our population, more the Elderly Population thats suffering from the adverse impacts, be it on Market Street or van ness, which you know about, but do nothing about temperature thank you very much. Chair peskin thank you, any other members of the public wanting to make comment . Mr. Quintanilla, could you please read the consent agenda. Items 3 and 4 consent the consent agenda. Item number 4 is being considered for final approval. Staff not planning to present. Chair peskin are there any members of the public who would like to comment on item number 3, approval of the minutes for november 19th . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Is there a motion to move the consent agenda, made by commissioner walton, seconded by commissioner yee. On that motion made and sected, roll call please. Commission haney . Aye. Commissioner. Commissioner peskin . Aye. Missioner ronen . Aye. Commissioner stefani . Aye. Misser yee . Aye. We have final approval. Chair peskin thank you, next item please. Allocate approximately 3. 3 million in prop k sales tax funds with conditions, to San Francisco public works for better Market Street. Anna la fort,. Ill make a few quick remarks and invite the project manager for better Market Street from the department of public works to come up and give a presentation about the project itself, which is a requirement. Its a condition of the one bay area grant, that was programmed by this body to the project, that the project has a quarterly update to the board. This is for final design of the segment from 5th to 8th street, which is otherwise known as phase 1a. And this scope of work is suppose to be completed this summer. Youll hear more details about it from christina, which would allow the project to proceed to construction around this time next year. The requested funds are also for an installation and evaluation of a sidewalklevel bikeway along the south side of Market Street, between goth and franklin streets and the installation is planned to start in march of 2020, to be open for use by july of 2020. And, yeah, the chairs pleasure, id like to invite christina to present. Good morning, commissioners. Christina olaya. The better Market Street project manager. Im happy to report this morning that since the last time we presented, we have obtained our environmental clearance at the state level, environmental clearance. Weve also received a project approvals. So on october 11th, we had a public works hearing and mohamed approved a public works directors order. And then on october 15th, the m. T. A. Board heard all of the project changes, all of the parking and traffic changes. And approved the project as well. Our next step is getting environmental clearance at the federal level or mepa clearance. This is our schedule for the next few years. Our focus right now is in four areas. First, implementing the Quick Build Program of better Market Street, so that we see some of the safety improvements right away. Were also developing the construction mitigation plan, to support businesses along the corridor during construction. Were completing our environmental clearance, as well as completing design for phase 1a. We anticipate advertising the construction contract for phase 1a, between 5th and 8th streets next summer and hopefully Start Construction before the end of 2020. Starting with the quickbuild program, there are three main components of quickbuild, first full implementation of the carfree zone east of 10th street. Well also be adding 100 new loading zones, thats both passenger and commercial loading zones on the side streets and parallel streets to support the carfree area. Munionly lanes will be extended east all the way to main street. And where we have extra street or extra roadway space, there will be new painted safety zones. Heres a map of the quickbuild implementation. You can see that from 10th street all the way to main, in the inbound direction, will be carfree. And then westbound from stewart all the way to van ness. This is our timeline for quickbuild. Prior to opening day, well be coordinating with all of the Transportation Network companies to make sure that their apps are geo fenced and ready for the extended carfree area. Were doing a lot of outreach to the community, as well as to media. Youll see a lot of signage going up, that will be bagged until the opening day the opening day is at the end of january. Thats when all of the signs will be unbagged, carfree, Market Street will take effect. And the restrictions go live in all of the apps. After opening day, well be finishing some of the remaining work at intersections, as well as the transit lane extension, which has to be done at night. As anna mentioned, part of our request for prop k funding today is to pay for our pilot project. Currently there is a raised cycle track on the south side of Market Street, between goss and franklin. Its in the inbound direction. But its only raised inches and 4 inches from the roadway. Its not our better Market Street design. So what we would like to do is actually raise the bikeway all the way up to sidewalk level. And install the pavers and the bikeway separations, the detectable bikeway separation along these two blocks as a pilot of our better Market Street stein. Moving to phase quickbuild, as i mentioned, its between 5th and 8th street. This is a full reconstruction of Market Street, full redesign from building face to building face. Were rolling it out in segments geographically. The first segment is 5th to 8th street, as i mentioned all of the sidewalks will be replaced, instead of the brick, we have more accessible pavers, followed by the sidewalklevel pike way. And were leaving two lanes in each direction, the curb lane will be for transit vehicles, taxis, delivery vehicles, and emergency vehicles. The center lanes will be munionly. So the sline as well as some buses. Heres a closeup of the design of our sidewalks, using larger pavers that will be oriented in a linear fashion along the sidewalk. So youll only be encountering the joints every two feet. There will be new trees, new street furniture. Heres some of the trees that were proposing. Well keep the london plane as the primary tree throughout the corridor and also adding some diversity of tree species, adding cork or elm trees along the way. Our streetscape features we have coordinated with bart and were coordinating with muni and clear channel, j. C. To have a consistent streetscape look along the the corridor, Something