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Question. You can assume that once the building is developed, is becomes the responsibility of h. S. H. In that way. Supervisor haney h. S. H. Is tracking and managing vacancies and placements for these mocd portfolio buildings as well . Last thing just for h. S. H. , just so im clear on next steps. We talked about determining common language to use around vacancies. One system, the advisory group. Are there other key next steps that you sort of at a high level, to address this in the next three to six months . What sort of the immediate next steps that you would say . I think you got most of them supervisor haney. In the immediate shortterm, we have a plan related to the hotel and those who already been assessed to do what we know doesnt fix the problem but can drive down vacancy rapidly. We need to fill these units quickly as possible. We have more people we can work with to become housing ready. Other things continuing the new Leadership Teams connection with our Housing Providers to understand things like the language differences are they just language differences, are they more substantive. We want to make sure that we have transparency in our offline vacancy tracker to get that correct with our provider partner so we can all share in the mutual transparency that will ultimately allow. Im curious in the cost impact of offline. Like we have 5 vacancy rate, what is the Financial Impact for the city. I think its relatively small but thats a question that i really you flagging. We need to track down. One system improving the stopgap measure, continuing the progress that i really appreciate them acknowledging on the way which we communicate and collaborate which is recent governance of the one system. Which people from those groups are on that committee that will help us feed the governance of the one system. Then just working as fast as we can through the tools we relaunched. Like the resolution conferences to rapidly fill things now while we continue to look to the systems. Supervisor haney i appreciate that. All of the next steps that you laid out there. Just quick question for the Housing Authority what is the actual versus desire timeline as you see it now involved with the Housing Authority placement process . Generally it takes probably 30 it might take up to six weeks sometimes eight maybe. My goal really in talking with my team, can we get below 30 days. Because it is so critical to families and individuals into their space. As i continue to work in this fiscal year, my goal is to figure out what can we do differently to really assist in the process. How can we through our meetings, we do it quite well with veteran affairs, with h. S. H. And some of our coordinated entry programs. As a matter of fact, to begin to shore up how quick were getting individuals i really like to see it done in three weeks. Im not sure if thats possible. My goal is again, to get it under 30 days. It is a long time 30 days. However, there are requirements by hud in terming terms of how individuals are noticed for being considered for vacant unit. If you recall in my presentation, i said that anyone may apply when we have an open wait list. I said it that way, because there are no specific parameters set for actually applying. That eligibility screening does not kick in until someone is ready, potentially eligible to go into a vacant unit. Because of that, it can also drag out the timeline. There are places where we are in the process, we can do better. I will come back to you with a better answer. Supervisor haney i appreciate that. I appreciate the goals to do it as quickly as possible and support you in that. Obviously these placements are critical and the longer we get backed up, the more people who are without safe and secure housing, which is what we want everyone to have access to. [please stand by] 146415, 4487. And press the pound twice and star, 3, to enter the queue to speak. Please connect us to our first speaker. indiscernible . Clerk caller, are you there . Caller yes, this is sarah short, with Community Housing partnership. And were a Supportive Housing provider. Mostly in the tenderloin. We house formerly Homeless People. So were trying to get people off of the streets and into our housing. Unfortunately, we have had close to 80 vacant units for approximately a sixmonth period. And so weve experienced all that our folks from the Supportive Housing network spoke of in their presentation where we are trying to do our best to house people during this housing crisis during this pandemic and, obviously, people with that. And were unable to fill these units. So we support the proposals by the Supportive Housing network providers. We think that there needs to be far more transparency from them and that the Housing Authority in terms of tracking, in terms of sharing with us information about the process, we think that there needs to be ongoing coordination and communication with the Housing Providers such as us so that we can troubleshoot, so that we can have these conversations in realtime about why these moveins are not happening. We i think have a lot of valuable information about that and what, you know, is going wrong with the process. And we need individual assistance for the applicants themselves so that they can navigate, you know, through this bureaucratic system and hopefully make things smoother that way. Just to remind people of the context we have swelling numbers of Homeless People on the streets living in tents during a pandemic. And it is just absolutely egregious that we have a situation where there are so many vacant units and Supportive Housing the very type of housing that is meant to serve that population. And we, you know, talk to other Housing Providers and we are having conversations with the Supportive Housing networks. Clerk thank you for your comments, sarah short. Can we be connected to the next caller, please. Caller so, supervisors, let me state very clearly that you keep on having the same type of discussion. You had them before the pandemic and youre having it now. You need a centralized system where all of the information goes in one place. The quickest way to help everybody is to have case managers with wrap around services. That you have heard the lady say before. The people who live in the tents, they dont want to hear about some grand talk. Somebody has to fill out the application, somebody has to get them ready, and somebody has to put them where they belong. So we have aaron peskin, and the thousands of s. R. O. S, s. R. O. S should not exist. People living in s. R. O. S in San Francisco live like animals. Now, about this this vacant housing and all of these units and hotels. And the ones that are paid by fema fema is not going to pay the city if you dont abide by their rules. Fema has a checklist, why dont we have a checklist . Why do we give someone six months, one year on the waiting list . Fema is not going to pay this city. Theyre going to be in debt problems soon. When we think that well hoodwink fema but you wont hoodwink fema. And some of the supervisors who are not doing their duty. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments, mr. Decosta. The next caller, please. Caller hello i am the director of the chronic homelessness indiscernible my comment would be that sometimes indiscernible and providers work hard to address the problem and there are significant problems. So i have often been a harsh critic of the citys homelessness policies and even the department. I think that weve made significant progress on this issue but i think that its also important to do a couple things as we do the ongoing analysis. Firstfu of all, the vacancy rat. I would continue to measure those things differently. indiscernible particularly on the amount of time that it takes from their pending status to actually move in. And then vacancy, obviously, could be indiscernible . But i think if you separate it out you have about in the data presented today about a 4 vacancy rate. And i would just be careful not to try to take that vacancy rate below 2 or 3 . 2 or 3 , i was in an Affordable Housing development for 25 years before taking this job and you do want some vacancy rates in the system. Because its important for there to be turnover in projects. And its important for there to be thoughtfulness in the projects. So you dont want to you dont want to get to zero on vacancy. So i think that theres been significant progress. I think that theres some ways to go, but actually not very far. And, again, i would encourage us to just a 2 or 3 vacancy rate as the total that you want to see and get to. Heres what i will say thank you. Clerk thank you very much for your comments, chris block. The next caller, please. Mr. Chair, that completes the queue. Thank you, operations. Hearing no fathe further callerc comment is closed. Thank you, supervisor haney, for calling and organizing this really important hearing. Yeah and welcome back, vice chair peskin. You guys have any final remarks . I just i had heard that they wanted to weigh in on one more piece of this. And then we can close the hearing. Okay, a report indiscernible and it would be great to have some ongoing feedback process provided, not all just individual agencies. Because many of us are having the same struggles in trying to work closely with the Housing Authority, whether that is leasing vacant units or having other Financial Issues addressed through the Housing Authority. This is a new process, this is a new entity at the Housing Authority, that would be very helpful. We have established and have already had that conversation and more fully, and it would be great to have that partnership with the Housing Authority on a regular basis. