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Gatheringpeople doing essential work and need to work in close proximity, we need to have that happen. Lets not gather for things that could otherwise be delayed or be done on zoom or in other virtual ways. With regard to specific out breaks, i cant comment on drawing conclusions from the gathering at dolores park except to say thats behavior that were very concerned about it. Our message continue continues o not gather unless absolutely essential. Do not gather out side your immediate household. If you do, wear those face masks and use good hygiene and socially distance when possible. Look, when i walk or drive around the city, we know this is still not happening to the degree it needs to be. We need to hit that 80 mark. Lets go for 90 or one hundred. We need to crush this curve. Thank you. The next set of questions are from the associated press. How have the states problems with cal ready effected San Francisco effective reproductive rate. Its based on the number of hospitalizations. Our data is not part of that calculation. Were confident in our ability to estimate based on the hospitalization rates in the city. How can we be sure cases are going down if there is under reporting by the states system. The number of hospitalled cases are going down in our city. Thats what we base the reproductive rate on. Its on those numbers sm the nu. The number of cases diagnosed with covid 19, that number could change based on the correction from the state. We hope to have tha that tha th. Thank you, doctor. What are the major factors contributing to the numbers leveling off . What wewe cant draw any one action with regard to cause and effect with regard to the decline in the number of cases. I do think a few weeks ago our recognition that we were in the midst of another surge and the reproductive rate was going up rapidly. We worked with comeupit communiy members, key stake holders and people in neighborhoods most effected to work to really get the message out that everyone needed to be aware of this. Access testing. If you were in an area experiencing out breaks to wear those facial coverings and not gather. I hope people heard this and people are doing their part to flatten and hopefully crush the curve. I will say that the reproductive number is just about at one now. We need to see that trend continue so we get much much lower. Im hopeful that we continue to go in the right direction. Thank you, doctor. Have you considered further restrictions or enforcement measuremeasures foreplaysesmea. We need to give people thank you, doctor. The next question comes from sf examiner. Business owners from the small industry and other personal services have been frustrated that they cannot fully reopen even after sanitation guidelines. What is your level of concerns. Right now we are on the state watch list and have been since late july. No further reopenings can happen until were off that watch list and receive updated guidance from the state. And what might be plausible Going Forward. Thank you. Our next question. If the reproductive rate is not below is only based on hospitalization and not positive tests it does not include asymptomatic people. How is that viable. Its an estimate. Its an estimate that we have been working with u c berkeley and u c sf and cal San Francisco researchers with regard to developing a model that takes exactly that into account. Uses the hospitalization number and extrapolates that to the broader population at large to come up with an estimate of the reproductive rate. Its publicly available with regard to what the reproductive rate estimate is. You can dig deeper into that on the website which we can certainly provide to you. Thank you, dr. Colfax. There no further questions at this time. This concludes todays press conference. Thank you madam mayor and dr. Colfax for your time. Emergency, Board Members are participating remotely and participating in the same extent as if they were physically present. Public comment will be available for each item on the agenda. The phone number to use is 14084189388 the access code is 146 402 9414. Then press pound and press pound again. When your item of interest is called, dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. Please wait until the system indicates youve been unmuted and you may begin your comment. You may address the board once per agenda item for two minutes. Item number 1, call to order. [roll call] president tsen here. Director dunlop here. Vice president lai here. Director richardson here. We do have a quorum. President tsen excellent. Before we begin, hello, directors and members of the public. Thank you so much for joining us today. I am sorry that we still to conduct our meetings by teleconferencing. And i ask that everybody be patient as there is a lag time sometimes to hear the Public Comment. But our able secretary kate austin will guide us through the process. I would like to start the meeting with a quote, whose life and words inspired so many of us. He wrote a letter which was published and i quote from that letter. He says, ordinary people with extraordinary visions can redeem the soul of america by getting into what i call good trouble, necessary trouble, building and participating in the democratic process are key. Democracy is not a state. It is not an act. Each generation must do its part to build what we called beloved community, a nation at peace with itself. Thats what were trying to do in Treasure Island is build our community. Before we begin, i would like to report changes on the tida Board Members. Ike kwon is not here today. [inaudible] passed away and our thoughts with you. I send him a message on behalf of the tida board. And sharon will be moving soon to be a commissioner of the sfmta. The nomination has been approved by the rules committee, and sharon, you have been such a insightful and dedicated tida board member. I always appreciated your thoughts and input and i think the sfmta will benefit from your participati participation. Thank you for being here, sharon, we needed your presence for quorum. I guess as a note to the board and to kate, sharon has to leave at 3 00 and i believe that ruby is joining us at 2 00, so hopefully we will be able to through the agenda today in quick order. Okay, so with that, lets open up to the next item. Item number 2, general Public Comment. This items is allow members of the public to address the Treasure Island Development Authority board on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Authority Board and that do not appear on todays agenda. In addition to general Public Comment, Public Comment will be held during each item on the agenda. Members of the public may address the board for up to two minutes. Are there any callers on the line . Moderator, any callers on the line . I see one person, but they havent raised their hand to speak. Oh. Members of the public, as a reminder, press star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. Nobody has raised their hand yet. Okay, hearing no callers, Public Comment is now closed. President tsen good. Lets go to the next item. Item number 3, report by Treasure Island director. Good afternoon, bob beck on behalf of tida. Reporting we did have two Power Outages this past week, past thursday there was an outage that was a result of a crossarm failure that occurred just after midnight thursday morning and power was restored in three hours. In saturday, there was outage as a result of a bird strike that occurred at 3 a. M. , and was restored. It caused a secondary failure that delayed restoration to that block. The puc has completed the installation of closers that are to reduce the Power Outages resulting from bird strikes and similar problems. But the saturday outage tripped the main switch resulted in an islandwide outage. Puc crews will continue to calibrate the reclosers and the switch to improve the performance Going Forward. But again, that outage on saturday these outages highlight the importance of replacing the main switch which is scheduled for january of 2021. Unfortunately, during thursdays outage, both of our Island Restaurants were burglarized. And Police Reports were taken on those events. On a more positive note, it was featured on the pbs episode of check please bay area. Theyve been involved in providing meal programs to the island. The meal program for island residents in partnership with mercy wrapped up. But the other will continue through august 20. Theyre supported by supervisor haneys office and the sf puc. The food pantry and the San Francisco unified Meals Program will still continue. They will move to the ymca when renovations are completed. Two tida Staff Members are deployed in the Citywide Disaster Service worker roles as part of the covid19 response. In july, Treasure Island completed the most recent cycle of the training program. Course work relied on [inaudible] training with appropriate social distancing practices when inperson required. The next class convenes in october. One Treasure Island, the ymca, and the villages were instrumental in planning our backtoschool efforts this fall. We then have our traditional backtoschool night with the backpack giveaway. However, supplies were gathered for young people on the island and distributed through the Housing Providers to residents on the island. On the construction front, this was an exciting milestone this week as cahill, the contractor for the building mobilized on monday. Also following our meeting last month, new detour along the waterfront was opened and the roadway surfaces on the east side of the causeway were removed. Ticd has begun removing the last surcharge stock piles at the front of Treasure Island. The only area in subphase 2 still requiring geotechnical improvement is the clipper cove roadway alignment. And the contractor has begun installing trains in that area for laboratory compaction work. Meanwhile the compaction work has been completed at the waste water site. And some of the soil removed is being taken to the Waste Water Treatment Plant site with a surcharge to that area. The installation of sewer and storm Water Infrastructure continues throughout the subphase 2 area. On yerba buena island, the framing of the upper of the bristol continues as does the construction of the new reservoirs. Structure one reservoir has been completed and substantial progress has been made on the second. On Treasure Island the work on the facilities continues. The northern break water is 50 complete. And the guide piers for the landing have been installed. Echo bay completed abatement of various ancillary buildings in the subphase 3 area. And demolition of those buildings will commence as soon as the demolition permit is issued. The naval gun, naval deck gun that used to be located next to hangar two was taken to rosy the riveter museum in richmond where