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Thank you all for taking on these policies tonight. Vicepresident taylor thank you. Operator you have four questions remaining. Clerk caller, you have two minutes. Caller good evening, commissioners. Chief scott, the executive director, with deputy public defender brian cox. I would like to thank the commission and the Commission Staff for making this meeting happen under extraordinary times and commissioner taylor and elias and everyone in the working group for their efforts to produce d. G. O. S, and the real hero of the operation, richally kilshaw. I think that this represents a step forward in eliminating bias in policing starting with the name itself. As a d. G. O. Becomes live along with the public you are watching to see how it will be implemented and enforced. In particular, and given the recent comments by implicit bias training, i am curious to see how they will evaluate the effectiveness of this d. G. O. And the efforts to maintain a biasfree police force. And creating effective measures to evaluate bias beyond the tools available, particularly impercal tools, to ensure that the d. G. O. Is successful. We know that, for example, that African Americans are stopped at a dispr disproportionate rate in francisco. And African Americans represented 23 of the stops and 39 of the searches. But the data doesnt show is why thats happening. Data can help to guide the search for answers. Given the sfpd commitment with this new d. G. O. , it should do more to explain data like this and so that the hard work and noble intentions dont go to waste. Thank you. Vicepresident taylor thank you. Clerk thank you. Next call. Operator you have two questions remaining. Clerk caller, you have two minutes. Caller hi, good evening, can you hear me . Clerk yes. Caller hi, this is julie trom from the Bar Association and im too one of the members of this working group. And not just the most recent iteration of this group but the prior and original group. So its been a long time coming. The Bar Associations role i think has always been to lend a hand to our Police Department, and to make sure that our d. G. O. S are well researched and become state of the art and modeled throughout the rest of the country. I do have to take a moment to just acknowledge and to appreciate chief scott, who i think made very clear that this particular d. G. O. Was very important to him. And he undertook the time and the research and he contributed very wisely, as everyone has already said. He contributed to the biasbyproxy section which we found to be so important to this work. And also i want to acknowledge the role of the Community Members and Angela Jenkins sits on so many of these working groups with me and she has always been such a great contributor and sort of my comrade. Rahm jones i think represents some of the younger people on our group, and i feel that we need more like rome. He was the one who brought to our attention the twitter feed from the Tenderloin Police station with the mugshots. And all of our attention became galvanized on that and the biasbyproxy and the problems with that. I thank the chief and others for undertaking that additional work there. One part that is not included in this d. G. O. That i wish that was, but i think that we can bring it up in the in our Strategic Planning is the training and the Important Role of scenariobased training. Many of us have attended a lot of the bias training with the Police Department. And i think that having a partnership with the Police Department and including officers to make it relevant to other officers is very critical. So i will i do hope that we continue to include that as we go forward. Thank you. Vicepresident taylor thank you. Operator you have three questions remaining. Clerk good evening. You have two minutes. Caller so what i see is a group of people that havent been on the front lines. None of the speakers that are saying something about being biasfree are talking about some set of bias without addressing cultural competency. So i would say these people who are talking on the strategy, when we had the oscar grant scenario or the marro mario woos scenario, or when we have to deal with cops who are brought here to create some sort of a document, which hasnt been articulated. So basically what im saying is that this they can talk the talk. But they will only walk the walk when they deal with the community. We need to get young people, really young people, together for feedback about what is this issue about. Anybody having a bias. And what about cultural competency . And if you dont, you know, theres a word, called about studying about what they really mean, then were just talking the talk. I want to walk the walk. Thank you very much. Clerk next caller, please. Operator you have two questions remaining. Clerk good evening, caller. You have two minutes. Caller this is r. J. Sloan. Precovid i was walking in soma about 2 30 in the afternoon and i was approached and detained by three Undercover Police members. They had chains around their necks and they detained me and said they had witnessed me buying drugs. And that i needed to i needed to give them the drugs that i had just purchased, according to them. Or if i didnt give them the drugs i would be taken downtown. I was told that if i did give them the drugs that i had not purchased, and therefore, was not able