Gatheringpeople doing essential work and need to work in close proximity, we need to have that happen. Lets not gather for things that could otherwise be delayed or be done on zoom or in other virtual ways. With regard to specific out breaks, i cant comment on drawing conclusions from the gathering at dolores park except to say thats behavior that were very concerned about it. Our message continue continues o not gather unless absolutely essential. Do not gather out side your immediate household. If you do, wear those face masks and use good hygiene and socially distance when possible. Look, when i walk or drive around the city, we know this is still not happening to the degree it needs to be. We need to hit that 80 mark. Lets go for 90 or one hundred. We need to crush this curve. Thank you. The next set of questions are from the associated press. How have the states problems with cal ready effected San Francisco effective reproductive rate. Its based on the number of hospitalizations. Our data is not part of that calculation. Were confident in our ability to estimate based on the hospitalization rates in the city. How can we be sure cases are going down if there is under reporting by the states system. The number of hospitalled cases are going down in our city. Thats what we base the reproductive rate on. Its on those numbers sm the nu. The number of cases diagnosed with covid 19, that number could change based on the correction from the state. We hope to have tha that tha th. Thank you, doctor. What are the major factors contributing to the numbers leveling off . What wewe cant draw any one action with regard to cause and effect with regard to the decline in the number of cases. I do think a few weeks ago our recognition that we were in the midst of another surge and the reproductive rate was going up rapidly. We worked with comeupit communiy members, key stake holders and people in neighborhoods most effected to work to really get the message out that everyone needed to be aware of this. Access testing. If you were in an area experiencing out breaks to wear those facial coverings and not gather. I hope people heard this and people are doing their part to flatten and hopefully crush the curve. I will say that the reproductive number is just about at one now. We need to see that trend continue so we get much much lower. Im hopeful that we continue to go in the right direction. Thank you, doctor. Have you considered further restrictions or enforcement measuremeasures foreplaysesmea. We need to give people thank you, doctor. The next question comes from sf examiner. Business owners from the small industry and other personal services have been frustrated that they cannot fully reopen even after sanitation guidelines. What is your level of concerns. Right now we are on the state watch list and have been since late july. No further reopenings can happen until were off that watch list and receive updated guidance from the state. And what might be plausible Going Forward. Thank you. Our next question. If the reproductive rate is not below is only based on hospitalization and not positive tests it does not include asymptomatic people. How is that viable. Its an estimate. Its an estimate that we have been working with u c berkeley and u c sf and cal San Francisco researchers with regard to developing a model that takes exactly that into account. Uses the hospitalization number and extrapolates that to the broader population at large to come up with an estimate of the reproductive rate. Its publicly available with regard to what the reproductive rate estimate is. You can dig deeper into that on the website which we can certainly provide to you. Thank you, dr. Colfax. There no further questions at this time. This concludes todays press conference. Thank you madam mayor and dr. Colfax for your time. Emergency, Board Members are participating remotely and participating in the same extent as if they were physically present. Public comment will be available for each item on the agenda. The phone number to use is 14084189388 the access code is 146 402 9414. Then press pound and press pound again. When your item of interest is called, dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. Please wait until the system indicates youve been unmuted and you may begin your comment. You may address the board once per agenda item for two minutes. Item number 1, call to order. [roll call] president tsen here. Director dunlop here. Vice president lai here. Director richardson here. We do have a quorum. President tsen excellent. Before we begin, hello, directors and members of the public. Thank you so much for joining us today. I am sorry that we still to conduct our meetings by teleconferencing. And i ask that everybody be patient as there is a lag time sometimes to hear the Public Comment. But our able secretary kate austin will guide us through the process. I would like to start the meeting with a quote, whose life and words inspired so many of us. He wrote a letter which was published and i quote from that letter. He says, ordinary people with extraordinary visions can redeem the soul of america by getting into what i call good trouble, necessary trouble, building and participating in the democratic process are key. Democracy is not a state. It is not an act. Each generation must do its part to build what we called beloved community, a nation at peace with itself. Thats what were trying to do in Treasure Island is build our community. Before we begin, i would like to report changes on the tida Board Members. Ike kwon is not here today. [inaudible] passed away and our thoughts with you. I send him a message on behalf of the tida board. And sharon will be moving soon to be a commissioner of the sfmta. The nomination has been approved by the