it will be placed on the red oak victory. We continue to plan logistics, demolition and relocations for the subphase 3 area, including the timing for utility demolition work. We also received notice this month the navy will need to vacate two existing residential buildings by the end of january, 2021 to facilitate the navys next phase of work on the solid Waste Disposal area west side. Both of these buildings are managed by the Jon Stewart Company and theyve begun the process about replacement units. We recognize that covid with covid19 emergency, this is a difficult time for unanticipated changes, but well work with the households to facilitate these moves in a way that is most convenient for the affected households. Finally, i wanted to report that on august 5th, the port issued a ruling on the court issued a ruling on the motion to dismiss on behalf of the department of tida, the department of justice on behalf of navy and by one Treasure Island. While the motion to dismiss were not upheld, the plaintiffs were directed to that they needed to file an amended complaint by september 9, with the advice to focus and clarify their allegations and claims and ensure they can state factual allegations against each named defendant. So we will await that amended filing and respond appropriately. That concludes my report. President tsen thank you. So any questions . Or comments . Yes . Yes. I have just a statement. Can you hear me . President tsen yes. Okay. Yes. Im going to make just a quick comment on the bird or the Power Outages. I guess my concern right now has to do with the, you know, for the kids on the island. We have Distance Learning, so we know this is a recurring problem, but we know also the permanent fix as you had mentioned is slated for january 2021, which is just a couple of months away and the way that things are going, you know, with the covid19, it might be that so how do we i know we talked about this before. How do we rectify a Distance Learning priority issue now . Can you hear me . Yeah, sorry. I was on mute. I was just unmuting. Yeah, so the reclosures that were installed by the puc were expended to help avoid or minimize the impact of things like the bird strike. Unfortunately, as i mentioned, the outage on saturday did cause an islandwide outage and puc staff are attempting to increase the speed with which the reclosure would open and decrease the speed which the main switch would trip. So that hopefully, the recloser will work more effectively next time. So were continuing to, you know, try to the puc is continuing to try to calibrate the devices that have been installed to be more effective in avoiding or minimizing the scope of outages. But the replacement of the main switch gear is going to be key to more lasting improvements to the system. That equipment is on order by the puc and should be delivered in october. And the contractors is working to make sure that the site is ready for to receive that equipment when it arrives. Great. President tsen any other comments by Board Members . I believe director lai . Vice president lai yes. Thank you. Actually similar line of discussion here. So i actually saw this comments this was online about the Power Outages being scheduled, but it sounds like director beck, youre saying these outages were unintended from some work that was being done on the island . Is that correct . We did have some intended outages in early july when the reclosers were installed. We did have an announced outage last week which was cancelled. That was to replace a piece of equipment, but the puc was able to make that equipment change without shutting the system down. But the oujs we had thursday morning and saturday morning, were unexpected. The one on thursday was a outage on the pole and the one on saturday was bird. Vice president lai so these unintended examples of Power Outages, did the generators kick in . Were they able to do that quickly . Again, the on island generators we have are only affected when the result of the outage is an interruption of the supply from oakland to the island. Vice president lai i see. When there is essentially a short within the system, the generators would need to send power over that same line where the short exists, so the generators arent effective in supplying the island when there is a problem within the Distribution Network on the island. Vice president lai so, yeah, i didnt actually understand that. So thank you for clarifying. This definitely does lead me to concerns around, you know, how can we plan for potential, again, within that work interruption of service as school is about to begin and everyone is still doing Distance Learning. Is there interim backup generator system we can have for the ymca, or any learning hub . Sorry if im commenting on an item for later on. Maybe ill save that for later, but maybe we need to think about the backup plan to support the students needs. Its Super Critical they have access to internet and electricity. I mean for the whole island, too, but definitely for students as well. And then if you can just maybe quickly remind us and the public as to why we cannot, or are unable to move up the next step of the switch gear improvements from january to a more maybe immediate time line . Thank you. Ill take those questions in reverse order. The site where the new switch gear is going to be installed just completed its geotechnical improvement, so the developer is in the process of removing the surcharge from that site, so we can now begin the simple improvements of the site. The construction of the pads on which the equipment will be installed. And as i mentioned earlier, that equipment is its built to order. Its not on the shelf equipment. So that equipment is being fbry indicated and fabricated and will be delivered in mid october. And then its the process of installing equipment, pulling the wires and so forth to energize it. So thats the schedule that were on. In terms of the we will be talking later that the ymca has been designated as a learning hub for this coming fall and we have taken the measurements to determine what size generator would be required to power the ymca in the event of an extended outage. That is an option we can explore to make sure those students have power during an extended outage. Ym president tsen okaca president tsen okay. Yes, supervisor haney . Supervisor haney part of what i was going to ask was answered, but anything else you can share about the conversation about the Community Learning hub and any other services or supports for the children on the island during the as the School Year Begins and what sort of role, if any, tida is playing in supporting that . Sure. Weve been working with the ymca as i mentioned and lewis, the director of the ymca will be presenting on the learning hub on our regular agenda. And were working with them to set up an implement that as well as i mentioned in the director report, the backtoschool night. We helped to fund some of the supplies distributed to the residents on the island. Working with ymca to essentially expand the learning hub programs to include up to eighth graders. And anticipate that we may bring an amendment to our agreement with the ymca to help fund the program to include, as i said, up to eighth graders at our september meeting before the programs begin on september 14. Supervisor haney all right. Thank you. Again, as i mentioned earlier, the San Francisco Unified School District Program Distribution continues and theyll be moving that program also to the ymca as soon as we can finalize the renovations is that are under way. President tsen okay. Thank you, mr. Beck. This has been an issue of great concern for the board for several months now. And i know that the staff is trying to find solutions. We would like to have continuing report from you on this. And lets hope there are not many other outages as the fall season begins. I would note from your directors report, a very optimistic note, which is that the first Affordable Housing project for new construction on Treasure Island is starting. The fact that cahill, the contractor is mobilizing. That were starting, finally, the construction of the first new Affordable Housing project on Treasure Island. Thats something to note. And if we were not all under covid pandemic regulations, i think we would have a big Ground Breaking celebration. So lets hope that we might be able to do that sometime soon. Okay. So with that, oh, id like to ask the moderator whether there was any Public Comment on mr. Becks report. Nobody has raised their hand. If they want to speak, they hit star 3. That will raise their hand if they want to speak. President tsen hearing no Public Comment, next item, please. Kate. Item 4, communications from and received by tida. President tsen and were there any communications that the directors would like this comment or ask questions about . Okay. Hearing none. Next item, please. Item number 5. Ongoing business by board of directors. President tsen are there yes, sharon. You have a comment under this item . Vice president lai yes. Just wanted to mention that i have been following and been part of some of the transportation recovery working group. And just to let the public know that there have been where the city, including the 25, which is the main Transit Service to Treasure Island and usuyerba bu, it is the plan to increase the frequency of service to the 25. Just to let everyone know. Thank you. President tsen thank you. No other items, then well go on to the next item on the agenda. Item number 6, Consent Agenda. All matters here under constitute a Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Authority Board and will be acted upon by the single vote of the Authority Board. There will be no separate discussion of the items unless a member of the Authority Board requests. In which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item. A. , approving the minutes of the june so, 20 meeting. B, approving the minutes of the july 8, 2020 meeting. C, resolution authorizing the 45th amendment to the Treasure Island land and structures master lease. And d, resolution authorizing the adjustment of fees for utility users on Treasure Island and yerba buena. President tsen do any directors want any items to be heard separately . So moved. President tsen can i have a second . May i have a second . Sharon . President tsen a motion and a second. President tsen we are not able to hear you, kate. Who was the second, please . Its sharon. Okay, thank you. I accidentally unmuted everybody. Apologies. Well do a roll call vote. President tsen yes. Director dunlop yes. Vice president lai yes. Director richardson yes. Director shifrin im on. Yes. There are five ayes. President tsen all right. The ayes have it. Thank you very much. Item number 7, Community Planning efforts. Directors, this is bob beck. Ill introduce this item