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The next order of business is item two, announcements. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on january 7th, 2020, at 1 00 p. M. At city hall room 416. Please silencer Electronic Devices during the meeting. The ringing and use of cell phones or similar sound producing devices are prohibited be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any persons responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager or other similar sound producing electronic device. Announcement of time allotment for Public Comment, please be advised a member of the public has up to three minutes to make pertinent Public Comment on each agenda item unless the Commission Adopts a shorter period on any item. It is strongly recommended that members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit the completed card to the commission secretary. The next order of business is item three, report and actions taken at a closed session meeting. There are no reportable actions. The next order of business is item four, matters of unfinished business, there are none. The next order of business is item five, matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. First the consent agenda. There no or no consent agendas. The next is the regular agenda. Item five a is electing the chair and vice chair under section 27 of the Successor Agency bylaws. Discussion and action. Mr. Chair . We have before us an opportunity to elect a chair and vice chair. We will begin with the chair first. Do i have any nominations for chair . Yes. I would like to nominate Miguel Bustos as chair. I second that nomination. Okay. I will accept the nomination for chair. Nominations for chair is closed. Are there any members of the public would like to comment on this nomination for chair . Seeing none, any oppositions or extensions . Madam secretary, please call roll call for this. This roll call item is for Miguel Bustos to serve as chair. [roll call] mr. Chair, the vote is three aye one absent. Thank you, commissioners. The next item is electing the vice chair. Do we have any nominations for vice chair . I would like to nominate mara rosales. I will second that. I accept. Thank you. Okay. Nominations for vice chair is now closed. Are there members of the public who wish to speak on this item . Seeing none, any oppositions or extensions . Madam secretary, please call roll call for this election. This roll call item is for mara rosales to serve as vice chair. [roll call] mr. Chair, the vote is three aye , one absent. The election of vice chair is mara rosales. Congratulations. Thank you. Please call the next item. The next order of business is agenda item five b. , workshop on the current status of commercial , retail, tell, residential, and open Space Development in the mission bay north and south project areas and overview of additional projects for commercial space at 1450 owens, hotel and residential space at blocks 29 through 30, and an increased number of Affordable Housing units. This is a discussion item. Madam director . Thank you. The item before you is to give an update on mission bay, especially the success that we have seen. This is one of our oldest of the three projects within our portfolio and it is over 21 years ago the city executed the redevelopment plan and the owner s participation agreement were two thirds of the way that is complete except for a few infrastructure closeout items that we are working on. Mission bay south is almost there. It has both the residential and the commercial, as well as the arena. What we were trying to do is give an update on to where we are in the successes we have seen and what is to come in the coming year before you next spring. You will have a few action items that would require plan amendments and design document amendments. I just wanted to give you an overview so your input can do form inform next steps. We are excited to do that today and the mission bay project manager will be presenting on this item. We have some representatives here from the team. Okay. Good afternoon. I am the project manager for mission bay and im here for a workshop on mission bay. We will talk about where we have been and what we have been doing for the last 21 years and what we plan to do for the next nine. In 1998, to create a vibrant and transitoriented mixeduse community, the mission bay north and south project areas were created. The regulatory and gradual framework was established with redevelopment plans, design for development documents and owner participation agreements. The Development Corporation where the original owners of this land and the original developers. In 2004 they sold the development to fossil which is an entity of fairmont capital, and currently their developer is Mission Bay Development crew. This project is 303 acres. Includes 41 acres of open space, 4,000 linear feet of streets. There will be 6,514 units of housing when all is said and done, of which 29 will be Affordable Housing. For commercial there will be 5 million square feet. For office, lab, and clinical use, 560,000 square feet of neighborhood serving retail, and event center, for ucsf there is a campus where they are provided 43 acres. They will be building the. 6 million square feet of developments. 550 bed hospital complex, 250 room hotel, a Public Library in Public Safety building with fire and police stations, and public schools. A little bit of context here in the map, north of Mission Creek is mission bay north project area. This is residential and commercial. To the south is Mission Bay South project area. The residential area is in the northern portion and the commercial is in the southern portion. In the center, the ucsf campus that i spoke about is located there. Also in the previous slide we talked about 40,000 linear feet. That is about seven and a half miles of new roads and streets. You can see where they started to put the grid together. In addition to the streets, theres all the infrastructure beneath the streets. All the sewers and water lines and powerlines and cable. I am happy to say, except for a small sliver of mission bay north, all the roads are complete and open and soon to be accepted. Here we have mission bay in 1998 a small warehouse small warehouses and a golf ranch. By 2007, it is starting to get built. The residential portions are starting to build out. The ucsf campus had begun construction. You can see alexandra real estate was being built. Towards the water, old navy that located their headquarters there now we have here, we are current with 2015. Incredibly built out in the chase center is prominent. Ucsf hospital is in the foreground. Twenty years later, mission bay north is fully built out. All 15 projects, including 2,964 units, have been built and included in that is 698 units of Affordable Housing. They are four mixed income projects that have 1194 units of market rate housing and 93 b. M. R. Units. There are also four standalone Affordable Housing projects that includes a senior project, two family rentals, and firsttime homeownership. Mission bay north has provided 66. 