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor that would be great. And i appreciate all of the folks who have called in and all of the presenters and all of the departments and the Housing Providers. I agree with the last caller who said that we should be setting the goal to 2 or 3 vacancy rate and that we should be streamlining these processes. I know that theres a lot of moving parts to this and there has been some progress. I would say that im happy with some of the progress and im thinking that the vacancy rate remains far too high and that the differences and th the understanding of what is happening are different between the Service Providers and the department. So a lot of what we wanted to do here is to unearth that, which i think that we have done, but i hope that the next time that we have this conversation that well see more progress on the numbers and a greater sense of the collaboration and the shared understanding of how the systems work. And what the numbers that we should be looking at are. So thank you again, chair mar, for having us to have this hearing here. And something that im committed to continuing to work on, it will help us all. As was said, when you have people on the street who are on the sidewalks and the tenderloin and south of market, in my district, or who are waiting now in hotels or waiting, you know, in navigation centers, we want to get those folks into housing as quickly as possible. Because that also opens up another spot for somebody to get off of the streets. And that saves lives normally, but it definitely, absolutely saves lives during this pandemic. So i appreciate the urgency and the commitment to it from everyone involved. Thank you, supervisor haney. So in closing this very informative and important hearing, what is your interest, would you like to file the hearing or continue it . I would like to continue it to the call of the chair. On that motion, mr. Clerk, can you please call roll. Clerk on the motion that this be continued to the call of the chair. [roll call] mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Great, thank you. Mr. Clerk, can you please call item 8 through 30, im sorry for closed session. Clerk agenda items 8 through 30 are settling lawsuits and litigated claims against the city and county. Members of the public who wish to provide comment on these items should call the Public Comment number, it is 41565500001, and enter the i. D. Of 146, 415, 7487, and press the pound symbol twice to connect to the meeting. And then press the star key followed by the number 3 to enter the queue to speak. The prompt will indicate that you have raised your hand and wait until the system indicates that you are unmuted and you may begin your comments. Mr. Chair . Thank you, mr. Clerk. Why dont we open it up to Public Comment before closed session. Are there any callers on the line . Clerk can you let through any callers on the line for the litigation agenda . Mr. Chair, there are no callers in the queue. Thank you. Hearing no callers, Public Comment is closed. And so why dont we move to closed session on items 8 to 30. Clerk on the motion that the litigation agenda to be considered in closed session, vicechair peskin. Peskin, aye. Member haney. Haney, aye. Chair mar. Mar, aye. Mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Thank you. We will now convene the meeting will come to order. We welcome to the thursday, august 20 meeting of the government audit and oversight committee. Im gordon mar, the chairman of this committee. Joining me is supervisor aaron peskin and matt haney. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes. Thank you, mr. Chair. In order to protect city employees, the board, and the public during the covid19 emergency, city hall and the board room is closed. Committee members will participate remotely in the conference to the extent as if they were physically present. Sfgov is streaming the public calling number at this time across the screen. Your opportunity to provide Public Comment is available by call 4156550001. Once prompted, enter the meeting i. D. For todays meeting, 1461470836. You will then dial the pound symbol twice to be connected to the meeting. When you hear the discussions, your line will be muted and in a listening mode. When you hear your item, press starthree and wait until the symptom indicates you are unmuted system indicates you are unmuted before you begin your comments. Speak slowly and clearly, and make sure that volume is turned down on all your devices. Alternatively, i invite you to submit your Public Comments could you please call item 1. Clerk item 1 is an emergency ordinance to temporarily protect workers from adverse action if they test positive for covid19, are isolating or quarantining or have previously isolated or quarantined, due to covid19 symptoms or exposure, and to protect applicants from discrimination if they test positive for covid19, are isolating or quarantining or have previously item owe lated or quarantined, due to covid19 symptoms or exposure. If this is your item of interest, now would be the time to dial starthree. Mr. Chair . Supervisor mar thank you, mr. Clerk. Id like to welcome paul monge, whos a legislative aide for supervisor ronen, to present on this item. We also have regina dickendrizzi, chairman of the Small Business commission, to answer questions if needed. Hi, supervisors. Im here to speak on the s. A. F. E. R. Act, which stands for safeguards against employee firings or restrictions. Here in San Francisco, widespread testing has been critical to the citys response to the pandemic, but our opportunity to offer widespread testing to the city prevents further transmission of the virus. Unfortunately, for some of our residents, a lack of adequate covid protections created barriers from accessing this testing. While a covid positive worker whos quarantining cannot legally be fired or be forced to use unpaid leave, wosome workers are still vulnerable at being fired just because theyre quarantining. The s. A. F. O. R. Makes it illegal to demote, suspend, or reduce benefits or in any manner discriminate against an employee whos off work because theyre quarantining because of covid19. What really motivated supervisor ronen to introduce this ordinance was a recent study of residents living in the mission, and that study was illuminating and revealing the fear of losing ones employment really discouraged a number of workers from taking care of themselves or feeling force today go to work in the first place. [inaudible] who have no alternative access to income during the period of quarantining. So by expanding employment protections for workers who test positive for covid or quarantining, this ensures that workers can confidently pursue income without losing income or the risk of losing employment. Were hopeful that this legislation will empower citizens to get tested. Lastly, we would [inaudible] capacities and understanding of this legislation, as well as with Worker Rights organizations and the office of labor standards and enforcement themselves. So just to quickly highlight those four amendments, which you all should have, the first is amending sections three of this legislation, which provides a more precise definition of an independent contractor who would be protected under the provisions of this legislation, and it does so by creating a clear threshold to this. Second was 4c, and that is an adverse action taken against an employee was established by a separate independent basis, which could be a workers performance or misconduct. The next would be adding section 4d as a replacement to 5a, allowing employers to require workers to identify the general basis for their absence or inability to work, but it wouldnt go as far as having an employee to provide medical Health Records providing the status of their Health Regarding covid, protecting their health privacy. And last, adding section 4d as a replacement to 5a, affording the affording the department the ability to act upon a potential violation while the due course of an investigation is still ongoing, which means its a little bit longer. It would support a worker being reinstated in the interim period until that incident is fully conducted. So those are the four amendments that we would like to bring forward in partnership with the sponsors here today, and im here to answer any questions. Chair mar thank you, mr. Monge, for your work on this extremely important ordinance to protect workers rights and especially the rights of essential frontline essential workers and particularly low wage workers in these really challenging times right now. So and i think this is just another example of really important legislation that as a board have worked on and moved forward to support workers and support workers rights during the health and economic crisis. And even on for this committees agenda, you know, items 2 and 4 are zoo examples of that, as well. So thanks again, mr. Monge, and supervisor ronen, for all of your work on this, as well as the workers rights organizations on moving this item forward. Im proud to cosponsor it and support it. Colleagues, do you have any questions . Supervisor peskin mr. Chair, i have read the amendments and support those, and thank you, mr. Carroll, for sending those around earlier this morning. Chair mar supervisor haney . Supervisor haney thank you, chair mar. And i agree, this is such a critical protection act. I was out at one of our testing sites a few weeks ago, or maybe its been a couple months ago now. And i was out there with a couple of people out there to be tested, and they were terrified if it came back positive, they would be required when they were forced to quarantine, and they walked away. So this is why i think weve had some challenges in addressing the spread of covid among some of our workers because they dont have access to basic protections in some cases. And so this, along with the p. P. O. Laws and the sick leave laws that youve let on, chair mar, i think is critical to protect our workers and also to protect everyone from the spread of covid in our city. So im not sure that im on as a cosponsor, but i would love to be added on as a cosponsor, and thank you, supervisor mar and mr. Monge, for your leadership. Chair mar okay. Why dont we go to Public Comment . Mr. Clerk, are there any callers on the line . Clerk thank you, mr. Chair. Well see if there are any callers on the line. For those who have already connected to our meeting via phone, please press starthree if you wish to be entered into the queue to speak on this line. For those of you in the queue, wait until you are prompted, and then begin speaking. For those watching through online or on cable channel 74, call 4156550001. Enter todays meeting i. D. , which is 1461870436. Press pound twice, and then starthree to be entered into the queue to speak. First speaker, please. Hi. My name is tyler and i attend city college, and im a courier for doordash. Youd be surprised how many customers request no Contact Delivery and open the door and hope up any way. Its very important for my safety and the safety of all of those people that im in contact with that i would be able to be tested for covid19 if im concerned is that i may be exposed. Please ensure that this ordinance is unambiguous about protection for gig economy workers, and it sounds like one of those amendments maybe is doing that, so that is great to hear, but i havent actually seen the amendments yet, and, you know, i just want to say, you know, that these companies will do everything to say that oh, were not employees, youre just independent contractors, try to claim the law does not apply to them, so try to make the law as unambiguous as possible. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments, tyler. Could we have the next speaker, please. My name is john wong, and i currently live in the city of oakland, but i do gig work on doordash in the city and county of San Francisco. You know, as a carrier, like tyler said, i also come in contact, you know, with multiple different customers and restaurant workers every day, so there is a high level of risk, and, you know, its i try to get tested, you know, for covid19 fairly regularly, you know, you know, especially when im concerned that i might have been infected, and, you know, hopefully, i can stay home if i test positive without worrying that my account has been deactivated. But from what ive heard from other gig workers that are organizing say that they have been deactivated if they test positive for covid19. We as gig workers are denied the most basic of safety nets, and we just want to ensure that all of us workers, regardless of whether we are w2 employees or misclassified independent employees, that we get the protections that we need. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments, mr. Wong. Operations, could you connect us to the next caller, please. Operator that was the last caller. Chair mar thank you so much, clerk and operations. Hearing no further callers, Public Comment is closed. You know, actually, i did just want to respond to the two Public Commenters who are dig workers and drivers, and to your points, and just reemphasize, per mr. Monges presentation, one of the amendments that was introduced does establish the definition of a worker that does provide at least two days of labor, and the prior definition does not establish any threshold for independent contractors, so the 16hour threshold provides greater clarity for enforcement of the legislation. Thank you for your comments, and yeah, would just like to move that we adopt the amendments as presented by mr. Monge on behalf of supervisor ronen. Mr. Clerk, can you please call roll. Clerk on the motion to amend as offered by chair mar [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, there are l three ayes. Chair mar thank you, mr. Clerk. And then, i would like to move that we move this forward with a positive recommendation. Clerk on the motion to move this forward to the full board with a positive recommendation [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Chair mar thank you, mr. Clerk. Can you please call item number 2 . Clerk yes. Agenda item number 2 is reenactment of an emergency ordinance, that being ordinance number 7420 and also ordinance number 11020, to temporarily require grocery store, drugstore, restaurant, and ondemand Delivery Service employers to provide health and scheduling protections to employees during the Public Health emergency related to covid19. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call the Public Comment number, 4156550001. Enter the meeting i. D. For today, which is 1461870436. Press pound twice, and starthree to enter the queue. Finally, mr. Chair, im in receipt of your memo to agendize this item to entertain a motion to refer this item to the full board as a Committee Report for consideration. Chair mar supervisor haney . Supervisor haney yes. If youll recall, this emergency ordinance took effect on may 1 and was already renewed once before but will expire on august 31. This legislation strengthens Worker Protections that are covered by the Health Officers office by giving workers an additional level of protection by giving them the right to file a complaint with olse and ondemand delivery must be reimbursed for purchasing masks, hand sanitizers, or other supplies. It requires that drivers and shoppers offer the option of noContact Delivery. It requires an employers providing [inaudible]. Supervisor haney obviously, we are still very much in this state of emergency under this pandemic and protecting our workers that weve seen under some of the spikes have been put at risk, and some of the cases have been connected to workers being unsafe at the workplace. So this will help with that, and i hope for Even Stronger enforcement and outreach to workers to know that these protections and these rights exist, and i want to thank the Committee Members for their support and sponsorship on this ordinance. Chair mar thank you, supervisor haney, for all of your work on protections for workers during the health crisis. Why dont we go to Public Comment on this item . Clerk yes, mr. Chair, the moderator will check if there are speakers in the queue. For those who have already connected to our meeting via phone, please press starthree to be moved to the queue to speak on this item. For those of you already in the queue, stand by for the prompt, indicating that your line has been unmuted and providing Public Comment. For those of you that would like to call in, call 4156550001. Enter the meeting i. D. , press pound twice, and then starthree to enter the queue to speak. Could we get the first caller, please. Hi. This is tyler again. I wasnt planning to speak on this item, but since it was on the same agenda, i just wanted to call in and mention the way that the Gig Companies have interpreted this. On doordash, if you work in San Francisco, you now get, i believe its. 78 extra per day, and that is their way to complying with this. Thats about 3 or 4 a week, and i dont know that thats enough to comply with the risk of masks and sanitizer and wipes to wipe down your car. I dont know if it makes sense to amend this or anything like that, but it might be good to clarify how much that reimbursement should be, and i think you mentioned something about outreach to workers. I think that would be important to let people now how they can take advantage of this and how they can file a complaint if they feel like theyre not being reimbursed enough. Clerk thank you very much again, tyler. Could we connected to the we be connected to the next caller, please . Operator that was the last caller. Chair mar great. Seeing no more callers, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor haney . Supervisor haney one, thank you for bringing it up to the Public Commenter, tyler. Additionally, we heard from some of these companies that it didnt apply to them at all, which obviously it does, and the way theyre complying with it is obviously subject to enforcement and regulation, so i would theres a hotline where you can call to report this, and its one of the reasons why enforcement is so critical here. They obviously have to actually reimburse the cost of or a o were explicit about this in the ordinance the cost of gloves, wipes, masks, and hand sanitizers. Chair mar thank you for that clarification, supervisor haney. So yeah, why dont we we move this forward . I would move that make a motion that we move this item forward to the full board with a positive recommendation as a Committee Report for the august 25 meeting of the board of supervisors. Clerk on the motion offered by chair martha the item be recommended as a Committee Report [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Chair mar thank you, mr. Clerk. Can you please call item number 3 . Clerk jaent item number 3 is a resolution receipt owe actively approving a third amendment to an emergency agreement between the Human Services agency and 1231 Market Street owner l. P. , for the citys continued use of 459 hotel rooms and associated services, increasing the contract amount by 25,618,54, for a total amount not to compete 35,608,542, and extending the booking period for a potential total term of april 8, 2020 through july 1, 2021. Once again, mr. Chair, this item has been agendized by the board of supervisors for consideration on their august 25, 2020 meeting. Chair mar thank you. Mr. Rhorer . Actually, chair mar, ill start this, and director rhorer will come along. I do have a brief Powerpoint Presentation that i would like to share with you and the watching public with your permission. Chairman chairman ye. Chair mar yes, please, thank you. Supervisor peskin and chair mar, i do want to thank director rhorer and mr. Pennick for taking time out of their busy schedules to brief me on that. Thank you. Hopefully, you can see the screen. Chair mar yes. Perfect. Ill quickly walk you through the the original contract, some administrative amendments, and the third amendment, which is the topic of todays discussion. By way of overview, the Wickham Hotel is at 12931 Market Street, with 459 rooms. This is the largest city shelter in place hotel, and the issue that brings us before you today is the city will soon exhaust the 10 million allowed under the charter. Were not able to exceed that Budget Authority without board approval. H. S. A. Is requesting authority to increase the contract sum in order to allow the city to potentially remain at this hotel through the end of the fiscal year, june 2021. However, the contract amendment, which we will walkthrough in a moment, does allow for the contract to be terminated by the city prior to its expiration on 60 days notice should the need not continue. Under the original contract, the term began on april 8 and ran through august 8, 2020. Four months, or 122 nights. The city sent a notice to extend on a monthtomonth basis in july, indicating its desire to extend beyond the august 8 deadline. Again, the total number of rooms at play are 459. The room rate is 99 per night again, h. S. A. Did not want to mingle the covid population with the general population. Budget for linens is 75,000 per month. Budget for food is 750,000 per month, bringing it to 9,675,000, which is just shy of the charter limit. We had two administrative amendments that have taken place since the original term. This was done administratively under the emergency ordinance. The Second Amendment was done in july 2020 to increase the contract amount to 9,990,000, so basically to bring us to just below the maximum to give us some breathing room in order to bring the third amendment to this committee and to the full board. The third amendment, which is the topic of todays conversation, opposes rates, terms, and conditions imposes rates, terms, and conditions to remain the same, except the term is extended to give the city site control until june 30, 2021. Again, we have the ability to terminate with 60 days notice should the contract not need to continue. You can see the breakdown on the next line. Basically, were adding 25 million to the almost 10 million, for a total not to compete 35,608,000. Again, this is a maximum not to exceed. That amount would be reduced if we were to terminate the contract early. This is basically the outline of the key business points that makeup the third amendment. Director rhorer from h. S. A. Is here to answer your questions about the programming and the continued needs for the space, and im happy to answer any questions you might have regarding the contract terms. Chair mar thank you so much, director pennick. I did have a few questions either for you or director rhorer. Actually well, the first question is around the the folks that are being housed at hot hotel whitcomb. Are there stable have the rooms been occupied fully, and has had been a pretty stable population there or has there been a lot of turnover there in the use of this hotel . Ill go ahead and take this. Trent rhorer, Human Services agency, director. So currently, we pulled these numbers a couple of days ago. Of the 459 units at the whitcomb, 359 are occupied with 417 guests, and there are some roommates, which are typically spouses or partners. The reason the 66plus units are offline, 30 of them are actually for staff, so at any given time, we have 22 to 24 site monitor staff plus security, so its, you know, a place where they can be arrested from, from their work. We have 20 rooms that we keep vacant intentionally for a buffer. So if a room comes offline, a toilet breaks, or Something Else where we need to move a guest, we keep that room vacant where we can move that guest. 