and then hand it to laura schiffman from Treasure Island. As part of preparing for the development of the island, i think most of you are familiar that in private [inaudible] 11 entitlement, there was a Community Facilities plan which attempted to identify Community Spaces that would be needed in the future development for community meetings, team facilities, library facilities, police, fire, and a variety of other spaces that would be needed to support community function. In the approved budget for one Treasure Island this year, we included funds for two [inaudible] one was [inaudible] that Community Facilities plan which was focused very much on the the physical space requirements of supporting community. We also wanted to initiate a second effort which is to help identify how we develop a community. And ill hand it to laura schiffman to say a few more words and then introduce our speakers today. Thank you. Good afternoon, directors. Im director of Community Development and planning with one Treasure Island. Today we wanted to take the opportunity to introduce you to mark and the National Initiative on mixed Income Community team. Starting in july of this year, we engaged to learn from their experience in helping to foster successful mixed income neighborhoods throughout the country. As you know, one Treasure Island and our partners have been intentional in our work over the past 25 years to build a vibrant and mixed Income Community. With the first phase of vertical construction under way and a wave of new residents poised to move on to the island from a wide range of income levels, we wanted to focus on the equity and inclusion goals throughout the project planning and implementation. As bob mentioned, moving at the same time as his work was nimc, we have mig to update the 2011 Community Facilities needs assessment. As we address shifting needs and trends in the decade since the plan was approved. They will be briefing you this fall on their initial findings and Community Engagement efforts. With that introduction, i would like to turn it over to mark. Thank you, laura. Thank you very much. And good afternoon, directors. Im going to go ahead and share my screen. Looks like everything is working great. So lets get this up and going. Can everyone see this power point presentation okay . President tsen yes. All right, fantastic. So again, thanks to you all for making time for our conversation with you on a packed agenda. Weve been looking forward to it. Particular thanks to bob beck and laura and sherry of one Treasure Island who got us up to speed. Theyve been very patient and indulgent with all of our questions. There is so much to learn. Let me jump in. Our Team Includes two organizations. I represent the National Initiative on mixed income communities. Were a research center. We call ourselves an Impact Research center in cleveland, ohio, which is where im speaking to you from. And our assistant director is part of the team and she is one of yours having lived in the bay area for 15 years and joined us just over two months ago. I know shes feeling a lot of nostalgia right now listening to you all and is excited to be part of the project in the bay area, Treasure Island. Youre going to be hearing from North Carolina later, she and her partner lead trusted space partners. In my view, one of the best Community Building outfits in our nation. We worked together for several years. We are motivated by some major societal issues that im sure keep you all up at night as well and make you proud to serve on the tida board where youre able to address some of these issues in a specific location. One issue is the divide between the haves and havenots, seems to be going in the wrong direction. Were living in a time as polarized as any of us can remember. Us versus them. And then finally as our urban areas are finally turning around and seeing a renaissance, sadly, not everyone gets a benefit from that. And so im sure youre highly attuned to the challenges of displacement and exclusion. Well be talking about that a little later. Were so excited to see how much thought has been put into the approach at Treasure Island already. Again, were looking forward to learning more from there engagement. These are the issues that motivate us. What motivates our center and the reason we created an Impact Research center exclusively focused on creating inclusive mixed income communities. We think mixed income communities can be part of the solution. Not the whole solution. Its already a mixed Income Community. We know that some of the things on the screen maybe well come back to them in conversation are what mixed income communities, if done well, could contribute to our effort to create cities and neighborhoods more inclusive and equitable. I love the quote that was used to open the meeting today from the late congressman john lewis, that included a reference to extraordinary vision. Man, if we want to look anywhere for extraordinary vision, look no further than Treasure Island. Were more blown away when we learn what you have ahead now. Some has been a vision for decades. Some still unfolding. But its an incredible vision to bring together a community of people from such a wide span of income levels and of backgrounds and cultures and of races and other forms of difference. We are were tremendously excited by that vision. We are daunted by the realities of what it will take to pull that off. And our research and were building on 15 years of Research Across the country now shows that a mixed Income Community does not emerge by itself. Just because we desire it, hope for it and design awesome buildings, does not mean that the social part, what we call the social dynamic, will be what weve seen in other cities, particularly chicago, where with ewrote a book about case studies, weve seen emerging incorporated exclusion. They were incorporated together, but there is still social exclusion. Well talk about that. Very excited about what were hoping is the first phase of work with Treasure Island. Such a unique starting point. We think we have a lot to bring to what is happening from our 15 years of research and practice and consulting around the country. We think we have a tremendous amount to learn and were already learning an incredible amount. We think this will be a Mutual Exchange. We think and hope and know that whatever we do together in Treasure Island will be a model for others. So our first order of business is to get it right at Treasure Island. But my assumption and we anticipate its true you want to show others what can be done. Particularly where you have a little more of a blank slate, an open starting and rebuilding in a way that other communities havent been able to do. So what can we show the rest of the world is possible . We hope that is what the events were joining in. We have two areas in our first phase of work. One is around Community Facilities. The other around retail strategy. You heard about both of those from bob and laura. And although we help broker and identify where are there other cases, thought partners we can learn from. Made mistakes, had successes, but would be informative of what were going to do in Treasure Island. And then our role is strategic assessment and design. From our viewpoint, what are the things we think are really extension and need to be strengths and need to be accelerated and exercised. And where might we see gaps . Where might we see possibilities to strengthen the plan in place . Thats our goal to be as helpful as possible. Based on our work and really drawings i said from 15 years of research, we put together what we called a mix income success framework. Probably the question asked most often is how do you promote success . How do you create a successful mixed Income Community . What have you learned and what can you tell our project . Please take this as coming from our work in other places. We are eager to see how our experience at Treasure Island might shift this framework, might add to it, might challenge it, but this is what were learning so far. We would name six areas of success. And so the mixed Income Housing. Can you get a mix of folks to move into it . But success doesnt just stop with the housing, its about the broader neighborhood. So to what extent does the housing and the neighborhood revitalize . And then integrated. We work with a lot of sites isolated. The housing is isolated from the rest of the neighborhood. So there is a question about integration. Another success factor, very, very important, is who gets the benefit from the revitalization and we know its a massive concern. A tremendous amount of things and documentation and were eager to be a part of success in terms of relocation with minimal, if any displacement. Its been a massive issue around the country. I know you know that. Its a massive issue in San Francisco. We can it talk about that more. A fourth factor is avoiding displacement then for attracting. Youve got dreams and aspiration for who is going to move to Treasure Island and most may think communities depend on that, but there is going to be inmovers, but you have to attract them and then you got to keep them. So this issue of retaining is very important. And retaining an income and ethnic mix. Then we talk about inclusive social dynamics. Its not just about getting people there. Its how they relate to each other. Very important. And then finally its not about who have been struggling or coming out of homelessness or living with low incomes remaining in the same place. That would be that they get to advance. That mixed Income Housing and community is a platform for economic mobility. So this would be our success framework and wed love to hear feedback if it resonates what youre looking for. Very quickly, in the interest of time, this is our assessment of the general state of the field. We know how to design mixed Income Housing. We have seen tremendous Neighborhood Revitalization and integration of housing. We have a very mixed outcome in terms of attracting higher income populations to the housing, but retention is more challenging. There tends to be a lot of turnover, particularly in a market rate. The three areas in red are the ones that keep us up at night. Where we are seeing still not enough people being able to stay and enjoy the new community. Where were seeing instead of the inclusive social dynamics that i mentioned a moment ago, its incorporated exclusion. So exclusion among families. And then were not seeing enough economic mobility. That the platform is turning. We have tons of ideas how to do better. We have tons of partners around the country who are doing cool things. So its not a fully bleak story, but were still looking for that place that will hit this thing out of the park. We would be thrilled if in the conversation we were talking to the very people who will be the place that hits