8 Million Dollars in subsidies for Affordable Housing in Mission Bay South, we have completed 2,825 of the 3,550 units of housing. All 10 market rate projects have been built in three Affordable Housing units. There are two projects currently under construction. Both our family rentals, but one has a component for formerly homeless veterans. Theres also two projects that are in free development. One is in Supportive Housing and one will be for firsttime homebuyers. There will be 173 units in entitlement left after the projects we just spoke about. You are we are assuming in mid to late 2020 there will be an r. F. P. To develop those units two date, we have provided 130. 6 million in subsidies to provide Affordable Housing. Ucsfs campus was originally conceived for things to be a catalyst to bring biotech to mission bay. Currently ucsf is developed to point to out of the 3. 6 million square feet of developments. It has worked as a great catalyst to bring biotech to the mission bay. Office labs and clinical space has been built, as well as the event center and a 289 bed hospital at ucsf. There are lists of Different Companies that are residing and have built and developed mission bay. There is also 540,000 square feet of neighborhood and local retail. Theres about 108 spaces. Sometimes the combined spaces accommodate one retailer. We have fullservice Grocery Stores in both mission bay north and south, pharmacies, restaurants, fitness studios, financial services, medical services, only one Bowling Alley , so you have to go to mission bay north for that, but a lot of other shops. It is very well received. Also, currently under construction is 250 room hotel that should be open in fall of 2020. We build a Public Safety building for San Francisco which also includes the local fire and police stations. There is family house which is a home away from home for families whose children are receiving cancer and other critical medical services at childrens hospital. This is a 80 room facility that has been created for these families to stay free of charge. We also have a Public Library and a childcare facility that exists that is under construction. Here is the amenities map that we usually bring whenever we have a project in mission bay. We like to show you this. And the four years i have been here, this map has exploded. There are so few other amenities that existed. It is a great example of how mission bay has been growing in the last four years, let alone 21 years. I think the biggest amenity that is being provided is the open space. At the end of the day, there will be 41 acres of new parks and open space provided to the community. So far we have built 15 parks totaling 23 acres of open space and we have two that are under construction totaling 7 acres. The largest one is in the Bayfront Park which is right along the bay across from the chase center which is 5 acres. Throughout the past 21 years, there has been a strong developer commitment and partnership for the program and the economic development. 3 billion in projects have been overseen. Of that, 770 million have gone towards Small Business enterprises. For professional services, 50 4 have been Small Business enterprises. And of that, 92 are basing San Francisco. There have been 10 Million Construction hours performed in mission bay and 2. 1 million of those have been performed by San Francisco residents. In total, 100 million in prevailing wages have been provided to San Francisco residents for mission bay. This is what weve accomplished so far. We have more work we are looking forward to doing. This map here shows the sites that have not been developed and construction has not been done. The four Affordable Housing sights that we look forward to building on, there is a school sight mac, there is nine more partial open spaces to build and the ucsf campus has several parcels inside the original camd additionally throughout the years, ucsf has bought additional land south still within the mission bay project area, but on top of that. So they that is where the hospital currently exists and they plan to build more. Also there is new potential for development. In blocks 29 through 32 end blocks 31 through 43, parcel seven. On blocks 21 through 32, that is the current warriors arena. In the northeast corner, they are wishing to build hotel and residential project. On block 41 through 43, parcel seven, at alexandria real estate is looking to develop a commercial building for life sciences. Here you have a rendering of the proposed hotel and residential building that the warriors are proposing. The hotel will be on the bottom and the tower for the residential units. There will be 129 rooms that will have a ballroom, cafe his, and for residential, there will be 21 units. On blocks 21 through 32, is currently not zoned for a hotel or residential, so they will have to seek entitlements and plan amendments to build a hotel and build rooms, also the current area, the height is restricted to 90 feet. For their tower they will be asking for an amendment to build up to 160. Alexandrias project is located near the freeway. Here is a rendering of it. Currently that parcel is restricted in height to the height of the freeway. Alexandria will be requesting approvals to build a tower. As we discussed, everything is built out so they will be asking for additional entitlements to build approximately 200,000 gross square foot building. The upcoming actions that will be coming before you in the third or Fourth Quarter of this fiscal year for these two projects will be seeking redevelopment plan amendments to create new entitlements and the participation agreement amendments designed for the height and bulk, basic concept and Schematic Design approvals, major face amendments and e. I. R. Addendum his addendum his. Other new develop it through looking at is a creating additional Affordable Housing. So far we have maximized the density in order to create more Affordable Housing now and get it out there. It is desperately needed. By doing that, we have we are finding that there is not enough existing entitlement for the lots that we will have remaining see here we are assuming that half of parcel 12 left, which is approximately eight tenths of an acre, and parcel four east which is a little over an acre. Both are designated Affordable Housing sites but we will not have entitlement left to build on them. Staff is diligently looking to see what we can do there with different types of housing, height, density and all different ways to come before you in the coming year with recommendations. In the future, things will be bringing before the commission and the risk of physical 1920 and in the Third Quarter is there will be a gap for block nine a and that is the Supportive Housing for formerly homeless. That is block nine. For block 980, firsttime homebuyers project we will have an exclusive negotiating agreement and loan. And we will be coming before you with the hotel and the life science project. There are some people here. And Community Members. I think that is all that is here any questions . Madam secretary, do you have any speaker cards . We have oscar james. Good afternoon, commissioners and community and peoples in the audience. My name is oscar james. Im a native resident. Also i served that as a commissioner for the model city s period that was responsible for a lot of that property that has now been undergoing for mission bay. By the fourth and, in the fifties, that used to be a train spear before anyone came out to our community and nobody wanted to come out there. That was a train. During the earlier years when they first laid people