16 of the rooms are offline for cleaning. Because we hold to the c. D. C. Guidelines, it takes a little longer to clean the room. Its not just house keeping. In terms of the population, i dont have actual turnover number does, but its been numbers, but its been relatively stable. We have 16 offline for cleaning now, which is 3 of the total rooms. Supervisor haney, i believe you spent a little bit of time there as an h. S. W. Supervisor peskin hes not allowed to divulge that. Thats a hipaa violation. There were fits and starts. Its much better now, much smoother. We have our incidents just a couple of days ago. We had a gentleman who had a weapon and was threatening security, but we were able to get that taken care of. We have disaster workers monitoring the situation, as we shifted to hiring workers through a c. B. O. Contract. There, they get better training not better training. They have better use working with the population, and i think thats helped. Chair mar great, thank you, director rhorer, for that, and yeah, thanks for all of your work on this particular hotel, and also to director pennick, and its an extremely part of our good use response to the crisis the whole health crisis. Supervisor haney . Supervisor haney yes, thank you, and thank you, director rhorer. I am definitely familiar with this hotel. This is our largest shelter in place hotel, and now we are extending it potentially through july 1, 2021. Is there a an active transition plan in place for moving folks out of that hotel and how soon is that happening . And are you when somebody has moved out of the housing, leaving that room vacant or are you filling it . How are you thinking about the capacity of the hotel . Thanks for that question, supervisor. So the winding down, i guess well call it, of the shelter in place hotels, were going to begin that in november, and thats going to be led by the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing. The budget thats before the board actually funds a whole host of solutions to ensure that we meet our policy goal, which is to not discharge anyone who weve housed under covid to the streets. So were using the Covid Program as an exit from homelessness, and the mayor has supported that with her budget. So thatll begin around november, and itll look different, depending the needs from the guests. So it could be transition into permanent Supportive Housing, could be transition into a rental subsidy. Could be rental deposit, could be homeward bound, could be reuniting with their family, any solution thats presented in the budget for fiscal year 2021 and beyond. To be honest, supervisor, we are still backfillng, so what im using as an example, 16 off offline for cleaning, as soon as theyre ready to go through the use of the hot team and others, they are ready to go. We are continuing to lease rooms. We signed into contract three hotels totaling 207 rooms, one of which is coming online today, 101 rooms, and then, the other two over the next 1. 5 weeks, and we are looking at the department of real estate who, i must say, have been fantastic partners throughout this process. We are negotiating for the final 75 to 100 rooms, which would bring us to our budgeted count. Supervisor haney thank you. Got it. Okay. That makes sense. Great. This is a great building with a rich history in our city. It was used as a city hall in the aftermath of the earthquake and the fires. Im guessing they dont want to sell it. Have you opened up that conversation with them as part of project homekey . Well, obviously, supervisor, we wouldnt want to discuss any pending real estate transactions in a public forum, but wed be happy to brief you offline. Supervisor haney okay. Fair enough. Thank you. Chair mar why dont we go to the presentation by Fred Brousseau from the budget and legislative Analysts Office . Thank you, chair. Fred brousseau from the budget and legislative Analysts Office. This would retroactively extend the existing agreement to rent 459 rooms from 122 to 449 nights, so an increase of 327 nights. This agreement was originally executed april 8, 2020, for four months, and this amendment would retroactively approve an extension from august 8 of this year through april 7, 2021. The room rates would all remain the same. Theres a contingency of 15 on each room rate. Theres food and linen charges. The contingency rate is fixed, so thats paid, regardless of the occupancy. The food and linen costs are variable. Theyre based on actual occupancy of rooms. The nottoexceed cost is currently 9 million, would increase to 35,608,542, so its an increase of 25,618,542. What is still unknown, of course, the budget for the current fiscal year, fiscal year 2021, has not been adopted, so we dont know how all the costs related to the Emergency Shelter program and covid19 relates services by h. S. A. And others will be appropriated and how the revisions will affect us next year, but some still to be determined by the budget and legislative Analysts Office. Going back to the ordinance adopted by the board of supervisors in april of this year, which required 8,250 rooms or units to be made available for the homeless largely for the Homeless Population, and that expired after two months or excuse me, the rooms were to be obtained by april 26. That did not occur to the extent detailed in the ordinance, but we do have details on the number of rooms that have been procured in the report. Quickly, whats been called active rooms or units, there are 3,003 as of august 10, of which 2,239 were occupied, so an occupancy rate of about 74. 6 . H. S. A. Has reported that they assume about a 90 occupancy rate to account for cleaning, transition of rooms, and some of the things director rhorer mentioned earlier. But the actual occupancy has been we will i the 90 rate to date. So below the 90 rate to date. And also, theres some recreational vehicles and congregate settings included in the mix of units being made available. The cost in fiscal year 1920 are also detailed in our report, and theyre for all the program, not just the 1231 market, and that was 51. 9 million, and again, that was covered by fema reimbursements and is expected to be fully covered when the c. A. R. E. S. Funds are added to the mix, along with some state funding. We do have two recommendations in our report. One is to approve the contract amendment as proposed, but we also recommend that the board require that the agency come back in six weeks to report on progress, identifying and removing barriers to ensuring that more homeless san franciscans are being quickly housed, and that progress is being made in securing additional units, and expediting the process of bringing these units into active service. Thats the summary of my report, and im happy to answer questions. Chair mar thank you very much, mr. Brousseau for how the program would come and also the broader housing program. I dont have any questions. Colleagues, do you have any questions for mr. Brousseau . Supervisor peskin no. I think theyve all been asked and set forth. I have no questions. Chair mar okay. Well, great. Thanks again, everyone. I would move that we send this item to the full board as a Committee Report with positive recommendation. Clerk mr. Chair, we should hear from the public who may have called in for this item before we entertain any motions. Chair mar why dont we go to the public. Thank you for the reminder. Clerk of course. While the moderator is queueing up the first speaker, i will just go through our regular routine another time. For those of you waiting by phone, press starthree to be entered into the queue to speak for the item. For those already in the queue, wait on the line and you will hear a prompt, indicating that your line who has been unmuted. For those watching our meeting via cable channel 78 or streaming online, dial 4156550001. Enter todays meeting i. D. Of 1461870436. Press the pound symbol twice, and then star, followed by three to enter the queue to speak. Miss frias, could you present us with our first speaker. Operator there are no callers in the queue. Chair mar great. Seeing there are no speakers, Public Comment is closed. Mr. Clerk, could you call the roll on the motion to recommend this to the full board of supervisors with a positive recommendation clerk. Clerk on that motion [roll call] clerk thank you, supervisors. You have three ayes. Chair mar mr. Clerk, please call item 4. Clerk item 4 is the reenactment of emergency ordinance, ordinance number 10420, temporarily creating a right to reemployment for certain employees laid off due to the covid19 pandemic if their employer seeks to fill the same position previously held by a laidoff worker or a substantially similar position, as defined. Members of the public who wish to call in, dial 4156550001. Enter the meeting i. D. For todays meeting, which is 1461870436. Press pound, and pound again, and then starthree to be entered into the queue. Chair mar colleagues, this is the board of supervisors passed the original ordinance on a 101 vote back on april 23 to protect the tens of thousands of workers laid off due to covid19. It simply requires employers to offer jobs to workers laid off from the covid19 emergency before offering them to other applicants. Since then, tens of thousands have more have lost their jobs, and our reopening is further delayed by an increase in covid cases. We need this policy to remain in effect. Ive introduced a separate ordinance to codify this separate work of protection going forward, and this work will provide continuity so there are no gaps in coverage between the amended ordinance and the upcoming original ordinance. Many employers intend to bring back their workers, but this makes it a requirement to rehire rather than replace their original employees. Colleagues, i ask for your support of this emergency ordinance. So why dont we if theres no comments or colleaguquestio colleagues, maybe we could go to Public Comment. Clerk yes, thank you, mr. Chair. I will review our routine one more time. Please press starthree to be added to the queue if you wish to speak on this item. For those already on hold in the queue, please wait until youre prompted before you begin. You will hear a prompt indicating your line has been unmuted. For those watching via cable channel 78 or streaming, dial 4156550001, enter 1461870436, pressing the pound symbol twice, and then pressing star, followed by three, to enter the queue to speak. Moderator frias, could you please connect us to the first caller, if there is one . Operator sir, there are no callers at this time. Chair mar great. Thank you, operations. Public comment is closed. So again, id like to move that we send this item to the full board as a Committee Report to the august 25 meeting of the board of supervisors with positive recommendation. Mr. Clerk, can you please call roll. Clerk on the motion that this item be recommended as a Committee Report [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, theres no objection; there are three ayes. Chairm chair mar item 5 was actually scheduled as a special item for 12 noon, so why dont we move ahead to items 6 through 25. Mr. Clerk, can you please call items 6 through 25 for closed session . Clerk items 6 through 25 are to be held in closed session. To enter Public Comment on these items, dial 4156550001. Enter the meeting i. D. , 1461870436, press pound, and pound again, and starthree if you wish to enter the queue to speak. Supervisor mar why dont we go to the Public Comment for the closed session on items 6 through 25. Are there any callers on the line to speak to any of these items . Clerk moderator, could you please let us know if there are any callers to speak to the items on the agenda . Operator there are no callers on the line. Chair mar Public Comment is closed. So on the motion to convene in closed session, mr. Clerk, could you please call roll. Clerk on the motion to convene in closed session [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, there are three ayes. Supervisor mar great. Thank you. So were going to now convene in closed session. Chair mar we are now back. Mr. Clerk, please report on the time away. Clerk thank you. On a motion offered by vice chair peskin, agenda item 6 was recommended by a report to the august 25 board of supervisors meeting, and the balance of the agenda items were continued to the september 3, 2020 g. A. O. Meeting, to be also heard in a future litigation agenda. The motions were approved unanimously. Supervisor peskin mr. Chair, i make a motion not to disclose. Chair mar thank you, supervisor peskin. On the motion to not disclose discussions in closed session, please call the roll. Clerk thank you. On the motion not to disclose discussions in closed session [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, there are two ayes, and member haney is absent. Chair mar thank you. Mr. Clerk, our only remaining item, number 5, is a special order item for 12 00 p. M. , so were going to take a brief recess and reconvene the g. A. O. Committee at 12 00 p. M. Supervisor peskin okay. Mr. Chair, as my staff indicated to your staff earlier today, i do have to speak at a noon event with regard to uber and lyft and will get back to the meeting as quickly as i can. Chair mar supervisor peskin. Thank you. So so now, we shall recess. Clerk well be in recess until 12 noon welcome back to the government audit and oversight committee. I did want to announce that supervisor peskin did not is not joining the meeting right now. But supervisor haney and i are here. Mr. Clerk, can you please call item number 5. Yes. Thank you very much, mr. Chair. Agenda item 5, an ordinance amending the administrative code. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this ordinary should call the Public Comment number, as before, it is still 415 6550001. And for todays meeting i. D. , thats 146180436. Enter the queue to speak. A system prompt will indicate that youve raised your hand. Please wait until the system indicates that you have been unmuted. That will be your opportunity to begin your comments on agenda item number 5. During this Unprecedented Health emergency, we have also been confronteconfronted with an unpd emergency in unemployment, with more workers having lost their jobs and income since the great depression. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, black workers are more likely to be out of a job or lost income or have left the labor market all together. Economic data shows 1 in 6 black workers are out of a job. And the Labor Department reported in early june that the black Unemployment Rate continued to rise, as the overall Unemployment Rate started to tick down. Since the shutdown started in march, nearly 200,000 san franciscans have lost their job or had hours reduced. To put the numbers in perspective, in the 2008 recession, unemployment figures peaked at 45,000. Unfortunately of many of these workers, lowwage workers and people of color, will not be able to return to previous jobs, because their employers have reduced their workforce or shut down entirely. So theres compelling need to invest in education and workforce training in this moment of crisis for so many. This is central to our citys economic recovery. City college provides the most comprehensive offering of vocation callal training, and tuitionfree thanks to the free city program. Our ability to provide quality public education, including the vital training our citys residents need to get back to work in the wake of covid19 is in serious jeopardy. Restructuring at city college, enrollment loss during the accreditation crisis, ongoing chronic underfunding of the city colleges and the new state funding formula has caused the reduction of over 600 College Classes since 2017. This trend is being aggressively worsened by the challenges of covid19 crisis. And without more funding, city college will lose at least 1,000 more classes in the fall 2020 and spring 2021 semesters alone. City college is an essential part of San Franciscos economic recovery. And the highest enrollments the city college has ever had during the 2008 recession. In this new recession, we can expect demand for the support city college provides to spike as san franciscans try to get back to work or get back into the workforce. In order to help them, city College Needs more resources. So through the workforce education and recovery fund, city college will be able to provide tuitionfree job training and professional development, sustain highdemand vocation cavocational programs r lowincome students of color additional supports and Wraparound Services for enrollment, counseling, academic support and job replacement. Investing in education and workers training pays dividends and we have a responsibility to ensure that our economic recovery includes unemployed workers and lifts up our most vulnerable communities, communities that cant afford to be left behind. My cosponsors supervisor haney and supervisors ronen, safai and wallto wall walton and the chancellor and Diana Gonzalez from College Board of trustees, and City College Students and faculty, as well as my legislative aides ellen and levi for all of their work on this ordinance. Finally, i will be making a motion to continue this item until the next g. A. O. Committee meeting on september 3rd, ever after we complete the boards budget process. This will allow time to consider potential amendments for this ordinance and the administration and structure of the fund that may be needed, as a result of the final version of the work Budget Proposal thats currently being considered through the budget process. So, yeah, thanks again supervisor haney, for your cosponsorship and support of this. And i dont know if you have any questions or remarks. Ill save my remarks for when we hear it in a couple weeks. But i just want to thank you for your leadership, chair mar. And huge support of this. I think city college is more essential maybe than ever. I know thats probably been said before. We have so many people out of work right now. And our economy is changing very rapidly here in the city. And having this fund to reinvest in our pathway to jobs and Workforce Development and education is so critical. So ill save further remarks. But im proud to be a cosponsor. Thank you, supervisor haney. Why dont we go to Public Comment, mr. Clerk. Are there any callers on the line . Clerk thank you mr. Chair. Well see if there are caller in the queue. If for those already connected, please press star followed by three to be added to the queue for the item. For those already on hold in the queue, please continue to wait until youre prompted to be begin. For those who are watching our meeting on cable channel 78 or via streaming link at sfgovtv. Org, if you wish to speak on the item, please call in by following the instructions, which should be crawling across the screen at this time. You do that by dialing 415 6550001. Enter todays meeting idea 1461870436. Press the pound symbol twice and then star followed by three to enter the queue to speak. Could you please connect us to our first speaker, if there is one . Sir, there are no callers at this time. Okay, thank you, operations. Public comment is closed. Mr. Clerk, will you please call the roll on the motion to continue this item to the september 3rd g. A. O. Committee meeting. Clerk on the motion offered by chair martha this item be continued to september 3rd Committee Meeting of the government audit and oversight committee, vice chair peskin . Absent. Member haney. Aye. Haney aye. Chair mar . Aye. Clerk there are two ayes. No opposition with member with vice chair peskin absent. Thank you, mr. Clerk. Is there any further business . Clerk that concludes our business for today. Great. We are adjourned. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Im nicole and lindsey, i like the fresh air. When we sign up, its always so gratifying. We want to be here. So im very excite ied to be here today. Your volunteerism is appreciated most definitely. Last year we were able to do 6,000 hours volunteering. Without that we cant survive. Volunteering is really important because we cant do this. Its important to understand and a concept of learning how to take care of this park. We have almost a 160 acres in the district 10 area. Its fun to come out here. We have a park. Its better to take some of the stuff off the fences so people can look at the park. The street, every time, our friends. I think everybody should give back. We are very fortunate. We are successful with the company and its time to give back. Its a great place for us. The weather is nice. No rain. Beautiful San Francisco. Its a great way to be able to have fun and give back and walk away with a great feeling. For more opportunities we have volunteering every single day of the week. Get in touch with the parks and Recreation Center so come. Neighborhood in San Francisco are also diverse and fascist as the people that inhabitable them were in north beach about supervisor peskin will give us a tour and introduce is to what think of i i his favorite district 5 e 3 is in the northwest surrounded by the San Francisco bay the district is the boosting chinatown oar embarcadero financial district Fishermans Wharf exhibit no. North beach Telegraph Hill and part of union square. All of San Francisco districts are remarkable im honored and delighted to represent really whereas with an the most intact district got chinatown, north beach Fishermans Wharf russian hill and knob hill and the northwest waterfront some of the most wealthier and inning e impoverished people in San Francisco obgyn siding it is ethically exists a bunch of tightknit neighborhoods people know he each other by name a wonderful placed physically and socially to be all of the neighborhoods north beach and chinatown the i try to be out in the community as much as and i think, being a the cafe eating at the neighborhood lunch place people come up and talk to you, you never have time alone but really it is fun hi, im one the owners and is ceo of cafe trespassing in north beach many people refer to cafe trees as a the living room of north beach most of the clients are local and living up the hill come and meet with each other just the way the United States been since 1956 opposed by the grandfather a big people person people had people coming since the day we opened. It is of is first place on the west that that exposito 6 years ago but anyone was doing that starbucks exists and it created a really welcoming pot. It is truly a legacy business but more importantly it really at the take care of their community my father from it was formally italy a fisherman and that town very rich in culture and music was a big part of it guitars and sank and combart in the evening that tradition they brought this to the cafe so many characters around here everything has incredible stories by famous folks last week the cafe that paul carr tennessee take care from the Jefferson Starship hung out the cafe are the famous poet Lawrence William getty and jack herb man go hung out. They work worked at a play with the god fathers and photos he had his typewriter i wish i were here back there it theres a lot of moving parts the meeting spot rich in culture and artists and musicians epic people would talk with you and youd getetetetetetetetetett roughly five years, i was working as a high school teacher, and i decided to take my students on a surfing field trip. The light bulb went off in my head, and i realized i could do much more