it out of the park. Very quickly, in terms of solution. Im going to whip through the slides. By the way, this is on the web page for the meeting. So you can look at this in more detail at our own convenience. Very quickly. These match the six success areas. Im just going to highlight one bullet per slide. In terms of mixed Income Housing, the bottom bullet. This is why its the focus of phase one. How do you create what you call surge spaces, your home, work and third spaces that are inclusive on site . This is one of the places were going to be focused with you all. In terms of integrating, ill highlight again, the bottom bullet which is being very intentional about how residents will be integrated and with vigilance about race and ethnicity. Were in a moment of racial reckoning. I dont need to tell anyone that. But it means we have more room about being bolder, about racism and Structural Racism and how our Work Together can be part of undoing some of that. Would love more conversation if youre interested there. In terms of avoiding displacement, many of these you are taking into account already. Ill highlight the second bullet. When we think about displacement, we have to think about residential, but also cultural displacement. That is you get to stay in place, you havent been physically displaced, but, man, your community has changed around you. The coffee shop isnt a coffee shop. The diner is not the diner. The police are treating you differently. There are security everywhere. And we could go on an on. You dont feel like its your community anymore. So this is something we really want to work with you all to think about. How do we guard against residential and cultural displacement . In terms of attracting and retaining higher income residents, you can see the key things here. I would say Property Management is something well want to talk about. There is lowIncome Housing Property Management, there is luxury Property Management. Then there is mixed income Property Management and its another animal. We dont think enough Property Management companies have slowly delved into what it means to do mixed income Property Management. In terms of inclusive social dynamics, im going to focus on the third bullet. We like to talk a lot about operating culture. What is the way that things work . How does Treasure Island feel and operate today . And how would you envision it feeling and operating in a year, two years, five years, 20 years . In many of the communities we work in, the operating culture is dominated by a lot of fear, isolation and disconnection. And looking to move it to a place of aspiration and quebec city. I wont say any more, because youre going to hear from the guru, frankie, about this topic. And then economic mobility. The third bullet here is my personal holy grail. Its one thing that we put programs into place and there is job corps on the island, that is cool stuff. What if you can figure out how to leverage the mixed income to economic mobility through social capital, through social network, through modelling, through Mutual Exchange . We have to see enough of that. We [inaudible] love to work with you to see if we can promote more of that in Treasure Island. Where can we help . We can share on a shared vision. There are so many factors involved in this work already who have been involved for careers. But the role is years. But the role is going to shift and change over time. Refining your strategies. Well talk a lot about intentionality. And then you track how youre doing. We can happen you think of metrics and the learning over time and improvement. So with that, without further ado, frankie. Frankie, you have to unmute. Thank you. Glad to be here with you all today. You heard mark say that one of the key strategies is the shifting of operating culture. And when were talking about a mixed Income Community, the real shift were talking about is shifting from an operating culture that is grounded in the fear of the other, to an operating culture that is grounded in making positive connections with the other. You know, operating cultures are a tricky thing to define and discuss and diagnose. I like to define it as the sum total of the habits, the norms, the exchanges, the ways of being in a particular Community Like Treasure Island, or in a particular organization. And the primary intervention tool that we use and you see here in the diagram is to try to increase the numbers of [inaudible] that are not moving from fearbased to aspirationalbased. Example. If i live in an Apartment Community where i dont feel its very friendly where i live, what could i do . I might be able to recruit 10 of my neighbors, get to though them and recruit them to begin to, as they walk down the hallway or in the elevator, or on the street, to smile and greet every person they pass. And eventually, we would, in fact, others, with that practice and that would lead to relationships, problems being solved and small favors being exchanged. That is one simple example. But when were working in a large Community Like Treasure Island, our primary strategy is what we Call Community networkbuilding. What do we mean . Essentially, if you imagine creating a huge virtual tent that encompasses all these Community Facilities and the retail areas and maybe the common areas and the apartment communities, and nilling up that filling that up first with the people who really want to shape a new kind of Community Life with one another. And maybe theyre hanging out in some affinity spaces, a shared sport, a shared love of art. Sometimes theyre coming together in a larger circle with each other to share to solve a problem or address a new community innovation. But its in this large tent that we bring a lot of people together and keep inviting new people to that tent. Now, clearly one thing we always do in this big tent, were truthful about all the stories that have preceded us around racism and classicism, but were also hopeful we can demonstrate by inviting people into this tent, that there is a new way of behaving and being with each other and Community Life. So heres an example of on one side here, you see some of the traditional ways we come into contact with each other in Community Life. And often those are ways that dont support our connection on the other side, these are the new devices that we have been experimenting with for the last 20 years on how to build a sense of connection. A lot more to say about that, but i wont go into detail. One of our favorite devices is to illustrate something we call sorry, thats my dog. That we call can you get the dog . That we call network night. Its a gathering where we have fun, we exchange with one another and we can say a lot more about it, but its not a community meeting. Its a party with a purpose. You want to go on, mark . And explain. I really apologize. She barely ever barks. President tsen she must be agreeing with everything you say. I know [laughter]. She really hardly ever barks. Another example that we did over the last couple of years in a gentrifying neighborhood in washington d. C. , where many people did not feel like they belonged there. We did a street campaign. Its another example of building a new kind of connection. And then another example here is we helped the Development Company in pittsburgh create a new set of pledges around behaviors of just the basic kindness and taking care of one another and supporting each others aspirations. And then theyre implementing this for all their residents. Were very active in your area right now supporting many of you must know mercy housing as one of your partners on Treasure Island. Were supporting them at the National Level and in San Francisco and throughout california and implementing these kind of practices and their mixed Income Housing. And really having a lot of success with their site teams and their National Leaders and bringing this kind of Culture Shift to reality for them. And ill turn it back to mark. Thank you, frankie. So much more we want to tell you. But hopefully, there will be other opportunities. One more example. Weve been working with hope s. F. It really gives the leading example in our view of a commitment to inclusive racially equitable mixed Income Community building at large scale anywhere in the nation. Weve been working with them since 2009 was the first time i came out and spoke with the city about its project. And weve been engaged in the foresight. And you can see the roles we played there. I want to wrap up so we have plenty of time for conversation. A little more detail about our role and scope. We mentioned these focus areas. What exactly are we going to be doing in the first phase . Well, on both of them, first of all, we have a lot to understand, so were peppering our colleagues there with questions about historical, current. We want to learn as much as we can about what has already been done, planned. In the Community Facilities youve heard about mig, but well be doing the physical assessment. We plan to work closely with them. My hope is when the board sees it, it will feel seamless. Were off to good start. We will be identifying promising models from which we can do peer learning and recommending some approaches at a specific action oriented level. Similarly, retail strategy. What are promising models . What can we recommend . And how might those be modified and adapted to fit your island context . We also, our roles are brokering, like who is out there. Were going to be building new connections using our current connections both local and national. And then we have lots of ideas well be willing to adapt our own methodology to what we learn is your vision and expectations. And then finally, were going to wrap it all in a strategic assessment and design. You all will be receiving early next year, a report that kind of says, based on our assessment, heres what we would share back. And heres where we see again some of the really promising things youre doing. Here are areas you might be able to strengthen your approach. Were going to do that by talking with a range and people. This is the final slide. This gives us a sense of timing. Were planning for the two memos in october. And they been as we move into february, capturing of all that we connected you with and this final recommendation. And with that, ill open for reaction and discussion. Thank you for your attention. President tsen thank you. Thank you for your energy. And thank you for the fact that youre here working with us. It is truly Treasure Island is an extraordinary experiment in some ways. Were building a new neighborhood. We have existing residents. New housing being built. But i would also say that on this board you have people who are really aligned with what youre doing. We have people who have been all their lives workingwise, involved on issues of equity and issues of displacement and so i have