off in the shipyard in the fifties, a lot of those peoples who were homeless stayed in those cars down there. So what im asking for is for housing to go through a certificate of preference and persons from that area and the other areas that is part of the Bayview Hunter his point community, and i would like for any development that transpires down there to make sure they have below below market rate housing for some of those who cannot afford the exorbitant rates that rent is going for now in the city and county of San Francisco. I also appreciate and really supports the warriors for wanting to build a hotel down in that area. I am glad they came back home even though they have been losing lately, but they will start winning because thats what happens when a team starts getting new players and what have you and people are on the roster. I say ditto to the warriors. Whatever they want to do. Pass it because there have they have been a blessing to the city and county of San Francisco they get into the community and help people in our community. I havent benefited personally, by the community has benefited and it is not about us. It is about the community. Kudos to the warriors. Keep doing a good job. Thank you very much. Thank you. Jim donnelly. Members of the committee, thank you for your time and your work. My name is jim and im a resident owner in mission bay and i really have a question about block 12 west and i thank you said that there was no entitlements left to even build anything. Is that what you said . The question needs to be to us. Im sorry. Thats okay. The question is for the development. 412 west, what is the total number of entitlements there that they have and whats the number of entitlements that they are going to be asking for versus the original plan . The original plan had below market right for five stories. There so many units. I think those were the two. Okay. Thank you. Sarah bertram . Good afternoon. Thank you for your work and thank you for your participation i have been a resident for almost 10 years. I have a small family. I just wanted to underscore what mar was saying about how important the open space is in mission bay. I work with a group of Community Members on working with the School District on the school plan and also an alternate on the mission bay area. Im doing what i can to support the development of the neighborhood. It has been amazing. But on the topic of open space in the Athletic Field in particular, the comment i wanted to share is that the members of the community are really interested in understanding the impact of a potential higher building on the shade for the Athletic Field. I think we can all appreciate that that could materially change the experience for Community Members if it was materially shaded there during afterschool hours or Something Like that. Thank you. No more speaker cards. Does anybody else see need a motion to speak on this item . Seeing then, i will close Public Comment and change my fellow commissioners for questions or comments. I have no questions, just to comment on the presentation and the information in and out of that area. I am impressed, i have been impressed, and i continue to be impressed with what is flourishing and the things that it is providing, the joy, the Farmers Market now, all of this that is coming forward, it is adding so much to this city. Thank you so far for all that you are doing. I have a few questions. Thank you for the presentation. It is nice to have it packaged in terms of where we came from and where we are and where we are hoping to go. A couple of questions on the hotel, the proposed hotel. There is a hotel under construction now, the 250 rooms, and then i wanted to see the capacity of this one again. 129 rooms. And i am assuming, it is being proposed. I am assuming we will talk more about the specifics, but if it is being proposed, there is obviously a market for hotels in this area. Yeah, the warriors are represented. There is definitely a demand. In this hotel, there will be one floor that is extra tall. I see. Okay. That makes sense. On the school, we have been talking about the school. I have been long enough on the commission since its inception that when we received reports where mission bay was not originally considered to be a child friendly or child oriented type of development initially and then that change and then there is a bunch of kids. Now we have filed five Childcare Centers or four or . Have a lot of them. We have one in the north and two will be cleaned up in the south. There is one individual childcare within the residential units. I do remember we went from run projection of no kids and now a lot of kids. The school i am interested in understanding how quickly they will come online. Their goal is 2025 to come online. I know they are in discussions with currently it is inside the ucsf properties with transferring it to them. They are hoping to have an environmental contract lined up by the end of this month so by next summer they will have an environmental report. They are moving forward in their goal is 2025 when they last reported out to us. We are in communication with them. If we are building a school for kids, if they can actually go to the school. I am not casting any aspersions on the School District. That is an interest there. And on a related thing, on kids, i think i read in yesterdays chronicle, and maybe i dont have the source, but that supervisor haney made a point, and something i just read that there had been parks or open space that had been access had been limited. I dont know if that is an accurate presentation, but there were parks that were available and they were beautiful and there was some fencing and blockage in terms of access. His office was able to cut through getting the parks accepted so they can be open. By the city . By the city. The parks are built and the grass is rolled out and looks beautiful and ready but the park isnt complete. It is still fenced. It will take a while for one to be complete and there is a legislative process before the city can accept it. Supervisor haney was very helpful in getting this done. Doesnt naturally go to the recreation and Park Department . They have a 45 year master lease for all of the open space. If you are owned by the city or by the port, then we will be responsible for it. Everyone pays into it in mission bay. And we have the funds to maintain the open space and we hire a thirdparty Management Firm to manage the parts for us. For my own curiosity, the retail, the amenities map, you are right, over the years that i have been on the commission, it has gone from not as many offerings to a lot to know. I was impressed with a note on slide 13 that was 108 retail spaces which is pretty impressive. Is there any insight you can give us regarding White Mission bay has been as successful . I am assuming it is in terms of its vacancy rate, it is competitive with the districts that have low vacancy rates for low retail spaces. Retailers are willing to come in. And when they succeed and theyre looking, maybe i can move here and do well. We have enough businesses and residents to lob love drop people in. Do have a sense of white is more favourable . I dont think it is more favourable. A lot of the spaces, our developers are owning it and they will get top dollar. Excellent. Those are my questions. