Transcripts For SFGTV SF Board Of Education 20240712 : vimar

SFGTV SF Board Of Education July 12, 2024

Team. Can i comment . Yes, please. I did leave it high level to work identifying who would sit on that task force. So, i did not specify it but depending on the discussion here with my colleagues, they feel it would be best serving. Its the super inten department is creating the task force, not lowell in and of itself. So, just president sanchez, i would be supportive of examining and evaluating the letter that i had read into the record including evaluating the culture. Sorry if im dragging this on. Since its made by the superintendent, would it ensure student representation is on this task force . Yes. Yes, is this dated in the amendment. It has including but not limited to students, families, educators, administrators and communitybased organizations. Students are first mentioned. So, to clarify, like, im just, theres a letter but im not clear on how specifically the staff is supposed to implement the task force based on a letter that was not written for this purpose. So im confused. We have had other initiatives to do task forces that we didnt have. We have resolution thats we still dont implement and so you know, im hearing that theres an intent and im not seeing it in writing anywhere. So part of that is the task force shalling guided to create learning environments that are racially and socioeconomically integrated and we can put an and clause there. To creating a non toxic atmosphere and. They had a task force and its being canceled right now. It was a lowelldriven task force. This is a districtdriven task force. Which say difference. So i would like for there to be we need to be specific. Even when we are specific, we dont implement when it comes to black people. Im just going to name it. The language you like to add, i offered some right there. Go ahead. Can i suggest, i mean, again, im very supportive of what i think the gift o gist of this discussion but i do wonder if maybe this is i mean, maybe a way forward would be to put place holder language in the resolution saying the board will develop a process that involves multiple take holder shake holdg students to evaluate and improve the cultural, to create a positive and anti racist culture at the school as well as an enrollment system that more accurately represents the districts goals and objectives or whatever. I mean, maybe we just have some place holder language that says, were going to work with the superintendent to create a process and my suggestion would be that that should be the first thing that the new board takes on come january. I certainly, i have my opinions about what the process should look like but its irrelevant. Im not going to be here after january 8th. No offense, commissioner cook isnt going to be here either. You might not be here president chan says, who knows. I hope you are. I just think that that might be a better way that will give us time to think through it and maybe you know, commissioners collins and lamb can team up and write something together for the board to consider, that would be my suggestion. I have no issue with that suggestion. I also think that its possible to write a entire new resolution outside this discussion because this was a staff proposal in response to the pandemic and clearly theres interest and you know, i know this is a moment that this broader discussion that needs to happen with the intent of the discussion which was to do something in response to our decision to do passfail. I really appreciate commissioner collins leadership around that discussion and how its walked by educators that it wasnt a good idea. Commissioner lamb and collins are more than capable of writing and whoever wants to participate a new resolution to address the process specifically. Thats why i wasnt planning not to support resolution or the amendment because i wanted to keep the discussion focused on the pandemic so with all due respect id like to vote on the amendment but its not how to run the meeting. I would like to vote on the amendment and my recommendation would be another resolution be created. I propose to commissioner cook and nortons recommendation commissioner lamb, do you want to go forward with the amendment or do you want to hold off and have a process with commissioner collins or others for your proposal . So again, right now the recommendation is to either vote on the current amendment or withdrawal and then create a separate resolution to address the more broader process. Yeah. Ok. Commissioner norton, can i ask you if that captures your initial thoughts . Sorry, i hit the wrong button. Yes. I mean, thats one way to go. It would probably be simpler and move the meeting along if we just if you were willing to withdraw the amendment and then we have then, you know, you as a board have a conversation about how you have time, in other words, for determining whether or not you want to take this up again past the Upcoming School year. And any recommendation is you should but you can spend some time thinking about it. At the time, what ill do is, i will withdraw the amendment so that we can give them more time to work towards what it sounds like. I think theres interest in having a more broad discussion and ill work with commissioner collins on that. Thank you, all. Thank you for that. So, to the resolution at hand, the proposal from the superintendent if theres no further comments or questions, well have a roll call vote and well start with the student delegates. Thank you. All right. Well start with the we usually allow student delegates to vote first if theyve made comments on the item. Well start with the also, its also because they advise us. You, student delegates, your vote is advisory to the board on what we should do. Thats why you go first. I will leave it to the chair to decide. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Thats right. Commissioner, thats right in the bylaws for the student delegates for their sac. So, it seems like theres no appetite for that right now. Commissioners. Thank you. Ms. Collins. Were voting on the current proposal on 201020sp1. Thank you. [roll call vote] that was seven ayes. Thank you for everyone that came out for this item. Theres a lot more on our we have the Advisory Committee reports and apac and superintendent matthews, do you have a representative . Good evening. Yes. I believe were starting with, im sorry, your last name is skipping my mind. Irving. I apologize. Ok. [laughter] its a long night. One day you will get old too. You are not there yet. [laughter] all right. Here we go. Groatings, my name is Leticia Irving on the Program Manager for the Parent Advisory Council and member of the African American achievement and Leadership Initiative also known as ollie. Its my honor to be with you this afternoon or this evening now, into introduce some of the hardest working and most committed group of people that i know. I want to up lift that the previous Public Comments, because of that, were presenting with heavy hearts but id like to share what i shared with the apac leaders a few minutes ago. I wanted them to breathe and we have to push through, push forward and push past. This is why affinity face is like a pac and our collective efforts are so important. We see you student hines foster we see and appreciate you and we are with you. This and you are why we are here and why we do what we do. Annually we are given the opportunity to present before you and give you an update or an overview of our efforts supporting black students and families in the past year. This year we decided to tile the presentation the gift of black family partnerships. Hopefully bit end of our time with you this evening, you will see that gift personified. And sfusds vision 2025 states the vast majority of parents will be engage throughout their Childrens School career and it will have a transformation at effect on the district im the interpreter. Would you go a little slower. I would appreciate it. I will, thank you. Thank you. Vision 2025 states that the vast majority of parents will be engage throughout their childrens entire School Career and that engagement will have a transformational effect on the district. The vision aims to strengthen parents roles as vital stakeholders in True Partners in the districts efforts to lead community transformation. Much like the goal of apac vision 2025 calls for parents to feel empowered within our schools and their voices are respected reflected in the districts program, services and structures. Many of which are the direct result of recommendations. Apac goes beyond providing a feeling of empowerment and were working towards providing a space to engage affirm and cultivate the power that is within all of our African American students and families. We are offering skill building for families so they are able to lead in partnership with each of you. It has been my pleasure to manage the apac for almost five years now and im in awe of the leaders who are now turning the presentation over to. Please introduce yourselves. Kevin robinson. Parent, educators and apac lead. Im marie robinson, mom of five, i have two babies currently in the district right now, one at Mission High School and one at Alice Fung Yu i have a freshman at howard and i have a college sophomore. My name is la toy a and i have three students in sfusc. My name is mary and im an educator and parent of two girls at ulloa Elementary School. Good afternoon, my name is tony hines, the mother of 12th grader Abraham Lincoln school and five sfusd graduates. Im also a member of the Abraham Lincoln apac. Tonight were going to go over apcs mission, goals, and 2019 20192020 inaudible . Regarding the fight base Affinity Group well share the work for school year 20202021 and offer board of education recommendations and we will close with our usual appreciations. Over the last couple of years, were presented this traditional groatings to the tribe the kenya. It means, and how are the children . Within the tribe, theres a high value place on the well being of their children. When greeted, their response is the children are well. That means they are doing everything within their power to ensure that their children are safe, protected, and thriving. As author peter oneil wrote, it means the daily struggles do not preclude proper caring for their young. We offered this greetings to you hoping that it continuously asked and passed along. It might offer a reminder of who we serve, why we serve them, and propel us to push even harder until we truly say that all the children are well. What has been going on in this meeting so i just wanted to add, these past two Board Meetings, reminds us why this is important for black students. Student delegates hines foster is not safe. Shes not being protected. And were not ok with that. Well fight until they are so with all my heart im there for you and stand can shavon, we stand with shavon. Kevin, its on you. Thank you. That said, yeah, folks, lets not get it twisted. There is only one race, that is the human race. And if you are black, asian, latinx, you are not a minority. You are a person of color. And to be real, you are actually the majority. With that said, being black in sfusd in this city and in this nation is no easy feat. Never has been. Over the past few months weve been hit by a doublewhammy. Covid19 and disproportionate impact on black communities and the on going pandemic of racism. We see black families do what we do best, make miracles out of misery just like the ceiling breaking through the concrete. To that end, we want to take a moment and up lift black families, really all underserved families. We as an apac see you and we appreciate you. The goal of apac and ali is to engage, affirm and cultivate the power within African American students and their families. Its not our job to see black families or to be the newer of all things black. We see our job as being the water that is needed to help that innate greatness grow. That is all of our jobs. As you may know, apac is a parentled