great trust in this board. All their collective wisdom and experience because they are certainly experts themselves in the field of Community Development. So wed like to think in San Francisco that we know all, but it is im always open to having the best practices from all over that we can learn from as well. So i welcome you and i welcome frankie. We look forward to hearing your report. We look forward to speaking with you individually when its important or necessary. So do reach out if you need to do that. But thank you for doing this work. And thank you for one Treasure Island. Laura, thank you for bringing them on board. So i will open it up to the rest of the Board Members. Linda . Director richardson thank you. Thank you for your work. And before tida today and thank you to ms. Blackburn for your presentation. I just want to Say Something here. How on earth will ms. Will burn leave a great city and leave us here . I just want to put that out there. That hopefully, youll be back home again. [laughter] let me first tell you why im highly interested in this as commissioner tsen says. Members of this commission have names synonymous with community revitalization. Myself, before i was appointed to Treasure Island, i was a former San Francisco planning commissioner and for years, i spent at the land use, the bayview Hunters Point in San Francisco. San franciscos neglected neighborhood. And hope s. F. , all the projects that you mentioned are based in my district. So we put together a master plan. So San Francisco, as you all know, youre in the right place. It has the distinction, unfortunately, of only place in the country where massive gentrification of africanamericans took place because of urban development, urban renewal. And we have been spending decades to try to rectify this aatrocity. It has been a daunting task. So what we have done with Treasure Island, you should all know that a development, that we have taken this equity approach Treasure Island has one of the foremost Workforce Development because even when a plan is put in place, as we have found in San Francisco, its shitting on the shelf right now on the San Francisco planning commission. They have not been able to implement it fully. Theyre good ideas, great. And were still struggling to make sure we do that. So weve done it on Treasure Island because we have a mandate to cater to Treasure Island residents. But weve gone beyond the call of duty that we have integrated a firstclass Workforce Development so that all the residents that you have outlined, we are training them for workforce employment. And most of them will be able to transition to Treasure Island. We have all kinds of programs that we have in place that i challenge anyone in the city of San Francisco right now to look at what were doing here. So in partnership with your organization here. Its a shared vision. You will know what we have, also in operating and sitting down with you with the ideas you have, yeah, we might be able to make a model of something that the other development, the other parts in San Francisco and the region can emulate. We are this is equity, inclusion. Its at the heart of what were doing here. And were openminded to say what are the best practices in other parts of the country. And we can share and compare notes with what were doing here and challenges that we already know we will be able to share with you all these great so i am very excited and again im very familiar with your work and im hoping that well be able to sit down together. You know, one on one. And continue to share our ideas. Treasure island is a big project. Its developing this will be the model for not only the country, but the world. Welcome aboard, sir. President tsen any other directors would like to add questions or comments. Supervisor haney so, i just was wondering kind of about the time line of this. And i apologize. I had to step out in the very beginning. But in terms of when some of this work would start and how we would be working with current residents right away. I know that a lot of things in the second half of the presentation that i saw really resonated with me in terms of how a lot of the current residents are experiencing what is happening right now, even as there hasnt been the full or even the really beginnings of the transition of Treasure Island in a way that you framed it that already currently, that theyre experiencing a lot of these feelings of a sense of whether they have belonging there and what their place will be there. And whether there is friction with the Property Management. I really, really appreciated everything you said around Property Management, because you know, that is a lot of where the direct interaction and engagement can be with residents. And if they look like theyre being mistreated, ignored, that can lead to them not having a sense of belonging. So even during this time when before residents are coming on the the island, all those feelings already exist. And we hopefully can connect with current residents and they see a longterm future with Treasure Island. Its about loans and placement and rules, but its about a sense of how they feel that theyre viewed and accepted and treated and acknowledged on the island right now. So i apologize. You may have covered this in the beginning of the presentation in terms of how you think about that phase of it. And by that phase of it, i mean like now. And how that fits in. Because a lot of i found in the second half are what are going to be the important questions and considerations as this you said, the mixed income of the development, the next 15 years of the island. This is very, very real for people on the island right now. And im wondering how were think being that. And again i apologize if you spoke to that already. No, no, no. This is a fantastic question. And im going to talk to laura and sherry in a moment because theyre doing this work now. As you all know. And part of this is how to understand what is going on already and what is happening now. Because these are real issues in this moment. And how can we help ramp that up even well before folks are moving in. Youre exactly right. Its never too early to start this work. So however we can be helpful in bringing ideas that can be put into play in the coming period. Were open for that. We have also, were trying to be attuned to the directives were getting. And i know the communities, the facilities and the retail strategy are really an important priority for one Treasure Island and tida. But youre right. These concerns are real now. And the more that we do proactive work, we can actually begin to help strengthen the operating culture and then just weave future people into it. We dont need to wait to build the culture. We want to build it now. It will be easier with fewer people. So your point is extremely well taken. Laura and sherry, would you like to jump . Thank you for that answer and for the question. Just to answer the time line question. We started july 1st engaging the nimc team. And the contract is a ninemonth engagement. And as mark noted, were really right now sort of giving a lot of Background Information and starting to figure out our process. And were scoping out what the Engagement Process is going to look like. But i think thats a really important thing for us to keep in mind and how we start to look at that Engagement Process. So thank you for that. President tsen mark, i also want to note i was very glad to see that you had an emphasis on where people, all residents on the island, can gather, which is those third you called them third places. Theyre the popup spaces of the island. And that is why we paid so much attention to those public places. The parks, the open spaces and now youre going to look at the Community Facilities and the retail strategy. These are the places where people will intermix, mingle and where neighborhoods can come together. The way the housing is built, you know, as you know with Affordable Housing and the way that finance is primarily affordable. We have certain sites that are Affordable Housing. Certain sites that are market rate housing with inclusionary affordable in it. But really the most important spaces in my mind where people can gather, where they can mix, where they can interact are really the public realm. So im very glad to see that you have noted that those, what you call third places, are really important things. And we pay particular attention to make sure that those parks, you know, those open spaces are going to be built. We look forward to your report on Community Facilities and on the retail space as well. Its welcome. So thank you very much. Since i cant see the full panel, are there any other comments by Board Members . We will open it up to Public Comment. Moderator, any Public Comment . I see no raised hand. If you want to make Public Comment, hit star 3 and youll be in the queue for Public Comment. President tsen so then with that, thank you very much, mark and laura and frankie for making that excellent presentation and we look forward to later. So then we will say goodbye to your barking dog. [laughter] and we will go on the next item. Kate . What is the next item . Item 8, Treasure Island ymca Community Learning hub. The director of the ymca will be reporting. President tsen welcome. Were glad to hear from you. Go ahead. Hello, everyone. If you dont know who i am, im the director of ymca Youth Program. Im here to talk to you about the learning hubs as well as my supervisor also on the call and here to help with the presentation and answer any questions that may come up. So, currently we know that sfusd has decided to do Distance Learning for specifically the fall right now. When Distance Learning happened back in march, there was a significant number of children who did not succeed in this model that we had when shelter in place first started. The American Academy of pediatrics, all agree that children need inperson learning to prevent further decline in academic and social development. As the city reopens, its our goal with partners and places that partners and others that the children have a safe place to go. With that said, were going to talk about what is a Community Learning hub. A Community Learning hub is a neighborhoodbased facility such as the ymca, rec center, any other cityowned buildings that will provide inperson support for children, youth and tay. Specifically right now were focusing on grades kindergarten through 6th grade. Well have hours of operation that support working parents. So well have early dropoff and late pickups. We will have hubs will be managed by r. P. D. S. And that is providing really running these Community Hubs as we spoke. Hubs will provide children, youth and families access to Technology Devices and aid in distant learning and theyll provide social and emotional supports for the children, youth and