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Clerk mr. President , you have a quorum. President yee thank you. Everybody, please place your hands over your heart, and would you please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] president yee thank you. Supervisor safai supervisor safai is present. Clerk thank you, supervisor safai. President yee okay. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgovtv who air the meetings and make the transcripts available online. Madam clerk, are there any announcements . Clerk yes, mr. President. During the Board Meeting, members will participate online as though they were present in person, and the public is invited to participate in the meeting in the five following ways. First, you are welcome to submit via email at board. Of. Supervisors sfgov. If you do not have internet or youd like to listen on the go, you can listen to the meeting on your cell phone. The telephone number is 8882045984. When prompted, enter the access code 3501008, press pound, then press pound again to join, and youll get to hear the meeting in progress. If you do have internet, you can hear the meeting on San Francisco cable channel 26. You can watch the live streamed meetings online at www. Sfgovtv. Org. And if you would like to present up to two minutes of comment on general Public Comment, it is item 19. If you dial in early or wait until general Public Comment is called, utilize the telephone 8882045984, and 3501008. Press pound, and pound again, to join the meeting. Once you join, you will hear the meeting in progress. Dial one, and then zero, to be added to the speaker line, and you will be queued to speak. Thank you, mr. President , for allowing me to give all that information to the public. President yee thank you, madam clerk. Just a friendly reminder for all the supervisors to mute your microphone before we get started to alleviate audio feedback. Before we start, i would like to give you a few comments. As all of us has heard, the governor has announced the number of rooms available for the Homeless Population in california totaling around 10,000 rooms and hotel rooms, and an additional 5,000 motel 6 rooms. And at this point, the number of rooms that are availabhave them number 4,000. When you look at it, its almost about 25 of the homeless that are being housed in hotel rooms in california. San francisco is housing about 25 of the state, but that doesnt actually [inaudible] president yee so im just going to point out that although we as a city want things to move faster, and were hoping itll get done. Supervisor fewer, would you like to give a comment on the p. O. C. . Supervisor fewer yes. Thank you, president yee. Since my office first started at the [inaudible] fuiava supervisor fewer highlighting the disproportionate impact of the virus on our citys historically marginalized community. Last week, we open up a new site for the public in soma. This weekend, ucsf will begin testing thousands of residents in a foursquareblock section of the mission [inaudible] supervisor fewer with you remain under both state and local shelter in place orders. A week ago, San Francisco had 987 confirmed cases and 15 confirmed deaths. As of this morning, we have 1,231 confirmed cases and 20 confirmed deaths. As of this morning, approximately 53 of our beds remain available. Thanks to the [inaudible] supervisor fewer to transport people directly from the street to hotels as safely and quickly as possible. The a. O. C. Continues to provide food secure services and sites that allow isolation. I would like to extend my thanks to the thousands of workers that are delivering groceries and other services to contain the spread of this virus and minimize loss of life. While those of us working at the city hall and a. O. C. Provide these services, many do not have that privilege. I look forward to continue to working with my colleagues on the board and work with the e. O. C. Staffing to continue to providing services. We appreciate supervisor mandelman and aaron mundee for all their work last week. Next week, we will be joined by supervisor mar, allen wong, and jennifer lee. Please reach out to my office if you or your staff can join us. Thank you for allowing me the time to provide this update, and i look forward to hearing supervisor safais update next week. President yee, i think youre on mute. President yee thank you, supervisor fewer. For tomorrows e. O. C. Update, is there somebody thats going to be a guest on there to talk about something . Supervisor fewer yes. Tomorrow, the e. O. C. Has arranged for the doctor who set up all the testing im sorry, but i forget her name shes going to join us to answer all the questions we have on testing. Clerk supervisor, is it amy lockwood . Supervisor fewer madam clerk, yes. President yee madam clerk, lets go to the routine calendar. [agenda item read]. President yee okay. Colleagues, would anyone like to sever any items from the Consent Agenda . Okay, seeing none, madam clerk, lets go to lets take roll on the Consent Agenda, 1 through 5. Clerk on items 1 through 5 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Thank you. Seeing without objection, the ordinances are finally passed. Madam clerk, lets go to our regular agenda. Please call item number 6. Clerk item 6, ordinance to amend the planning code to modify the gearymasonic special use district regarding minimum parking requirements, ground floor ceiling heights, and to allow payment of an inclusionary highway fee and to make the appropriate findings. President yee okay. Supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani thank you, president yee. Colleagues, before you today is an ordinance that would provide 144 affordable homes. During last weeks meeting, requests were made for the requirements and various b. M. R. Options. When this first came to me and the request was made, i was not going to take this something that straight out of the mouth of the developer was going to go through my legislation. I met with the project sponsor multiple times, and i asked the joint Development Team at the office of Workforce Development to walk me through what objects needed to be met to [inaudible] supervisor stefani i know that the sponsor has proactively made a short presentation that was made to supervisor ronen and supervisor preston late last week. The best chance of delivering the maximum amount of new housing in my district, including the maximum number of b. M. R. Units, is by approving the legislation today. As it stands, with 100 commitment to union labor, which is over 250 jobs, and the increase in construction pricing that has occurred over the last 2. 5 years actually, which has been approved since the site was permitted some things have changed. Covid19 will likely continue to push construction pricing up further as labor forces are cat exasperated with limiting social distancing measures. For example, the number of people allowed on the man lift will decrease dramatically which will slow the number of workers moving on and off the site. Like youve heard before, i have been working on this project for over six years, i started during my time as a legislative aid and have continued as supervisor. We have negotiations and renegotiationed every element of this proposal, and if i thought we could get anything more, i would not be here, asking for you to vote for this legislation today. The site has been shutdown since 2015 due to a rising cost of restaurant operation in San Francisco. It is currently in a trap and nuisance, endangering the residents. There are thousands of people who are in desperate need of accessible housing in this neighborhood, and this project will provide 101 homes for these people the result of which will be a vacant site and a missed opportunity. We are seeing this problem citywide. As of the latest Planning Department report, there were 72,565 units of housing entitled, 87 of which were not under construction, so going to direct our housing project, it is not just enough to entitle the housing, we have to actually have the housing built. I think in a perfect world, we would love to see 100 subsidized housing on every site, but building the project is a better alternative than letting the site sit vacant. Colleagues, i ask you to help me build 101 homes in a district that has historically built very little housing, and to create 250plus union jobs, and i want to thank my chief of staff, daniel, for working so hard on this legislation with me. I ask that you vote yes on this legislation on its second reading, and thank you again for your time, and thank you to the supervisors who met with the developers last week, and i hope your questions were answered. Thank you, president yee. President yee okay. Any questions . Supervisor preston . Supervisor preston thank you, president yee, and thank you, supervisor stefani, for your work on this. Over the last week, as supervisor stefani mentioned, i had the opportunity to speak with the developer and his representatives to learn more about the project behind this request to eliminate the onsite Affordable Housing requirement for this project. I want to just start by saying i appreciate their time, their willingness to engage in a respectful dialogue on this issue, and also, weve been in communication, my staff, with supervisor stefanis staff, about ongoing questions and concerns, and we appreciate their work on this, as well. I want to remind folks this ordinance is not to allow how many units on this site, this is to allow the developer to do whats otherwise prohibited by the special use district that was created specifically for this project. In this, the developer got the right to quadruple the number of states units on this site, and the affordable units were required onsite as part of that deal and as part of that legislation. As weve heard it, the developer now claims because of intervening delay and other factors that onsite Affordable Housing are not feasible and proposes to build this project without any Affordable Housing onsite. I have some questions for the deputy City Attorney. First off, some information was presented to me by the sponsor last week. I must say that i am baffled as to how we as a supervisor can decide to amend a special use district at the request of a developer based on a claim of financial need or hardship without any showing for all colleagues to see before they vote or any leigcolleagues to. In the 1990s, the voters passed the sunshine ordinance, including section 67. 32 that quotes the city shall give no subsidy, money, tax abatement or services to any private entity unless that entity agrees in writing to provide the city with financial projection, including profit and loss figures and annual audit figures for the project thereafter upon which the plans the project is based. I think this makes good sense so that we all get the relevant information before us before making decisions that would benefit any particular developer. Through the press, i would like to ask deputy City Attorney pearson whether this Current Situation applies to the current provision where the developer pledges to amend a special use district to generate higher returns on a specific use project, and if not, why not . President yee so deputy City Attorney ann pearson . Yes. Deputy City Attorney ann pearson. You are correct, supervisor preston, that the project sponsor may not ask for subsidies unless they have a certain percentage of Housing Units. President yee supervisor preston . Supervisor preston, are you wanting to speak . You need to unmute yourself. Supervisor preston yes, thank you, president yee. Thank you, miss pearson. I so my understandings right, if a developers directly given land as a subsidy, it would apply, but if the property is either rezoned or the requirements changed, your opinion is thats outside the scope of the sunshine provision . I think the sunshine ordinance would be triggered if the city were to give a financial subsidy to the developer, but not in this situation. Supervisor preston okay. Thank you for the clarification. The other issue, just focusing on the numbers, raised some concerns for me about the intended use of this property in order for it to pencil out and returns of the developer. The developer claims returns just under 17 with all the affordable units onsite, and that goes up to just under 20 if the b. M. R. Units are not onsite, so thats the percent were dealing with here. 17 is not enough for the sponsor to pencil out, so were told that we need to forgo the Affordable Housing units. I think its important for my colleagues to understand, all of these are based on furnished rentals, and, in fact, the projected returns for this project are, according to the developers own figures, 19. 1 higher with the project, including furnished rentals, and that is the plan here, to make it pencil out. So this raised some questions for me as to the intended use of the property, whether were looking at a situation where they may be used for short or medium term occupancy that generate higher returns, whether by this or another owner. So i wanted to ask deputy City Attorney pearson, is there anything in this law or in this proposed ordinance that would categorically the owner or future owner from doing any short or intermediate term rentals at this site . President yee deputy City Attorney . Im not aware of anything in this legislation that would prohibit the owner from using it for rentals, although legislation has been introduced that would prohibit short and intermediateterm housing. Supervisor preston i think, in conclusion, colleagues, we need Affordable Housing at this location. Beyond that, i think we need to make sure that where were being asked to change zoning or legislation or enhance the private returns, that we all have a chance to review that in committee before reviewing it at the full board, and that the public know the basis for any such legislative action that benefits a specific individual or a private entity. So i, unfortunately, will not be voting for this project, but i appreciate the time and layout. President yee okay. Thank you. Supervisor safai . Supervisor safai thank you, mr. Chair. Just wanted to thank supervisor stefani today for the information that was laid out. I think one thing to know about these projects is, particularly when youre dealing with a project that has a long time frame, is that a point of departure doesnt always end with a final product, and a lot has changed in the last six years in terms of cost, in terms of the market, and then, most recently, as we all know, the pandemic that were living through. One thing that i wanted to say on the record that i thought was really important because i think theres been some discussion about this today, the commitment to 100 affordable excuse me 100 union labor on this project is a crucial element. Its one of these things in this market to go out and incurring debt and being able to finance projects. When you have a commitment letter from a union thats a funding source, it puts you in a category in this crisis all by itself. Without that commitment to 100 union labor, you might not have a fundable project in terms of the ability to go out on the private markets and get debt. Were not talking about a city subsidy. Were not talking about city credits, were not talking about government revenue, were not talking about a public source, were talking about hundreds of millions of investment from the private market, and in these uncertain times, as supervisor stefani said last week, any doubt prohibits that and hinders the ability to get that. But the fact that this is a 100 union labor is huk, and i just want to commend supervisor stefani for all the work that shes done in getting this over the finish line. I think that we would all like to see Affordable Housing on this site, but the 400 million contributed to this project will create Affordable Housing. I think that it could be in supervisor prestons district, supervisor stefani, or supervisor fewers district, and i think theyve all committed to that, so im going to let supervisor peskin speak about the last item that i was going to talk about in the intermediate rentals because i know his legislation would deal with that subject. Thank you, mr. President. President yee sure. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee and supervisor stefani. First, i want to acknowledge some of the words that supervisor preston was saying that were referred to at the last meeting as trust by verify. Its if a majority of this body agrees, and i here by seek all of your sponsorship, there is no way that if that legislation becomes law that any corporate rentals will be able to happen at the depending on what you want to call it, lucky penny, copper penny, the laurel site. So i fully intend to pass that legislation. I want to thank supervisor peskin for being a sponsor of that legislation and ask you to affix your names to that legislation. That would obviate any fears of this being used for shortterm rentals. President yee thank you. Supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani the units will be 350 square feet, will be furnished for murphy beds. Used as housing for students, nurses, people who might come and go. This will not be a project that will be leased for master use. There are 68 studios in the makeup of this house. Only 40 of them will have the murphy beds, and what i just mentioned, so this is not a case of Corporate Housing run amok. I feel comfortable with it. Its something, like i said, i went over with the office of corporate and workforce housing. I urge your support, and with that, id like to call the question. President yee before we call the question, ill just make a quick comment. The concern about the corporate rental, supervisor peskin, thank you for moving that potential legislation through. Id also like to be a cosponsor of that, so at this point, supervisor i mean, mat am clerk, can you call the roll. Supervisor peskin thank you, mr. President. Clerk on item 6 [roll call] clerk there are ten ayes, with one no, with supervisor preston in the dissent. President yee okay. This item is finally passed with a 101 vote. Madam clerk, can you please call item 7. Clerk item 7 is an ordinance amending the planning code to require consideration of smaller commercial spaces when creating large lots, limiting lost frantages to 50 feet on ocean avenue. President yee okay. Madam clerk, please call the roll. Clerk on item 7 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, this item is passed unanimously. Madam clerk, please call item 8. Clerk item 8 is an ordinance to amend the planning code and the zoning map to create the bayview industrial triangle cannabis restricted use district, to affirm the ceqa determination, and to make the appropriate findings. President yee okay. Madam clerk, please call the roll on this item. Clerk on item 8 [roll call] clerk there are ten ayes, one no, with supervisor mandelman in the dissent. President yee colleagues, this item is passed by a 101 vote. Madam clerk, lets go to our new business. Please call the next item. Clerk item 9 is a resolution to retroactively authorize the office of the treasurer and Tax Collector to expand and accept a 250,000 grant from policylink for the purpose of designing skpiand implementing a National Initiative to reform fines and fees from december 1, 2019 through july 31, 2021. President yee okay. Madam clerk, will you please call the roll on this item. Clerk on item 9 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, can you please call items 10 and 11 together. Clerk items 10 and 11 are being called together. Here, we had two resolutions that retroactively authorized the office of the District Attorney to accept and expend grants from the california Governors Office of emergency services. Item 10 authorizes approximately 163,000 for the innovative response to marginalized victims programs. And item 11, a resolution for the elder abuse grant, both for the period of january 1, 2020 through december 31, 2020. President yee okay. Madam clerk, can you please call the roll on both items. Clerk on items 10 and 11 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objections, the resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to the next item. Clerk item 12 is a resolution to approve and authorize the execution of a limited Payment Guaranty for the benefit of Silicon Valley bank in an amount not to exceed 44,615,000 plus accrued interest and any other costs, and a limited Payment Guaranty f in an amount not to exceed 2,600,000. President yee okay. Madam clerk, can you please call the roll. Clerk on item 12 [roll call] clerk there are 1 is 11 ayes. President yee okay. The resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, can you please call the next item. Clerk item 13 is a resolution renaming the 200 block of steuart street to steuart lane to honor william m. Steuart, and to further continue his legacy and contributions he has made to the city and county of San Francisco. President yee okay. Madam clerk, will you please call the roll. Clerk on item 13 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets call items 14 and 15 together. Clerk items 14 and 15 are two resolutions that pertain to the subject matter of two separate Liquor Licenses. For item 14, it determines that the issuance of a type 21 offsale general beer and wine and distilled Spirits Liquor license to the epicurean traitor, l. L. C. , doing business as the epicurean trader, located at one ferry building, will serve the public convenience, and item 15, resolution determining that the transfer of a type20 offsale beer and win Liquor License to dp dk incident vestments, inc. Doing business as kals neighborhood market, located at 1409 19 avenue will serve the public convenience or necessity. President yee okay. On those items, madam clerk, will you please call the roll. Clerk on items 14 and 15 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to the next item. Clerk item 16 was considered by the government audit and Oversight Committee at a regular meeting on april 16 and was forwarded as a Committee Report with a recommendation and has a new title. Item 17 is an emergency ordinance to temporarily prohibit rent increases that would otherwise be permitted under the ad striv code, due administrative code due to the covid19 pandemic. Pursuant to charter, section 2. 107, this matter requires the affirmative vote of two dlsh thirdlsh twothirts of tds of the b supervisors, eight votes, for passage. President yee okay. Madam clerk, would you please call the roll. Clerk on items 16 and 17 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then, without objection, this item is passed unanimously. Madam clerk, call item 17. Clerk item 17 is an emergency ordinance to temporarily prohibit rent increases that would otherwise be permitted under the administrative code due to the covid19 pandemic. Pursuant to charter, section 2. 107, this matter requires the affirmative vote of twothirds of the board of supervisors, or eight votes, for passage. President yee thank you. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee. I want to thank the cosponsors of this passage, and i want to acknowledge not only the tenants community but the San Francisco Apartment Association that actually published this advice to landlords in San Francisco out San Francisco. Out of an abundance of caution, i presented this before some bone headed landlord mussed this up, and i hope we get the requisite eight votes. President yee okay. Supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer thank you, mr. President. I think wed all agree that an emergency measure like this shouldnt be necessary, and that most landlords would not even think about raising rent on their tenants in a time like this, but unfortunately, we know that there are those that would still do that, and this ordinance completely takes rent increases off the table. This ordinance complements efforts as well as our local Eviction Moratorium to keep tenants from accumulating debt. I hope we can count on everyones support. Thank you. Supervisor peskin thank you, supervisor fewer. President yee okay. Madam clerk, go ahead and call the roll. Clerk on item 17 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then without objection, this ordinance is finally passed unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to roll call for introductions. Clerk first up to introduce new business is supervisor safai. Supervisor safai thank you, madam clerk. Can i do an in memoriam and then go after supervisor peskin speaks . Clerk okay. Supervisor safai so today, colleagues, id like to end our meeting in memoriam for mr. Luis echegoyan. He was born in 1938 in el salvador and just recently passed away. He w he is survived by his children and grandchildren, and their children. Mr. Echegoyan was a titan in the hispanic community. He made use of his celebrity status to raise awareness on social justice issues specifically to the Latino Community and was very committed to projects that helped underserved latinos and was referred to back in the day as the el calde of the mission, which many people have subsequently taken on the title, but he was at that time. He collaborated with many people and advanced projects that served latinos, and he fomented a sense of leadership and social justice issues. His high profile earned him much respect, and he coupled his visibility with passion. His career in acting led him to california, where he emerged as a versatile entertainer, master of ceremonies, poet, and activist. Prior to his work on television, his baritone voice is well known by those who heard him on a variety of Spanish Speaking stations in the bay area. He joined channel 14 and became a main stay on the weekday evenings for the spanish newscast starting in 2007. Hes the first latino to receive an emmy award, and was a member of the nataf board of broadcasters and journalism scholarship awards for latino students. He also hosted a talk show on saturdays where he would feature Community Leaders servicing the Latino Community. He was very active in countless nonprofit organizations that helped bay area latinos and sought after as a speaker and master of ceremonies at freelance events, and he was the principle owner of hispanic multimedia. He was known for his poetry, his collaborations, and his commitment to the hispanic community. He was known for his regal presence, his elegant, his humor, his creativity, and his imagination and intellect. He could talk to you on any subject and doted on his Large Library of books on a wide variety of subjects. He often recited reuben darios poetry at public events. Prior to retirement, he could whip up a meal from ordinary ingredients, and was known as nani to his grand kids. He was a dedicated husband and was someone that led by example, and for all his family members to follow, and his legacy will be remembered. [please stand by] or regular benefits while theyre on active duty status. These same members of the militaries could be get the benefits for 9 11 response and conflict in iraq or related extraordinary circumstances. However, because covid19 response is not explicitly spelled out in the annual salary ordinance, they have been called into active duty and are being shortchanged. So today im introducing an ordinance to amend the salary ordinance to allow these individuals to receive the difference between the amount of the individuals gross military pay and the amount of gross pay that the individual would have received as a city officer or employee. Had that officer or employee worked his or her normal schedule, benefits and retirement credit. I believe that everyone is fighting the covid19 pandemic wherever they are is fighting to save us all. If any community in this country is exposed, we are all exposed. Those who have been called into active duty for covid19 relief should receive the same benefits as those in active duty relief efforts. These individuals who are bravely keeping our communities safe in the most destructive event in our lifetime should not have their pay diminished. Additionally i request that the president waive the 30day requirement due to the timesensitive nature of this legislation. Every week that goes by these individuals are further penalized while they work to defeat this pandemic. Id like to thank andy molan and ann pierson and ann stotan for moving so quickly on this and getting this ordinance ready in one week. I introduce a resolution today to call on the federal government to increase funding to the Paycheck Protection Program for oversight and to take steps to ensure that the Financial Institutions work with Small Businesses so they can actually access this vital resource. As part of the federal cares act to address the threats of the covid19 pandemic, the program launched on april 3rd to provide relief to Small Businesses. It was designed to help businesses with 500 or fewer employees by extending forgivable loans to those businesses that kept workers on the payroll in order to prevent mass layoffs. Unfortunately, we have seen the Trump Administration bungle the rollout of this Critical Program over the course of this month. While many eligible Small Businesses in San Francisco and across the United States applied to the program, a survey of about 300,000 businesses found over a quarter of those who attempted to apply were unable to successfully submit applications. And bank banks and Credit Unions across the country are unable to process before funds were exhausted less than two weeks after the applications opened. The average award amount was over 200,000. And the Trump Administration awarded 20 million to the Parent Company of riewses chris steakhouse and 10 million to potbelly and 10 million to shake shack. And i want to recognize shake shack who opened up a location in district 2 for acknowledging that the program is administered unfairly and committing to return the 10 million that it received. Its reported that congress and the Trump Administration are nearing a deal to provide 300 billion in additional funding for this program. While it is essential that funding for this program is increased, the federal government the federal government must do better for our Small Businesses and it must act fast. In the next iteration, the Paycheck Protection Program absolutely must include stricter oversight from the Trump Administration, and that Administration Must ensure that Financial Institutions are prepared to help Small Businesses navigate and access this resource. Small businesses are struggling more than ever as we all know and they deserve nothing less. And i want to thank sam bennett in my office for pulling this together. Clerk thank you. Supervisor yee . President yee thank you, madam clerk. So, colleagues, friday april 24th is going to mark the 105th commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian Genocide is recognized as the worst genocide of the 20th century. 1. 5 million lives estimated were violently taken at the hands of the turkish government between 1915 and 1923. This trauma continues as we still have those that were denying that this ever happened. For over 20 years, the board of supervisors passed resolutions commemorating the Armenian Genocide and called upon the United States congress to formally recognize this historic atrocity. Last year for the first time, the United States representatives overwhelmingly passed the Armenian Genocide resolution. This is the first time that congress has ever recognized the Armenian Genocide, despite the objection of the white house administration. It is clear that after a century of advocacy that there is still a need to educate and to speak truth to the terrible actions of the past in order to forge a future of human rights to be held globally. This year the annual commemoration will not be able to take place physically but the Armenian Community has organized commemorations to stream on friday, april 24th, starting at 7 00 p. M. On facebook and e. Uyoutube. And as you can see thats the flyer that gives you all of the information and i highly encourage all of my colleagues and the members of the public to attend this. And we will not be introducing a formal resolution this year. Supervisor peskin and i will be virtually delivering a proclamation on behalf of this board of supervisors to honor the work of the Armenian Genocide commemorative committee during this important year of remembrance. I also want to share that as part of this that the light it blue campaign, the council of armenian american organizations of Northern California will be illuminating the iconic cross and make it blue on friday night, the day of the commemoration. To show their support for the Health Care Professionals and essential frontline workers serving all of us during the covid19 pandemic. On behalf of the board, i thank the Armenian Genocide commemorative committee for coming together to unite us for peace and reflection. Today i also will be introducing a resolution on behalf of the City Administrators Office. And you should take the flier down since im talking about Something Else thank you. Im introducing a resolution on behalf of the City Administrators Office to have the combined Charities Campaign for the city and county of San Francisco. Every fall the city and county of San Francisco employees participate in the heart of the city combined Charity Campaign to raise money for nonprofit organizations in our communities. Last year this program raised more than 1. 