Transcripts For SFGTV Ethics Commission 20240713 : vimarsana

Transcripts For SFGTV Ethics Commission 20240713

Were proposing two things. As the addition was pitched to us as a green room or garden room, a place to get direct sun light and do some light gardening, if that is the case, why not keep this front area open and make it sort of a green roof or terrace with plants . This would be more practical and intent for its intents and purposes. This solution would eliminate all concern about the new mass and the topography of the street. This would be a large green area, sunny and exposed, where they could take care of plants. If this solution seems too radical, we would like the project to get a larger set back from the street. Maybe this should be revisited. Also, the height of the building, while under the 35foot limit, should be adjusted on either side. Simply being in line and simply being in line with current roof from the previously addition seems to make a lot of sense and be less disruptive to the street. We do have four other neighbors on our side of the street who feel similarly to us and have written letters to this board to oppose and modify this project. They should be in the next slide, actually, if you keep on theres four of those letters attached there. Thank you for your time on this, commission, for making sure that every project is intending to follow the residential Design Guidelines in order to maintain the physical character and residential Design Guidelines, and im happy to answer any questions you may have. Clerk thank you very much. Commissioners, we should hear from the project sponsor. Is the sponsor online and available to make a presentation . Yes, i am. Clerk very good. Mr. Winslow, can you put share the project sponsors presentation . Can you see the project . Clerk well, i can see your screen. I dont think its the project. It appears now. Very good. Project sponsor, you have five minutes. Okay. Good evening, commissioners. My name is paul, and i am the architect for the proposed project at 350 liberty. Our client purchased this property about two years ago for his primary resident. Because the property is north facing, his rear yard and decks receive very little sun most of the year and its always cold and damp. For this reason, he wanted to create a small south facing sun room that he wanted to use as a playroom for his children and also space for plants and a vegetable garden. Liberty slopes from west to east with a cross slope down the hill to the north. This should be the block faced buildings on the northside of liberty street vary from one to four stories and also vary in scale and style. Here, you wican see theres a block with the north face buildings, and the buildings on this side of the street are mostly three to fourstory buildings. Here, you can see the larger three to fourstory buildings on the opposite side of willliy street. Hold on. Paul, i feel im out of sync with your slide. It should be the cross section, so youre way past it. It should be on slide slide 7. No, youre past it. Im going to continue with my presentation. In addition, theres a large planting median that separates the sides of liberty street with a ninefoot grade change. The proposed addition is a modest 343 square foot room which is set back 10 foot from the street. In addition, the 51 side yard set back is introduced on the east side of the addition. This side yard set back was introduced with a massing of the addition follows the downhill slope of liberty hill. It the project is maximized to allow the maximum amount of sun light into the room. Can you advance a couple of slides and just go to the renderings. We have elevation views of the addition from the rear and east side of the house, and we have a couple of renderings taken from the street, and as you can see, its fairly modest. And the next slide. The d. R. Requesters resident is located cross street and downhill from the sponsors residence. The primary view of the downtown skyline is northeast from his resident while the project sponsors resident is locate to see the northwest. The proposed project does not block any significant views from the d. R. Requesters resident and does not negatively impact light and air or cast any shadows. And then, if you can go to the next one, david. And ill just real quickly go through the outreach process. After the initial outreach preapplication meeting, our team made a good faith effort to address the d. R. Requesters concerns. Dont worry next slide, david. There were two main issues brought up during that meeting. The d. R. Requester expressed privacy concerns, and expressed privacy concerns about the scale of the addition. So to address these concerns, we proposed an angled roof and this addressed the massing of the third story. We are in constant back. Clerk commissioner johnson . Commissioner johnson okay. I this is an interesting design. I think i i agree with commissioner moores comment about the 15foot set back and understanding it, especially if it would help alleviate some of the impacts of the neighbors, shifting from a 10 to 15foot set back, but i dont feel strongly, so i would entertain a motion. I wonder, theres two things that combined together to maybe make the liberation of the addition scale. You know, one is the comment that, i think, from commissioner fung about the discordant roof form. The other is the set back. There is an ability for that roof to be lowered to some extent and also keeping the addition in keeping more with the scale. Is that something that you might want to ponder, as well . Clerk commissioners, is there anyone daring to make a motion . Commissioner moore . Vice president moore i would like mr. Winslow to elaborate on what you just said, what you exactly mean. Lower the roof . Lower the building, lower the addition a little bit and what else . Well, the reason staff supported the 10foot set back were two reasons. The side hill set back against the downhill neighbor, and the fact that it is set behind a fairly high parapet that helps mask that new massing. What works against that might be the slope or the angle of that roof, and if you would consider maybe modifying that roof, the scale of that building might be palatable with that 10foot setback. President koppel did commissioner diamond want to chime in . Commissioner diamond yeah. If we reduce the massing, im concerned with how small the room becomes. Im sort of agreeing with commissioner fung that the roof is pretty angled and seems out of place. Id be content with another roof. Clerk is that a motion, commissioner diamond . Commissioner diamond yes. President koppel i think commissioner moore wants to speak. Vice president moore this room is almost like a studio apartment, and perhaps setting it back would help the nature of liberty street and make this addition. Commissioner diamond commissioner moore, are you suggesting that they keep the roof angle and set the project back 15 feet . Vice president moore no. I would perhaps do both, moving back and lowering of angle. And if its about 15 feet, perhaps 12. 