to provide them, that i would just be given a ticket. So i had a chance to experience for the first time, although i lived in harlem in new york, what hundreds of thousands of black and brown young men have had to endure under Rudy Guilianis Rudy Guilianis stopandfrisk policy that lasted for many years. And it went on for at least 10 years in new york city. So i contacted my supervisor matt hand haney immediately and documented the incident and i was passed on to the soma Police Precinct captain. And i never got a response from the soma policing captain with regard to assisting a citizen in filing a complaint against the sfpd. I didnt get an email response, i didnt get a telephone call. Despite supervisor haneys office and staff intervening on my behalf and introducing me via email to the soma policing captain. So i do plan to pick up this matter and to move forward with filing a Police Complaint but i do need operator you have one question remaining. Clerk good evening. You have two minutes. Caller thank you. Hi. Im maxim anderson, a resident of San Francisco, and a member of several community organizations, including the league of women voters of San Francisco. Thank you for holding this Virtual Police commission hearing. The Police Commission mission is to set policy for the San Francisco Police Department. And youre setting policy and i would urge you to make sure that any policy adopted includes an organizational performance approach to evaluate the impact of any policies, practices, and procedures aimed at reducing bias within the department as set forth in the department of justices recommendations. And i would urge that every policy and approach your body sets is done with the goal of maximum transparency to protect the peoples right to know. Thank you very much. Vicepresident taylor thank you. I was on mute before but i was asking director henderson to follow up with the caller who had the complaint. So when Public Comment is over i want you to announce your number and how to get in contact with you. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Operator that concludes the members of the public in the queue for this item. Vicepresident taylor great. Director henderson, make sure that the public knows how to get in touch with your office. Absolutely. They can contact the office, the phone number is 2417711. Or they can find us directly at dpa, and go online and contact us directly and we can followup with that, specifically for that individual that was just calling and i was trying to put a side comment while he was talking. But were Available Online or by calling us directly and you will get a live answer if you call 24 hours a day. Vicepresident taylor perfect, thank you. Okay. Do i have any questions from the commissioners before we take a vote . Commissioner hamasaki, do you have a question . Historic Preservation Commission commisioner hamasaki iwante. I have to say that first of all the Public Comment is were having a banner turnout tonight and i think thats wonderful. Honestly we know i think that we understand how hard the regular Police Commission meetings can be to make and to speak, so, you know, theres and i have been taking notes and i really appreciate and im sure that we all really appreciate people showing up and speaking out. The one comment that i had that i wanted to follow up on with the number of the callers on is, you know, drafting policy is a long and arduous process that in we end up negotiating linebyline, wordbyword, and a single word can end up in 20 emails and, you know, Background Research and as the one today that got pulled, i guess from case law. And, you know, i want people i would like and i understand the concerns, but even even a little step forward, and this is more than a little step forward, a step forward in bias in all aspects of our life and our community is an ongoing challenge. And were not going to knock it out in one day. This country was founded on it. We have a lot of work to do. And, you know, this is a good first step and i dont think that any of the challenges should detract from that. And the caller that raised the issue, thats been a long discussion and i think that its a discussion worth revisiting. And thank you for raising that. So i appreciate all of the callers tonight. Vicepresident taylor thank you, commissioner. I do think that, you know, addressing this one of the callers comments regarding 5. 03, that will be before the commission very soon, possibly at the next meeting. I will ask to agendize it so we can bring it before the commission for a vote. I see no other hands raised does anyone sorry is there a motion with respect to d. G. O. 5. 17. Clerk you have a motion vicepresident taylor okay, you want to do roll for a vote. Clerk line item 5 on the motion to approve the rerevised department general order 5. 17, biasfree policing policy for the department to use in meeting and comeetconferring. Commissioner dejesus, yes. Commissioner hamasaki. Hamasaki, yes. Commissioner elias. Elias, yes. Commissioner brookter. Brookter, yes. And Vice President taylor. Yes. You have five yes. Vicepresident taylor great. Call the next line item. Clerk all right. Line item 6, discussion and possible action to adopt revised department general order 11. 