2 million for over 1,200 nonprofit organizations in our community. Nearly 4,000 City Employees participated in the campaign. Todays legislation is required by ordinance to certify the determination of the city and the Administrators Office to meet the criteria to participate in the 2020 Fundraising Campaign. The ordinance also dictates that this list was certified by may 1 of this year and given the deadline, ill refer this item to next weeks to next weeks adoption of our Committee Reference agenda. I know that our City Employees have been selfless during this time of crisis and i hope that with this years Fundraising Campaign that we will continue to contribute to the many worthy causes in the community when our support is needed most. I also want to challenge the board of supervisors, Department One as supervisor peskin would like to call us, to rise to the challenge, and to sign up as many members and staff as possible for the combined Charities Campaign for 2020. Thank you, colleagues. And the rest i submit. Clerk thank you. Supervisor fewer. Supervisor fewer today im introducing a resolution to look at the role of our release and Recovery Plan during and after the covid19 crisis. The 450 billion in funds for Small Businesses through the Congress Stimulus package was an important start as municipalities and states struggle to provide relief with less revenue. But the funds ran out in only two weeks and many businesses face obstacles to assessing funds. Some of the obstacles are created by the banks themselves. Major concerns have arisen about the implementation of the p. P. P. , and included a criteria for application created by the banks and the decisions of the distribution of funds. Those awarded with funds include large chain restaurants with over 5,000 employees and construction businesses that have deemed to be essential and many smaller businesses found themselves locked out of the application process. And california received the lowest rate of distribution of all 50 states. Such concerns extend not only to loan programs designed by congress but to large commercial banks that evidence suggests in recent lawsuits allege that there were key existing relationships with their biggest borrowers. As congress looks to distribute another 300 billion in loan funds, two democratic lawmakers are advocating for more of the funds to be directed to Small Businesses without existing banking relationships as well as rural areas and people of color who own Small Businesses. Not only should we support this push within congress but we should call on congress to provide greater oversight, guidance and accountability for the banks as they disburse these funds to ensure that it is done fairly and equitably. Big banks have long been critiqued for their role in and during the economic crisis, including the 20082009 recession where large commercial banks and Auto Companies received a bailout of over 400 billion from the federal government. I worry that the role of the large commercial banks in unequally distributing p. P. P. Loans show that they are illequipped to give fair leadership during this or any economic crisis. It is the small local banks and Credit Unions and the Financial Institutions that are responsive to the needs of local businesses and resident customers through this Financial Institutions those often have limitations on capacity, which brings us back to the need for public banking to provide an alternate to these large commercial banks. Alternative to these large commercial banks. In a public bank it could be the mechanism to allow for low cost lending at a local level to support our restaurants and the Small Business corridors. And a public bank can lay the foundation for more equitable local economy by financing projects and having local infrastructure, creating goodpaying and union jobs. If we had a public bank already in place we would be in a better position to respond like this, like the bank of north dakota who has a robust Disaster Relief lending program. And the development of a local, regional or a state public banking model now is responsible and strategic but it will require capitalization funds from the federal government. This calls on congress to support a new stimulus package that includes increased relief funding for Small Businesses and local governments, with greater guidance for banking regarding Fund Distribution and to support the development of local and regional public banks to making available federal funding for making available federal funding for capitalization. Thanks to jackie fielder and the bank advocates at a local and National Level with working with my office on this. And for supervisor Hillary Ronen and the staff for their collaborations and my deep thanks to my staff member for being the voice behind this, i would say that is ever since i think that came into office and trying to actually actualize a public bank for the city and county of San Francisco. Colleagues, today i have to adjourn todays meeting in remember of miss patsy, she was born march 7, 1940 in california. She and moses married may 3, 1964 and had three daughters. Stacy nolan and aaron. They opened up maschoci sweet shop in 1964 where she worked every day, even through her treatment. She loved spending time with her kids and grandkids, and cherished the times of all of them running around like crazy at christmas and competing in laser games, adults included. She enjoyed going to lake tahoe with her grandchildren and the arcades and would spend hours at the arcade and getting excited when large chunks of coins would fall and he could give all of her tickets to the grandkids. And she was a hardworking and kindest grandma that there ever was. Shell be missed for her crazy saran wrap and her ziploc bagging of everything and her diehard love for cheerios and a way that she could watch soap operas for hours on end. She had the funnest eating habits and always taking the seeds off her hamburger buns and eating donuts with a spoon. And whenever you asked her where she would why she would do something strange with her food, she would laugh and say a things that would only be described as t. M. I. They got to know her rich Cultural Heritage in japan town and through the labor of love as the sweet shop. And it became recognized formally as a native business for their amazing contributions to the city. The sweet stop has been an institution in japan town for over 46 years. And the bakery creates the loving sweet coffee cake and the treats that have become a staple and a tradition for many celebrations and milestones. In fact, i ordered a full sheet of the coffee crunch cake for my aides baby shower and he had to order ahead because they sell out quickly each morning. I have the distinct pleasure of meeting patsy last year at the Small Business commission. And the sweet stop shop was considered for a business nomination and a sense of pride and joy that the family shared at that moment combined with the love they had, not only for the business but for the community as a whole. Patsy was such a delight in the lives of everyone that she knew and she will be dearly be missed. May she rest in sweet peace. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor fewer. Supervisor haney. Supervisor haney thank you, madam clerk. I have a few hearings to introduce and resolutions. First, as you all know, our San Francisco Unified School District and city college have both had a disruptions related to covid19 and are doing what they can to continue learning for their students. Im calling a hearing on the impacts of covid19 on the San Francisco Unified School District and on city college San Francisco. As chair of the joint schools and city college committee, this hearing will i hope that this hearing will serve to both update the city and the public on how covid19 has impacted the schedules, policies and the provisions. Of course, its education and services. What schools are doing to protect both students and staff during the pandemic. How schools are continuing to serve students and families, especially those that are most marginalized and vulnerable. And what plans are being made to ensure ongoing educational goals are met. And, additionally, we hope to hear how the city can best support the schools and what resources are required to ensure that they are able to succeed in their vital role as educational institutions. I am also introducing a hearing on our capacity for testing related to covid19. Many of us have had extensive questions come to us from our constituents and weve had questions ourselves about the citys policies, approaches and capacity for covid19 testing. Weve heard that we are testing just 400 people a day. But we havent gotten clear answers on what our true capacity for testing is, what are the barriers that exist for mass testing, how our priorities shifting based on multiple outbreaks and in facilities and new data about neighborhoods and communities that have been disproportionately impacted. And how can we ensure that vulnerable populations have adequate access to testing . And with all of this what is our role to better support this work as the board of supervisors. We absolutely want to make sure that people have access to testing. Were all hearing that moving forward that the way that we are going to begin to go to the next stage of responding to this crisis is not only testing but also to much more extensive testing. So we are requesting d. P. H. , d. M. And h. S. H. And the Mayors Office as well as uscff and the Hospital Council and the clinic consortium to present. And i look forward to having a productive conversation with our departments and the board. Im also introducing a hearing on our progress and our approach to procuring hotel rooms for residents of our city that are vulnerable or otherwise need to have a room to be able to shelter in place. Thanks to the support of the entire board and the emergency ordinance to procure 8,250 rooms this past last week and presumably will go into effect this weekend, in order to receive a public update about progress in meeting the mandates in the ordinance as well as understanding the Current Operations and barriers and staffing, im introducing a key hearing cosponsored by supervisors ronen and peskin and walton and asking that the hotels report. Despite more than a month of conversation, advocacy, organizing efforts by all of us, there are still less than 900 individuals from shelters and s. R. O. S in private hotel rooms. Our shelters and s. R. O. S are still too crowded and, unfortunately, as we have seen more and more, outbreaks are happening and are likely to happen if we dont move quicker. Few shelter operators with expert knowledge of their clients have been fully engaged to work in and to build programs. And many of us have started to receive questions from the d. S. W. S and our labor partners about how this program is operating and what all of us can do to make sure that its effective, successful, and that it fully protects both those who are being brought into the hotels as well as the people who are working there. This has been a huge focus area of focus and advocacy by the board and the public and i look forward to a more robust public hearing and conversation shortly. Im also introducing a resolution to call on i. C. E. To release the longest detained transgender Asylum Seeker in the United States, kelly gonzalezguilar. Kelly is a transgender woman from honduras who left at age 12 due to physical and psychological abuse related to her gender identity. She fled to mexico where she endured even more abuse and survived Sexual Violence and sex trafficking and labor trafficking and more. And she sought refuge in the United States at age 17 and locked in an immigration jail where she was released briefly and then arrested again and put in i. C. E. Detention. Shes never been convicted of any charges, and despite this fact she is currently held at the sabola Correctional Center in ne new mexico where shes hed in immigration jails for more than two years. During her time at this center, she was held in solitary confinement for four months due to her gender identity. She was often locked down for hours out of the day. Her only human contact was when the guards would pass through to her a slot in the door. Solitary confinement is found to take a heavy psychological and physical toll on people and is classified as torture. Shes represented by attorneys at the National Immigrant Justice Center with support from the aclu and the coalition. In december 2019, i. C. E. Denied kellys request for parole. Despite the support that she has waiting in oakland and i. C. E. Gave no reason as to why they denied the request. But she was reported to be sent to honduras which has a record of violence against gay and bisexual and transgender people. I ask that we as a board support kelly gonzalezaguilar and her sponsors and call for i. C. E. To release kelly into the custody of the sponsors. Lastly, i have a resolution which here we are i have a resolution which recognizes and affirms National Sexual assault awareness and prevention month. With the current shelterinplace orders, victims of violence are literally in many cases trapped with their abusers at a time when so many of our citys resources are to solve the overarching pandemic and you cant lose sight of those who are at risk of Sexual Violence. The National Alliance to end Sexual Violence has seen increased demand in 50 of its programs and were seeing calls and chats to Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence hotlines. And the alliance to end Sexual Violence had a survey on the impact of covid19 on the efforts of Rape Crisis Centers for survivors and they have seen a 40 increase in demand. Reports are being filed that Vulnerable People are being supported into survival sex in order to keep their housing. Landlords have been taking advantage of financial hardships of many tenants in some cases. And the need for greater outreach, education, and access to services and supports is as great as ever. April is Sexual Assault awareness month. And its important that we as a city take the opportunity to recommit ourselves to having zero tolerance approach when it comes to Sexual Assault and violence and we do all that we can to raise awareness on this issue and to highlight the resources that are available. Sexual violence is a Public Health issue that has been and continues to be impacted by the pandemic. And during this crisis Sexual Assault survivors need to know that their government is there to serve and to protect them. They often need access to resources and information and during this time those can be even be more difficult to provide and ensure that are available. I want to thank my cosponsors on this, supervisors stefani and ronen and, again, acknowledge that this is Sexual Assault awareness and prevention month. Were in an especially hard time for people who may be at risk or are themselves are survivors and our city needs to do more to step up and to support people who are at risk. With tha the rest i submit. Clerk supervisor mandelman. Supervisor mandelman thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, today im introducing a resolution to put the board of supervisors on record in support of the safe sleeping sites and shelter people to have social distancing and improve san statio sanitatit includes not clearing encampments and encouraging people staying in encampments to set up their tents and sleeping quarters with sufficient space between them and ensuring nearby accessible and adequately stopped restroom facilities. Following this guidance has led to daytoday changes in the citys response to homelessness. The healthy streets Operation Center has refocused efforts on covid19 and is trying, though with mixed success, to keep the encampment areas clean and ensure that the sidewalks are kept clear and encourage people to stay one person per tent and tents at least six feet apart. At the same time in the castro and many other neighborhoods of San Francisco, tent encampments are growing, largely without social distancing and or access to hygiene. Even prior to covid19, the de facto city approach to management of people camping in neighborhoods was inhumane to those seeking shelter, frustrating for neighbors and how it impacted neighborhoods, and impossible for outreach workers and police to implement effectively. Theres a neverending game of whackamole and people from one block or corner only to see a new encampment pop up a block away. Covid19 has brought that sad game to the end, at least for the moment, and offers us an opportunity to pilot new and different strategies to provide safer sleeping alternatives to those unsheltered people for whom we do not currently have an available apartment, hotel room, or shelter. My office is working with the city departments on a place for safe camping sites for covid19 and ive been working with the City Administration to find an appropriate location to open up a safe sleeping site in district 8 in response to the current Public Health crisis. Its my hope that this resolution will add Political Support and urgency to the work already underway to create these sites. This resolution urges that the city plan for and expeditiously establish safe sleeping sites in vacant parking lots and other appropriate spaces. It would follow