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner. Thank you for your presentation. It is awesome to see as you were going through the different projects here. I was taking myself back to those conversations when we were voting on these projects. It is awesome. But it also shows that there is a lot more to do and i think for us, as a commission, we benefit by putting some of the standards that we have that have allowed us to be successful and i just hope we can continue to up the numbers with minority businesses and construction hours for San Francisco, especially mission bay, bay view Hunters Point residents. It is always important that people who live in the Community Benefits everybody. It is very impressive. I think we still have somewhere to go. We will be continuing to push, not only staff but also the developers to do the right thing i appreciate all your help on this and thank you so much. Thank you for the Community Members that came to speak. This is a workshop so we dont need to vote on this today. I am sure we will have conversations about the remaining projects and things coming down the pipeline. Thank you for keeping us in forms informed. The next order of business is agenda item five c. , workshop on the current status of development in zone one of the transbay redevelop much project area. This is a discussion. Madame director . Thank you. Through the chair, similar to the transbay area, we wanted to give you an update. We do have a busy spring 2020 coming up with some action item. But what is uniquely different different here, the city activates that role. We have multiple different developing sites, and in terms of the infrastructure, rather than the developer in mission doing all the infrastructure, we are partnering with the contractor. So shane hard, what he will do is give an update as to where we are in the project and what it was and where we are and what the future looks like and what upcoming actions you see and how we get to the end of the life of the development area. Congratulations. Congratulations. Commissioner scott, good afternoon. My name is shane hard and im the project manager for transbay we have jeff white, raymond lee and ben brandon. We will discuss the background of transbay, the transbay successes and 2020 Commission Action and next steps. The transbay Redevelopment Area was created in 2005 to generate funding for the salesforce Transit Center. The redevelopment project area is split into two zones. His own one is under landuse authority of ocii. The redevelopment plan and state law required that 35 of all new units built be affordable. This is a mockup of the redevelopment project area. Our boundaries are Mission Street in the north, Second Street to the west, folsom street to the south and main and spears street to the east. As a mentioned, his own one is under ocii landuse authority and it consists of 12 blocks, seven of which are located on folsom street, three are in the temporary Transit Center site and one block is located north of howard. Block 12 is located at the southeast corner of harrison and Second Street. The remainder of the redevelopment project area is zone two. The zone will consist of 3200 residential units, 767,000 square feet of office, 73,000 square feet of retail, 3. 9 acres of open space, and improvements to a five block section of folsom street. To give you an idea of how the buildout of transbay will affect the city, this is a rendering of transbay in 2015 and this is what it will look like in 2024. Most important, Public Benefit of the redevelopment plan is housing production. And forms partnerships with nonprofit and forprofit developers and provides funding to build housing on nine of the blocks. Of the 3200 residential units, 1400 will be affordable. There are 1267 units complete and 929 units under construction 930 units in predevelopment and 80 slated for future development the blocks that are complete are boxed in red and include blocks six, seven, eight, and 11 which are all housing projects. Block nine will be complete in january and consist of 537 units block one will be complete in march and consist of 392 homeownership units. Blocks in predevelopment are blocked two which is 100 affordable projects consisting of approximately 250 units, block four is a mixed income projects consisting of approximately 700 units of which nearly 50 will be affordable. Of the 1400 units within zone one, 70 4 will be affordable to low income households and 26 to modern income households. You can see in this slide the buried households that are served in the zone one b. M. R. With the majority of affordable units housing families. As a mentioned at the beginning of the presentation, state law requires that 35 of all new housing built within the entire Redevelopment Area be affordable this includes zone one and zone two. His own two is subject to planning code, which has a lower inclusionary housing requirements. As a result, the ocii zone one blocks have to make up the shortfall from the zone two development. You can see in this table that zone one projects will be 40 3 affordable in aggregate to meet the obligation. Block five is the only Office Project in zone one that consists of 767,000 square feet. The entire building is leased to facebook. Nearly all of the projects contain a groundfloor retail totaling 73,500 square feet. 38,000 square feet of retail is complete and 37,000 square feet is leased or preleased. Improvements to folsom street and 3. 9 acres of new open space are planned and will be funded by ocii. Folsom street improvements are from Second Street to spears street and they are currently under construction and being funded by ocii and when it is complete, it will include widened sidewalks with decorative concrete, granite bands, double rows of trees on the new sidewalk, new benches, streetlights, and landscaping. Under ramp park will be located under the fremont offramp from i. A. T. And the salesforce Transit Center bus ramp. Semantic designs are complete in the project is under review by the landowner which is tjpa. Transbay parkas located in the middle block of the temporary Transit Center. In early 2020, we begin public began Public Outreach for the design of the park. A 1. 3 billion total contracts have been led to date in transbay. Twentythree of the contracts are with Small Businesses and it has been very successful Small Business participation in the prevention professional services section. As the area has been built up and more retail and family amenities have come into the neighborhood, which will only continue as the parks get built and is more retail tenants occupy the ocii block developments. Next steps for the commission, block two, an r. F. P. Will be issued for a developer partner in early 2020 with developer selection in late summer, and in late 2020 or early 2021, there will be a frugal predevelopment funding. For block four, made 2020, coming before you will be a Real Development plan and moments to increase the building heights. Semantic design, d. D. A. , and redevelopment to the plan of block four. With that, we are happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Thank you. No speaker cards. Is there anybody wishing to speak on this item . Oscar james . Oscar james again. Im sorry i didnt put in a speaker card. When i heard about housing, i knew i wanted to speak. What i want to say about the housing in mission bay and