Transcripts For SFGTV Fire Commission 20240713 : vimarsana.c

Transcripts For SFGTV Fire Commission 20240713

Item 2 [agenda item read]. Thank you madam secretary. Is there any Public Comment at this time . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Please call the next item. Item 3. [agenda item read]. Thank you. Commissioners, i dont see any one listed there. Thank you. Moved by commissioner cleaveland and seconded by Vice President feinstein. Any Public Comment . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. All in favor say aye. Motion passes. Next item please. Item 4. [agenda item read] for the time being, we will skip this item. We are expecting former commissioner veronese to attend. Former commissioner hardeman has sent his regrets regarding his ability to attend today. We will move to the next item. Item 5 [agenda item read] thank you. Any Public Comment on this item. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We will now have a presentation. Good morning commissioners. Assistant fire marshal rich brown, chief. Im here today to present and discuss our proposed Fire Department 2019 administrative bulletins. In your packet you received an executive summary. I would like to read couple of paragraphs into the record for that to get started. I presented this item three years ago as well. Every three years, International Code counsel updates their codes. California and San Francisco codes follow the same cycle. This is also the time to review and update our bureau of Fire Prevention administrative bulletin. We call them abs for short. This new code cycle, reflect 2019 year and in their titles. This year, five new additional administrative bulletins were added. The Fire Department is authorized to issue administrative bulletins that establish or clarify requirements under the fire code and set policies and procedures of the bureau of Fire Prevention. These bulletins are posted on the Fire Departments website. The purpose of the administrative bulletins is provide clarification, interpretation regarding the San Francisco Fire Department enforcement policies and procedures. All materials contained in the bulletins is published for the benefit of the public to help promote expeditious plan review and applicable code compliance. The proposed 2019abs were posted on the sfd website on december 13, 2019. That was a 30day viewing on our public website. A public hearing was held on january 28, 2020. In response to Public Comment, a few edits were made to the administrative bulletin. Ill detail those later. The Fire Marshal Office presents the 2019 administrative bulletin for review and approval. I can take any questions you have. I didnt want to get into every detail in your executive summary. But i can. Well go from there. Thank you. Fofor the citizens at home, coud you tell us the top two important changes or additions . Sure. We added ill go over four or five we added new and couple of major changes. Two new additions would be they are numbered ab2. 17 and ab2. 18. They deal with guidelines for cannabis and plant cultivation and plant extraction facilities that have started up here in San Francisco. We seen quite a few of these operations taking over in the bayview and other factories that use this type of production. The purpose of these two was to provide consistent methods to assist designers and engineers and the permit submittal requirements for all cannabis and plant cultivation and extraction facilities. Theres a lot of Hazardous Materials involved with this operation. The content of these administrative bulletins were actually information sheet that we published about 18 months ago because of the volume of work we were seeing and these operations come into light. Were putting them in our administrative bulletins for more clarity and another way to point the customers in the right direction. The other new one we have is a ab3. 08. As you recall, that was around in the three or four years ago, the ordinance that the supervisor and mayor signed by sleeping area requirements in residential apartment buildings. The purpose of that administrative bulletin is clarify the requirements to satisfy the ordinance specifically regards to audible firearms, appliances and residential sleeping areas. We call it the 75decibel test requirement. We get a lot of questions where i work at plan review on how to enforce existing buildings to be compliance. Theres a date in it ordinance that needs to be done. Its in 2021. I believe its in june of 2021. That all the apartment buildings that are required to have a fire alarm upgrade their system to meet the 75decibel. The other brand new administrative bulletin, its ab5. 14, removal of fire smoke dampers from hvac penetration and fire resistant rated corridors. Its intended to detail requirements for fire smoke dampers that are required to be fire resistent. You have to have a damper to close off any transfer smoke or fire from one compartment to the other. Theres a way to eliminate those. Theres some equivalencies involved. Its mechanical piece of equipment overused and underused to this mechanic call piece of equipment can cause problems. Theres a way to do that per our administrative bulletin, per our code to remove that. One of the changes to your executive summary that i sent is that in the new bulletin, the fifth one, administrative bulletin 5. 15, i want to remove that your consideration. During Public Comment we had many Public Comments from a concern designer about 5. 15 use of passive method for required smoke control systems. Very technical. Smoke controls in highrise building. We decided to pull that back from your consideration today. Well keep it under revision, meet with the concerned citizens and we want to get it right and move forward from that. Other change from the executive summary is change to administrative bulletin 5. 