for my students taking them surfing than i could as their classroom teacher, and that is when the idea for the city surf project was born. Working with kids in the ocean that arent familiar with this space is really special because youre dealing with a lot of fear and apprehension but at the same time, a lot of excitement. When i first did it, i was, like, really scared, but then, i did it again, and i liked it. Well get a group of kids who have just never been to the beach, are terrified of the idea, who dont like the beach. Its too cold out, and its those kid that are impossible to get back out of the water at the end of the day. Over the last few years, i think weve had at least 40 of our students participate in the city surf project. Surfing helped me with, like, how to swim. Weve start off with about two to four sessions in the pool before actually going out and surfing. Swimming at the pool just helps us with, like, being, like, comfortable in the water and being calm and not being all not being anxious. So when we started the city surf project, one of the things we did was to say hey, this is the way to earn your p. E. Credits. Just getting kids to go try it was one of our initial challenges for the first year or two. But now that weve been doing it three or four years, we have a group of kids thats consistent, and the word has spread, that its super fun, that you learn about the ocean. Starting in the morning, you know, i get the vehicles ready, and then, i get all the gear together, and then, i drive and go get the kids, and we take them to a local beach. We usually go to linda mar, and then occasionally ocean beach. We once did a special trip. We were in capitola last year, and it was really fun. We get in a circle and group stretch, and we talk about specific safety for the day, and then, we go down to the water. Once we go to the beach, i dont want to go home. I cant change my circumstances at home, but i can change the way i approach them. Our program has definitely been a way for our students to find community and build friends. I dont really talk to friends, so i guess when i started doing city surf, i started to, like, get to know people more than i did before, and people that i didnt think id like, like, ended up being my best friends. Its a group sport the way we do it, and with, like, close camaraderie, but everybodys doing it for themselves. Its great, surfing around, finding new people and making new friendships with people throughout surfing. It can be highly developmental for students to have this time where they can learn a lot about themselves while negotiating the waves. I feel significantly, like, calmer. It definitely helps if im, like, feeling really stressed or, like, feeling really anxious about surfing, and i go surfing, and then, i just feel, like, im going to be okay. It gives them resiliency skills and helps them build selfconfidence. And with that, they can use that in other parts of their lives. I went to bring amy family o the beach and tell them what i did. I saw kids open up in the ocean, and i got to see them connect with other students, and i got to see them fail, you know, and get up and get back on the board and experience success, and really enjoy themselves and make a connection to nature at the same time. For some kids that are, like, resistant to, like, being in a Mentorship Program like this, its they want to surf, and then later, theyll find out that theyve, like, made this community connection. I think they provided level playing fields for kids to be themselves in an open environment. For kids to feel like i can go for it and take a chance that i might not have been willing to do on my own is really special. We go on 150 surf outings a year. Thats yearround programming. Weve seen a tremendous amount of youth face their fears through surfing, and that has translated to growth in other facets of their lives. I just think the biggest thing is, like, that they feel like that they have something that is really cool, that theyre engaged in, and that we, like, care about them and how theyre doing, like, in general. What i like best is they really care about me, like, im not alone, and i have a group of people that i can go to, and, also, surfing is fun. Were creating surfers, and were changing the face of surfing. The feeling is definitely akin to being on a roller coaster. Its definitely faster than i think you expect it to be, but its definitely fun. It leaves you feeling really, really positive about what that kids going to go out and do. I think its really magical almost. At least it was for me. It was really exciting when i caught my first wave. I felt like i was, like it was, like, magical, really. When they catch that first wave, and their first lights up, you know their face lights up, you know you have them hooked. I was on top of the world. Its amazing. I felt like i was on top of the world even though i was probably going two miles an hour. It was, like, the scariest thing id ever done, and i think it was when i got hooked on surfing after i am so looking forward to the street fair tomorrow. It is in the mission, how are we going to get there . We are not driving. Well what do you suggest . There are a lot of great transportation choices in the city and there is one place to find them all, sfnta. Com. Sfmta. Com. It is the walking parking, and riding muni and it is all here in one place. Sitting in front of my computer waiting Transportation Options that is not exactly how i want to spend my saturday night. The new sfmta. Com is mobile friendly, it works great on a tablet, smart phone or a lap top, it is built to go wherever we go. Cool. But, lets just take the same route tomorrow that we always take, okay . It might be much more fun to ride our bikes. I am going to be way too tired to ride all the way home. Okay, how about this, we can ride our bikes there and then we can take muni home and it even shows us how to take the bikes on the bus, so simple right here on my phone. Neat. We can finish making travel plans over dinner, now lets go eat. How about about that organic vegan gluten free rest rft. Cant we go to the food truck. Do you want to walk or take a taxi. There is an alert right here telling us there is heavy traffic in soma. Lets walk there and then take a taxi or muni back. That new website gives us a lot of options. It sure does and we can use it again next weekend when we go to see the giants. There is a new destination section on the website that shows us how to get to at t park. There is a section, and account alerts and information on parking and all kinds of stuff, it is so easy to use that even you can use it. That is smart. Are you giving me a compliment. I think that i am. Wow, thanks. Now you can buy dinner. Sfmta. Com. Access useful information, any thank you. Good morning. I am mayor london breed. Thank you for your patience. Today we have a total number of 9544 cases of those diagnosed in the past six months of covid in San Francisco, with sadly 83 people have died. This is, as i constantly say, a fluid situation. Remember just recently as i reminded folks at the last press conference, of course, one day we were talking about a phased plan. Then the next day we had to make significant changes. More recently we had a level of confusion between state issued guidelines and local guidelines. I want to be clear that we are definitely working and communicating with the state. I just believe that there was a level of confusion as it relates to what we were doing here locally because of our numbers and because of our Public Health officials. What we try to do is provide you the most uptodate, accurate information. It is important that you visit sfgov. Org to find the latest in guidelines. There are certain things that we have repeated over and over again that we are at a point where those are the kinds of things we should automatically do. That includes making sure we wear our masks, social distancing, doing our part because what happens is there are a lot of questions asked of me and so many leaders in the city. The biggest question is when can i open my store, when can my kid go back to school . When can i do this or do that . I understand the desire. I have those same desires, and the only way to get to that place is if we all do our part. Today we want to talk a little bit where the city is, a new phase every opening because of where the city is, but also just reminder that just because this happens doesnt mean that we, unfortunately, cant pull things back if we see a surge. Labor day weekend is coming up. Everybody is thinking, well, this is the time i miss my family. It is six months. Here is an opportunity to get together. That is highly discouraged. Highly discouraged, especially if you want your kids to go back to school sometime soon, you want to visit your elderly parents in the senior home that probably doesnt still allow visitors, if you need to reopen your shop to go back to work. As we approach Labor Day Weekend, it is so important that we remember in those family and friendly gatherings that occur that is where we see through Contact Tracing where the spread happens, where we run into problems. We saw it during the fourth of july weekend there was a spike and during holiday weekends. We understand human nature wants to connect with other people, but we have got to get through this. We have got to get through this. Dr. Colfax will go into more detail what is happening in the city. We are still based on the state system that has been established that the governor announced last week, we are still in the red category, and we want to, of course, move away from that as much as possible, but it doesnt mean that we arent able to move forward to provide guidance on when we expect to reopen. We are off the wait list, which is a good thing. We are not out of the woods. Keep that in mind. As of today, we no, i thinks like haircuts and outdoor hair salons and massages can resume, outdoor pools can reopen. This is not what people wanted. I sure dont want to get my hair done outside, to be honest. I get it. This is what we have to offer. We also said that as of today that gyms can open, our door gyms as well. We are working on the guidelines to make sure they are prepared. Most likely september 9th would be the first opportunity that could be available. Another thing after being removed from the state watch list, malls were opened. As of today malls can reopen because we are no longer on the state watch list, and because they were open previously before we were placed on the state watch list. Now, i also have heard there is a lot of talk about not knowing what the guidelines are for various businesses. I want be to direct any business, any community, anyone who is uncertain what they need to do to sf. Gov reopening. There is not only a laundry list of guidelines for various businesses, there is information that you can review so you can be prepared even if your business is not open at this time. You dont have to wait until these announcements occur. You can get ready before the opportunity is available to your business. The path forward is good news. Again, we have Labor Day Weekend coming up. We have real concerns because the more reopen, the more people are gathering and spreading around, and we still have concerns. We want you to do this responsibly because we want to make sure we see these businesses