on soma and that area is a lot of people who has been relocated out of those areas that didnt get a certificate of preference and i think they should have a preference to get some of those housing down there. Will they have a school that they can go to in that area or something that shows that they had originally come from that area . They should have a preference. I also think they talk about Homeless Housing. All these projects that are coming about do not speak of Homeless Housing. We need some Homeless Housing to go in some of these developments people are making amends are making millions of dollars in their people who dont have any source of income. The opportunity to even have a job should have housing in the city and county of San Francisco from being a little boy growing up in this area, there has always been homeless peoples in our community. When are we going to start watching out for those peoples who are homeless and give them real housing on some of this development that is coming in . All these people are making all this money. They should care about people who are unfortunate and who do not have the opportunity. At least give a percentage of those houses to Homeless Housing and also people who cannot afford to pay 4,000 a month, give belowmarket rate rentals to some of these peoples. Thank you very much. Thank you, mr. James. Is there anybody else wishing to speak on this item . I will close Public Comment and turned to our fellow commissioners. Any other comments . Seeing none, this is the workshop. Once again thank you, mr. Hard for your diligence and keeping us informed. We appreciate that. Thank you very much. Please call the next item. The next order of business is item six, Public Comment on non agenda items. Are there any speaker cards . We have one card. Oscar james. Mr. James . I just want to say on item six, i want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, happy new years, happy hanukkah for those who are jewish, in any other religion. I wish them a merry, Merry Christmas and a happy new years its been a blessing this year that we came this far. From the grace of god. But like i said before, we need to watch out for the least fortunate peoples in the city and county of San Francisco. And our mayor is doing a good job with the homeless and all those people down there on embarcadero. I remember when redevelopment built all those buildings and nobody was down there. Now they are down there and it is paying big grins and they dont want the homeless to be down there. They were there before they came so, you know, what is up . Thank you. Thank you, mr. James. Madam secretary, please call the next item. The next order of business is item seven, report of the chair, mr. Chair . There are no reports. Next order of business is item h. , report of the executive director. Thank you. I just wanted to acknowledge the grand opening of the transbay Child Development center. Mayor breed has and supervisor yee and supervisor haney went on december 4th to celebrate the completion of the transbay Childcare Development Center Located in the ground floor of the commons Affordable Housing development that is within the transbay project area and commissioner scott and the bracket where there in attendance. The center is one of over 30 early care and Education Centers in the high need neighborhoods. The Construction Cost was funded by citys childcare facilities in collaboration with office of early care and education and community development. This is one that is a true publicprivate partnership. We helped fund it and other city agencies saw it and develops them and built out the development center. This space has received license over 60 children ages 18 months to five years old. At least 50 of the childcare space is subsidized and is being operated by the south of market childcare. First preferences go to residents within the building. We thought you guys would appreciate that. There are a few that are still on the waiting list. I just wanted to share that. Thank you. Are there any speaker cards for this item . No. Does anyone wish to speak on this item . Seeing none, closing Public Comment. Thank you so much. The next order of business is item nine, commissioners questions and matters. Mr. Chair . I just want to wish everyone a happy holidays as this is our last meeting for 2019 and 2020 will be a good year, a very busy year on many levels. So i just wanted to say that. I dont know if theres anybody else who wants to speak or anyone has any questions or comments. Only to say, since my time on the board from last year, in my opinion, we too have accomplished so much and as ive said again and again, i have been in tears just reading the material, going to the sites, talking to the people, and visiting some of the retail around there and i am just amazed with what San Francisco is doing and im grateful to ocii. I cannot thank nadia enough. Are illegal, mr. Morales, and ocii team. You just are amazing. I thank you. As our chair says, we have come such a long ways. We do have more that we need to do, but you were doing a lot. I am grateful to be part of this arrow to witness it and to be able to tell my family and the generations to come. I have been here since the forties and so ive seen change after change after change and there seems to be now such a greater efforts made to be more inclusive for everyone and to be more thoughtful for us. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner. Well, said. Thank you. Well, said. I echo the comments. Happy holidays, Merry Christmas. [speaking spanish] thank you. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for being here today and i just wanted to say, at the opening of the childcare center, i actually ran into one of my childhood friends who was displaced from San Francisco and from the fillmore area and im proud to report that she is now back living in San Francisco and working at one of the ocii sights. That is just a testament to the work that you guys have done and the outreach that you have done towards hiring people who, you know, are from the community and getting them back here with us. I just want to say a big thank you. Merry christmas, happy new year, happy kwanzaa, happy hanukkah, and everything else. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner. Madam secretary, called the next item. The next item of business is closed session. There are no closed session items. The next order of business is item 11, adjournment. Do i have a motion . I move. I sec. It. We have a first and a second. We are adjourned. Thank you so much. I love that i was in four plus years a a rent control tenant, and it might be normal because the tenant will for the longest, i was applying for b. M. R. Rental, but i would be in the lottery and never be like 307 or 310. I pretty much had kind of given up on that, and had to leave San Francisco. I found out about the San Francisco Mayors Office of housing about two or three years ago, and i originally did Home Counseling with someone, but then, my certificate expired, and one of my friends jamie, she was actually interested in purchasing a unit. I told her about the housing program, the Mayors Office, and i told her hey, youve got to do the six hour counseling and the 12 hour training. She said no, i want you to go with me. And then, the very next day that i went to the session, i notice this unit