05, but the title of that one is, Fire Service Access elevators and occupant evacuation elevat elevators. Little complicated. Fire Service Access elevators are required in all highrise buildings built to todays code for the last three code cyclings, this has been the case. This new code cycle comes along and in the International Building code, there was kind of a major change as firefighters, there was an issue. It had to deal with when you install Fire Service Access elevators for the last three code cycles, every floor served in the building had a lobby and a Fire Service Access elevator. That means below grade. Whether its a parking garage. This code cycle, the Building Code, which we dont have jurisdiction over, came along and changed it to eliminate the below grade Fire Service Access elevator lobby at those levels. We felt that was that was an issue for Fire Fighting suppression and purposes. We tried to change it with the city attorney. We cant touch the Building Code in the normal fire code way. We try to put it in our bulletin. We removed the simple line that said, when Fire Service Access elevators are required. Well remove, they shall serve all four levels of the building. We had to remove that sentence. We have to go with the code how it was approved legally and adopted from the state. Thats where were at on that. I can take any questions if you want. Thank you for highlighting those areas. Is there any Public Comment on the new code . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I will go to my fellow commissioners beginning with commissioner rodriguez. Commissioner rodriguez i think you answered the first one. You said 53 changes and 5 new ones. Does that come through the state Fire Marshals Office . You can try to adjust it . Administrative bulletins are a local jurisdiction. Does not have to be a statute, code or ordinance. If you read in the scope, its really clarification and how we interpret the code for our local jurisdiction. Thats why we have to get it out to Public Comment because anything we change could affect designers and ultimately money. Some of these have been around for so many years that no one complained or changed them. But the ones that were Public Comment we had to look at because it affected their design. Commissioner rodriguez other question i had, i guess ab4. 09, just curious about the reason for removing the cabinets. After that one, ab4. 27, adjustable sprinkler heads. 4. 09 has been on administrative bulletin for at least a dozen years. In the old days, lot of buildings were built without sprinklers. All they had was host cabinets with house lines in the hallway for the residents or business folks that worked there to use the house line. We kind of want to get away with that. The code is changed for fully sprinkler buildings. What happens is, those older buildings come. They take out a permit that last 5, 10 years. They slowly put in sprinklers in their building to make it fully sprinkler. They get the declaration from the building and Fire Department, signed off by the inspectors and they are allow to remove those class 2 hose liness that are no longer needed anymore. Its an automatic system now. The other one, commissioner, 4. 27. Flexible hoses sprinklers. Sprinklers in the older days used to be hard piped all the way. 5 or 7 years ago, came along a flexible hose that you can go from a hard pipe down to your sprinkler head. Saved lot of man hours and construction cost. We had to make sure that the hose was listed for the p. S. I. Needed. Only change we made to this, we were concerned about existing hose sprinklers, flex heads we call them. If anybody moved them existing ceilings. That would require permit. Very easily moveable by a janitor, by whoever comes along. We just wanted to put it out there, hey customers if you you move it you got to get a permit. Commissioner rodriguez thank you. Thank you commissioner rodriguez. Commissioner cleaveland. Good morning. Quick question on the fire service elevators. It was required they service all floors of new buildings. Then it was changed by the International Building code i assume. What was the rationale . I think the rationale according to the code commentary was that in general, firefighters wouldnt use elevators to fight a below grade fires. They would use the stairs to attack a fire like that. Thats the reasoning. Commissioner cleaveland you disagree with that of course. I can go either way. Im more concerned on consistency built in the city for last 12 years that weve been doing it one way and all of a sudden we change it. How does that bode well with the training for Fire Suppression folks. Something to think about. Thank you commissioner cleaveland. Commissioner nakajo. Eir got ti got to ask questi. This morning were in here to adopt these requirements. All the codes change every three years and so do the standards. National fire protection, Association Standards and sometimes the sections change. What we cited in the last years code cycle would change. Its off a digit or section. Its really that kind of editing that was involved for 90 of these. Commissioner nakajo when you say 90 , all those ap square reviews three years ago will go to modification. You have five new additional administrative bulletins . Well take back one of those. Commissioner nakajo i want to have a clarification question. Ab2. 15 and ab2. 