Transcripts For SFGTV Health Service Board 20240711 : vimars

SFGTV Health Service Board July 11, 2024

He seems to be unmuted. There were problems. Commissioner scott are you unmuted thank you everyone for being patient. Well cap up with our technology. Can you hear me now . Yes. I heard everyone in test mode. Steven, can you hear me . Yes. Thank you very much. As the board is aware we annually engage in a selfevaluation for the board of directors and also an annual evaluation of the executive director. The Governance Committee met a week ago to review both documents as well as a time line for both processes. As you know, we initiate the selfevaluation first and then follow that four weeks later or so with the executive directors evaluation once we received the executive directors selfevaluation. In reviewing both documents, we did not make any changes in the executive director document. We did modify in the board selfevaluation document a couple of questions. We eliminated one question and we modified the wording on another. So those changes are contained in the attachments sent out in preparation for this meeting. I would remind Board Members that if these surveys and the time lines are adopted, you are pledging to complete the process in in the recognized time line. We know this year well have consultative support coming from the department of Human Resources. Therefore our board secretary will be the action officer if you will, number one initiating to the Board Members and sending reminders and compiling respective reports. We had some discussion on this item on november 5 and everyone was supportive and shell be getting consultation from the department of Human Resources as we go along in terms of pili piling compiling the report but the majority of the work done by the board secretary. With that id remember to entertain a motion for this item. Commissioner scott, this is mary howell. I have a question. Last year we noted in certain circumstances the board was not able to observe or experience certain interactions or whatever and thought we should another rating of unable to observe. Has that been add . We discussed that at this meeting and felt it applied to only one item and around orientation process. There be be a change on that one item but the others we felt Board Members can comment on. All right. Any other questions . Commissioner scott may i make the motion to approve yes, please. I move to approve the selfevaluation survey and the survey with the executive director. And time line. Sorry, i was about to add and the time line as presented. Thank you, is there a second . Properly moved and second we had a prove the annual board selfevaluation and the executive director surveys as distribute and the time lines attached to each. Is there any further board comment . If not we will go to Public Comment. Thank you. Ill be reading instructions allowed. Public comment will be available on each item on the agenda. Each speaker will be allowed three minutes to comment. Both channel 26 and sf gov tv are streaming. Opportunities to speak during the Public Comment are available via phone by calling 4156550001. Entering the access code, 1466684910. Press pound and found again and then enter as an attendee. Before beginning Public Comment well take a pause to allow callers to time to dial in. After the pause if you dial in and wish to speak on the agenda item dial star 3 and its your time to speak for on hold. Moderator, let us know if theres callers who wish to comment on the agenda. Thank you. There are presently seven callers. A reminder to all callers on the line. You must dial star 3 now if you want to join Public Comment for this specific agenda item. We will wait five more seconds and then close Public Comment for the agenda item. There are still no callers at this time. Public comment is now closed. Commissioner thank you, were now ready to vote on the motion as offered. All in favor signify by saying aye. On the . Those opposed . The item passes unanimously with no opposition. Well go to item 7. Medical plan competive plans. Its a discussion item and presented by executive director abien. If i could before you begin, direct we had a robust discussion regarding the rfp process and how the commission could indeed be more familiar with the process as well as its role in terms of oversight and having some competence in the preparation of the r. F. P. , the administration of the r. F. P. , the implement of the r. F. P. , responses, etcetera. We convened a meeting november 5 and the direct brought to us in great detail how the process is unfolding, what is being done and what will be done going forwa forwa forward before the board is parent with a recommend in february. I believe commissioner breslin stated were satisfied with the process as well as the calendar and activities brought to us by the director. As a report out today its a high level review of what we reviewed and with that ill ask the director to begin. Can get the slooidz slides up, please. One moment. To compliment what commissioner scott said what about to present to you is high level process both a look back and forward on the r. F. P. For the medical plan. The key dates with the assessment and the first assessment was in july 2019. Que announced the decision we would not release the r. F. P. For plan year 21. We the medical plan would be through the competitive bid and that release has since occurred. Theres two sections of the r. F. P. And i know you all know at this point that that document is available and robust almost 100 pages on the hhs website and theres legalese you may not enjoy reading the two sections and provided the to the commissioners as well as is section 1 with the overview of the system. We talk about our interest