at 616 harrison became available, b. M. I. I was like wow, this could potentially work. Housing purchases through the b. M. R. Program with the sf Mayors Office of housing, they are all lotteries, and for this one, i did win the lottery. There were three people that applied, and they pulled my number first. I won, despite the luck id had with the program in the last couple years. Things are finally breaking my way. When i first saw the unit, even though i knew it was less than ideal conditions, and it was very junky, i could see what this place could be. Its slowly beginning to feel like home. I can definitely you know, once i got it painted and slowly getting my Custom Furniture to fit this unit because its a specialized unit, and all the units are microinterms of being very small. This unit in terms of adaptive, in terms of having a murphy bed, using the walls and ceiling, getting as much space as i can. Its slowly becoming home for me. It is great that San Francisco has this program to address, lets say, the housing crisis that exists here in the bay area. It will slowly become home, and i am appreciative that it is a bright spot in an otherwise her administration has been so welcoming, so open can so accessible and on the ball and i am proud to call you my mayor. Everybody, london breed. [applause]. Thank you. First of all, thank you also much for being here. Lets give brian and the q. Foundation another hand. [applause] rhys isabel brought brian and other Service Providers who serve People Living with h. I. V. In San Francisco and wanted to make sure that i knew what people needed because i didnt want to spend another dollar without clearly understanding where the deficiencies were, and it all went back to housing. It all went back to the need for subsidies, the need to help keep people housed, and this is the first time in 12 years that we have allocated a Million Dollars to provide subsidies which will help [applause] which will help at least 120 individuals and im so grateful and excited for the providers who are here, the people who will work with us on this. The work that we are going to continue to do because we want to make sure that we are helping some of our most vulnerable populations. When you think about it, sadly people who are homeless, living with h. I. V. , they are less likely to get services and treatment and stay healthy as much as they possibly need. They need stable housing. Housing and health go hand in hand and it is why [applause] it is why i am fighting so hard to build more housing in San Francisco. Yesterday we opened a 200 bed Navigation Center and the embarcadero. The days are running in together we Just Announced yesterday a new Navigation Center for transitional age youth. [applause] so the investment that we are making our Good Investments and part of the challenge is we need more housing. We need more housing. I grew up in San Francisco, as many of you know and i have seen so many of my friends and family members, who i grew up with in public housing, a leave San Francisco because in some instances, they couldnt get a unit even in public housing. They couldnt qualify for Affordable Housing, and we dont have enough units. So part of my focus is to address homelessness and to address the challenges that exist, but to also think about roads that lead out of the shelters, roads that lead to affordable places that are safe for people to live, and that means that we have a lot of work to do. I know this is going off course, but i also want to thank you all for supporting proposition a this last ballot measure for 600 million for Affordable Housing. [applause] because we know we have a lot of work to do. There is Nothing Better than having a roof over your head and the support that you need and i cant i will say, if it werent for my grandmother raising me and two of my brothers, i dont know what i would done. It could easily have been a situation that could have been the difference between me being here as you mayor today or anything else. That is what i think about when making these decisions. When i look at the data, another major investment we made that i am really proud of is trans home s. F. We know that folks, brothers and sisters from our Trans Community are 17 more times more likely to experience homelessness than anyone else when you look at the data. Which is why those investments are so important. So here in the city we know there is a lot of work to do, but im so grateful to this community and the work that you are all doing to be advocates to really push the city and what we spend our resources on in the right direction so they actually have an impact on peoples lives i have said this to Department Heads and to folks who work for the city time and time again. Dont waste a dollar on a paperclip because thats the difference between being able to house someone or help someone and we dont have money to waste because people are counting on us to make the right investments that is exactly what i plan to do. I want to thank brian and the q. Foundation. And thank you all for being here i am so looking forward to seeing this program have an impact so we can continue to make the right investments. Thank you, again, and thank you for all the support and the work that so many of you have done for so many years. And finally, now i thank you have a great partner in the Mayors Office who will continue to work to really put our money where our mouth is. Let me just add one more thing, i talk a lot, im sorry. I have to say this one where thing because this is something i am also really proud of because so many people set the path to make this happen before i was even thought of and the fact that this years data on new h. I. V. Infections in San Francisco has dropped below 200 for the first time in our citys history. [applause] i am so, so excited about that and how we, as a community will truly get 20. I also want to say that those numbers are still relatively high for africanamericans and latinos and that means its important it is important that we make deliberate investments, which we have, and those political particular communities to do a better job around outreach, around support, but ultimately, i keep going back to housing. We will continue to work with you on these things and we are grateful to have an amazing partner in the q. Foundation and all of you. Thank you for so much for having me here today. [applause] thank you again. Her administration has really turned the tide when it comes to housing in San Francisco and we deeply, deeply appreciate all the support. Next is is regina here . Where is miss regina . Come on up. Next i am so proud to welcome regina allen. Before i obtained the subsidy from the q. Sub q. Foundation , now i have a house. I live on folsom street. I have stabilized housing. There were times prior to me having stabilized housing that i couch served, looked for any temporary housing opportunities and with the hope that and i was worried about being homeless as a senior and as a mother. Lets see. It hasnt been easy living in San Francisco with h. I. V. I was diagnosed in 2005, so i have been living with h. I. V. For 15 years and this is the first time im actually speaking publicly about my diagnosis. [applause] i did speak with my children and my family about it first and they said, do what youve got to do, mom. It is good. Anyway, is so when i