the best practices and maintaining adequate social distancing and providing access to sanitation and facilities and food and water. Any such site would be subject to a safety plan with 24 7 staffing, Janitorial Services and such other services that may be necessary and feasible to maintain the health and the safety of those at the site and the surrounding neighborhoods. I want to thank my colleague dean preston for cosponsoring this resolution and the fine folks at h. S. H. And h. S. A. And the Mayors Office for a willingness to engage on these ideas in the past many months and their heroic work for the unhoused population in this very difficult moment. And i thank the leaders pushing for safe sleeping sites even prior to covid19 and to continue to work with and to push me and my office. And i want to thank the office for their work on this resolution and making effective responses to this. And i look forward to working with the departments and the neighbors to open up a safe sleeping site at the castro area soon as soon as possible. And the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor mandelman. Supervisor mar. Submit. Clerk thank you. Supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin let me take myself off of mute, thank you, madam clerk. I want to start my roll call by thanking president yee for including me in the Armenian Genocide commemoration and then as referenced earlier by supervisor safai, today together with supervisor mandelman, we are introducing permanent legislation as it regards capping the delivery of service apps like uber eats and grubhub. And, of course, later on todays agenda, were voting to concur with the mayors nine supplemental declaration of emergency which places a 15 cap on the commissions that these Delivery Services can charge. And as i had mentioned a couple weeks ago at the board of supervisors, my office and i want to thank my legislative aide lee. Lee hefner working with supervisor safai and mandelman on legislation, and if anything the current emergency has drawn into stark contrast the need for a responsive a responsible regulatory regiment in this area. During the crisis as these companies have reached enormous amounts of revenue, they have had calls they had assessed against essential restaurants and this is a time when restaurants and their staff were already struggling. Beyond that, the same outfits have fought tooth and nail for any effort to properly classify their delivery workers as employees. The legislation that were bringing forth today proposes a Commission Cap at 10 as i had mentioned and further prohibits these platforms from fixing prices in their apps. Essentially prohibiting restaurants from recovering that commission through a higher sale price in the app. I think this is straightforward and sensible legislation. I want to thank the mayor for her supplemental declaration. It is long overdue. And i want to note that the counterparts in new york city are well ahead of us. They already have done similar legislation before covid19 emergency. Also relevant is our own survey responses from the delivery and ride hail workers that was released, which indicates that 58 of workers report not getting gloves and sanitizing products from the Delivery Service apps. 81 reported that phone companies are not requiring companies to report if theyre sick before they accept. 73 report that apps are not providing Financial Support if theyre exposed or contract covid19. I want to really thank the Golden Gate Restaurant Association and Laurie Thomas in particular, and the numerous neighborhood groups and the individual merchants who have been calling on all of our offices for this relief. And ill add that when we were campaigning across the city for proposition d, this is probably the most frequent complaint that we heard from merchants across the city. I also want to give a nod to environmental advocates who have highlighted the increase waste implications of the convenience economy. Next, i would like to move on to single resident occupancy hotels, s. R. O. S. As you know i represent and supervisor ronen and supervisor haney represent districts with a high number of lowincome tenants in s. R. O. S, which has meant that the time and legislative work over many years with the purpose of protecting vulnerable s. R. O. Tenants with Affordable Housing stock. A number of years ago we passed landmark legislation to stop the use of municipal rooms for s. R. O. Operators to force tenants to leave before they had been in the unit for 30 days and tell them to come back and to take a different unit after a few days off, in order to keep them from establishing rent control tenancies. And more s. R. O. S broader protections were in that legislation. Most s. R. O. S have a mix of residential and tourist units, all set forth in a piece of 40yearold legislation in the administrative code. For protections for residential units have proven quite difficult to enforce because s. R. O. Landlords move the rooms move the tenants around in the rooms. This legislation is as you all know currently the subject of litigation and enforcement hearings by the department of building inspection have been put on hold. So, meanwhile, the warehousing of precious lowincome Housing Units continue, even though rentals are allowed to be shown and leased. I am quite concerned by the increase in calls at our office, with respect to s. R. O. Operators and the shortterm tenants during the covid19 crisis for any number of reasons. And the lack of enforcement. Neither the mayors supplemental declaration nor the declaration that we will discuss as item 26 on todays calendar specifically addresses the plight of these residents who reside in buildings that have a mix of tourist and residential units. And, quite frankly, this is something that we could have and should have addressed earlier before tenants started being displaced. As i said, we have received a number of complaints from not only from s. R. O. Tenants but from the s. R. O. Collaboratives that either the sfpd has responded to. Obviously this is a gross violation of their rights and particularly upsetting and offensive, given that the city has stopped offering shelter to residents who have been kicked out on to the street who might have normally gone through an access point to get a shelter bed. So today im introducing emergency legislation to create a process for checking s. R. O. Residences during this time as well as creating guidance and support for the nonprofit providers and s. R. O. Collaboratives who have been doing the majority of the work on the ground to ensure that the city doesnt let these folks slip through the cracks. Theres a lot more that i can say about this, but i will i will wrap up and just say im introducing a resolution of support for senate bill 1010, introduced by senator jackson of santa barbara, california. Last year this board of supervisors passed legislation making San Francisco the first city in the country to prohibit government use of Phishing Technology on the basis of its inaccurate nature and its dispro portionate harm to women and communities of color, and enabled by this mass Surveillance Technology. And and there was legislation to prohibit the facial technology in Law Enforcement body cameras and now senator jackson sent bill 1010 to expand the prohibition on other biometric Surveillance Technology for five years in the state of california. And in the context of massive global expansions of surveillance infrastructure, particularly in response to the covid19 pandemic, theres never been a better time to get out in front of the most threatening manifestations of that technology. And i want to applaud senator jackson. Finally, colleagues, after this Board Meeting is adjourned, we will have a briefing from our chief Health Officer, dr. Tomas, and i want to thank the president of the board of supervisors as well as the doctor for accommodating that briefing. It will be like our e. O. C. Briefings, but it will be available to anybody who is watching sfgov tv and i also hope that the briefings will eventually be the subject of s. F. Gov tv as well so that we can be as transparent as possible. I do have more, but i will submit the rest and im delighted to say that nobody that i know died this week. Thank you, madam clerk, and mr. President , and colleagues. Clerk thank you, supervisor peskin. Supervisor safai, you asked to be rereferred after supervisor peskin. Supervisor stefani thank you, madam clerk. I think that supervisor peskin said that everything that i was going to say. But i will just say that our intent in this and just so its clear for the record we did reach out, we did have conversations with all of the major companies. We did have a conversation, and we did ask them we said during this crisis, during this circumstance, we are giving the opportunity to make this gesture and to do this on your own. They chose not to. I think that weve had a couple weeks now and the sky is not falling and i think that this legislation is appropriate and i think that this conversation is appropriate to move forward. And im sure that as supervisor peskin intimated were happy to sit down and to continue to have conversations and to look at how this is going to affect the industry. I just think that for a lot of people out there they dont realize when you order through one of these apps, the majority of the cost for that order is coming out of the very small margin of profit that the restaurants have. And so many of them have experienced significant, significant loss that our world has been turned upside down. These Small Businesses represent the fabric of what in many ways make San Francisco special. So supervisor peskin and mandelman and i, we have all been in this conversation. I want to thank the ggra, and Laurie Thomas and ben blindman and the Small Business commission and as someone as an owner of multiple restaurants in this city for giving us a lot of insight. And thank shawn and andreas from the dark horse, and the outer merchant, and these folks are on the ground every day and doing this. And so we believe that this is the right way. We believe this is the right path. And so were happy to continue these conversations and to move them forward and to think about what the economy is going to look like postcovid19. Thank you, madam clerk, and mr. President and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor safai. Supervisor preston. Supervisor preston submit. Clerk thank you. Supervisor ronen. Supervisor ronen thank you. Today i have four items that i wanted to start off by giving you all an update about i have been participating on behalf of the board of supervisors in the give to s. F. Advisory committee. And the staffer of that of that fund is Matthew Goudeau who heads up our Arts Commission but is on temporary assignment through the e. O. C. On administering and doing the work of that fund. Right now we have raised as a city 10. 5 million, about 5 million, a little bit more, has actually been allocated to uses. And 2. 5 million to the Human Services agency for Food Security issues. 2. 1 million to eowd, which is funding the programs supporting Small Businesses and 50,000 loan and the 10,000 grant to microbusinesses. And 750,000 have gone to mohcd, which is going to be assisting households that are having a hard time getting assistance with the direct gift cards that are able to meet the myriad of expenses that the businesses and families have. And we have also initiated a new adcampaignad campaign and 10. 5n San Francisco is a good start but its not nearly in the ballpark of what we need to be. We have a billion dollar deficit over the next two years and we know that families all over our city are struggling immensely right now. We need to raise more money so that San Franciscoiams can be there for San Francisco. And we have billionaires in this city and to my knowledge we have not received any donations to give to sffunds. And perhaps one, im not sure if that person is a billionaire or a multi, multimillionaire, but we can do a lot better. When you look at who has funded give to s. F. , its very much a heartwarming exercise. Regular San Franciscoians all over the city are giving everywhere from a dollar to 1,000. Thats where were getting the bulk of this money. San franciscoians can step up who are able to give small contributions, were really hoping to see the wealthier members of our Community Step up even more so. What were launching starting at the end of this week is an ad campaign. I want to give a huge thanks to my legislative aide jennifer wi who is doing all of the Graphic Design work for this campaign. We have not been out there showing San Franciscoians what were doing with this fund and where the money is going. This is going to change that. For 21 days were going to have an ad that profiles both donors to the give s. F. Fund as well as the recipients. What that assistance has meant for our Small Businesses, for our immigrant communities, for our elders who are getting the majority of their food through this fund right now. And then were asking them to step up and to contribute to this fund as well. I will be reaching out to all of my colleagues asking you to participate in this campaign. Im going to be reaching out to every elected official in the city and county of San Francisco. Even our state and federal delegations. We all need to get this fund up to the 100 million multi 100 million range to get to the support that we need in our vulnerable communities. So we will be sending a toolkit out to each of and you then a daily ad that you can use your social networks to get out there. And were hoping to turn this fund into something really great that we can be very proud of and that we can immediately get that aid out to our communities. This is one of those donation opportunities thats going directly into the hands of those that need it. None of the money is used for Administration Administrative needs. Were all doing this volunteer. None of the money is going for staff salaries want its going every single dollar goes directly into the hands of San Franciscoians who need food and help paying their bills and Small Businesses that need to make payroll with no income coming in, that we want to see open at the end of this because the federal programs that we heard today from supervisor stefani and fewer, you know, have been somewhat disastrous in their rollout. Having closed almost as soon as they opened. Our Small Businesses are continuing to struggle. And this is the fund where theyre going to get that quick, immediate assistance. So ill be in touch with you all about that. But i wanted to give you an update and also any input, feel free to pass my way and i can pass it to the oversight body who is overseeing this fund. Secondly, today im introducing legislation to safeguard voter access for San Franciscoians for the november 2020 election and beyond. What we just witnessed in wisconsin with the conservative majority on the u. S. Supreme court issuing a decision that force voters to leave the safety of their homes during this Global Pandemic to cast their ballots was truly chilling. President trump himself has been outspoken in his opposition to expanding vote by mail, falsely saying theres fraud and we must prepare now. California had passed the voters choice act to allow the counties to election into a model where every registered voter gets a mailed ballot with options for those who wish to vote in person. Originally launched with five counties participating in a pilot run, data shows that voter choice act increased the turnout by about three percentage point in the 2018 election and four points in the primary. Moreover, turnout increases were greater for 18 year olds, latino, and asianamerican voters. Its now open to any county that takes steps to implement it and 10 counties have now opted in. But San Francisco has not yet moved to do so. Currently in San Francisco, vote by mail ballots are available only on request in advance of election day with 70 of San Francisco voters currently registered as pertinent votebymail. Several states, colorado, hawaii and oregon and washington now conduct all elections by having ballots sent to every registered voter without their having to request one. With Voter Suppression nationwide and in particularly in communities of color, we cant afford to wait. At this point we dont have time to implement before november, but we cant leave voters with the impossible choice of deciding between their health and casting a ballot. We can and we must protect the right of San Franciscoians to vote. My legislation directs the San Francisco director of elections to protect San Francisco voting access in the november 2020 election by mailing a ballot to every registered voter, to bring a report to the board of supervisors on how the november election will be implemented and whether were still in shelterinplace or not, including outreach to communities with historically low