in valuebased payment and talk about the Health Plan Market assessment. We talk about the results of the focus group that we did and presented the findings in i think it was november of 2019. The Strategic Plan has been a backbone to the entire process. The concept of even to consideration of doing competitive bids through the Strategic Plan and then we updated the Health Market assessment. And we are always looking risk scores and we dont have the healthiest population and that is of concern. And well be bringing them before the board on special determinates and be before the Governance Committee earlier this year. So the other section of the r. F. P. That i would direct us to and the presenters if you would take us to what is labelled slide 3 in the presentation to be on the same page. And the scope of the work of the contract go may i interrupt. Can you tell us what slides youre able to see right now. I can see agenda. This speaks to the scope of work and what i want to draw everyones attention to is this reads like a Health Service board agenda. All of the items that we list on the board were topics and a deep dive in the discussions over the last two years. Everything from Care Management to primary care medical homes, interoperability, several things on Second Opinion and Care Management and complex Care Management. As well as our own audit policy that we put into effect since last year and extensive training around rate methodology, a very complex subject of which hike mike clark helped produce four webinars on that because thats at the heart of the matter when we negotiate rate. Culminating with the utilization and quality dashboard we present to the Health Service board on a regular basis, all these inform the r. F. P. And as you review it you can see the work the Health Service board has done and how it informed the r. F. P. So that brings me to the time line. As you know we issued the r. F. P. On september 14th. We had our required proproposal conference calls. We receive the notices of intent to bid. We provide the responses all by september 30th. We have everyone involved and having a continued interest in the process have signed the disclosure statement and the proposal submission date is now behind us. We have now received all the proposals that we will be able to receive during this process. Going forward were in what we call the an lit analytical phase where were organizing the materials and responses and running the financials and disruption analysis and highly Technical Work and very complex given the volume of information that weve requested and have received. The materials will be prepared for the panel list who will receive them beginning first of december and have the month to complete their review with the scoring rubric that has already been prepared. Oral interviews will be taking place starting after the january 1 holiday. In order to develop our recommendation that we will bring back in a robust way to this board for a february 11 meeting. Understanding director, there you go. I was trying to get us on the right slide. Thank you very much. Its a little different than what i have on the agenda. So the time line is we are wrapping things up now and we are preparing for the written interview. The Health Service board will receive its information february 11th. We expect that to be a very robust dialogue with the board and well be well prepared for that and should the board have more questions than we can answer at that time and we request for the decision to be made at a later meeting, we have secured a second meeting date in february for that purpose. That will be february 25, if i recall correctly. February 18. Is that right . A week later . Yeah. Okay. That would be another Board Meeting open to the public for further discussion if necessary. Thats correct. Okay. Thank you. Director, thank you for the overview. Ill ask the Board Members if they have question the time line or the process at this point. Dr. Collins, youre right. The second meeting date is on february 25. All right. That is a thursday. So two weeks after the regular Board Meeting. We would have, if needed, an approval meeting of the medical plan selection if we are not able to accomplish that on february 11. So just for the record, its february 25. The 18th weve wiped out . Yes, the 18th is an error on the slide. It should be february 25. Are there any other clarifying questions or other other items described in the process and as outlined by director yant from the commission or board . This is president follansbee, id like to say this process as you already stated, chairman scott, has been well outlined and described i think to the Governance Committee as well. I think its consistent with the involvement of the Commission Board all along as im quite pleased having read the r. F. P. In large portions and read the comments that came in during the Comment Period and question period. I really want to compliment all the staff for both thoroughness and completement and in particular completeness and particular thoroughness for the Strategic Plan for 2021. I want to thank everyone for that. All right. Any other comments from members of the board . This is mary howe. I have a quick question. Who will comprise the panel for the panel review . Director, yant, would you speak to that . We will putting together a panel on subject Matter Experts including side employees and representatives from other county and entities. The identity of those particular individuals is confidential in order to protect them from undue influence. And Staff Support and other support as well. Thank you. And once we get the staff recommendation and the evaluation at the february meeting, a lot of the currently confidential information surrounding