5 or 13 feet, but at least the building is a little more modest on top of that roof. Commissioner diamond and how do you describe you would want to reduce the angle of the roof by . Vice president moore i would ask commissioner fung to comment on that, if possible. Commissioner fung actually, visually, it doesnt matter too much its lower. Its really the roof form, as a shed roof. I think it would be less discordant if he put a ridge there and turned it into a pitched roof a little bit. It wouldnt have to be a full pitched roof, but it would be a partial pitch roof, and he can still maintain fairly high windows there. Vice president moore so i would ask mr. Winslow to interpret that for us. When you say witpitched roo are you describing a gable roof . Commissioner fung not a full gable. I would take a pitched roof there, move it inward from the eastern wall and turn part of the roof into a gable on the other side. Vice president moore oh, are you talking about an asymmetrical slope . Commissioner fung yeah. Commissioner diamond and im not an architect on the commission. Could you describe again what that is . Commissioner fung thats why i hate to read design things here on the commission. Ive never attempted to do that on any case, other than to, you know, address some of the issues that come up with the neighbors. I think id better stay consistent with that, you know . Im going to either vote on it as it is or not, and not to change it. Commissioner diamond okay. Clerk is there a motion, commissioners . Commissioner diamond commissioner moore, are you open to moving it back 13 feet instead of 15 feet . Vice president moore yes, i am. Commissioner diamond then i would make a motion to keep the roof the way it is and move it back 13 feet instead of ten. Vice president moore second. Clerk thank you, commissioners. With that, there is a motion and a second to keep the project but move the set back from 10 to 13 feet. On that motion [roll call] Vice President moore i will support it. Id just like to reafirm were keeping the side set back. Commissioner diamond yes. [roll call] clerk so moved, commissioners. That motion passes unanimously, 60. Commissioners, that was your last item. Commission president koppel, we may adjourn. President koppel all right. We are adjourned. [gavel] this is the San Francisco board of appeals. President and lazarus will be joined by honda, and santacana. Also present is the deputy City Attorney who will provide legal advice this evening. At the controls is the boards Legal Process clerk and i am julie, the boards executive director. We will be joined by representatives from the city departments with cases before the board this evening. We have the administrator planning the Planning Commission and joseph duffy, senior building inspector. The Board Meeting guidelines are follows. The boards turnoff and silence electronic devices. Appellants and Department Respondents have 7 minutes to present the case and 3 minutes for rebuttal. People affiliated must include the comments within this period. Members of the public not affiliated with the parties have three minutes each to address the board and no rebuttal. If you have questions about requesting a rehearing, please email the board staff at board of appeals at sfgovtv. This is broadcast live on sfgovtv cable channel 78 and will be rebroadcast on friday. It is available on the website and downloaded from sfgovtv. Org. We will swear in or affirm those who will testify. I will admit two people to the meeting. Please note any member of the public may speak without taking an oath pursuant to rights under the sunshine ordinance. If you intend to testify and wish to have the board give evidently weight raise your hand. We will do our best with this. Raise your right hand. Do you swear or affirm the testimony you are about to give will be the truth . Thank you. Please put your mic phones on mute. I want to make an announcement Public Comment will be taken by phone. If you want your phone number blocked dial star 67 prior to calling the number. I understand from sfgovtv this number is being broadcast live across the screen and also on the website. The appellant for the first case just arrived. Since there is a short lag time between the broadcast we will be going slowly. We want to ensure all members of the public can provide comment. We are going to first go to item 1. General Public Comment. This is an opportunity for anyone who would like to speak to the board but is not on the calendar tonight. Is there anybody member who wishes to speak to an item fought on tonights agenda . We will review the callers that are here. Star 9 to raise your hand. If you are a caller to speak on general Public Comment please press star 9 and we will see. We will give it 30 seconds. There is a delay. Star 9. Okay. I do not believe we have general Public Comment. We are going to move on to item 2. Commissioner comments and questions. Commissioners. Any comments or questions . Okay. We will move to item 3. Adoption of minutes. These are the minutes of the march 11, 2020 Board Meeting. Any additions or changes to the minutes . Just a motion to accept. Who made that motion . Rick swig. We have a motion. Is there any Public Comment on the motion to adopt the march 11 minutes . Okay, seeing none. We have a motion from commissioner swig to adopt the march 11 minutes. On that motion commissioner