Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240713

SFGTV Government Access Programming July 13, 2024

Communities. Thank you. Next line item. Line item 1e, commissioner announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration. Action. Our next meeting is january 8, is that right . Thats right. January 8, 2020 at city hall room 400. All right. Next line item. The public is invited to comment online item 1a through 1e. Good evening. My name is john jones. I would like to follow up on the chairs comment that Public Comment is going to be curtailed this evening because you are all so busy. It has been my impression over the years ive attending these meetings that this commission is uniquely unresponsive to the Public Comment. Ive rarely if ever seen a commissioner ask a question about someone commenting. If you care about what they say, you ask a question about it. The most important thing to this commission is the speakers add here to the twominute limit because god forbid we dont want to waste your time. With respect to the twominute limit, i think some people come up to this podium merit more than two minutes. I particularly remember the two chinese businessmen who came a couple months ago. And in my opinion, if i merit two minutes, they merit at least five, because they had a story to tell. So a larger question on my mind is whether or not this commission individually or collectively has the accuminimum to ask a question of john q. Citizen who stands up here and asks a question or makes a statement, whether or not you have the ability to discern what that person has to say. Its a question in my mind. I give up the balance of my time. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening. My name is adrian. Im with justice. Im here to address the shooting of a young man of color in the mission on saturday. And i would like to know if the commission would ask the chief, right now, to tell us what are the names of the officers who shot this person, because that is not confidential. Also i would like to know the name of the officer who was supposedly injured and under what circumstances was he injured, and if they will provide evidence of that moment to the public at the town hall meeting, because an article just published by Mission Local has indicated that there was a video that was viewed by Mission Local, though not published, because they didnt have permission, in which it is very clear that the person shot by these officers was being chased and in no way presented any threat, therefore this makes it an unnecessary shooting that violates also time and distance policies of this commission, which i really hope you will enforce with disciplinary action. I would also hope that the chief informs us what is the records of these officers involved in the shooting, including what type of complaints they had had, disciplinary actions, internal affairs incidents. We also hope that you will give us more information about evidence that we hear is out there, which is drone videos that have been confiscated by sfpd, cell phone Security Camera, and whether there was any body camera videos. If the names of those officers could be please given to us, that would be great. Thank you. Can you repeat what the town hall is going to be, chief scott . Yes, thank you. Tuesday at 6 00 p. M. , this coming tuesday at 6 00 p. M. At Cesar Chavez Elementary School. Thank you good evening. I went saturday to the corner and talked to the community. It was upset, disturbed and yet not surprised, sadly, by the incident. We are very concerned why if there are no charges, has the family not been allowed to be with this man who is in Critical Condition. We know when people are in Critical Condition they need love, they need care, they need to know somebody is there. No charges and not being allowed to see their family. Their family was at the press conference last night. Why . This is cruel and unusual punishment. If any of you saw the video they published of this young man, he has had a difficult childhood with a lot of drug abuse around him. They showed video of him in a recovery program. It was amazing video saying how hes learned to try to participate in society. Maybe he held back from it, we dont know. Im not going to conclude anything. But i find this so disturbing. Where was the time and distance . How come the police are saying, and they are not saying what weapon, theres implications of a bottle that no one else in the public or witnesses have concluded or said that there was a weapon involved. So we are very upset. Now, that building on the corner there is mainly filled housing for parole and probation. So those people are very afraid and could be intimidated very much by the police if they try to say what they saw. So no time or distance, no charges. Family is not allowed there. Names withheld of the Police Officers. This is not how procedure is meant to be. Using time and distance, a negotiator, we are chasing this man down the street, obviously hes having some kind of incident. This is not compassionate. Its not fair. Its wrong. And i do hope and pray that he survives this. His body was also laying naked on the dirt [off mic] thank you. Next speaker. Yes, i would like to make some comments about the shooting on saturday. Specifically regarding some of the euphemisms that have been used in the discussion of it by this panel tonight. So i keep hearing the phrase officerinvolved shooting, which to me is a bit strange because what we are really talking about here is an officer shooting a member of the public. Its not just simply involved. Okay. Lets be specific. Lets not minutes words with that. What would be a better phrase . I would like to finish first if you dont mind. It would be simple to say that the officer shot the member of the public. I dont think we need to say officerinvolved at all, really. Secondly, ive been hearing people say that the officer and the victim were both harmed, which to me also seems like euphemisms. Lets be clear that the damages were completely disproportionate on the side of