this process will be made available to the board and public unless as the proprietary information the health plans dont want divulged but the process and submission and all of that will be available to us at that time. And my understanding is that includes the members of the panel reviewing all the aspects of the r. F. P. Formulating the recommendation. Thats correct. Thank you. We took a formal process to selecting the panelists as ive described to others as if you were recruiting members for the governance board where you look first for the qualifications of individuals to have a rich diversity and subject Matter Experts. The health plan world is quite complex whether its someone with pharmacy, expertise or Government Contracting expertise. We started with that list of qualifications and then a small group of us that brain stormed and used our networks to qualify people that were willing to commit a significant amount of time to this process. I just have a question. Yes, commissioner breslin. So how do you you described how you pick a panelist but who pick the panelist . Who is involved in that . Our office, myself and mike vincente our lead contact in management. Okay. As for the city employees, thats a Different Group than those who have expertise, right . City employees have various expertise as well. Okay. All right. Before we go into Public Comment i wanted to the great deal of admiration i have for director and staff and mr. Vissente and i had this responsibility before and i know the amount of time and effort that it takes to Staff Support to a process like this and i wanted to call that out publicly and thank them for what they have done to date. At this point well go to Public Comment. I have a comment as well. I mentioned im attending a meeting and it was a strong recommendation that every plan review and reissue r. F. P. S every three years. The appropriate and the timing of this appropriateness and timing of this and we are clearly in a very appropriate maybe slightly delayed time frame to review this. Im not suggesting we do this every three years but the recommendation by an expert outside of the city of San Francisco. Id thank the advice and we on the board would be better to do a broader time frame if we were to do this in three years i dont know abby, michael or any of the other team members want to go through that that soon just as a matter of work flow. I agree. President follansbee, if i may jump in for the record and apologies ive been able to listen and view and have seen the entire proceedings but with technical problems and i was just able to join with the ability for you to see me during the presentation and i wanted to state that for the record im now able to participate fully. Thank you very much. Thank you, supervisor, welcome back. Thank you. Well now go to Public Comment, please. Thank you, commissioner scott, ill reading instructions. Public comment is available for each item on the agenda. Each speaker is allowed three minutes to comment. Channel 26 and sf gov tv is available and you can dial in by dialing 14156550001 and entering the access code 1466684910 well allow a pause for members to press 3. Dial star 3 to be added to the queue when the message reads its your time to speak, for those on hold please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. When i welcome you on the call youre encouraged to state your name clearly though you can remain anonymous. Moderator, ill pass you host privileges and let me know if theres callers who wish to comment on the agenda. Madame secretary, a reminder to all callers on the line. Must dial star 3 now if you want to join Public Comment for this specific agenda item. We will wait five more seconds and then close Public Comment for this agenda item. Madame secretary, there are no callers at this time. Public comment is now closed. With that, president follansbee ill turn the chair back to you, sir. Well move on now to item 8. Agenda item 8, directors report. This is a discussion item. Good afternoon, commissioners. I have a brief directors report for you but very important in that we had a very successful open enrollment in the virtual environment in our strange pandemic world. And that is a loaded statement. I cant tell you how impressed i am with mitchell and the teams for doing the heavy lifting to make this a good experience for our members. We didnt need to add to anybodys anxiety this year and think we did an excellent job of keeping things very manageable for our team as well as all of our members. I was crunching the numbers and well give you the color detail at the december meeting with lots of firsts weve accomplished with terrific support with our other department of technology and other support outside of hhs. Folks who have recognized the value and importance of doing this work in a Virtual World. We were well supported. Our Communications Team took a whole new took it up a notch or more quote, emeril, to make the information we had available with webinars and ongoing enhancements so the we have pages being able to monitor what information needed to be presented somewhat differently. And did an excellent job of keeping up with the face of the enrollment activity and so Member Services and the truth of coming through on the back end of this is that the clean up for the processing of the open enrollment transactions which is usually forcing us to be in a high operating mode for a number of weeks following the closure of the enrollment itself came to a halt pretty quickly as well which is another huge indicator of how smoothly the transactions did occur. Looking forward to seeing the all the numbers and my hats offer to the entire Operations Team for doing su

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