families who participate within the hubs. The main component as i said before, right now dcyf is only working with kindergarten through 6th grade. Right now were focusing on literacy and physical activities in addition to academic supports. Anyone in our Community Learning hub, theyll get access to snack, lunch and supper. Well be doing Family Resources and Mental Health and wellbeing supports. To get families enrolled in the Community Learning hub, which is a shift in how any program has happened before, dcyf is in charge of the enrollment for the children participating and they must go through their registration process. Theyre still working out what that process looks like. It does go live august 14, friday, but were working with the families and the Community Members to ensure they get the applications filled out, submitted and placed in our learning hub on the island. As much as possible. As of right now, the plans to support 6th grade per the funding guidelines, in that the hub is open on september 17 and will last longs the Distance Learning is in place. Weve been identified as the learning hub for Treasure Island which is a very big deal. Were working with other Island Partners so families can get placed. Were participating in weekly meetings to ensure were advocating for the needs for the Treasure Island community. We have started to set up families to prepare the supports weve started the facilities to prepare as many cohorts as possible. Currently were serving three cohorts, which is up to 36 kids, but with the space in the gym and knowing that the facilities wont be opening soon, we are going to see what else we can do to serve as many youth as possible within the building. Were working to figure out, as bob mentioned earlier, we talked about supporting a noncohort, because theyre only going up to 6th grade and we want to do support for the 7th and 8th grade as long as the Health Ordinance allows us to. We need to make sure everything stays safe as possible. Then were also working with other cbos on the island, like Treasure Island Sailing Center to see how we can partner to continue to supply support. And provide additional activities so the youth are getting a Holistic Program as possible. In the meantime, we are because this learning hub dont start until september 17 september 14, were starting another popup cohort that will start on monday. Within that program we have were going to do three cohorts and as long as we have staff and can place the children in the facility, well continue to build it out. But were working within the current setup right now, were doing a Morning Program that will support Distance Learning assigned by the School District and also provide academic support to help those underperforming in math and literacy. In the afternoon, well incorporate physical and enrichment activities, so rangers and things like that to keep the kids engaged and happy as much as possible. Were working with families to ensure were creating schedules to meet the needs. Because everyone might have have different schedules and needs on google classroom. So were taking that information from the families so on monday they can start their school year as strong as possible. Thats what is going on with the learning hub. Outside of the current learning hubs, other things were going to offer at the y to support all these as many youth on the island is possible, were also going to have online and inperson tutoring and academic supports for those not in the hub and those in the hub. The hub is being communicated as a drop in when its beneficial to the family. Were going to work with that and try to figure out how to serve the other youth. Were not going to be able to have all 300 kids in the program on the island, but serve them in as many ways as possible. Were going to do Leadership Program for the middle schoolers. We had a Pilot Program in the summer that was magnificent and were going to implement that and keep them engaged. And maybe with Community Service work around the island. We have plans for enrichment, like i said physical and arts and crafts enrichment for the most part. Other types of things, Healthy Eating and physical activity. Which is one of the y programs. And life skill workshops as well as working with our families to get see what kind of information they need and what they want. What kind of supports they can benefit from during this social Distance Learning plan that we currently are working with. For the most part, that is a summary of what is going on in the Community Learning hub. Like i said, were actively working twice a week to really hammer this out. As more information comes, i deliver it to our weekly our biweekly Partnership Meeting and put it out as much as possible so the community is in the know. In order to participate in the learning hub, the families absolutely must register with dcyf. Any other learning supports and things that are being offered, they can contact me. They can also reach out to me if they have other inquiries. Other than that, any questions . President tsen great. Thank you. Just to let you know what youre doing with the learning hub is so important. And we really appreciate what the y, with the Community Learning hubs, what youre doing for Treasure Island. Thank you. President tsen i have a few questions. First of all, how many children can you accommodate . At the hub . Well, the hubs will be based on pods. So it will be no more than 12 kids in a pod with two teachers. Additional support and tutors coming in. We currently have it set up right now, we have actually three Youth Program rooms, but the gym is massive. We have the studios that were not using that we can convert into pods as well. And then we have already started to extend out the equipment from the two rooms onto the floor. So those can potentially be pod space as well. Were hoping that if everything works out with the space, maybe 100 . But that depends. But thats something were looking into with the space and measuring. The gym is huge, so we have space to serve the kids. President tsen excellent. What sort of safety protocols will you be using . Will the children and tutors and teachers be Wearing Masks . So currently right now, the ymca, we are already doing popups around the city. And we have covid guideline training. We follow already the requirements. We do currently in our current popups, every adult wears a mask at all times. We have masks for the youth as well because its recommended that youth, as long as they can, two years, three years and up, they should be wearing a mask. So the kids wear a mask all the time. We went from a model having a lot of community desks, so when we opened up the popup on june 15, we bought individual desks. So everything is marked out with space. We have about 35 books and the district is offering us more chrome books and theyll have a device. Every hour we have to do a san station cleaning. If its a transition to lets say they moved from the gym to the back to the classroom pod, we have to wipe down after every youth. And then every hour were also going cleaning and wiping down the youth areas. So we follow all the guidelines provided and then we actively train our staff and ensure before anyone comes into the building, they have to get a temperature check. So we have to follow all those guidelines. Excellent. Thats really great. Youre such a helpful working parent and then to provide access to the technology for those who dont have it. Its such an important facility. So good work. Do any other directors have questions or comments . Ye yes . Your hub is really a lifesaver. If youre been listening to the conversations the commission had earlier, that we even with Distance Learning, we know the kids are not going back to school soon. So they need a safe place where they have an alternative for learning. The question that i want to have here and it has to do with capacity. And also to getting the fact that weve been having sporadic outages which hopefully will be resolved january, 2021, but its still a few months away. So i presume that youll have the capacity now if there is an outage on the island, that youll be able to go to the ymca and youll have all these Internet Technology and equipment and everything in there. And you also have i presume you have [inaudible] while they are there. If you can help us here. The reason for the capacity here. If we need to capacity, it might be time right now to even look at that. Because that space that you have and you might be able to, might be the solution were looking at to maximize how the capacity and the programs. One of the things at the last meeting and all were impressed with your presentation. Every now and then there is a discussion regarding equity and inclusion. We know that tida, were not only meeting but exceeding. And we know that the supervisors have been earmarking a lot of resources. So the residents are even mainland San Francisco has this Robust Program and initiatives that are taking place right now. I think that the burden is on everyone to try to document, because when you came out the last time and you make all the presentation, after i got up to the television, people were talking, my god, i didnt know you had all these programs on Treasure Island. And i said, yes, we do, we do. Again, my advocacy to make sure that all these programs are well known, well documented and we speak about them. Listen, we need to speak about them. If you need to be here for a meeting until it finally resonates and people know, i dont mind about that. I just want to get your feedback here, how you can help us, because were going to be producing a report, just to let people know one Treasure Island is offering and what youre offering and all these wonderful programs out here, recreation. So we can present them and to San Francisco and let them know how hard youre working here and all the other communitybased organizations. So please help us. So i would love to get any Board Meeting and speak about any program that we have offered in any other capacity you would like me to speak. Im more than happy to do so. It doesnt necessarily have to be on this platform. Any time we can get the word out about what were offering, we love to do so. We currently work with tida to get information up on next door to get it out to the community. We have email addresses that we blast out. And we have the remind app that we work with the community. We have things up on our website and whatever platform i can get this information out to you all, if its a monthly email that you want with flyers and documentation to go to you all to make sure you have everything you need to spread the word. Our team constantly let me rephrase, before covid happened we were going out once a week putting flyers on doors, making calls, letting people know what was going on. Some of those things did slow down, but