continue to be open. All plans are subject to change, just like they were before. The last thing i want to do is tell you that we are going to be opening and then need to make changes and start closing businesses again. That is the last thing i want to do. The good news is that starting midseptember, hotels for tourism and visitors, outdoor movie theate theaters and mini , tour buses, boats. Indoor museums, zoos and aquariums with approved safety plans, houses of worship can allow Outdoor Services up to 50 people. That begins midseptember. We will provide the specific date once we have confirmed the date and make sure we are in touch with those various businesses with the appropriate guidelines. The end of september is, i think, really good news. This is something we should all be working towards. What that means is sacrifice of another month of masking and socially distancing and doing everything we can to get to a place where we can have indoor personal services. We can move hair and nail salons and barbershops and massages by the end of this month indoors. That is incredible if we continue at the pace we are now. And we will be able to allow tattoo, piercing and indoors no more than 25 and 50 outdoors. Door oneonone training with the gyms. Safely with mask wearing because that is critical to success of not opening establishments but allowing them to remain open. The path forward for schools. I just want to be cheer that as mayor i am, of course, very, very supportive of our schools, our kids, in particular, and wanting them to learn, grow and thrive. What we have seen this year with our students, especially those students who may not have parents or grandparents or Family Support to help in lessons. When we provided devices and internet service, they are still falling further behind. It is why it was so important that we open these learning hubs. We are almost at capacity. We know how vital it is that kids have access to people who are able to help them with lesson plans. I am extremely concerned about the future of our children as we continue with covid. We have to make prioritizing the ability to get schools reopened, we have to put that at the forefront. We know it is not as easy as we can open the schools. There are teachers and educators concerned, we know we need to put together plans. We know it is not my decision but the decision of the School District to move this forward, and my plan is to do everything i can to work handinhand with the School District so we can move forward to get kids back in school as soon as it is safely possible to do so. Starting in midseptember we will have Community Learning hubs. K through 6 schools that submitted health and safety plans through the waiver process will be able to open. I want to be clear. There is a process and it is their decision. We want to be clear that the opportunity to move forward with k through 6 is possible. After that work toward getting the following open by midoctober, after that the goal is to take it to the next level. By midoctober k through 6 not part of the waiver process will be part of the waiver process and will determine whether or not they will open. Middle school through eighth grade. High School Students are similar to adults. We are cautious and not certain we will move forward with high schools any time soon. All of this again has everything to do with the numbers, with where we are, with what is happening as we open more businesses, as we start to move around San Francisco like we havent before. We will all play a role in this success of what we do moving forward. I cant reiterate that enough because you all have been a part of stopping the spread at one point. When we first started this journey six months ago, this city was like praised, it was praised because of our fast action and because of the people of the city who played a role in doing everything you could to not only stay home but to also support your neighbors and to support one another. Six months later, i am tired of it, too. I am tired of living like this, too. I understand how you feel. I cant imagine what parents are going through or people caring for elderly parents, but you know what . We all have to sacrifice. We are all going to have to sacrifice to get through is this. As i said. If we want to move to the next level, if we want to get kids back in school, want be to keep the business that we grew up going to open, the businesses that rely on us every day, if we want to keep them open, all of us play a role. I want to thank you all for your cooperation. I know it is Labor Day Weekend, i know it is attempting, but, please, keep in mind that this virus is still out there and we need everybody to play a role in making sure that it doesnt continue to spread, and as we reopen we dont want to see the numbers go back up, which will force us to take a different direction. That is the last thing i want to get out here and say is that unfortunately, i told you yesterday that we were opening and i am telling you today that we have to close because of the numbers. That is the last thing i want to do. Keep that in mind as we move about the daytoday activities. This is really great news for Small Businesses, especially the personal services that i know are struggling to survive. Thank you all so much for your cooperation and work. At this time for a detailed Public Health update from the director of the department of Public Health, doctor brent colfax will joint us join us. Good morning, everyone. Thank you, mayor breed for all you do for this city every day. I am dr. Grant colfax, director of department of Public Health. I am happy to join the mayor and cochair of the City Economic Recovery Task force to discuss the San Francisco path forward towards recovery. As the mayor just explained the state has removed many of the restrictions that had previously prevented us from reopening low risk activities and businesses. While we have managed the impacts of the virus better than many other cities and counties. For example, we have one of the highest testing rates of any city in the country, and given the rates of infection, we thankfully have one of the lowest death rates in the country. Both of these, while being one of the densest cities in the country. We still need to move forward with gradual reopening as infection rates remain high as do hospitalizations. They have gone down over the past few weeks. We still have one of the highest hospitalization rates in the region. Of course, we are continuing to monitor the virus in our community and adjust and adapt our response as needed. We continue to have a high positivity case rate, and this continues to proportionately impact or latino community. Today in San Francisco we have 9544 confirmed cases of covid19. Over half of those cases are diagnosed in the latino community. We have made progress, but there is much more work to do. This is a priority for the department of Public Health. The reality is that we know more about the virus today than we did six months or even three months ago. We learn more and more about the virus every week. We are able to analyze more data and learn more about the relative risk and preventative measures we all need to take to reduce and slow the spread of the virus. This information is so key as we continue to follow the science, data and facts. These will inform our efforts as we open incrementally so we can manage the spread of covid19 and sustain the progress that we have made. We continue to monitor the rules and limitations of the states friday announcement, but in San Francisco we are placing an emphasis on our city indicators while decides whether we can reopen more and at what pace. We must look at the local contacts. Remember the state guidance is broad brushed, meant to cover counties as small and rural as yuba oral pine but also as large as la or as dense and urban as San Francisco. We will continue to be guided by the local Health Indicators which tract the covid19 cases, deaths, hospitalizations and Contact Tracing capability and availability of all important personal protective equipment. I want to provide an update on todays indicators from our data dashboard. The rate of new cases of covid19 remains high. We are seeing about 75 new cases every day right now and are still in the red zone. Our Hospital System indicators measuring the rate of increase of hospitalizations as well as capacity of our Healthcare System to respond are in green and indeed that is good news. Our other Health Indicators remain solid. Testing is green. We are testing over 3500 people a day, more than double our goal. Contact tracing is yellow and orange. We are reaching about 81 of cases and 77 of their contacts. While this metric has improved over the past few weeks, our goal is to reach 90 on both. Our ppe supply is at 100 of what we need for 30days, placing us in the green zone. The gradual reopening of Outdoor Services, hotels and children activities means people will start to move about the city more. Increasing risk and potentially Community Spread of the virus. With more activities we will likely experience an increase in not only cases but also hospitalizations. We will continually assess the new positive case counts and hospitalization numbers. Our reopening pace will be informed by our ability to manage the risk of more activity that may result in more cases and again more hospitalizations. Reenforcing the mayors comments, we need everyone to do their part, especially as we enter the holiday weekend. We must remain vigilant. I know six months if we are tired, but we must dig deeper and do our part. There is more virus out there than ever before, and indeed we have a narrow window to keep moving forward. The most important thing you can do to slow the spread of the virus is to continue to take precautions. I thank you for taking these precautions in march, june, july, now and in the future. Even in this time of uncertainty, especially in this time of uncertainty, it is important to remind ourselves and our neighbors that we do know how to slow the spread of the virus. Stay home as much as possible, cover your face to help us all keep on track. Keep six feet apart, wash your hands frequently, and please do not go out if you are sick and avoid social gatherings. We are in this together, and together we will get through this. In this evolving risk environment we will bring back our communities and economies the same we continue to fight covid19 by working together. Thank you. It is now my pleasure to introduce assessorrecorder carmen chu, cochair of the citys Economic Recovery Task force to discuss further the San Francisco path towards recovery. Thank you may or breed and dr. Colfax. We were here on friday to share our plans for expanding outdoor activities. We mentioned at that time we would be back this week to talk more about forward plans as we think about other industries. As dr. Colfax mentioned and the mayor pointed to we consider the restrictions and parameters the state provides. We will continue to reopen based on local Health Indicators. Today is important because it shows all of us what our path forward could look like. I will take a moment to thank the Public Health team for all of work they are doing to keep San Francisco residents and workers safe. I want to thank all of you for your individual actions that collectively have made a difference. Because of your