was homeless and i didnt have a place, i didnt think about my medication, i didnt think about life stresses were going on for me with children and everything else. I have my notes. You are good. I was a nervous wreck. Anyway. Before i got my stabilized housing, you know, it was so stressful because i didnt want to share with my family members that i am, you know, if i dont get housed, i might die out here because they didnt understand what it means to be homeless and with h. I. V. I have always had a place. When i became homeless, it was very difficult. But now that i do have a place with these new luxury apartments , yes, i have a luxury apartment. I am on the sixth floor, baby, its fine. Its beautiful it is beautiful. It is beautiful. Its so peaceful. I think i earned that working in the city forever and raising children. Im so thankful for brian and the q. Foundation. Its so easy with your services. Once you are online with the services it is automated. I dont have to worry about getting my rent paid on time. I have money to even have cable. [laughter] i had to lie to even get into a project recently. I had to lie and say that i made x amount of money. Anyway, in the last couple of years, that is when i met brian. I never utilized services. I was a case manager. I realized i couldnt i could live here. I met brian and i fell in love with him and the whole staff. They are very beautiful. I want to thank london breed. I love london breed. [applause] i know some of your family members. I am thankful for what you are doing for San Francisco. Since you have been mayor, just to see in these areas where they dont want people housed, and to see that you fight for us. Thank you for that. [applause] i think the q. Foundation, i think brian. Brian is just awesome. This man is a bail buster. Thank you, everyone. That is it. [applause] i cant believe it. I have never told people that. I have a client here of mind that you never knew and i didnt utilize services because im very private. I didnt want them to get a misunderstanding or judge me. Anyways, thank you everyone. Happy holidays. Miss breed, thank you so much. [applause] regina, we are going to miss you. She was my ambassador at monterrey when i would go down there. I would turn around and suddenly there is an entourage of people Walking Around with us. Always making me feel welcome and at home. We know that you are out here in this luxury highrise, at least you are a little bit closer to the office now. [laughter] thank you, regina. Next, joe from the San Francisco aids foundation has done remarkable things in transforming that organization. Earlier i talked about mayor breeds administration and how open and accessible and effective they are, in the same thing under joes leadership with the aids foundation. Were continuing to build closer and closer relationships and working together on solving all of our joint issues and its absolutely the d. N. A. That joe is creating in the organization. I welcome you to come up and speak. [applause] good afternoon, everyone. I want to echo everything that was said in terms of thinking the mayor for her continuous support around addressing the homelessness crisis and the housing and affordability crisis in our city, and i want to thank and congratulate brian in the q. Foundation for this exciting announcement today. Is the mayor suggested and said, we are at a Pivotal Moment in our fight to end the h. I. V. Epidemic. Last year we had fewer than 200 new cases of h. I. V. And over the last five years, we have seen a decrease by 50 1 in the number of new cases. What we also know as a number of new cases amongst people experiencing homelessness is on the rise. In 2,000 and for in 2015, there were 29. In 2018, there were 40. So what we know is that in order for our safety to get 20, which is the ambitious goal we are all railing rallying behind, we must address the issue of housing and we much must address the issue of homelessness. And of the people who are on the streets each and every night were living with h. I. V. , we know that just 33 of them are virally suppressed and that the best way to get them access to care and get them into consistent treatment is to make sure they have a safe place to rest their head each and every night. That is not a shelter, it is a home. So today [applause] so todays announcement is quite exciting and it will get us even further to this goal. Would also want to acknowledge is it is not just people who are living on the streets that need the support. We are an Amazing Community and made amazing by the longterm survivors and the people who responded to the aids crisis in the early 80s. Right now there are over 16,000 individuals living with h. I. V. In San Francisco, and 65 of them were over the age of 50. What we know is that these individuals are not saying that they are theyre h. I. V. Care needs are going unmet. They are experiencing housing insecurity and experiencing isolation. So again, housing is the solution. Housing is the answer. By making sure that these survivors, survivors of the Worst Epidemic in modern time can survive this crisis of housing and stay in our city, the city that they made great, is something not only the aids foundation and q. Foundation is committed to, but i mayor breed as well as supervisor mandelman are all committed to. I couldnt be prouder to be part of todays announcement and cant wait for their collaboration with the q. Foundation and more of our partners in the room in ensuring everyone has access to Affordable Housing. [applause] i cant even remember when i first met rafael nadal him in. It was before my hair was grey. [laughter] and he has always been such an incredibly grounded, honest, and natural communicator. Of the many things i like about raphael is he has the ability to so easily put into words his values and how his policy positions connect with them and do it in a way that leads everybody else to that place. Is like, this is why we believe in what we believe, and that is such an incredible skill that i always hope to aspire to, and so im so proud to welcome supervisor mandelman here today and thank him for his leadership and getting out this 1 million with the mayor. [applause] thats ridiculous, im not nearly as eloquent as brian said im not eloquent at all. We all know San Francisco has a homelessness crisis and we also all know that the best solution to homelessness is to prevent it from happening in the first place. So that is why this program is so critical and valuable and why i am so grateful to brian and the q. Foundation for your relentless, tireless advocacy, but also for the h. I. V. Aids Provider Network and others who make the rounds every year in city hall, along with the aids foundation and joe, to ensure that the hivaids communities not forgotten in our annual budget. I think that we have gotten some significant wins in the last year. We are nowhere near where we need to be, but this is a really significant win. So thank you to all who made it happen. My aid and i are ready to go into another budget cycle and we look forward to working with you to make sure that no communities left behind, but particularly not to the hivaids community. Thank you. [applause] theres a lot of credit to share. Im so happy that we were able to invite some of the people who deserve our thanks, but theres also many others in the space of time and we dont