whatever the Marketing Strategies that our team can come up. I can continue to talk to my supervisor to make sure were not going unrecognized. President tsen thank you. Any other comments from Board Members . Just one quick thing. Just a quick question. Echoing what the others have said. Thank you so much. This is a tremendously difficult time for teachers, parents, children. I think this is an incredible resource. Curious i know you talked about this. I think i just missed it. Around im thinking about the demand and the capacity. Could you remind me on the numbers. Is there a wait list . And how many folks are able to take so we can get a sense of who this is serving and potentially, you know, who is missing just because of lack of capacity really . Well, i know from what i understand from dcyf, there are 6,000 youth across sfusd, which is not going to meet the needs of all the children. So right now theyre specifically focusing on sfusd students as a priority. One of the things were working on at our facility and capacity is doing nondcyf hubs. Thats what weve been talking to bob about and what we can do in our facilities. If its about 300 youth on the island, we can probably fit 100 kids in the space safely, but thats something were still measuring and working through. There is no so usually with a program, they require us to be there for 8 00 to 5 00 or whatever it is. The cool thing about the hubs as it stands right now, it can be a drop in program for when its needed. Some can come in the morning, some the afternoon so we can serve as many youth as possible. The hard part, we dont know how enrollment is going through dcyf. Because theyre 100 managing everything. All the families can do is enroll on this platform and select Treasure Island as the site they want to be. So that part is unclear. But were talking to dcyf about the need of the facility and we want to serve as many as possible. Vice president lai thats great. Thats a good reminding point for the families. Who is doing the Community Engagement on that . Is there an entity there you guys, or bob, whoever, who is letting families know how to sign up for this . Yeah, so every other thursday, we have a Treasure Island partners meeting and these type of for example our next one is this thursday and well have the flyers ready. The ymca has a lot of marketing and they talk about it on the website, but specifically for Treasure Island, we go to the partners meeting and we blast it out through every partner. And then we do flyers on the door and were always calling people within the program and posting on the platforms that i mentioned before. But its hard because dcyf, everything is going through them, but we have to make sure our families are filling out the proper documentation. So its a lot of out community cbos on the island and the partners doing the marketing outreach. Vice president lai that makes sense. Thank you again for your leadership on this. Absolutely. Thank you. President tsen thank you. So hearing no other comments, well open up for Public Comment. Are there any Public Comment . Nobody has raised their hand in the queue. President tsen all right. Then well go on to the next item. Thank you very much. Next item number 9, update on vertical development. Daniel butler from Treasure Island Community Development to give an update on the particularly on subphase 2. President tsen hello. Go ahead. Great. I think i presented about a year ago. Can everyone see my screen . Were not seeing it. I presented about a year ago on a first few projects. Managing all the projects in phase 1. So we wanted to come with an update. But first we just wanted to quickly on behalf of the Infrastructure Team i wanted to share an covid19 impact on the project and the protocols implemented. Outside of a few days at the beginning when we didnt really know what was happening and move forward, we have not really had any impact to the schedule. You know, its been challenging to implement all the new protocols. So i cant say there has been no impact to the project, but there has been no impact to the schedule. Right now were following the health officer. I think its dated july 19. This came from the contractor. But its specifically the exhibit for the large construction project safety protocols. There are plans for each construction site on the island involving the construction site that each contractor has specific protocols they have to follow. So they have face coverings, social distancing as much as possible, daily cleaning and they have protective gear for activities when they cant be social distance because on a construction site sometimes thats challenging. Each contractor has a Safety Compliance officer that is assigned to each job. There is also a safety accountability supervisor that inspects the area. So you saw this before, but this is a rendering looking southeast. And this is stage one in the forefront. This is what it will look like before we have the retail. Heres an aerial view of stage 1. There is work happening on ybi. The development group, my team protocol. [inaudible] all the architects we have. We have a team. We have [inaudible] [naming architects]. The last time i presented i came to you with these buildings. This is the c2 block. Ill do a recap of those projects. Starting with the handout, 265 condo units. And that one has preliminary planning approval. And has been submitted for site permit. We are currently working partners expecting construction targeting probably q1 of 2022. Then well update once we have more on timing. 175 unit rental building. This one also has planning approval. Submitted for site permit. This should Start Construction, i think its about a year. Were talking october of 21. This is 114 condo unit project. And again, planning approval, site permit is in. And this will Start Construction in about a year. So 2021 should be a big year. Again, preliminary planning approval. This one is 248 rental units. In for site permit and starting construction they should all Start Construction between june and october of next year. So that will be a fun hello to coordinating construction. Were thinking through those plans now. Still lining up partners on those. Well update as we have more and get our schedule because we cant move forward until that happens. The two projects im bringing in detail today are the 3. 4 and b1. Highlighting here on the map. So b1 is here behind the admin building. And c3. 4 is over on the three block. This is just to the north. So just to give you a little context of where we are here. These are parcels just to the east. So heres a floor plan. We have our main lobby entrance here on sixth street. We have a secondary lobby street off of city side. Here is a view from city side. This is 160unit with eight inclusionary units. Its five levels of construction over one level of concrete podium. Its got one level belowgrade parking. The context here is these different portals through the west side of the building to allow for views from the east side of the building. So those in the courtyard. And then each one of these can be programmed to amenity space. Were working through those details now. But this would be available to the residents instead of like having a rooftop terrace, we would use the portals for the views. This corner, we would want to take advantage the best views. We think the northwest corner, you know is the best. Its got the glass. The windows work can through the details. We have brick veneer. Metal panels and glass are the materials. Heres the lobby entry off of 6th street. And heres the view from the public way. Working with the Planning Department on activation of the shared public way. Were putting [inaudible] in all of the units along the way. Publicprivate interface. It feels like part of the community. It into the way six feet. This is the building behind the admin building. This is a mixed use site. 100 units rental with six inclusionary units. And some retail, which ill show you pictures of. We have 5500 square feet of retail in this building. Heres the garage entry. And thinks the main lobby this is the main lobby entry. Youll see another view of this. But we have this public easement through the middle of the building. So this is open to the public. And this space is activated for the public. We have retail here. We have retail on the north and south side. We have retail through the easement area. This is where the main lobby entry is. And were working on programming that lobby to feel in that space. Here is the aerial view looking down cove. This is one of the retail spaces here on the ground floor. These residents have terraces. There is two units. So two units have terrace there. We have a rooftop terrace for all of the residents. And then there is another view of this. Its on the left side of the building. Heres clipper cove. This is another the retail space. We have not gotten to a point that were finding partners for the spaces yet, but obviously having conversations. And i found that the last presentation, i really appreciated it. Talking about place making and thinking about reach out components how important that is for the current residents and the future residents. It will be interesting to see those recommendations. This is the breezeway. This is the public area that people can walk through. Were proposing seating area. People can hang out. We have glass walkways connecting the building. And then this is where the lobby would be here on the righthand side. We have retail. And on the left. Looking at this is the garage entry here and then all of these units have this sort of private again im working with planning on what this looks like. But these kind of private areas for the residents on the ground floor. And those are the two projects i wanted to bring you and with planning were working through some of the city comments right now and well resubmit and hopefully have our approval by september. And then we can submit for site permit. So thats our goal for those two. And ideally, we Start Construction, again, at some point next year. Maybe q4 of 2021. President tsen okay. Thank you, danielle, for that report. Certainly youre employing a bevy of really good architects from the bay area. You had quite a few of them all with their particular individual styles and their egos as well, but its a great group of architects that youre working with. My particular interest and concern is really about the interface of the buildings with the public rightofway. And the sometimes lost spaces between the buildings. So what youve done, youve got different blocks where one architect is designing a building. And then the adjacent block, its another architect designing a building. And what i would like to see more of, which i couldnt from this presentation because the drawings are fairly small for my screen, is to understand more about what happens along the