turnout. And to provide an analysis of implementing d. C. A. In the future. We needed an emergency plan for november and a timeline to prepare for future elections. And we need transparency along the way for the public to watchdog the decisions that are made. I want to thank San Francisco Democratic Party chair david compos for raising this issue and sending a letter to director arntz and us and urging us to do this. And for supervisors haney, walton and preston for their cosponsorship. The november election may be the most important of our lifetimes, the duration of the covid19 crisis and when and how shelterinplace is going to be lifted is unknown it. Will provide a secure november 3, 2020 election and a clear cas path for the future ad thanks to my office for having worked so hard on this. Next im introducing a resolution to urge governor newsome to issue a full pardon to leah beru, an ethiopian immigrant and Domestic Violence survivor. We ask the detention facility at the county jail and to stop deportation after defending herself after years of spousal abuse. Ly had already served time for the crime that she was convicted of when she injured her husband while defending herself from his violence. Leah was never informed of the potential immigration consequences of accepting a plea deal. Considering the current covid19 pandemic and the lifethreatening danger of being in a setting, and its essential that we help her to return to safety and shelter in place with her family here in San Francisco. Show met her husband in ethiopia and she moved here as a permanent resident to live with him. Life became a nightmare. Her husband, a white man, referred to her as a slave and used racial slurs towards her. He began to control her movements and with whom she could speak. And the verbal abuse turned physical as he began punching and beating her. He would apologize and promise to change but would soon become violent again. Leah threatened to call the police on several oceans and he told her that police would believe him, a citizen, and not her. And she. Told her husband that she wanted to leave and go to a shelter but he refused to let her leave. She felt trapped. While in prison, she did classes and graduated from college and bake are became a mentor for others. In 2018, she was turned over to i. C. E. And placed in deportation proceedings. The sole avenue to remain in the United States is through a pardon. I urge your support to right this wrong and to ensure that leah has the opportunity to live and to be free. And i want to thank my office for helping to prepare this resolution. And, finally, today im introducing another resolution urging our u. S. Congressional representatives to ensure the inclusion of immigrant communities during the next federal relief package developed in response to covid19 Public Health crisis. During this unprecedented moment in history, immigrants have continued to show a commitment to this country by placing their own health at risk on behalf of the greater population while working as Health Care Providers and maintenance workers and farm workers and Grocery Store workers and countless other Service Industry jobs on. March 27th, the president signed a relief bill that excluded the u. S. Immigrant population and as a result of this exclusion, millions of individuals, families and children are suffering the worst impacts of this Public Health and economic crisis. Immigrant communities like all other americans who have been impacted by this crisis have a need for economic relief, Food Assistance and housing security. And as we have learned from the Public Health guidance, the inclusion of the immigrant communities in covid19 response and Recovery Efforts is essential to flattening the curve and restoring the health of our country and our economy as quickly as possible. This resolution urges our congressional representatives to fight for the inclusion of our nations immigrant communities in the next round of federal covid19 relief package negotiations and calls on the federal administration to halt the immigrant detention and deportations and instead to use those resources to ensure access to Public Health services for immigrant communities. And i would like to thank the staff for partnering with us on this resolution. And for their tireless advocacy on behalf of San Francisco and californians and the immigrant communities. I would also like to thank my staff, paul, for his work on this resolution. And ill just end by saying that each one of these efforts that im introducing today was worked on by one of my four incredible staff members. I just want to tell them thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Theyre working seven days a week from Early Morning to late at night on every aspect of this crisis. Theyre in the district walking streets on a daily basis. Theyre going from homelessness to Small Businesses to s. R. O. Hotel rooms, theres nothing and there is nothing that they havent stepped up to the plate to do. And i just wanted to show my immense gratitude to all four of them. Theyre heros in my eyes and i appreciate that. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor ronen. Seeing no other names on the roster, mr. President , i believe that concludes the introduction of new business. President yee okay, lets go on to Public Comments. Clerk okay, thank you, mr. President. We have been conducting these meetings Via Video Conference for the last five weeks. And so we have learned that its probably a really good idea that during both communications and during Public Comment that we provide the same information. So im going to provide the five ways that the public are encouraged to participate remotely in this meeting. And first of all, of course, you can share your correspondence with the board by submitting via email, boar board supervisors. Sfgov. Org. If you do not have the internet submit by u. S. Postal service to address the envelope to San Francisco board of supervisors, room 244, city hall, San Francisco, california, 94102. please stand by . Ease stand by clerk when prompted, press pound, and then pound again, to join the meeting. Once youve joined, youll hear the meeting in progress. Dial 1 and then 0 to be added to the speaker line, and i will ask our operations sergeantatarms, mr. Qu, are there any speakers in the Public Comment speaker queue. Operator madam clerk, there are apparently four speakers waiting to speak. Clerk okay. Operator i will start the queue. I wish to speak against concurring resolution 200384, which is being heard today without referral. This is a concurrence of the mandatory facial mask order issued april 16. There seems to be a lot of trust, but no verify. The fact that it is being heard before your little chitchat with tomas aragon is very inappropriate. For asthmatics and those are copd, this poses heavy breathing risk. Long use can also cause individuals to touch their faces frequently, and as with homemade masks, some materials are conducive for growing germs. In a city with a living history of the aids epidemic, thats what this masks psychological war fare is. How do you explain the c130 transport plane over city hall last week . The only reason to make such a flight is a sciop. It is only a period of time before someone shoots San Francisco women of color for showing their face. Whats going on is not even a heavy flu season. Supervisor fewer said today, not one overflow i. C. U. Bed has been put in service. Clerk thank you, sir, for your comments. You have three questions remaining. My name is francisco decosta, and while the previous speaker spoke, while you may not agree with what he said, a lot of what he says is empirical data. Ive been watching you all over the place, and come four or five months, were going to get another wave, and if you havent learned from this wave of this pandemic, we will fall flat on our face when the second wave comes, so theres a lot of myths and disinformation and bluffing all the time. You cannot bluff all the people all the time. A lot of you talk too much. This blessed roll call that you have, you should be limited to five minutes, just like our Public Comment is limited to two minutes. Most of you all can speak to the point. Here in san bruno, none of the Small Businesses have been contacted. None of the Small Businesses have received any help. All of the Large Businesses when the last spiraling of the economy took place contributed to the city. Shame on you supervisors. There are one or two supervisors that really care for the homeless. The rest of you all are just hog wash. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments. You have two questions remaining. Linda chapman speaking for nob hill neighbors. My heart overflows with thanks for those of you who are really trying to get people off the streets and into housing as opposed to congregate care. You will have received thanks from c. A. R. A. , when our letter went out. Ive been in touch with f. D. A. And c. A. R. A. , who are interested in housing older people and disabled people, and i was to have been in touch with the s. R. O. Collaborative, but the phone system didnt accommodate me, so i hope to have the opportunity to talk with your office about it. Nob hill neighbors is going to be resurrected by people who are leaders of three different organizations in the past. I was one of the Community Organizers for nob hill neighbors during the well, they were active for 25 years in preserving rental housing and preserving the neighborhood for housing until the neighborhood started to disband it. Another lady organized it for a while, and then, she helped organize lower polk neighbors who unfortunately discovered the secret Bank Accounts that the other officers had and the corruption that they had. Clerk thank you. Thank you, miss chapman. You have two questions remaining. Yes, hi, this is peter war field from Library Users association. Thanks, first of all, to the clerk, for giving explanations of how to get in touch with the public, including for those who do not have access to the internet. Our Public Libraries have a longstanding important civic and cultural role in providing trusted information, education, and recreation, and for free. Unfortunately, on february on march 13, rather, the Library Closed rather suddenly, and provided basically only service via internet on a limited basis. They now have added a tip reference line thats only available from 10 00 to 5 00 monday through friday, but its still worthwhile and valuable. Because theres so many people that do not have internet access, my information is about 14 from the census bureau. In San Francisco, thats 123,000plus people. Theres a lot that the library could do that would provide service for both those without access and also those with. There could be telephone story time, there could be expanded telephone reference, there could be taking of reserves, none of which would involve contact with the public or coworkers. Books and other materials could be mailed as well as returned by book drops and mail, which would not necessarily involve any direct Public Comment. Some libraries, not in San Francisco, though, are providing curb side service, and that would provide another service to the public. All libraries provide a tremendous service, and we would like you to expand what service its providing now, and especially for those without internet access. Thanks very much. You have one question remaining. Hello, just a moment, and let me start my timer. Hi. Michael petrellis calling in. First of all, i wanted to point out that the Police Commission has not met since late february. The Police Commission has cancelled a total of ten meetings since february, and the mayor recently announced two nominees to the Police Commission. Youll soon be considering those nominees, and it is very troubling that we do not know when the next Police Commission will take place. Please look into this. My second matter is i want to thank all san franciscans who are observing physical distancing rules and who are repairi helping to flatten the curve of covid19 infections. And my third item for today is one that i keep bringing up, which is that you, supervisors, are disrespecting we, the people, by making us wait for your roll call introductions to take place before the public. Im asking you again to please put Public Comment at the start of the meeting. Put we, the people, before your egos. You use roll call to go on and on and onto thank each other or thank your staff. Thats fine. I would like for you to set time limits, as mr. Decosta pointed out. You guys should follow some time rules for yourselves during this pandemic. It is not okay that Public Comment after your egos are allowed to ramble on as long as you like during roll call introductions. Thank you. You have zero questions remaining. Clerk mr. President , i believe that concludes the current queue of public speakers. President yee okay. Thank you. Seeing no other public speakers, Public Comment is now closed. Madam clerk, lets call for adoption without Committee Reference. Clerk these measures were introduced for adoption without Committee Reference. A unanimous vote is required for adoption of these resolutions today. Any supervisor may require any resolution to go to committee. President yee okay. Colleagues, would any supervisor like to sever any items . Okay. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin id like to sever items 21 and 26, please. President yee and id like to sever, madam clerk, item number 24. Clerk okay. So that leaves item 20, 22, 23, and 25. President yee okay. Lets take roll. Clerk on items 20, 22, 23, and 25 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay, then. Without objection, the resolutions are adopted and motion is approved unanimously. Now, madam clerk, lets go back up to item 21. Can you please call that. Clerk item 21, resolution to urge the disclosure of Additional Data sets related to the wellbeing of homeless san franciscans and residents of single room occupancy hotels, the number and occupancy of Available Hotel rooms, the geographic origin of confirmed positive covid19 cases, and the date of covid19 test specimen collection, and commending the interdepartmental collaboration which resulted in the publication of the San Francisco covid19 data tracker. President yee okay. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee. Colleagues, i believe you are all in receipt of amendments to this resolution which reflects updates made that we are all aware of to the data tracker for the public that has been made over the past week as well as conversations that my office have had with some of your offices, conference calls, and conversations with administrative staff. I would like to bring forth these amendments and then continue this item for a week, not because theyre substantive but it will create additional conversations between the aforementioned offices. I also want to mention that it requires a tremendous amount of work from the City Administrators Office and want to thank everybody who turned this data tracker site into something that is important to all of us and the public. I understand that some of the data is only recently being collected digitally, so we have literally thousands of paper documents that are being sifted through and scraped for relative data points that the tracker will continue to include new data sets. I also believe that this sort of transparency and analysis is going to be remarkably important as we anticipate outbreaks over the next weeks and months and potentially longer than that as well as when we finally relax into some semblance of normal. That said, the amendments begin towards the bottom of page 2. They are highlighted in yellow. The first new whereas clause reflects that the data tracker shows the number of covid19 cases by zip code, which many of you have seized upon to highlight the geographic, income, racial, and other Health Disparities that are being revealed right now and were set forth in this mornings chronicle. I also note that we are not receiving geographic disparities nationally in covid19 deaths yet. Next, while i know that other date is not being made public yet, and then, ive updated the resolve clause on pages 3 and 4 to reflect the ongoing data set that sets that we hope to have made public in the future. With that, id like to move the amendments and then continue this for one week. President yee okay. Is there a second for the amendments . Supervisor rone supervis supervisor ronen ronen, second. President yee okay. Supervisor walton point of clarity. President yee okay. Whos speaking . Supervisor walton this is supervisor walton. President yee okay. Supervisor walton . Supervisor walton point of clarity, we are just voting on the amendments and not necessarily the continuance to next week . President yee yes, just the amendments. Supervisor walton okay. President yee okay. Motion made by supervisor peskin, and seconded by supervisor