the victim here, as i understand it, the officer was discharged the same day with minor head injuries, while the victim is still in the hospital in the trauma unit, still in Critical Condition from being shot in the legs three times. Thirdly, i would like to be clear that even though there are nonviolent means to disarm a person who is being violent toward the Police Officer without a firearm, without a knife, these were not used in this case apparently or if they were used, the man was still shot three times. So i think we have to be clear about these facts in the discussion. And i think the panel has so far evaded the seriousness of this incident. Thank you. Chief, im going to ask you to explain. We often use the term officer involved shooting in this commission. If you can explain to the public what that means, what that covers. Thank you, commissioner, Vice President taylor. To the public an officer involved shooting is used to describe any incident in which an officer discharges a weapon at a member of the public, intentionally discharges a member at a member of the public. Whether or not theres the person is shot or not. Thats the definition of an officerinvolved shooting. Thank you. Next speaker. Im luke moody, formerly home lessen. Im here to speak about the shooting of jamaica hanson near 23rd and cap. The people want police to hold a town hall meeting without delay. I was here in this building a week ago speaking about the frequent flouting of senate bill 1421. This is a perfect opportunity for police to comply with that law and communities demand a release of all written and video records right away. A gun was discharged in confrontation with a citizen who was unarmed. Only the Police Department say that the man was armed with a makeshift weapon. We want the body cam footage. All three cameras, Security Camera footage and the statement from the officers involved as is procedure. All items confiscated from bystanders should be documented as well. Police have had ten days from december 17th to release the date and location of a town hall as is procedure. Well, now we know the town hall is scheduled for december 17th, tuesday, 6 00 p. M. At Cesar Chavez Elementary School which is the maximum at the extent of ten days. Lets work hard to follow the law and do our homework on time. Thank you. Good evening, commissioners. If i can hand a copy of my comments, if you would be willing to take that, please. I am patty, managing attorney of the San Francisco Public Defenders Office juvenile why do you want. Im responding to the very eloquent comments of youth commissioner on the youth rights bill. That legislation was effective in april of this year. And i worked really hard on with the board of supervisors in drafting the legislation and ensuring that it passed the board of supervisors. It was unanimous and the mayor immediately signed it into law. I will say that after my training with 11sros at mission station on august 21, many questions and concerns were raised by the officers. They were worried about violating the new state and local ordinance, resulting in d. B. A. Complaints which could pose barriers to promotions and worstcase scenario, what happened in Alameda County Sheriffs Department where there was video taping of conversations between an attorney and youth, providing miranda consultation. The sheriff is prosecuted and is facing four felony charges for eavesdropping on confidential communication. So the miranda bill was enacted to ensure protections for the youth. And i remind you this ordinance was written as a result of the Police Interactions with students when a gun was discharged at the high school. And since april, we have provided 24 7 consultation for 152 youths. Of those, 27 youths, 17 were 13yearolds. Six were 12yearolds and three were 11 and yes, 1 10yearold. So the reason for the legislation, we need to move forward on [off mic] i want to give you copies of the training that i did with the s. R. O. S. You can pass that to after they continue the training just so you know, the item regarding the juvenile issue has been moved to january 8. And i have asked the chief to include you in conversation. I think youre too humble to sort of say all to list all of your achievements, but you are one of the experts in this field. You were appointed to a federal board under the Obama Administration on juvenile justice. Youve worked tirelessly in this area and have received national recognition. I think this is a great resource for the department chief to be utilizing, especially in helping train the officers so they are aware of the requirements under these new juvenile laws and provisions. And i really am going to encourage you to please have the Department Reach out to patty lee who has been, as i said, sort of Ground Breaking in this area and been doing it for a very long time, despite how young she is. Thank you. I want to say for the record too that ms. Lee and the Public Defenders Office have been working closely with d. P. A. Throughout the process and getting us to where we are today. So it hasnt been an isolated work. Weve been trying to work as collaboratively as possible to move the agenda forward as quickly as possible on this item. I wanted to make that clear. The actual district stations, the officers just want to know whats going on and to be trained properly so they can follow it. They continue to call us. Because they are receptive. They want to know. And they are very intelligent, and they want to know what it is they are supposed to do. They appreciate the help we are providing. This is not on the agenda. We will be talking about it on the eighth. We could go on and on about this. I have two other commissioners who have questions. Clarification. Were you here for the thing we continued, the juvenile issue . For item 2 that we continued . Or did you have Something Different today . I guess im confused. It was just disappointment that it wasnt Going Forward for consideration by this body, because we need it immediate. Every call that i take, i was on miranda call duty last week