18. Were talking about cultivation plants compared to storefronts or retail . That is correct. This is the operation of the function of extracting oils from the cannabis. Commissioner nakajo i know theres new legislation that permanents cannabis within the city and county in terms of information and in terms of cannabis plants. How many would you say are in operation that require us to administrative bulletins. I would say at least a dozen. Commissioner nakajo where are they located . Mostly in the Old Industrial warehouses. Those are considered an f occupancy, f for factory and cultivating and extraction fall in the same occupancy class. Its an ease change of use permit for the city. Commissioner nakajo based upon the geography of that warehouse that are no longer in existence, it satisfies the code change requirement. Thats why theres more in bayview . Correct. Commissioner nakajo do you anticipate an increase more of these plants throughout the city according to whats vacant . I havent seen one come across our desk in about three or four months. I cant answer that question. Theres a lot of capital needed to start these processes. Commissioner nakajo all right. Just as point of curiosity, these plants, they are products, they are are retailed to the local retailers in San Francisco or throughout . I dont know what their business practice is. I apologize. Commissioner nakajo no need to apologize. That helps me with that one. I got an understanding on a ap3. 08. What number again . Commissioner nakajo you cited ab3. 08. As a new. You cited ab5. 14 as a new. Yes. Commissioner nakajo all right. In terms of the removal that commissioner cleaveland asked, the elevator. Who came up with that recommendation . The International Code council which is in charge of the International Building code. In Fire Service Access elevator requirement for highrise building, lives in the Building Code. Commissioner nakajo is that a San Francisco jurisdiction . We ended up adopting it, correct. Commissioner nakajo in terms of who made that evaluation, its not us the department. But in terms of complying with that, im going to paraphrase, we have no choice but to accept . We have no choice according to the city attorney. Thats correct. We should have maybe identified this back in july and went a different route and tried to get help with our brothers and sisters at the department of building to come on board and support us and not adopt it through their Building Code. Commissioner nakajo im trying to take this slow in my mind. Some of this conversation has arrive during highrise fires. The discussion is how do you attack these fires in the highrise. We went through years of talking about the members taking the stairs, versus elevators. We talked about oxygen station stations. Basically in terms of the department, as we have have to live with this change of code, how does that operationally affect us in terms of highrises . Very good question. Since this decision came down from the city attorneys office, i reached out to the chief and let him know that this could happen. Anything that comes across our desk, we would know which buildings will be affected by this new code. Meaning, this new building at 444 main street, whatever, would be concerned. We can put it as a hazard in our dispatch. 911. Im encouraged by the fact that ive heard for the state fire marshal, theyre allowed to change the code every 18 months, not just three years. They called code cycle change. They are actively pursuing a change to that specific requirement to go back to how it was. That will be an 18 months from now. Jazz i commissioner nakajo this department has various committees. I know highrise is one. Im glad you brought that up. I know its an operational issue as well. I know its a training issue as well. I wanted to make sure that we have some comprehension how do deal with this. One point more clarification. Is there only applicable to newer buildings rather than older buildings . Thats correct. Anything thats permitted after january 1, 2020, highrise building. Commissioner nakajo we the department has to have a pretty good understanding what the landscape is with these various buildings, whether they are new irconstruction or older construction. Is that fall under the department . Is that part of the fire marshal . Its a joint effort of communication. Thats the chain of command here. Its great that few years ago, we started having our inspectors meet weekly with the battalion chiefs and assistant chiefs for anything thats going on in their districts. Im a good friend of the chief. I let him know about this stuff all the time. Its all about dialogue. Were not keeping secrets. Lot of the things are moving parts here that are beyond our control. Commissioner nakajo i appreciate that. Im going to not let this go. Im going to move on. Its just another comprehensive task that we the department have to be aware of. Im at the level if theres a box, and somebody communicating with somebody its a highrise as to how to attack it, the fire. Im paraphrasing it. Thank you very much. Thank you commissioner nakajo. Thank you to all the commissioners for your thoughtful questions. Do you have anything you like to add . I would like your approval to move forward and approve these so we can post them and theyll be effective tomorrow, friday, monday, whatever we decide. Basically just changing couple of those from your executive summary. Thats my recommendation. Thank you. Im looking for a motion. So moved. I have one from commissioner cleaveland. Do i have a second . All in favor say aye. You have your vote unanimous. Thank you very much. Thank you for your presentation. Madam secretary. Item 4. [agenda item read] thank you very much. I see you back there commissioner veronese. Hiding behind chief cochran. [applause] i understand that this is where i can pick up my final paycheck. Thats why im here. 40 right . [laughter] those of you who know me, know i dont enjoy this ceremony, especially if it has to do with me. I d

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