07, prohibiting discrimination, harassment and retaliation, meetandconfer draft was approved by the commission on january 15, 2020, discussion and possible action. Vicepresident taylor this should be a lot faster because it was approved by the commission and it went to meet and confer and came back with no changes. This is also part of the work, the same Bias Working Group did. So i dont know if there are questions from commissioners on 11. 07 . All right, any Public Comment on 11. 07 . Operator i see one caller on the line. Clerk thank you. Operator okay, here you go. Operator you have two questions remaining. Clerk good evening. You have two minutes. Caller hi. Im jenny sae and im a board member and cochair of the advocacy for the league of women voters for San Francisco. Thank you for holding this Public Meeting and cutting through the technical difficulties earlier. Regarding item 6 on d. G. O. 11. 07, the league of women voters of San Francisco want to express our support for the concerns from the march 4, 2020, sfpd Collaborative Reform Initiative phase two progress report. Over the policy language in d. G. O. 11. 07, that currently limits the reporting of internal complaints to 180 days, rather than the oneyear provision provided by the california fair employment and housing act, the Government Code Section 21940. Without this amendment to d. G. O. 11. 07, we strongly believe that the sfpd would fail in compliance with resolving findings 28, 76, 69, and not meeting recommendations 69. 1 from the usdgo findings back in october 2016. We urge the commission to concur with the d. O. J. Findings and the recommendations of reiterated by on march fourth concerning the d. G. O. 11. 07. And this will make clear that sfpd will not tolerate discrimination and harassment and retailiation. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you, moderator, ca more callers . Operator you have one question remaining. Clerk good evening, calle caller. Caller my name is john jones. And this is an item which has already been approved in draft form. And two minutes its difficult to make any kind of detailed criticism. But with a broadbrush, i want to say that its my impression that this kind of language, this kind of document used to the Government Employee relations, youre weaponizing the work environment. When the people of San Francisco want to wonder where or why their city has gone to hell in a handbasket, theyve got to come to talk to the Police Commission for putting out documents like this and expecting us to take it seriously. Thank you. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Vicepresident taylor that concludes the Public Comment for this item. Thank you. I have no questions from commissioners. Do i have a motion . Im sorry it looks like Somebody Just called in for the item before you continue. Vicepresident taylor yes, go ahead. Operator okay, ill pull threat through. Operator you have one question remaining. Clerk good evening, caller. You have two minutes. Caller were having problems with this with this you know, audio line please stand by they are given money, they are given privilege, and they concentrate on dividing and ruling the community. So you may ride the discussions, you may ride the papers but operator you have one question remaining. Clerk good evening, caller. You have two minutes. Good evening, commissioners. I am rebecca young, and i specialize in community and collaborative reports for the public defenders office. First, i hope you dont get tired of congratulations and thank yous. First, i want to thank chief scott. I believe this d. G. O. Would not have been written without your insistence. This group contained Many Disparate members of our community, and we would im grateful for this d. G. O. As a member of the public defenders office. I feel this brings the San Francisco Police Department into the 21 century, and the community is going to be grateful. The community doesnt know about this d. G. O. Yet fully, at least, and i really appreciate the inclusion of bias by proxy and the inclusion of the piece on training. I really encourage the commission to adopt the c. G. O. In full as it is and push it forward in your negotiations with members of the Police Department. Thank you so much. Vice president taylor thank you. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Operator and it looks like that was the final caller. Vice president taylor thank you. Commissioner dejesus, did you have a question . Commissioner dejesus yeah, can you hear me . Vice president taylor yes. Commissioner dejesus look, i think this is great. It came back from the p. O. A. , but i think there needs to be a few clarification. I looked at the paragraph that the leader from the league of women voters was talking about, and it says it has to be brought back 180 days from when it was First Talking about. I was wondering, did we have these recommendations from the d. O. J. Before we send it off to meet and confer . And i was wondering, if we change that one thing, would it have to go back to the meet and confer process . It would. That was something that we talked about during the working group, and that was something that d. H. R. Felt strongly about because thats city policy for all departments and agencies, so that was something that was discussed and rediscussed before it went to meet and confer. Commissioner dejesus so its consistent with the other city policies . Yeah. Commissioner dejesus okay. We included that language. In fact, we sent it over, and d. H. R. Commissioner dejesus