sab takecana. Aye. Vice president honda you are voting on adoption of the minutes. Aye. Commissioner tanner. Aye. That motion carries 50. The minutes are adopted. We are moving to item 4. This is appeel 20019. Carolyn gage versus department of building inspection. Appealing the issuance on february 13, 2020 of an alteration permit. Upgrade electrical repair dry rot 100 square feet at the back of the house. Permit 2020 02 13 4409. Ms. Gauge you are on the line . Yes, can you hear me. I did press 4 for Public Comment. In my address to the committee, thank you for allowing me to speak. I want to clarify you have seven minutes to speak. Public comment is for people not affiliated with you to speak on the matter. You have seven minutes. We are going to start the clock. We will give you a 30 second warning when your time is up. Please proceed. Thank you. Okay. I just want to address the subject with this going on and remodeling, dry rot i have no problem with removing dry rot or mold or any harmful inhabitants that may cause damage in the future of this dwelling. Okay. The main opposition that that d was to just leave space and restructure with contemporary and modern material, not giving sentiment to traditional and historic materials that were there inside of the kitchen. Or anyplace. Due to the corona and quarantine i am not really prepared with everything. Gentrification is happening. We know that it is real, and upgrading different kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, upgrading is okay, but if it is not broke, dont fix it because sentimental value, traditional value has been placed on these homes and in furnishing these homes. Like i said before, if it is due to dry rot or if it is due to some material that will cause mold or mildew, that will in the future cause a hazard risk to people in the household, of course, replace it. Other than that if it is not broke, dont fix it as far as remodeling and getting new marble and tile to refinish. I am having a bad connection. I am echoing. Can you turnoff your tv. Do you have a tv . I dont have a tv. It is not me. Maybe sfgovtv can mute their link to this meeting. The control room. I think someone had a tv on in the back watching it. I dont hear it any more. You can continue, ms. Gage. Okay. With that said, just, you know, the homes that were built there, they are older model homes, and i understand that some may need to upgrade, you know. Can you hear me . Yes, we can. Okay. It came on that i was muted. If it is not broke, dont fix it. If it is not going to cause a hazard or health condition, then dont replace it. That is my stand. Do you have anything further at this time . Not at this time. If i can be allowed to come back in. You have three minutes in rebuttal. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. We will now move on to the current holders attorney. You have seven minutes, sir. There is still an echo. Thank you very much. I would like to address the board. Very simply no legal grounds whatsoever for this appeal. This appellant is addressing her wishes to maintain the residence during the condition it was during her ownership. There is no grounds for this appeal. The permits were validly obtained. The only grounds given in the appellants brief were that she wanted to preserve the character of the neighborhood. The arguments she wants to maintain the property in the historic value on the state it is in and only allow emergency repairs of the harmful conditi condition. However, my client is the new owner of the property and is entitle to perform whatever modification are allowed by code. There is no grounds for the appellant to maintain the property in the shape she would like it to be as long as it was validly obtained. I would like to address the fact that all of the repairs are necessary to prevent further deterioration of the property. The dry rot in the back of the home is absolutely necessary. The kitchen work has exposed electrical components. Pictures of the damage to the kitchen. All of the items were obtained. They address the harmful conditions that lead to further deterioration of the property and potential injury to the occupants. Finally, there is no plan to say the appellant has taken this matter as a personal vendetta. It is extra legal means going so far as to threaten the current owners and workers. And later to file this appeal which has no grounds. That is all. We rest. Okay. Thank you. We will now hear from the department representative. Mr. Sanchez do you have anything to add for this appeal . I dont have anything to add. We did not review this permit nor were we required to under policies and procedures. We do not have anything to add. Thank you. We will go to mr. Joe duffy from department of public inspection. Please go ahead, mr. Duffy. Good evening. Joe duffy. The Building Permit the electrical and repair dry rot at the back of the house was made over the permit. It was filed on the 13th of february and issued the same day. The appeal was on the 19th of february. It was properly issued. It is a fairly typical Kitchen Remodel dry rot that we have seen a lot of in San Francisco. I dont have any issues. There was another permit after this one for some work at the exterior yard window and door opening and partition walls. That permit on the 16th of march, 2020 has not been appealed. I want to give you that information. There are no issues. We did get a complaint on the 26th of march. Someone complaining about hammering. That case was closed. That is it. We will move to Public Comment. I will wait 30 seconds. I understand there is a delay. I will set the timer for 30 seconds. This is Public Comment. If you are listening for appeal 20019. If you called in and would like to speak press star nine so we can identify you. We are going to give it 30 seconds. Once again we are on Public Comment portion for item 4, appeal number 20019 at 1335quesada avenue. Anyone nor Public Comment on this item . 15 more seconds. Okay. I do not see any callers. Ms. Gage, we are moving to the Public Comment portion. Can you hear me . I am sorry rebuttal. Ms. Gage. You have three minutes to present a rebuttal. Can you hear me . She might have

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