ronen on the amendments [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then the amendments pass unanimously. Supervisor walton, did you have something to say about the continuance . Supervisor walton i did, actually, president yee. I would like to offer two friendly amendments, if i may. On page 1, i would like to offer a friendly amendment after where it states, the geographic origin of confirmed positive covid19 cases, on page 1 its either lines 5 and 6 or 4 and 5 my lines is crazy, but after that, i would like to add, the confirmed number of covid19 deaths. Supervisor peskin and mr. President , that is acceptable to the author. President yee okay. Supervisor walton one more from me. President yee go ahead, supervisor walton. Supervisor walton thank you, president yee. And one more, if i may, supervisor peskin. Where it states the total number of deaths from covid19 on page 1, line 21, i would like to add, and zip code of each death from covid19. Supervisor peskin and that is acceptable to the author. President yee would you like to second the amendment . Supervisor peskin second. President yee all right. Roll call on the additional amendments wait, wait. Supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer oh, yes. Thank you, president yee. I just have a clarification on that amendment, supervisor walton. Did you mean the zip code of the where the person lived and not where actually they passed away at . Is that supervisor walton correct, correct. The zip code where they reside. The same information we release in homicides and other cases of death in San Francisco. Supervisor fewer so i would advise in the amendment, the residence of where the victim resided. Supervisor walton i accept that, supervisor fewer. President yee and ill just ask if thats okay with you, supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin yes, sir, mr. President. President yee okay. Somebodys typing and not muted. Madam clerk, could you go ahead and take the roll on the proposed amendment . [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. So the additional amendments are passed unanimously. So madam clerk, lets call the roll to continue did you make that motion already, supervisor peskin . I think you did, right . Supervisor peskin i did, yes, sir. President yee and is there a second . Supervisor mandelma mandelman mandelman second. President yee okay. So there is a motion and a second to continue the item, so madam clerk, can you call the roll on continuing the item as amended . Clerk thank you. [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee thank you. So the motion to continue this item as amended until april 28 passes unanimously. Madam clerk, can you call item 24. Clerk item 24 item 24, resolution to urge the United States congress and the federal executive branch to expeditiously pass and enact subsequent interim emergency Coronavirus Relief stimulus packages in addition to the coronavirus aid, relief, and Economic Security act, c. A. R. E. S. , with at least 500 billion more in economic aid and 250 billion more in investments for Small Business loans, specifically targeting women, people of color, veteranowned businesses and nonprofits, bolstering communitybased lenders and smaller Financial Institutions, and supporting the San Francisco Small Business commissions recommendations. President yee as almost every single one of you have mentioned and acknowledged in the last few weeks, this resolution urges congress to act swiftly and equitably to ensure that our neighborhood businesses, women owned, people of color owned, and Rural Businesses receive a fair opportunity to receive the aid they need. As pointed out again today, were recognizing that many the business relief thats been already available has gone pretty much lopsidedly to the big corporations. So when the paycheck protection act rolled out a few weeks ago, so many of the businesses were simply shut out or jumped through hoops only to be left hanging with no response. The funds were depleted completely a few days ago. It still remains unclear how many received loans, and im unsure of how many businesses in San Francisco have no aid in hand. We are also unsure how many corporations are getting aid above hard working Small Businesses. Just hours ago, a bipartisan deal was struck, 321 billion to fund the Paycheck Protection Program, which was intended to provide forgivable loans for Small Businesses, with 60 billion set aside for small lenders and community institutions. 75 billion will also be to support hospitals and health care institutions, and 25 billion dedicated for expanding testing and Contact Tracing. The house is expected to vote on thursday. I also want to emphasize that this is the interim emergency bill going through congress, and that a larger stimulus package called c. A. R. E. S. Two will also be in the works soon. There will be a focus on smaller credit union units and the Community Financing institution, which are critical for expanding relief to our Small Businesses who dont have the same opportunities to funding as the large institutions. I want to commend speaker nancy pelosi, senator schumer, and the Congressional Democrats who have advocated strongly, pushing for not anything less. I want to also thank the San Francisco Small Business administration to help pass regulations to enforce stronger protections. I also want to thank the office of economic and Workforce Development for their ongoing work. As a city, we need to continue monitoring the execution of these programs closely and identifying accounts quickly. We urge Small Businesses to reach out and share your stories and experiences with us. I still believe it is important for us to vote on this resolution today to place , to in the official record, and to commit ourselves to helping Small Businesses. I want to thank supervisors mandelman, preston, and safai for their cosponsoring of this resolution. Okay. So madam clerk, can you call the roll on this . Clerk on item 24 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to item 26. Clerk item 26, motion to concur and actions taken by the mayor in the 9th and 10th supplement to the proclamation on april 10, 2020 and april 14, 2020, to meet the ongoing local emergency related to the Novel Coronavirus covid19 pandemic. President yee thank you. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, colleagues. First, i wanted to start with a House Keeping issue. It is my belief that in at least one, if not two, of the mayors declarations, it was accompanied by legal advice. We all received president yee supervisor peskin . I dont know if your video is on or not. I dont see you anywhere. Supervisor peskin hold on one second. Wait one second. Yeah, my video is on. President yee okay. My bad. Supervisor peskin okay. So as i was saying, my understanding is that in at least one, if not two instances, the mayor has received privileged legal advice as to these supplemental declarations. Yesterday, the board of supervisors received, for the first time, an attorneyclient privileged memorandum with regard to one of those supplemental declarations, so the housekeeping item is, i just want to be clear, as with attorneyclient privilege advice, that the board gets, as we craft legislation, that is ultimately shared with the chief executive, that during this emergency period, the converse happens, and i think we are still waiting on one other attorneyclient privileged memorandum that has yet to be given to us on an earlier supplemental. But i just want to confirm through the president with our deputy City Attorney, miss pearson, that that is now going to be the policy of the City Attorneys office. Mr. Givner this is deputy City Attorney jon givner. Can you hear me . Supervisor peskin yes. Mr. Givner my colleague had to unexpectedly leave the meeting, so im jumping in, but only on audio, not video. That is currently our offices policy to provide confidential written advice to the board whenever we provide confidential written advice to the mayor regarding one of her proclamations. Supervisor peskin okay. So i think there may be one outstanding piece of advice that we did not receive, and we should probably receive those timely, but i will speak to you, mr. Givner, offline about that. With regard to the 10th supplemental, this is a question through the president to the representative of the mayor, and im trying to understand what precipitated this order, and i have a number of questions, and ill start with the fifth supplemental declaration. My understanding is that is expiring and that is about to be renewed, so through the president to miss kitler, is the fifth declaration with regard to he vacatioevictions e renewed today or tomorrow . Through the president to the member, we expect to extend the Eviction Moratorium tomorrow. Supervisor peskin thank you. And with regard to the 10th, which is premised it says that it shall be unlawful for a tourist hole will to remove any touriany Tourist Hotel to remove any tourist staying in a unit, what was this trying to address . Through the chair, our office was made aware of a number of individuals who had been sheltering in place at a private hotel, a Tourist Hotel not in kind of the number of hotels that the city has been bringing online but kind of a private hotel that they had booked a at a private hotel, not a number of hotels that the city has been bringing online, but kind of a private hotel that they had not in kind of the number of hotels that the city has been bringing online, but kind of a private hotel that they had booked a room through their own means and had test a [no audio] clerk [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. So this motion is approved unanimously. So madam clerk, please read the in memoriams. Clerk this meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals. On behalf of supervisor safai, in memory of the late luis echegorrian, and on behalf of supervisor stefani, kathy yoshigochi. President yee okay. Madam clerk, do we have any further business . Clerk there is no further business today. President yee okay. Members of the public, you are also welcome to continue watching. This meeting is occurring under the governors policy, discussing any business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the body. This will allow the board to be fully briefed by the Health Officer and ask questions of him as long as we do not discuss among ourselves or take any any of these action on any of these. Members of the board, please stay on the line, and if we can give ourselves about 30 seconds, we can ask our Health Officer, dr. Tomas aragon, to be on the line. Clerk mr. President , dr. Aragon is on the line currently when youre ready. Can you hear me . President yee yes. So dr. Aragon, are you ready . Yes, im im ready. President yee okay. Thanks for joining us today to provide the board a briefing on the latest updated on the health emergency. Before we get started, madam clerk, can you please take the roll and call the attendance of any staff so we understand who is present for this update . Clerk yes, mr. President. [roll call] clerk mr. President , everyone is present. Supervisor ronen okay. Ive got a question before we begin. President yee let me finish this part first. So lets continue to use the roster so we are able to speak one at a time. Please indicate if you would like to speak, and i will call on you. If there is no current speakers, i will turn it over to dr. Aragon to share his briefing with us. Supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen yeah. I just find this all very odd. I didnt know about this part of our this addendum to our meeting that wasnt noticed to the public. Can can you explain so so we can just call a meeting with all 11 supervisors without informing the members of the board of supervisors and without informing the public ahead of time on a major policy issue as long as we dont have cross discussions . It just seems very odd to me. I dont know how this happened and why we werent informed. President yee sure, and ill take a shot at that. Basically, this is for information only and to clarify the information, and, i guess, this is, you know, one where we wont do it every week, but its good to know. No, were going to do some of these updates informally through our monday through friday briefings, and to give the public some good information. As i mentioned earlier, the governors sort of executive order that allows public bodies to receive information, and it allows us to do it without setting an agenda. So deputy City Attorney givner, are you still there . Mr. Givner i am. President yee okay. Is that sort of along the right line . Mr. Givner thats right. Your description was accurate. The governor issued an executive order on march 21 that allowed legislative bodies like the board to receive briefings from state and local officials regarding the governments response to covid19 and allowed the Board Members to ask questions during those briefings as long as the Board Members dont discuss among themselves or take any action. The governors order doesnt require the board to receive these briefings in a televised setting, but i understand youve chosen to do that today. And as i said, theres no requirement for agenda notice for this type of briefing. President yee supervisor ronen. Supervisor ronen as a matter of courtesy, if one of these meetings are going to be planned, if we could be advised ahead of time so we could plan our schedules. We attend the monday, wednesday, friday briefings, and this would have been nice to have known before it was introduced at introduction. President yee so supervisor ronen, i agree with you, and this was requested of me pretty close to starting time at 2 00, so supervisor peskin, would you like to weighin because this is your request. Supervisor peskin thank you, mr. President , and thank you for your accommodation. To supervisor ronen, through the president , and through to my colleagues, i actually wanted to put this on the agenda as an imperative item, but i was advised that could not happen. I do want this to happen in a regular form, in a way that the public has access to this, in this very rapidly evolving situation. I hope that we can actually have a regular item on the agenda where we can hear from somebody who is actually our appointee of the board of supervisors, the Public Health officer, and the public can hear it, as well. This is our first time out, and but i appreciate everybodys indulgence and just wanted not only for the 11 of us to hear, but the public to be able to hear. This is an imperfect start, but it is a start, and you and i and my colleagues have been banging the drums for more transactions, and that was the spirit which i brought this to todays meeting. Thank you, president yee, for accommodating my request, and thank you, City Attorneys office for making this, as well, and i hope that this information can be available to the public, as well. President yee okay. So dr. Aragon, would you like to get started . Yes. Thank you, everyone, for giving me time this afternoon to go ahead and give you an update. What i want to do is give you a little bit of context from a regional perspective. So San Francisco, we have been very fortunate in that we were able to dodge a bullet in terms of the sheltering in place, social distancing, all of the interventions that were implemented prevented a large hospital surge, and we are not seeing in the bay area what is happening in new york city and what happened in italy, so thats one good thing i want to reassure people. What but one of the challenges is that even though we dodged a bullet, were still very vulnerable, and we can easily tip into a new york scenario, and ill try to explain why that is. So we know from data thats coming out of santa clara and los angeles counties that there are some serology studies to get an idea of how many people in the population has been infected. We know that santa clara, even though it wasnt a perfect study, about 2 of the population was infected. If you look at the number of surveillances they have in their system, its a large underestimate of cases or people that were infected. So whatever cases were aware of was actually a large undercount of the number of infections. Thats the first thing. The second thing to realize is a Large Population is still vulnerable. Uninfected and still susceptible. In santa clara, its close to 98 , and San Francisco is probably going to be closer to santa clara. The way this virus works, its so contagious, its being verified by the modelers, the hospital regions across california and also the bay area, that we could we could we could, if reinfection were to occur, we could tip into a new york scenario. Thats the first thing i want to say. The next thing i want to say is if you look at when we started our shelter in place and where we are today, were even though we were able to slow down the growth, the iceberg of infection, that were now seeing movements