Like a stainless steel design. And you can see the proposed j. C. Toilets in the bottom right, some seating in the bottom middle and then some leaning rails for bicyclists in the bottom left. Having a consistent look and feel throughout the corridor. This is just one quick slide on our construction mitigation plan. Were working closely with our partner departments, m. T. A. And p. U. C. , as well as the office of economic and Workforce Development to develop a construction mitigation plan to support the businesses along the corridor during construction. Weve talked about marketing campaigns, adding ambassadors along the corridor, providing incentives to the contractor to finish the project ahead of schedule. We know that the least contract duration the better for everyone, the less disruptions for the city. Directed business support will have a project office with Business Hours where people can come and request or apply for services. And then were also working on a pretty detailed transit support plan for construction. Heres the funding plan. You can see our prop k request, as part of the list. We also have been here before for our build grant, which we were awarded last december, as well as our obag funding. The majority of funding, however, is coming coming from r m. T. A. Prop a general obligation bond. Were also looking for other funding to fill the full corridor costs. Were looking at future federal Transit Authority dollars, future build grants, other obag calls for projects. Weve applied for regional measure 3 and also other local funding sources. With that that concludes my presentation. Thank you. Chair peskin thank you, ms. Olaya. Questions or comments from the members the sfmta . Okay. Ive got a few. Ms. Oleia, number one i want to start out by saluting you. One of the most competent project managers that the department of public works and the stet could have. Thats widely acknowledged and this is this is a phenomenally complicated project. This body and in our other incarnation of board of supervisors have been wrestling in modern times with mega projects, the central subway, as it relates to impacts to both small businesses, as well as residents. And weve been trying to wrap our hands around this. There have been many policy conversations, both at the sanford and the board of supervisors that has resulted in some cases in relatively modest, this may be a controversial term, reparations payments to small businesses. And we all or actually were talking about older and younger, the older members of this body lived through the development of Market Street, as it related to digging it up for bart and later on for the subway. And the one thing i want to get right and what i heard from our c. A. C. Is about aggressive in advance stakeholder engagement. And so while we approve these mega projects, and this is going to be a huge project thats going to make taken years. I cant wait until january of 2020, that is a nobrainer. I dont think theres any policy disagreement about what were trying to do for the grand boulevard of San Francisco. But making sure that we take care of and engage these people and there are differences between departments. Im not picking on the sfmta, i mean, lets be real. Van ness, b. R. T. At last count was 567 days behind schedule. We all know the stories. Theyve appeared before this body from people who literally have cried in front of us, as theyre losing their businesses and their livelihood and their employees. So i want to make sure that, number one, everybody in the Franklin Goss area has 20 15 vision. Im not picking on kate mccarthy, i believe shes done the best job that she can do, with the resources that have been allocated on the van ness. But the reality is we didnt engage stakeholders early enough. Eewd was not dealing with sfmta. All of these things came after the fact. They were way too late. Frankly it has been more than a challenge, if not a borderline embarrassment for the city and county of San Francisco. So simply put after that monologue, what plans do you and other departments and the city at large have to make sure that we have learned from our past practices and arguably our mistakes . Thank you. So we have a few strategies to address impacts to businesses. First off, we are breaking the project into small segments. Three blocks, 5th to 8th street, the second phase is 5th to 2nd. So another three blocks. Again trying to keep construction tight and fast. And were still talking about two years. And were trying to work on the construction sequencing to see if we can get that done more. Were looking at twoyear segments in three blocks, full reconstruction. And trying to get in and get out of those blocks quickly. And as part of that, as you mentioned, aggressive community involvement, Community Outreach. We have to date held five rounds of Community Outreach with large open houses. Were also planning, you know, doortodoor outreach in the next starting starting in ja, adding additional staff to go doortodoor to talk to each of the businesses impacted by primarily phase 1aperform franklin to goss will be one side of the street. We think we can get in and get out in a matter of 2002 to three month of two to three months. We have a lot of development in the 58th to 8th street. Weve held hundreds of meetings with local businesses, as well as some of the residential buildings and some of the developers. So i think outreach, involvement, getting input, working with once we have the contractor on board, as part of our contract documents, making sure that our contractor is also conscientious and aware of the impacts to businesses and working with the city to help minimize disruptions. Were looking at where can we stage, where can we put materials, that dont impact businesses. You will always be able to walk up to businesses along Market Street. Right now theres no private vehicles, theres no parking. So we wont see impacts to parking. But we will, you know, try to provide as much access to buildings and properties as we can, throughout construction. And providing for deliveries and other access on side streets and parallel streets, the alleys behind Market Street. So short construction duration, project office, providing services, going ecuadorian doortodoor, getting input and working with our contractor. Those are a lot of lessons weve learned from the other mega projects that youve mentioned. Ms. Oleia, i appreciate that.

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