street in between the blocks, how are they connected . And if we can have a presentation on that at some point in time, i would really value that. Because from the publics point of view, what you do in the interior buildings, we leave that up to you because you have to know it best. You have to market it. You have to rent the units out. Or you have to sell the units. And we trust that youre going to do the best that you can to attract the residents that you have to attract. But the public side, which is the interface with the street and the sort of spaces between the buildings, that is really important from our point of view. So i would like to hear a presentation and see more visuals about how all these blocks are interconnected. I think probably the landscaping becomes extremely important, because to have the cohesiveness for the neighborhood. And maybe you do that through landscaping. Maybe you do that through paving. Maybe you do that with artwork which demonstrates and differentiates the block. But i would like to hear more about that aspect. So in the future, bob, if we can arrange for a future presentation to the board, i think that would be very important. And then from a financing standpoint, i understand youre going through the planning approvals now. But from a financing standpoint, are you ready to go forward with construction. Has that been arranged. Are you in the process of arranging it . At one time you had investors from abroad. I dont know what i dont think weve got a status report on that. Can you speak to that . Were still working through that process. So we do not have everything lined up yet. As soon as we do, well come back and share all of that with you. Were getting closer. And i think well get there you know the environment is challenging right now. Working through that, im very optimistic that we will get to where we need to Start Construction in a year. Well be able to line it up. And i think we have our partners identified making sure that things keep moving. So well definitely come back when were ready to share that and make sure you get the update on that. And the area in between the buildings, we have the easement that go between all of the buildings on the shared public way. And we are working with definitely the Landscape Architect. We have one building that takes control of that entire easement, so there is not a line down the middle. Each building is handling it differently, that wouldnt work, so thats how we decided to do it. We have a master architect who helps with all of the design and then on top of all of that all those other architects we have, we have master architect. So he helps us with a emg is our master Landscape Architect and theyre involved with the Landscape Architect. I agree its very important and we can absolutely come back and present to you on that. President tsen thank you on that. Its landscaping. Its also security. Its lighting. Yes. President tsen all of that. So i look forward to having that presentation fairly soon. At the last meeting when you presented, we did talk a little bit about the ground floor spaces. The street level spaces. And i know that right now its an extremely difficult time for developers to even be thinking about retail because the nature of retail has certainly changed. But im glad to see that in the building behind the administrative building, youve got that frontage along clipper cove to take advantage of that view of clipper cove. And to have retail on the ground floor so you can foster more pedestrians and people, you know, can i imagine that might be a restaurant or bar area, but im glad that youre programming in those spaces so there are gathering places for people to go. And so id like to also understand how the ground level of all those other blocks, how they are being programmed or what is going to be facilities that are Community Oriented or is it just going to be for the residential the residents who live in that particular building . Of course, i understand you have to have that. There has to be security within the building, but im concerned about the ground floor spaces and again how they relate to the street and whether the public can use some of those spaces as well. Can you talk about that now, danielle . Yeah, i can. At least what we have planned. Again, were still trying to identify partners. We would have to identify them for the retail spaces as well. But right now as an entry public way, in the c2 block, we have a retail let me see if there is a bet view of it we have retail proposed here on the c2 and also the other side, parcel on this corner. So that the corners were envisioning tables. Indoors spaces. Lots of glass. And then there is no retail there is no retail, but we have this here. This project is a little further behind. We havent taken this into planning. But there is a park proposed and mercy will be over here to the north. So we feel that the little retail here. A little retail down here. And then obviously, we have a bigger retail discussion to have about interim and permanent and were talking a lot about that as well. So in terms of what goes into the building, the retail would be here. Again, public way, our goal is to make [inaudible] that all of the buildings were cast with all tasked with that. The public way should be an inviting area. Easement to pass through. Again, working with inviting spaces. President tsen yes. Okay. I dont know who that is on the call . Is that somebody . Kate . Can you figure that out is th this figure that out . No, i just muted them. Thank you very much. Thank you for that. I think that sometimes when youve got drawings and its just youre Going Forward and some of the schematics were done more than a year ago when we didnt know about covid, you need to reassess. Because covid is going to be with us for some time. Its demonstrated how important the open space, the patios are, especially adjacent to the sites of the open spaces so they can be used in the outdoors as well. So i hope youre having those conversations on your team to see if there needs to be adjustments to your building plans. Yes. Absolutely. All of that is currently up for discussion an were working through it. Its early to see how everything is going to shake out, but hopefully, by the time were progressing our design to Start Construction, well have a better idea how this can be handled. Create a outdoor spaces, give a little more space. Then i have one final question and it is the parks. Are they being built simultaneously with the buildings housing . What is the schedule for all that . I dont know the parks schedule off the top of my head. But all of the stage 1 parks will be built in some shape or form. It may not be the very final form when the buildings are complete, but the idea is to have i think there is a causeway park. We actually have a park team. Im not on the park team, but i know it because i have to think about the residents experience. So well have something complete at the building one plaza, because this is where the ferry will come. There will be something here, cultural park, i believe that should be in final form. Not 100 sure about that. We may have to use some of it for construction parking and that type of thing. And this part of the park. I believe it just goes down to the area where mercy is right now, but this part of city side park will also be complete. So its all of the stage 1 parks will be complete as stage 1 is complete. President tsen okay. So if with we can get a if we can get a schedule of that for the parks. And how that is coordinated with the buildings themselves as they go up, the housing. Im sure the housing, too, its a great attribute, a marketing attribute for the housing itself. Im sure youll want to have that complete as soon as you can. We havent heard about the culture park and i dont know we know what the final decisions were on that. So we should get a presentation on that fairly soon. Yes. Definitely. Ill definitely bring it to you. President tsen the use of the chapel and what form it would take . Im not sure where it landed. I know there has been a lot of discussions about how the chapel could be used and if its an interim retail space of some kind. It ultimately needs to be communityserving in some way. So i dont know if thats going to be complete with the cultural park and stage one park, or if thats slated for further down the line, but we can come back with a schedule on all of that. President tsen tharlly, my concern is that these public are built right along with the housing. I dont want to fall behind or if financing is not available for that to be forgotten. So we have to make sure that its handinhand as the housing is built. These public spaces and the parks are coming right along. So that piece of information for us. And i hope this coordination between u ayou and the landscap piece. Sure. President tsen i will open it up to the other directors for their comments or questions. So, directors, no other comments . Then well open it up to Public Comment. There is no Public Comment at this time. Nobody has raised their hand. If they want to make Public Comment, hit star 3 and that will raise your hand and put them in the queue. There is no Public Comment. President tsen no Public Comment. Next item, please. Thank you very much, danielle. Thank you. Item number 10, discussion of future agenda items by directors. President tsen are there any other future items that any directors would like to ask for . Other than the ones that we just asked for, bob, on i was taking notes. The public realm, the retail, the park phase. So well plan those for future agendas. President tsen thank you so much. Hearing none sorry, this is ruby. Apologizy if you said this at the top of the meeting, but just wanted to raise for the future agenda items, the conversation around the Racial Equity justice funding that is happening and what Treasure Island potentially, you know, how we can be involved with that . President tsen yes, i believe bob you were can look into the issue of the funding for that and with Treasure Island to get some part of it. Yeah. We have been discussing that internally with one Treasure Island. There are certain initiatives that we have one Treasure Island put forward in the past. For instance, they had a notice of an award or grant for advancing Economic Equity from dcyf, but background is on hold because of the budget problems. So were hoping that perhaps that is one that might be funded, but were also looking at similar programs. Of course, their Construction Training Program is very effective Equity Program as well. There is still a lot of conversation within the city about identifying what these initiatives will be. Obviously, the desire for everyone is that they be impactful. So how to best identify those that will deliver the greatest benefits i

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