sent it back. Yeah, and cut it out so it would conform. And members of the working group as well as commissioner taylor and myself were adamant about that, but that was something that they werent going to adopt. Commissioner dejesus okay. All right. They came back with that change, and we fought that fight. Commissioner dejesus okay. Thank you. Clerk commissioners, commander ewing would like to say something. Did she run up a flight of stairs first . Yeah, i need to get my exercise in today. So also in addition to going to it can be either a city or it can be a state filing, and our members can have that option of going local or state or filing federal, as well, in filing a complaint. So i just wanted to make that clear to everybody, and to have that longer time frame. Okay. Okay. Vice president taylor okay. Do we need to make a motion again or how does this go because it was already the draft was already approved by the commission . We move for a vote, dont we . Commissioner dejesus well, what are we voting on . Is there a motion to readopt it . I thought that we voted on it. Vice president taylor lets ask sorry. Commissioner youngblood. You are going to approve it to be adopted. Vice president taylor so i need a motion . Clerk yes, you do. Vice president taylor okay. Can i get a motion . Is there a motion to adopt . Commissioner dejesus motion. Vice president taylor is there a second . Commissioner hamasaki second, john. Vice president taylor all right. So you want to take roll . Clerk all right. Online item 6, the motion to adopt d. G. O. 11. 06 [roll call] clerk you have five yeses. Vice president taylor okay. Lets call the next line item. Clerk line item 7, discussion and possible action to adopt revised department general order 6. 03, underwater diving operation. Meet and confer draft was approved by the commission on december 11, 2019, discussion and possible action. Vice president taylor and this was another d. G. O. That went to the commission, back to meet and confer, and now its back from meet and confer with no changes. Vice president taylor i make a motion to adopt. Is there a second . Commissioner hamasaki second. Vice president taylor call roll . Clerk commissioner, we need Public Comment. Vice president taylor oh, right, sorry. Clerk moderator, are there any Public Comments on the line . Operator there are no callers on the line. Maybe we want to wait a second for people to try to call in, but right now, its empty. And the queue is still empty. Vice president taylor okay. Again, i move to adopt. Clerk okay. So line item 7, on the motion to accept d. G. O. 6. 03 and the underwater diving operations [roll call] clerk you have five yeses. Vice president taylor great. The motion passes. Next line item. Clerk line item 8, discussion and possible action to adopt the revised department general order 11. 15, physical fitness evaluation program. Meet and confer draft was approved by the commission on february 13, 2019. Discussion and possible action. Vice president taylor this was another d. G. O. That was approved by the commission, and then it went back to meet and confer. Its now back from meet and confer with no changes. Commissioner dejesus i move to adopt. Commissioner hamasaki second. Vice president taylor Public Comment . Operator theres no Public Comment at this time. Vice president taylor okay. Sergeant, can you call roll . Clerk yes. On the motion to adopt order 11. 10, the physical Fitness Program [roll call] clerk you have five yeses. Vice president taylor thank you. The motion passes. Next line item. Clerk all right. Our next line item is public general Public Comment. At this time, the public is now welcome to address the commission for up to two minutes on items that do not appear on tonights agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction. Speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or d. P. A. Personnel. Under Police Commission rules of record, during Public Comment, Neither Police or d. P. A. Personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response. To join Public Comment, dial 8882732658, enter the access code 3107452, press pound twice, and then request to speak, press one, and then zero. Moderator, are there any callers on the line . Operator there are no callers on the line at this time. Oh, there appears to be one caller now. Ill put it through. Operator you have one question remaining. Clerk hello, caller. You have two minutes. Hi. As a member of the public, i really appreciate the work that this commission does, both in its oversight role and its ability to take care of the officers of the department. As someone who cares deeply about Police Oversight and the safety of our officers, i am deeply concerned about the privatization of this body by one of your members during this pandemic. If it is the policy of this commission to not comment or engage back and forth, then commissioner hamasaki should not be allowed to to ppander ts community. We would appreciate if commissioner hamasaki would not use this body to inflate his already inflated ego. Its only serving as a distraction to the Important Role of the commission. I believe the commission can do its work without commissioner hamasaki making everything about himself. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Operator you have one question remaining. Clerk good evening, caller. You have two minutes. Hello . This is yolanda williams, president of the officers for justice. I want to say that we wholeheartedly support accountability and transparency, and were appreciative of the bias policing policy that is now in effect because its important that all human beings be treated with dignity and respect. That being said, im happy to hear about the recent changes that are also in effect for d. G. O. 11. 07, but i think in order for us to ensure that it has the muscles that is needed to ensure that members feel like they can invoke their right to blow the whistle or to support not on my watch policies and philosophy, we need to have a more robust internal reporting policy. Thats why i request that d. H. R. Be called to present a report of their results of handling complaints from 2015 up to the current date so that we can figure out why there have been so many delays and complaints by members of sometimes not even being interviewed after filing complaints, and thats all i have. And thank you very much, commissioners, for allowing this virtual meeting. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Operator that concludes the caller on this item. Vice president taylor thank you. Commissioner hamasaki . Commissioner hamasaki thank you. And id like to just briefly address the caller who was directing some comments at me. You know, im sorry we dont see eye to eye on this, but i do appreciate your concern for the city and the department. Feel free to reach out to me any time. Im a commissioner. I work for the city. I work for you as well as everybody else and im happy to work with you and address any concerns. My email is on the website, and im easy to find. Thank you. Vice president taylor thank you. And i would like to add that no matter what was said and done, the fact is we are up and running. We have you know, we worked really hard to get where we are in terms of getting this meeting up and operating and figuring out Public Comment, and we were hoping that we wouldnt have any glitches today, but we are, but thats fine. We this is the new normal, and were going to continue to sort of roll with the punches. The point is were back up, and our meeting are going forward. I think thats the most important thing to focus on and not lose sight of the other stuff. Vice president taylor yes, i agree. And if i havent thanked commissioner youngblood and everyone else for making this happen, i do now. All right. Commissioner dejesus . Commissioner dejesus . You might be muted. Commissioner dejesus, are you still with us . Commissioner dejesus wait a minute. I am. Vice president taylor i think youre muted. Youre muted. Okay. Youre back. Commissioner dejesus okay. Am i back . Vice president taylor yes. Commissioner dejesus all right. So the little bar wouldnt come on, so i couldnt get off of mute. You know, a little foot stamping really helped get us back on board, so i do however we got back on board, i think it was all of us, in our own way, contributing to that [no audio] commissioner dejesus you all did everything in your power in your own way for getting us back on. So were here, and i just want to go forward. Vice president taylor all right. Im not going to fight on this. Whats important is were back up and running, and everyone here in their hearts knows what happened. Commissioner brookter . Commissioner brookter i was just asking that we call next item. Vice president taylor thank you. Next item . Clerk line item 11, Public Comment on all matters pertaining to item 12 below, closed session, including Public Comment on item 11, vote whether to hold item 12 in closed session. Vice president taylor is there a motion . Is there a motion . Commissioner elias motion. Ill make the motion. Commissioner brookter second. Vice president taylor i think we need Public Comment. Operator there are no callers on the line at this time. Vice president taylor okay. Do we call roll . Clerk so we have all right. [roll call]. Clerk im sorry. How do you vote hold on one second. I have the wrong papers. Apologies. So now its onto line item 11, vote on whether to hold line item in 12 session, including whether to invoke the attorneyclient privilege with regards to items 12 a, b, and c, San Francisco administrative code section 67. Commissioner dejesus this is commissioner dejesus. I second. [roll call] clerk commissioner, you have five votes. We are then going into closed session. Commissioners, at this point in time, well now all go over to the closed session. If you could go over to the calendar for closed session. For clerk you still have a quorum. Item 13, vote whether to disclose items discussed in closed session. Vice president taylor you want to call roll . Clerk yes, but first, we need Public Comment. Vice president taylor okay. Any Public Comment on item 13 . Operator there are no members of the public in the queue for item 13. Vice president taylor okay. Clerk line item 14, adjournment. Action item. Vice president taylor this was actually a motion to adjourn in memoriam for slain sfpd officers. Commissioner hamasaki okay. Vice president taylor so we are going to adjourn in memoriam of slain sfpd officers. So moved. Second. Clerk the motion to adjourn in memoriam of slain sfpd officers [roll call] clerk motion passes with five. Vice president taylor thank you. Good night, everyone. President yee good afternoon and welcome to the may

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