organization founded in 2013. Apac is supported by the African American achievement and Leadership Initiative by leticia and works with district departments, communitybased organizations and a host of other district advisory groups. Our mission, as seen on the screen, can be captured as three verbs. Listen, educate and advocate. Owe we listen to black families and educate ourselves and policies and practices better help with navigating sf unified and lastly, we advocate with and for African American families to assure a highquality education for our children. The activity include what were doing today. Advising the board of education, we also host monthly meetings, direct advocacy when needed, support site base spaces at our school sites, and we send out monthly updates to get families and partners uptodate of opportunities, resources and information that may be relevant to them. As kevin mentioned we hold monthly meetings where we live out our mission to listen, advocate. Listed in front of you are a range of topics covered by the titles of our meetings. Each year, we survey apac members and ask them what issues and ideas theyd libeling to lis on. Last year it was sense of belonging and school sites however, just like most years, we had to change tasks. In the previous years we changed paths to find a policy that disrupted map tracking and we changed paths to bring a space to a lawsuit that changes special education. [please stand by] this year we decided to keep our recommendations to a minimum. Not because we dont want any more, but because what we really want is to seek full implementation of all the efforts already in play, especially around Distance Learning. We are hoping for ongoing and monitored Staff Development in the areas of antiracist teaching, implicit bias, cultural humility, and restorative practices. We also want to ensure that when students, not just our black students return to the classroom, that their teachers are equipped to support them, like we saw earlier today at loyal, that we need more support for our black students. The loss of routine, the devastating effects of the pandemic, and really just the social, racial, Political Climate of our world has many of us turned upside down. How are staff prepared to handle what may come when we come back to brick and mortar . One of the things that will prepare our children to come back to school is to have their instruction reflect their identity, culture, and history. Apac has consistently pushed for black history, identity and culture to be taught, acknowledged, celebrated, and we need it to be with an assetbased lens. We are grateful that the board passed the resolution for pk tonight and has a seat on the Advisory Team as we roll out the black stage resolution. We are asking that sfu create and publicly articulate concrete actions with the Student Assignment policy to address quality schools and equitable access to resources. This is something that has been echoed by families across the district and throughout all of the Advisory Councils. We know that in order for students, especially those who have been traditionally underserved, we must look beyond what can be done in our classrooms. There is some systemic conditions and barriers that are beyond the districts reach. In partnership with the city and county of San Francisco, we are asking that a wellness study be conducted for the African American community, similar to the beyond the school house report in l. A. County addressed accordingly. We have made the same requests within [indiscernible]. As a boe, as a board, we know that you have so many priorities, demands, and resolutions to fulfil. With all of the advisories and groups, the recommendations just continue to come in, just like we saw tonight. What were asking that you consider ours, where it is possible, incorporate them. Where it is not or if it is not possible at this time, just respond to us and let us know why. We want to go back to our members and let them know that their voices were heard. The only way we can do that is with communication. As mentioned earlier, each year we poll apac participants to see what they would like apac to focus on at our meetings and advocacy for the upcoming year. This year it is centering our black experience via black history, black studies, and showing black pride. We will continue to provide opportunities to listen, educate, and advocate, and we also see a need to respond to realtime needs for access, information, and opportunities that are culturally responsive and at varying mastery levels. Before we close out, i want to add to what the chair sorry, i want to add to what latoya shared by saying, as you heard me say before, what better way to uplift opportunities for all the black families are asking for than to share it on public broadcasting using both of the platforms made available to us. The districtowned Radio Station klw and now the use of ktvu plus. For schools and families interested in learning more about apac or for resources that offer black families in terms of selfcare, which is an absolute necessity during these times, please check out the links in the slide deck. I want to remind everyone that selfcare is an act of resistance. Thank you again for the opportunity to share our annual presentation and report. You will likely hear more about our efforts and our goals during the presentation later this year. I want to give a huge shoutout to the apac Leadership Team members, those represented on this panel tonight and the four others who are not speaking. On a recent call, our leaders tallied up the number of hours that they have put into serving black students and families versus meetings, committees, and their sitebased efforts. They got a combined total of 352 hours per month minimally. Parent leadership is a voluntary act, but definitely deserves to be compensated, something that im going to continuously advocate for. With the numbers of hours put in, their fulltime jobs, the job of bein

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