of those infections into our most vulnerable infections. The s. R. O. S, the homeless, longterm care facilities. The people who are not only the most vulnerable, but who have the most difficult time doing shelter in place and all the interventions that we would want. Some of our advanced staff are doing calculations, and because that population is big, if it moves really fast through that population, we can still end up with a surge in San Francisco, so thats one of our vulnerabilities. The next thing i want to summarize is how the thinking is nationally on how were going to move forward. The good news is that San Francisco really is in a better place than pretty much anyplace in the country because weve been able to prevent the surge, so thats great. So the question is, how do we move to the next phase. We are in what is called nationally phase one, which is slowing the spread and preparing our infrastructure for the next phase. Phase two is about how do we begin to roll back these dramatic interventions like shelter in place that has a humungous Economic Impact and is also going to have an impact on the community, especially those that are most vulnerable, as you know, the lowincome people of color, undocumented. And so how do we begin to roll how do we begin to open up the economy in a way that doesnt create a surge that happened in new york city. Thats phase two. Phase three is were not even close to phase three. Phase three is where we have good therapeutics, and we have a good vaccine, and we can treat the population. So i want to come back to phase one, and where we are now, and what were trying to do in the city. The way to think ill give you a way of remembering the key pillars of phase one, and they all begin with the letter t. Transmission, testing, tracing, and treatment. Under the category of transmission is where we know most of our activities have been. Sheltering in place, social distancing, universal face coverings, hand washing, all of these interventions environmental disinfection are critical to interrupting transmission. We want to keep those in place until we can pull back on shelter in place. The second is testing. Fortunately, testing is improving. Back east are using saliva test. I understand theres a home test that may be approved or just got approved recently, so the Testing Capacity is going to increase dramatically, and thats going to help a lot in terms of our case finding strategy. As our Testing Capacity increases, were going to see more and more testing. With case finding, we have Case Management and Contact Tracing. Thats the third phase, the tracing component. We have to build a public workforce that can do all this Public Health management and tracing. We have a component with ucsf, and weve implemented an complication that allows us to hire people who can work from home and do Contact Tracing on to call up and do Contact Tracing online, the whole work flow of Contact Tracing. That works fine for an average person that you can contact and get that information and work with that. The other component is the people on the ground. We need to build up strike ste teams, not just for our population, our homeless, our s. R. O. S. Currently, we have core expertise and core capacity. We now need to replicate that [no audio] again, we can begin to roll back shelter in place. And then, the last of phase one is treatment capacity to make sure that we have both the surge for hospital beds, i. C. U. Beds, and ventilators. We were fortunate in San Francisco that we didnt have to use our surge capacity, but we need to have it if we see a surge in infections. So thats where were at in phase one. I do want to mention that the bay area, were part because were part of california, ultimately, the Legal Authority of how this plays out in california comes from the state, so were really waiting for more state guidance on how theyre going to anchor their intervention because to the extent that we can align closer to what the state is doing, and that everybody feels comfortable that that is a responsible way to move forward, then thats going to make it a little easier for us to sort of being focusing on those Public Health components and not getting into these other components where people are asking me, you should open this up, you should open that up, and its really hard to know, in my current role, to be focusing on that. Were trying to move to how do we focus on the core Public Health interventions and align to what the state is doing . So thats where were at right now. Again, and i think like i said, we dodged a bullet, but were not weve damaged one bullet, and we want to make sure, as we move forward, that we have everything in place so that we can begin to open up in a way that makes sense for everybody. So let me let me stop there, and im happy to answer questions you may have questions about other components, and ill try to answer those other questions to the best i can. For example, the map of cases across San Francisco, i can answer questions to things that have already been released publicly. President yee supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, mr. President , and thank you, dr. Aragon for making yourself available this afternoon. I think what you said was helpful for all of us to hear. You did speak to the vulnerable populations and vulnerable sites that we are all painfully aware of, whether theyre Nursing Homes, shelters, or singleroom occupancy hotels and jails, for that matter. Can you show us what our plan is for each of those types of sites . So in that and thats an area where we absolutely need to build we need to build capacity. So let me start off in the longterm care facility. Were learning how to manage different situations. So the longterm care facility, i would say thats where our biggest chance is for mortality. Laguna honda was our first focus because we have 800 residents at laguna honda. We have a workforce of 1500, and it was just a big vulnerability. We had a few cases at laguna honda. We brought in the c. D. C. And the state health department, and they really helped us how to figure out how to manage how to manage a longterm care facility as big and as complex as laguna honda, so we learned a big part how to do that. How to confine big parts of the hospital and to do mass testing of the hospital staff and residents. We learned a lot from that, and what we need to do is replicate that across a lot of longterm care facilities throughout San Francisco. Other longterm care facilities dont have the training, experience, and capacity that laguna honda has, and so our longterm care facilities need a tremendous amount of support not only in p. P. E. , in helping them develop a task of testing, components, screening, that component. We need to build out im just going to call it a strike team teams that can be deployed to help the longterm care if a similarities. And were learning at our hotels and our s. R. O. S. Its the same situation, especially as testing becomes more available, how were going to do surveillance in s. R. O. S, how were going to do targeted testing should any cases appear, and how were going to do targeted availability. So when have a room, and a person goes ahead, how were going to be able to place that person into both isolation and quarantine. The shelters were in the same situation in that were better learning how to manage that, as well. Youll be hearing some of this has been in the news, but youll be hearing more about how were learning how to shelter in place Homeless People who are covid positive, who are recovering or recovered, where they can be all in one location where we have the staff, the personal protective equipment, the training, we have everything in place so that can happen safely. And we have we still have more we have more capacity that we have to build up so that we can do that better, more efficiently, and so that we can do that quickly. President yee dr. Aragon, particularly in regards to this strike team that youre talking about that would be available if something happens, if this strike team is there, why wouldnt we send them to these Nursing Homes now and maybe have some prevention instead of waiting until something happens . Yeah. What im calling a strike team is more than responding to an outbreak, its focused on inspection. We want them to be inspecting the longterm care facilities before and when and if an outbreak occurs. So were calling them an outbreak prevention and response team. So we sort of realize the way Communicable Disease control capacity started is it started with a team of people who were trained to focus on a specific Communicable Diseases in the community, and now, we realize is that not only do we take that team, and now, they have to be specialized in longterm care facilities, s. R. O. S, homeless, and now jails. Each one of those requires a different strategy, so now, we have to replicate we have to build out more teams, and so within that, we have to build more capacity. So right now, we dont have that capacity, so were looking to were looking to hire more staff. Right now, were working with San Francisco state, u. S. F. , u. C. Berkeley. Were trying to bring in staff, working with c. B. O. S so that we can hire staff to do all of this work that can extend the expertise that we have at the health department. President yee thank you. Supervisor haney . Supervisor haney thank you. Thank you, president yee. Dr. Aragon, i wonder if you could speak to Testing Capacity. We spoke if we have enough tests in San Francisco. It seems like we have a lot of priority populations that we should be testing that we arent testing. Theres been some announcements from ucsf that theyre able to help with testing for a period of time. How much testing are we doing citywide, and what are the limitations for us to do more . Yeah. I dont have the statistics on me right now. If you go to the website, it tells us the Testing Capacity that were doing, and the Testing Capacity is finally beginning to open up and finally beginning to increase. The one thing that held up testing was the supply chain of things like swabs. Initially, it was reagents. All of that is beginning to improve, and p. P. E. , personal protective equipment. It was not really the labs, but all of that is improving, so were beginning to gear up so that we can do more we can take the Public Health capacity and focus on the most vulnerable populations. And then, the public sector, were going to hope that theyre going to take care of more of the general population so that collectively, we should be able to do more testing. So youre youre going to see youll see dramatic improvements in the testing. Its taken a while to get to this capacity, and also, in the technology of testing. So there are the development of rapid tests that can now, within an hour, tell you whether youre positive positive or not. As i mentioned before, theres a saliva test, and theres a home test that will be available soon if it hasnt already been approved. Supervisor haney when there was the cases at m. S. C. South, they tested that entire shelter, and it seemed like there was good reason to assume that there may be other shelters that have, you know, large outbreaks, as well. Right. Right. Supervisor haney but the policy of the Navigation Centers and the s. R. O. S and people on the street is the symptomatic get tested, but if youre none symptomatic, you dont nonsymptomatic, you dont get tested, even if youre in this highly dangerous environment. What is your stance on that . So i would say were moving towards developing a deal testing people who are asymptomatic. I think theres going to be a number of people that are asymptomatic, probably like 25 . Thats resulted in a real change and shift. Were trying to figure out what would be the appropriate interval, and what is the appropriate setting for it to be most effective, and thats one of the reasons why we went to universal face coverings is because we know that there are people who are asymptomatic, and so thats an important part of that strategy. And so were were learning how to do this together with the state. The state just recently, two days ago, published guidelines for testing, and we can make sure that youll have those guidelines for testing. It includes both symptomatic and asymptomatic testing. Supervisor haney yeah, because it seems there could be a need for asymptomatic testing in places where it seems like it would spread quickly. Just last thing, when you were in front of us, i think about five weeks ago, just a month ago, we asked a number of questions about Homeless Individuals in different environments, and five weeks later, for the most part, as far as i can tell, not much at all has changed for people who are currently on the streets. They are still largely out there in environments where theyre not receiving services or not in a safe place, and i know theres a lot thats been said about people who are in shelters and Navigation Centers, and the very slow pace in moving them into hotels. But for people on the streets, what is your view of what we should be doing right now to prevent the spread in light of the fact that its been over a month, and as far as i can tell, in my district at least, not much has changed at all in terms of what their reality is and the potential for spread of people that are currently on the streets . Yeah. Youre asking a really good question. I believe most people in general the c. D. C. Guidelines are pretty good about what they recommend in terms of guidelines around shelters, homeless, housing. Observing just how much work it takes to just do that logistically and i have the opportunity to do that because i get to interact with people around other parts of the state. I believe that San Francisco is doing more than other parts of the state, and of course, theres more that we can do. What i see as the biggest barrier is just having all the components in place. Just the Rapid Response and all the things that we need to make that successful, as well as having options options for sometimes either a a a person is unable to go to a hotel room for selfcare for personal reasons or otherwise they dont want to go there, so we need to have many options that will accommodate the needs of the option. I im needs of the population. Im sorry. Im getting a text here. Supervisor haney im sorry. Ill let other people ask questions here. I know were getting data regarding other populations, but if our goal is to get people into a place where they can isolate or shelter in place or not have contact with other people in that, its not happening. And the Small Movement of people weve seen in shelters and Navigation Centers, i havent seen any improvement in people who are homeless, so i just want to flag that as something that needs your attention. President yee supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen thank you. I just wanted to follow up on a little bit of the same topics that supervisor haney brought up. In terms of testing right now, i have been trying to get the entire Division Circle Navigation Center, residents and staff, tests for about three weeks now, ever since the first person tested positive. And its just been one excuse after another, and they havent been tested. And this morning, i learned in another congregate well, in an s. R. O. Like housing unit in my district, that 25 people tested right, and those individuals have separate rooms, so they do share bathrooms, but not living space, unlike Division Circle. Why havent all of the residents in shelters and Navigation Centers been tested . I just havent received a satisfactory answer from anyone about that yet. Youre asking a really good question. I can tell you from from where i sit, i havent been involved in those specific decisions. What i can share with you is our approach continues to evolve, and casa quesada is a good example. Were learning that mass detection and targeted screening is a good approach, and youll see more of that as we move forward . I think what youre describing is a direction that were moving in, and as more testing becomes available, were trying to figure out what is the best way to do that. So i think stay tuned. Youll see changes as testing becomes more available and as our strategy becomes more liberal in terms of testing. Supervisor ronen okay. Its impossible to get i have so much respect for you, dr. Aragon, but i have yet to get a satisfactory answer. Everyone says oh, youll wait and see, we dont feel its necessary. Hopefully, itll move in that direction, but its been weeks now, and the staff and residents are terrified. And in other congregate living facilities, weve found that its very widespread, and i just cant get a clear answer from anyone. Im just wondering if youre willing to issue an order i think there should be testing of every congregate living facility completely. I do not its not a resource issue at this point. We have the materials so why wouldnt we do that . Im just really confused