rules committee, and sharon, you have been such a insightful and dedicated tida board member. I always appreciated your thoughts and input and i think the sfmta will benefit from your participati participation. Thank you for being here, sharon, we needed your presence for quorum. I guess as a note to the board and to kate, sharon has to leave at 3 00 and i believe that ruby is joining us at 2 00, so hopefully we will be able to through the agenda today in quick order. Okay, so with that, lets open up to the next item. Item number 2, general Public Comment. This items is allow members of the public to address the Treasure IslandDevelopment Authority board on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Authority Board and that do not appear on todays agenda. In addition to general Public Comment, Public Comment will be held during each item on the agenda. Members of the public may address the board for up to two minutes. Are there any callers on the line . Moderator, any callers on the line . I see one person, but they havent raised their hand to speak. Oh. Members of the public, as a reminder, press star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. Nobody has raised their hand yet. Okay, hearing no callers, Public Comment is now closed. President tsen good. Lets go to the next item. Item number 3, report by Treasure Island director. Good afternoon, bob beck on behalf of tida. Reporting we did have two Power Outages this past week, past thursday there was an outage that was a result of a crossarm failure that occurred just after midnight thursday morning and power was restored in three hours. In saturday, there was outage as a result of a bird strike that occurred at 3 a. M. , and was restored. It caused a secondary failure that delayed restoration to that block. The puc has completed the installation of closers that are to reduce the Power Outages resulting from bird strikes and similar problems. But the saturday outage tripped the main switch resulted in an islandwide outage. Puc crews will continue to calibrate the reclosers and the switch to improve the performance Going Forward. But again, that outage on saturday these outages highlight the importance of replacing the main switch which is scheduled for january of 2021. Unfortunately, during thursdays outage, both of our Island Restaurants were burglarized. And Police Reports were taken on those events. On a more positive note, it was featured on the pbs episode of check please bay area. Theyve been involved in providing meal programs to the island. The meal program for island residents in partnership with mercy wrapped up. But the other will continue through august 20. Theyre supported by supervisor haneys office and the sf puc. The food pantry and the San Francisco unified Meals Program will still continue. They will move to the ymca when renovations are completed. Two tida Staff Members are deployed in the Citywide Disaster Service worker roles as part of the covid19 response. In july, Treasure Island completed the most recent cycle of the training program. Course work relied on [inaudible] training with appropriate social distancing practices when inperson required. The next class convenes in october. One Treasure Island, the ymca, and the villages were instrumental in planning our backtoschool efforts this fall. We then have our traditional backtoschool night with the backpack giveaway. However, supplies were gathered for young people on the island and distributed through the Housing Providers to residents on the island. On the construction front, this was an exciting milestone this week as cahill, the contractor for the building mobilized on monday. Also following our meeting last month, new detour along the waterfront was opened and the roadway surfaces on the east side of the causeway were removed. Ticd has begun removing the last surcharge stock piles at the front of Treasure Island. The only area in subphase 2 still requiring geotechnical improvement is the clipper cove roadway alignment. And the contractor has begun installing trains in that area for laboratory compaction work. Meanwhile the compaction work has been completed at the waste water site. And some of the soil removed is being taken to the Waste Water Treatment Plant site with a surcharge to that area. The installation of sewer and storm Water Infrastructure continues throughout the subphase 2 area. On yerba buena island, the framing of the upper of the bristol continues as does the construction of the new reservoirs. Structure one reservoir has been completed and substantial progress has been made on the second. On Treasure Island the work on the facilities continues. The northern break water is 50 complete. And the guide piers for the landing have been installed. Echo bay completed abatement of various ancillary buildings in the subphase 3 area. And demolition of those buildings will commence as soon as the demolition permit is issued. The naval gun, naval deck gun that used to be located next to hangar two was taken to rosy the riveter museum in richmond where it will be placed on the red oak victory. We continue to plan logistics, demolition and relocations for the subphase 3 area, including the timing for utility demolition work. We also received notice this month the navy will need to vacate two existing residential buildings by the end of january, 2021 to facilitate the navys next phase of work on the solid Waste Disposal area west side. Both of these buildings are managed by the Jon Stewart Company and theyve begun the process about replacement units. We recognize that covid with covid19 emergency, this is a difficult time for unanticipated changes, but well work with the households to facilitate these moves in a way that is most convenient for the affected households. Finally, i