always get a chance to thank everybody. One of the things i want to acknowledge is our partnership with the Mayors Office of housing and community development. We got our first funding with them 15 years ago and they have been an incredible partner. They are open, they listen to the community, they incorporate our feedback and it really is this incredible collaboration. They are also really good about getting contracts done, paying bills on time, so from leadership to envisioning, all the way down to administrative finesse, i am so thankful and proud to be a partner with the Mayors Office of housing and community development. Helen hale will be our new connection point with the h. I. V. Subsidies program. Everybody, please give them a round of applause for all of their years of service. [applause] i believe all of our speakers are done. Awesome. Everybody who has spoken has to go to another event. You are allowed to go now. This is where we will just move into the part where we talk about some of the eligibility. Manufacturing in cities creates this perfect platform for people to earn livelihoods and for people to create more economic prosperity. Im kate sosa. Im cofounder and ceo of sf made. Sf made is a Public Private partnership in the city of San Francisco to help manufacturers start, grow, and stay right here in San Francisco. Sf made really provides wraparound resources for manufacturers that sets us apart from other Small Business support organizations who provide more generalized support. Everything we do has really been developed over time by listening and thinking about what manufacturer needs grow. For example, it would be traditional things like helping them find capital, provide assistance loans, help to provide Small Business owners with education. We have had some great experience doing what you might call pop ups or temporary selling events, and maybe the most recent example was one that we did as part of sf made week in partnership with the city Seas Partnership with Small Business, creating a 100 Company Selling day right here at city hall, in partnership with mayor lee and the board of supervisors, and it was just a wonderful opportunity for many of our smaller manufacturers who may be one or twoperson shop, and who dont have the wherewithal to have their own dedicated retail store to show their products and it comes back to how do we help Companies Set more money into arthur businesses and develop more customers and their relationships, so that they can continue to grow and continue to stay here in San Francisco. Im amy kascel, and im the owner of amy kaschel San Francisco. We started our line with wedding gowns, and about a year ago, we launched a ready to wear collection. San franciscos a great place to do business in terms of clientele. We have wonderful brides from all walks of life and doing really interesting things architects, doctors, lawyers, teachers, artists, other like minded entrepreneurs, so really fantastic women to work with. I think its important for them to know where their clothes are made and how theyre made. My name is jefferson mccarly, and im the general manager of the Mission Bicycle company. We sell bikes made here for people that ride here. Essentially, we sell city bikes made for riding in urban environments. Our core business really is to build bikes specifically for each individual. We care a lot about craftsmanship, we care a lot about quality, we care about good design, and people like that. When people come in, we spend a lot of time going to the design wall, and we can talk about handle bars, we can see the riding position, and we take notes all over the wall. Its a pretty fun shopping experience. Paragraph. For me as a designer, i love the control. I can see whats going on, talk to my cutter, my pattern maker, looking at the designs. Going through the suing room, im looking at it, everyone on the team is kind of getting involved, is this what that drape look . Is this what shes expecting, maybe if weve made a customization to a dress, which we can do because were making everything here locally. Over the last few years, weve been more technical. Its a great place to be, but you know, you have to concentrate and focus on where things are going and what the right decisions are as a Small Business owner. Sometimes its appropriate to bring in an expert to offer suggestions and guidance in coaching and counseling, and other times, we just need to talk to each other. We need to talk to other manufacturers that are facing similar problems, other people that are in the trenches, just like us, so that i can share with them a solution that we came up with to manage our inventory, and they can share with me an idea that they had about how to overcome another problem. Moving forward, where we see ourselves down the road, maybe five and ten years, is really looking at a business from a little bit more of a ready to wear perspective and making things that are really thoughtful and mindful, mindful of the end user, how theyre going to use it, whether its the end piece or a he hwedding gown, are they going to use it again, and incorporating that into the end collection, and so thats the direction i hear at this point. The reason we are so enamored with the work we do is we really do see it as a platform for changing and making the city something that it has always been and making sure that were sharing the opportunities that weve been blessed with economically and socially as possible, shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their business in the 49 square files of San Francisco. We help San Francisco remain unique, successful and right vi. So where will you shop and dine in the 49 . Im one of three owners here in San Francisco and we provide mostly live Music Entertainment and we have food, the type of food that we have a mexican food and its not a big menu, but we did it with love. Like ribeye tacos and quesadillas and fries. For latinos, it brings Families Together and if we can bring that family to your business, youre gold. Tonight we have russelling for e community. We have a tenperson limb elimination match. We have a fullsize ring with barside food and drink. We ended up getting wrestling here with puoillo del mar. Were hope og get families to join us. Weve done a drag queen bingo and were trying to be a diverse kind of club, trying different things. This is a great part of town and theres a bunch of shops, a variety of stores and ethnic restaurants. Theres a popular little shop that all of the kids like to hanhang out at. We have a great breakfast spot call brick fast at tiffanies. Some of the older businesses are refurbished and newer businesses are coming in and its exciting. We even have our own brewery for fdr, ferment, drink repeat. Its in the San Francisco Garden District and four beautiful muellermixer ura alsomurals. Its important to shop local because its kind of like a circle of life, if you will. We hire local people. Local people spend their money at our businesses and those local mean that wor people willr money as well. I hope people shop locally. [ ] good afternoon. The meeting will come to order. Welcome to the thursday, december 11th special meeting of government audit and oversight committee. I am the chair. I am joined by Committee Members supervisor peskin. Thank you to

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