and just looking for a clear answer. Is it just that we dont want to find out that so many people are testing positive because then we dont have the resources to deal with it . I mean, what is the real reason that were not testing people in congregate settings . Yeah. Its a real good question. Ill just tell you the way that i see it. I just the way that i see it is one, we have the band width of all of the things that were trying to do, and as were prioritizing our activities, at this moment, we havent been able to do as much as we would like to do . What i can tell you is that as testing improves as testing improves and i think you will see changing because were really getting a better handle on how to deal with the congregate living situations and asymptomatic infections. And i i i understand understand your frustration and concern and perspective, which is very valid, and i will personally communicate. And i know you havent you havent you havent gotten the answers you desire, but ill try and find that out for you. Supervisor ronen i asked the question to the mayors assistant, and he said he would get back to me, and he hasnt got back to me. Im asking our chief Health Officer, the chief of staff for the city and county of San Francisco and i cannot get a clear answer. Meanwhile, the residents of the Division Circle Navigation Center live in fear. It sounds to me like what youre saying its an equipment and staff issue. I just have to get an answer. Its really the most frustrating thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I understand what youre saying, and i think youll see as our our practice of how were dealing with this epidemic is evolving, and what youre describing is something that everybody is moving towards. For example, in the jail, were screening everybody that comes into the jail, and they found two persons that were positive, so thats the direction that were moving into is this focus on asymptomatic screening. So youre absolutely right to ask that question, and i would say that in general, thats where everybody is moving towards. I think, as i said, as testing becomes more available, p. P. E. Becomes more available, we have more staff, youll see more testing. Supervisor ronen okay. So moving on, the second question is almost the same as supervisor haney asked about the people on the streets. The situation on the streets, its getting worse, not better. In encampments that weve had for years on the streets, we have more people. We sort of encourage those encampments by putting por porta potties by them. This is a population that weve tried for years to get them indoors, so you can imagine the frustration of individuals that dont feel safe going outside their front door and the situation of people on the streets . We hear that slowly but sure youre getting to people on the streets, but none of us have seen it. All over the east side of the city, there are massive tent encampments all over again. Theyre not small, like they used to be, theyre massive, and those were incredibly dangerous prior to covid19. Now, theyre just out of control, and and and and its its its just not that things are getting better, theyre getting worse. So can you talk a little bit more about timelines and strategies and moving people off the street or a different strategy for the street . You know, i think possibly the best thing is that im not working in that specific area. As you know, our emergency Operation Center is very large. Im not working specifically in that area, but what i can do is i can work with dr. Colfax and to bring maybe well use one of these briefings to answer those questions directly so they can get you the information directly. Thats probably the best way to get you the information you deserve. Supervisor ronen okay. Thank you. President yee supervisor walton . Supervisor walton thank you, dr. Aragon, for taking the time to answer questions this afternoon. Just a couple of, like my previous colleagues questions. People told us they would be pulling people off the streets and placing them into hotels . Yeah. I do not have this information. Just to let you know, i learned about this meeting yesterday, and it all got arranged today, but what i can do, i will follow up with these specific questions and work with dr. Colfax to make sure that we have the information that youre requesting. Supervisor walton well, i know that youve been mentioning some of the conversation that has been happening at the state level, and the scientific response to whats happening. I know youve seen the latest numbers in terms of whos been contracting the virus kbi zby code. Half of the cases are in my district, and the other half are in areas where we have the most vulnerable populations. Do you believe that mass testing in these zip codes should be taking place immediately . I think whats going to happen is is that you will see, were were right now, were adopting the guidelines from the state on testing, and there is a component what i will do this evening is i will send you the guidelines, and theres definitely a component around asymptomatic testing. I think were going to have to do more in the areas that are impacted. I think the challenge is you know about some of these challenges. In some ways, its easier to focus on the congregate living situations. We know, for example, in the bayview, the mission, we have a lot of families that live in really crowded conditions, so we have to figure out how we work with that those people that are exposed to crowded living conditions, as well as the people who are exposed to crowding and in congregate conditions. Were it tending to focus on those that are in congregate because we know that more people can get exposed, so i think the longer term strategy that youll see evolving is we want to have low barrier testing. We want to improve our surveillance system, and then, were going to be extending were going to be starting by testing asymptomatic persons who are close contacts because thats where the biggest risk is. So that whole strategy is really developing around that testing and containment. Supervisor walton well, as San Francisco chief medical officer, i want to ask you is it your opinion that we should begin mass testing in areas where we see a disproportionate amount of covid19 cases . Thats a very interesting question. I spent a lot of time thinking about this issue. I think we need to come back with the state guidelines and our impact in those areas and how it impacts the testing. Supervisor walton i wouldnt belabor the point, but i will get with you offline regarding that because we are suffering in disproportionate areas, and we need to step up in areas that we can and prevent the spread of the virus. I know that asymptomatic testing is one way we can do that so we can address some of these disproportionalities. Also, by chance, do you have an update on the number of covid deaths by district . Do you have the zip codes . No, i dont have those. I dont have those with me, no. But i i i was listening in early on, and i know thats of interest. Supervisor walton and so my last question, just and i sent an email to dr. Colfax, leadership of some of our key city departments, h. S. A. , h. S. H. , to know the key things that are happening since we know that a large number of contracted covid cases exists in our Homeless Population areas, i will be following up with you to figure out what you think we need to do to combat these disparities. You know how much weve been struggling in getting people out of these places and get people safe. I cant understand how we havent done a better job of getting that done, and i just want to make sure that you understand that this comes from a place of trying to actually save lives and to stop the spread versus trying to perpetrate a bigger problem in our vulnerable communities. I thank you for your time, and i hope you can bring back some of your colleagues so we can get some concrete responses. Yeah. I want to thank everybody for your time. We theres always ways that we can improve. Were commit were commit were committed to improving, and part of that commitment is going to be is going to be sailing up so we can deliver on our shared goals of saving lives. President yee supervisor safai . Supervisor safai thank you, mr. President. Thank you, dr. Aragon, for your time today. My question revolves around is your presentation over . Because i do have a question, but youre kind of focused on phase one. Were you going to get into phase two and talk about whats some of the things that youre going to do in terms of in your next health order and what guidance you might have because i have a specific question about phase one, but i also wanted to know if you were going to talk about phase two and some of the next steps. Yeah. Whats happening at the regional level is weve been reviewing some of the publicly available documents and reviewing frameworks for how to think about these different phrases. In the bay area, we havent started talking about the specifics of phase two. There are some people nationally who began to restratify the different risks of opening up the economy. This is from johns hopkins, so you can begin to have access to the same information that we have. Basically, i think its going to be really important for the state to really step up and provide some leadership and guidance. We want to take advantage of the best science, the best available information as opposed to each count sort of doing it on their own without really taking advantage of all the expertise thats available in the state. So yeah, i dont have anything specific around phase two, but we can share with you the documents around what were doing that revolves around what we should be doing in phase two. Supervisor safai okay. My questions have to do with phase one. This has to do with s. N. F. Facilities. I have a s. N. F. Facility in district one. Theyve doing that as a way to continue to, as you talked about in terms of our treatment phase, ensuring that we have i. C. U. S, acute care, hospital space, in case that there was a surge, so i understand the thinking behind that. The only thing is that it doesnt necessarily if that is an area that youre concerned about additional outbreaks, and then, youre moving covidpositive patients into that facility, can you talk about the thinking kind of behind that. And then, the other thing, on the point of asymptomatic testing, you know, why wait until there could potentially be an outbreak in this facility . Because right now, the guidelines are only test people who show symptoms, but youve only had one case in that facility, and it would be good to, you know, in many peoples opinion to defendatest even its just a snapshot, you might get an idea of someone and intervene in advance before there could potentially be an outbreak in that facility . So i know thats a lot of things, but were going to have a town hall in the Jewish Community thursday night. Theyre trying to do everything they can to be as safe as they could be, but i know theres a lot of discussion around how they can have testing onsite when theres covid positive cases. Yeah. In longterm care facilities, youre going to begin to see a lot more testing, especially of staff, because what happens is staff bring the infections into the facilities. Supervisor safai right, and i think thats what happened in the case of the person that tested positive. Yeah. Youre going to be like i said, the strategys really evolving for all of these different populations. Longterm care facilities is tend to be a closed ecosystem with the exception of staff that come in and out. Supervisor safai yeah. So youre right, youre going to see more testing. What happens is when a facility or part of a facility commits to testing patients who are covid positive, what they do is they cohort those patients, they put them all together, and that way, theyre able to dedicate the service with the best p. P. E. The other thing thats beginning to happen is youll begin to see people, staff, who have recovered from covid or tested positive, theyll begin to take care of that unit. So youll begin to see the specialization, and youll begin to see facilities specialize in taking care or parttime taking care of patients. So relying on symptoms is not sufficient. If you relied on symptoms, you will miss most of the patients. Supervisor safai so when so when will we see i mean, youre saying youre going to see there is a case already, theyve tested that individual. So when are we going to see an increase in the testing, because this is the only licensed longterm care in the city. Theres a lot of family and patients of existing people that are concerned about this. As i said, were going to have this in two days. It would be wonderful if we can get increased testing in that facility as soon as possible. Yeah. Let me one thing we can do is, we do have a team that focused on longterm care facilities, and it would be good to have one of the people that focuses in these area explain how theyre focusing on longterm care facilities. So i can make sure that youre connected with our key person because i think it would be good basically, theyre spending all their time on this topic. Supervisor safai okay. Actually, im being called by the Health Commission right now because im supposed to be there to report to the Health Commission. Is that going to be okay . President yee well, if you have to i mean, if you have to do that, we cant hold you here, and this was, as you said, fairly last minute. Well try to moving forward, i mean, i think this is useful, and thank you, supervisor peskin, for making this happen. Ill try and figure out a way in which we can have something more regular so we can sort of anticipate, and ill speak to you in terms of whats a better time during meeting, after the meeting, that type of thing. Yeah. Let me know sort of ahead of time, so if theres if theres a subject matter expert, i can get the information that youre asking for, so that way, youll get more complete answers. President yee so if you have to leave, then, im sorry, supervisor preston and supervisor stefani, im going to skip you, but when we do this again, youll be first in line. Supervisor peskin, would you like to wrap it up . Supervisor peskin thank you, mr. President. I would like to wrap it up, and i would like to agendaize this as another briefing that the public can watch after next tuesdays Board Meeting or have this be an item on next tuesdays Board Meeting, whatever the council prefers. I think this has been incredibly productive. Im sorry. I had additional questions, as i know supervisor preston and stefani did, as well. This has been highly helpful, and i would like us to continue to have these discussions publicly, and would like to do so next tuesday with your indulgence, mr. President. President yee yes, well figure it out. Supervisor peskin okay. Thank you, sir. Okay. Thank you, everyone. Good luck. President yee okay. Thank you very much. Colleagues and anybody else thats listening, thanks for staying tuned, and as i mentioned, we will figure out a way to do this. So im going to go ahead and end this portion at this time, so i will if you want to get off now, that would be fine. Since this is not a meetingmeeting, im not going to hammer down, but say thank you for getting the work done. Clerk thank you, mr. President. Supervisor haney thank you, everyone. Announcer youre watching coping with covid19. Todays special guest is lindsey holmes. Hi, im chris manus and youre watching coping with covid19. Today my guest is founder and c. E. O. Of dispatch goods and former clinical profusionist at ucsf. She start add new initiative called project clean to provide alcoholbased cleaning products and hand sanitizers to atrisk bay area communities. Lindsey, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for having me. Its lovely to see you. Tell us a little about your background and how dispatched goods of San Franciscos restaurant community. Sure. We launched, in october, weve been working on this for a little over a year. And we partnered with restaurants to provide them with a free reusable container system that could replace singleuse products. We partnered with yelp headquarters in downtown San Francisco and 10 Restaurant Partners as of february before covid19 hit and employees at our Corporate Partners could request the reusable containers when they were getting their lunch for takeout or if they were getting it delivered to their office. We then handled the pickup and dish washing. So, obviously the virus pandemic has hit and now youve had to pivot your company and i understand you lunched a new initiative called project clean. Can you let us know what the program is all about . Sure. So we basically when this hit, we asked ok, what we do we have and how can we help . We also noticed there was a gap in the supply for hand sanitizers to Certain Community members and individuals

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