wanted to report that on august 5th, the port issued a ruling on the court issued a ruling on the motion to dismiss on behalf of the department of tida, the department of justice on behalf of navy and by one Treasure Island. While the motion to dismiss were not upheld, the plaintiffs were directed to that they needed to file an amended complaint by september 9, with the advice to focus and clarify their allegations and claims and ensure they can state factual allegations against each named defendant. So we will await that amended filing and respond appropriately. That concludes my report. President tsen thank you. So any questions . Or comments . Yes . Yes. I have just a statement. Can you hear me . President tsen yes. Okay. Yes. Im going to make just a quick comment on the bird or the Power Outages. I guess my concern right now has to do with the, you know, for the kids on the island. We have Distance Learning, so we know this is a recurring problem, but we know also the permanent fix as you had mentioned is slated for january 2021, which is just a couple of months away and the way that things are going, you know, with the covid19, it might be that so how do we i know we talked about this before. How do we rectify a Distance Learning priority issue now . Can you hear me . Yeah, sorry. I was on mute. I was just unmuting. Yeah, so the reclosures that were installed by the puc were expended to help avoid or minimize the impact of things like the bird strike. Unfortunately, as i mentioned, the outage on saturday did cause an islandwide outage and puc staff are attempting to increase the speed with which the reclosure would open and decrease the speed which the main switch would trip. So that hopefully, the recloser will work more effectively next time. So were continuing to, you know, try to the puc is continuing to try to calibrate the devices that have been installed to be more effective in avoiding or minimizing the scope of outages. But the replacement of the main switch gear is going to be key to more lasting improvements to the system. That equipment is on order by the puc and should be delivered in october. And the contractors is working to make sure that the site is ready for to receive that equipment when it arrives. Great. President tsen any other comments by Board Members . I believe director lai . Vice president lai yes. Thank you. Actually similar line of discussion here. So i actually saw this comments this was online about the Power Outages being scheduled, but it sounds like director beck, youre saying these outages were unintended from some work that was being done on the island . Is that correct . We did have some intended outages in early july when the reclosers were installed. We did have an announced outage last week which was cancelled. That was to replace a piece of equipment, but the puc was able to make that equipment change without shutting the system down. But the oujs we had thursday morning and saturday morning, were unexpected. The one on thursday was a outage on the pole and the one on saturday was bird. Vice president lai so these unintended examples of Power Outages, did the generators kick in . Were they able to do that quickly . Again, the on island generators we have are only affected when the result of the outage is an interruption of the supply from oakland to the island. Vice president lai i see. When there is essentially a short within the system, the generators would need to send power over that same line where the short exists, so the generators arent effective in supplying the island when there is a problem within the Distribution Network on the island. Vice president lai so, yeah, i didnt actually understand that. So thank you for clarifying. This definitely does lead me to concerns around, you know, how can we plan for potential, again, within that work interruption of service as school is about to begin and everyone is still doing Distance Learning. Is there interim backup generator system we can have for the ymca, or any learning hub . Sorry if im commenting on an item for later on. Maybe ill save that for later, but maybe we need to think about the backup plan to support the students needs. Its Super Critical they have access to internet and electricity. I mean for the whole island, too, but definitely for students as well. And then if you can just maybe quickly remind us and the public as to why we cannot, or are unable to move up the next step of the switch gear improvements from january to a more maybe immediate time line . Thank you. Ill take those questions in reverse order. The site where the new switch gear is going to be installed just completed its geotechnical improvement, so the developer is in the process of removing the surcharge from that site, so we can now begin the simple improvements of the site. The construction of the pads on which the equipment will be installed. And as i mentioned earlier, that equipment is its built to order. Its not on the shelf equipment. So that equipment is being fbry indicated and fabricated and will be delivered in mid october. And then its the process of installing equipment, pulling the wires and so forth to energize it. So thats the schedule that were on. In terms of the we will be talking later that the ymca has been designated as a learning hub for this coming fall and we have taken the measurements to determine what size generator would be required to power the ymca in the event of an extended outage. That is an option we can explore to make sure those students have power during an extended outage. Ym president tsen okaca president tsen okay. Yes, supervisor haney . Supervisor haney part of what i was going to ask was answered, but anything else you can share about the conversation about the Community Learning hub and