actions, wearing a mask, keeping social distance and making sure you are taking precautions, we are here today to talk about what a path forward could look like. I want to acknowledge how hard it has been. I think for many people over the last month, month and a half it finley set in another i eye fine finally set in. We felt heart break we wouldnt be moving forward and this might be here longer than we hoped. We miss our family and friends and want to get back to work. More than anything as the city first started down this path when we first entered shel shelterinplace. We were here and it didnt really settle into us what this would all mean. What we did know was this this was going to be a situation unlike anything we had ever experienced before. Not only from Public Health perspective we are in the middle of an active Global Pandemic the Economic Impact would be so devastatdevastating and quick. Unemployment went from under 3 to 11 . There are over 60,000 in San Francisco unemployed at the moment. So many kids are having a very hard time adjusting to distance learning. Our most vulnerable continue to be isolated in homes and other settings. Not only that, we have heard from so many businesses they are hanging by a shoestring. In the beginning we knew there was a lot that we did not know about the disease. We had a lot to learn about how it is spread, prevalence and what it means for those infected and what treatments would look like. We know more today. We knew we had to b be flexibled transparent to sherry opening plans to get the economy back on track. We are transparent and will share forecast as soon as we know it, share guidance and best practices with you so you can operate safely, so that you can interact safely. We knew that we had to let the data guide us to make sure we were careful about watching the hospitalizations, our case counts, test positivity to allow that to guide decisions if it is safe to reopen, pause, or take other actions. We had to be thoughtful in our approach. We had to make sure that we understand the impacts of the actions we are taking. We go this is important to sustain the progress that we make. It helps no one when we pingpong and go and open and close businesses. People have to make investments to pull back or not able to use. These dont help our economy, they hurt our economy. We knew we had to focus on information an and guidance. The safety of our workers, customers interactions matters with economic recovery. There is no economic recovery unless people are confident reengaging with our city and city life. We will continue to provide immediate relief to workers, families, businesses. We will continue to be as flexible as we can. Through our words and actions we will break the narrative it is a decision between Public Health or the economy. Over the last few months we know we need both. That is our continued commitment to you. I am cautiously excited. There are many cautions out there, we hope you continue to do your best during this week end. I am excited this plan recognizes many things. One, we need to take steps to move the Economic Activity indoors. We need to do it safely to sustain the opening. It really does begin to recognize what that path forward could look like. This plan also recognizes the importance of uplifting large and Major Industries in the city including hog hospitalities. Thousands are employed in hotels and restaurants and retail stores. We can do that safely. We have shown the world we can do this safely. I will rest on this one thought. It is a refrain you have heard before. The idea that that progress isnt automatic. Again, i think san franciscans are familiar with this call to action. We have heard it before in all of thesive vit rights movements that we have had. While we make progress sometimes we somewhere to fight to make sure we dont lose ground. That is what we are facing. We know this can come back. What we have shown is that we know how to beat it back and can open up businesses together. I want to thank you, San Francisco, for all of the work you are doing to continue to help move our city forward and make sure we are able to keep opening in a sustained and safe way. To make sure we balance taking care of workers and customers at the same time. Thank you, San Francisco. We will begin the q a portion with dr. Colfax. The first set of questions from the San Francisco chronicle. What have you learned about reopening and about the virus since may and june that you are applying to reopening plans now . I think we have seen in our local response as well as across the country that we can mitigate and slow the spread of the virus, keeping the Hospital Capacity adequate and having enough capacity in our system to care for people who become infected. The other side that we have also seen is we know if we let down our guard, the virus can spread very rapidly. I think it is really getting this balance between the need to manage the control of the spread of the virus and realizing that there are key factors that we need to consider with regard to education, mental health, Behavioral Health and other Public Health considerations that we need to take into account in our reopens. We know that masking is so key. We know that more than ever. Something we learned a number of analysis have shown if as a society we can get up to 80 masking that will have a dramatic effect on the virus. In the guidelines coming out there will be an emphasis on the need for facial coverings. Out door activities are safer than indoor activities. Outdoor activities you can see in the phasing that we have. Outdoor activities that are expanded as of today. We also understand the need after six months for children to come back in to inperson learning as much as possible. We think that can be done in a safer way. From what we have learned in the data globally, we will be making recommendations around how to move forward with educational activities. There is no such thing as no risk. Pacing is important. That is why we spread out this process every opening and we need to be cautious as we go forward. Thank you, dr. Colfax. This is from ev baty. Are there Indoor Dining problems that keep it off the list of those you are hoping to open in september and october . If you look at the pieces we released today they fall into the buckets of the lower risk activities. The component of Indoor Dining there are a number of things that are concerning. Outdoor dining and takeout is open. There are opportunities there. Indoor dining would be in a later date at this point because of the risk that is entailed in people sitting down for long periods of time in crowded croud quarters taking off masks. I miss going to restaurants. If we all do our part we will be thrilled to see it coming online sometime in the future. Many next question with healthner from the San Francisco chronicling. Any plan for reopening kids playgrounds and basketball courts and Outdoor Recreation item . We are evaluating. One of the key things with regard to playgrounds. I would love to see them reopen and many parents and kids would as well. Playgrounds are mostly uncontrolled environment with a lot of children mixing different ages, interacting with different families. That does increase risk of transmission. At this time we do not have a date to reopen play grounds. Our Health Officer and Pediatric Team is looking at the data. That is something we would like to do as soon as it is safer to do so. Next set of questions are for mayor breed. First set of questions are from heather with the San Francisco chronicle. Six weeks after the city settled a lawsuit regarding the tenderloin how are things going in the neighborhood amid the covid19 pandemic . We didnt just put together a comprehensive plan to address homelessness and the large number of tent encampments we have spread to other neighborhoods where we have seen a level of homelessness that typically these particular neighborhoods dont experience as well. In the tenderloin in particular we saw over 400 tents with a few hundred people. We have been able to reduce that to as of today 41 tents. We have been able to get most of those people the help and support they need. That includes transitioning some of those folks to the safe sleeping sites, some into hotels, some into permanent be Supportive Housing. It is easier said an than done. It required a village of people working several different agencies. The home less Street Operations center under the Emergency Management because of this covid crisis and need to try to get people indoors, prevent the spread within the Homeless Population and provide people with a safe place to sleep, this operation has been incredible. I want to thank all city workers who played a role in going in to address the real challenge in several areas including one by ocean beach, one on oak street, in addition to the tenderloin. These camps resolution teams include workers from the department of public works, members of the San Francisco police department. Workers from the department of Public Health and the mag management team. I want to thank them. They are out there every day. Our Homeless Outreach team. When they began the resolution of addressing the encampment site. They dont show up just that day. They have to develop a relationship with the people there to understand the challenges they face so they are able to provide the support and assistance that they need. It is an ongoing process and the most effective thing we are able to do to resolve encampmentses and it is something we will continue to do. People are tired and frustrated and there is a lot of poverty and lack of housing and resources for so many folks. It is something we are working hard to address. Our program that we have established applan around homelessness has been the most effective that it has ever been since we put together this plan to address encampments. It is going well. It is not good enough. Going back to the conditions of the tenderloin in particular, it is really shorible. I want to be honest. We may have removed encampments but what we see in soma and the tenderloin around the behavior, urinating and def if indicating and public acts that are unmentional that have impacted the quality of life for the people in the community, we see things get worse. Part of what we need to do especially around the significant amount of drug dealing that occurs in the tenderloin, it is to to point where we have to get dress i. We cant have it both ways. You cant be upset that we are making arrests and then be upset we are allo allowing it is cont. These acts should not be tolerated. We will continue to push and do our job to make sure we cleanup this community so that people walking down the street with a baby stroller dont have to get off and go to the street to walk around a bunch of people selling drugs and shooting up. Is that okay for families to live like that . It is not. We are in a much better place than in a long time. Thank you madam mayor. No further questions. This concludes todays press conference. Thank you, madam mayor, doctor colfax, and ms. Chu for your time. Staff and members of the public who are joining us for the San Francisco Health Commission meeting for tuesday august 18th. We will call this meeting to order. Will you please call the roll. Yes, commissioner bernal. [roll call]

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