for a full week. The patrol officers will tell us i dont know the process, can you help me through this. So the need is immediate and urgent. The chief has heard you. So im sure hes not going to wait to start training. But weve heard you. Sorry it got continued to january. We will be back on january. I appreciate that. This will be on the agenda for that meeting. Next speaker. I wanted to ask a question. So what happened to item 2 . I wasnt aware. So, again, i was late. Why did we continue this . Madame president . I think you were here when we said but i will say it again. No, i was late but i appreciate it. This was continued at the request of the chief. And there was some apparent miscommunication and ms. Marin was not provided with a copy of the proposed changes. And so the chief wanted to make sure there was enough time. And i do not want to belabor this. It will be on january 8. So with that, again, repeating why it was taken off, and we will talk about it all. Im just seeing members from the juvenile justice community. Ms. Lee, casey lee and ms. Chan. So it seems like when the public is turning out to have a discussion, we need to respect that. And i obviously read the d. P. A. Report on this issue. Obviously theres some real problems with the bulletin as drafted. And so i just dont us to come back in january and have to plug this again because the work wasnt done. So ill move on but with the admonition that i want this done on january 8, and i want the department to really consider i thought that the d. P. A. s letter on this was very wellsupported with receipts and authority. And lets have it done on january 8. Im sorry to the people that turned out today. And i dont think that pulling things off last minute when people have come out of their busy schedules. I know they are all fulltime employees that sat here and waited and now we are saying come back in january, inconvenienced again, because we screwed up. So let me just apologize on behalf of the commission. Ill apologize on behalf of myself, not for everybody, but let me apologize for the inconvenience that the actions of the commission created. Thank you. And the chief is also i want to say the chief asked we take this off the calendar. My understanding was ms. Marion, d. P. A. , they were not provided with a copy of the proposed changes. I didnt want to have a Commission Meeting can we hear . I didnt want to have a Commission Meeting where everyone who should be at the table wouldnt be at the table with the information they needed. So chief, if you can speak to that briefly, but we continued it for that reason. I appreciate everyone for showing up. But thats the rationale. Thank you, commissioner. The letter that i received from well, the copy of the letter i received from director henderson, i think it was monday night, had some points in it that were raised. We agreed with some of them. The bottom line on this is that the policy section that was cited in the letter, which was 3. 01. 10 requires process to happen. We didnt provide a copy of the d. G. O. To d. P. A. As the policy requires. But it also required the discussion on what items that were changed. So that process, thats what we are asking to occur. We are asking to follow the d. G. O. That this commission spent a whole lot of time working on. And we plan to have that done by january 8. Thank you. Commissioner dejesus. So that was my clarification. Because paul says its more complicated than that. It was. We had challenges with the analysis as well, but yeah. A different approach interpreting the thing. And that gets us into the weeds. But thats why i responded with the letter that i did, outlining the issues and then well take it from there. The only issue that needs to be resolved . There were five issues that i think it was five. Some clarity issues. What we would like to see happen is that we sit down with d. P. A. And work this out and bring a policy hopefully that we can all agree upon to the commission. Thats what we would like to see happen. By january 8 . Whats the pinpoint person thats dealing with this . Go on. The commander ross, the commander of investigations is the point on that. It will go through director mcguires bureau. She has written directives under her umbrella. So written directives are responsible for facilitating the draft but the subject Matter Experts are various other members of the department. The commander is going to be the point on this. Does everyone think this can happen by january 8 . Yes. The last thing i would like to say is Going Forward when we have an item thats complicated and we have public thats here, we can at least discuss why its being continued so not only can all the commissioners know why but the public can know what the snag was and why its not going over. I want to say we have to stop finger pointing and move onto our agenda. I want to thank patty lee for being here. Its no surprise the Police Officers call her for advice. She did a great job when i was a young attorney. Thank you for all your hard work. You were a great prosecutor. [laughter] we work well together. Did you pay her to say that . [laughter] thank you. You look much younger than me. Shes on a roll with you today. [laughter] good evening, commissioners. Im julie. I know all of you, and its nice to see all of you and those of you who know me know im big on collaboration but we cant collaborate if we are not getting information. I want to remind you its not just the public defender. We represent 40 percent of these kids. We have seen body camera footage where officers are confused saying, wait, what was the age, when are we supposed to do it . So clearly we need to do this. But make sure we get to the table too along with patty. And then the other thing i wanted to take a few minutes to talk about was the youth commission. And i really want to thank our commissioners who are part of this for being there, who came to the meeting and spoke. The more we can involve our youth, i celebrate their voices and their role

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