Going on the stage but want to be closer to you. We heard the bio. I decided to wear my warriors shirt. Especially because we are here, but look, on the back yall, look on the back. Yeah, i had a opportunity to come here a couple months ago. I won the impact warriors award and really i had everything to do with being on the trajectory you are on right now. Starting as a young person working for a mayors program, identifying my passion as a activist and continuing that work now into adult hood, i do that as a artist, i do it as a activist and musician and will hear that in the music now. Sound man, run that first track called queen of everything, because i do everything, yall. We going to do, we are going to have a good time and wake you up. I havent had my coffee, but we are going to have fun. Is that cool . Alright. It is a head nod track. Im not the average bay area rap girl. I like the old school boom box. You all feeling that . Are you feeling it in your chairs . Feeling it in your chest . Cool. Feel it in your ears real quick for me, okay . [rapping] labor for the people no indiscernible while the nation indiscernible i make the sacrifice, but i wont die a martyr. indiscernible [rapping and music] everybody out here who understands the hustle, understands being and doing so many things at once, while im asking you to master every bit of your craft, queen of everything. [rapping and music] im telling you, if you master your craft, they will all bow down to you. Im living proof, yall. Im living proof, yall. As a black woman, i put the whole world on my back, and thats why i can say with full authority that im the queen of everything. Every woman, every black woman, every person that comes out of poverty, knows all about that. We make this go around, right . You make the dollars come down. But thats why we deserve the crown, queen. [applause] thank you. Thank you. This last one i will do and get out of your way because you got a beautiful long program ahead of you, you also just deserve every flower, every acknowledgment, every accolade and all the people who partnered to make opportunities for all possible. They dissever every flower and accolade. Glad to see you all working throughout the summer, developing your skills developing your talents and figuring what you want to do for the rest of your life. Way to go. The next song is called, for colored girls but ill repurpose it and call for all of us. It is for everybody in this building but i will always speak to my colored girls first, but you can see yourself as that. I give you permission. Lets do it. All most forgot the beat it was on, but now i remember. Can i get some of the hands in the sky like this here . Just like that, right there. You got it. If you got a car, and you got beat in your trunk, this is how it feels, right . [rapping and music] that is for my colored folk, never thought indiscernible shout out to you. Opportunities for all. Thank you so much. [applause] we can do better then that, give it up again for ryan nicole. A real lyricist. [applause] them words are anointed for real. Next up i have the privilege to bring up direct cheryl davis the executive director of the San FranciscoHuman Rights Commission. Previously served as a commissioner. Prior to joining the hrc executive director of collective impact overseeing mo indiscernible passionate about serving the community. Please welcome director cheryl davis. [applause] alright. What time is it . I will say good morning still. Good morningism good morning i heard the folks on this side. They are way too many people in this stadium that is used to a lot of noise, so ill try it again. Good morning good morning even the folks in the back side, right . Ill keep saying itthere is a little more energy. Act like this is pay day and you just got your check and double what it usually is. Good morning somebody really wants to double check. Good morning, im as tanner said, give it up for tanner for agreeing to [applause] i want to give it up for ryan nicole for getting us starting, kicking us off. I really want to give them a shout out, because it is pretty hard to get up and talk in front of a crowd in general, but to get up and talk in front of a crowd that could care maybe a little less about whether you are talking to them or not and still do with the energy and furfb they are do are doing i want to appreciate them, because i would not beas you could see, i would be too honest with you. I also want to give a shout out to some of our partners that are here with us today. Michael lambert, chief librarian, give it up for michael lambert. Ivan, from the airport. Representatives from bank of america, our Police Department, and i want to givei always forget to do this, so bear with me hopefully a bit this morning on the way to afternoon. I want to give a special special shout out. I are was looking at his name and hoping he was going to come, give a special shout out for alvin woo from jcyc. You should be excited because that is who is cutting the checks. Alvin, you got to stand up and take more applause then that. When this program started a few years back, mayor breed was like, i want to get to develop a program that gets to all, and shes like, where can we go, who can i partner with in community that has the capacity, infrastructure, the willingness and the experience to do that work and jcyc came to mind. Alvin along with john osake said we dont want to do another program that celebrates the summer or repeats what is done before. They want it to be very intentional about the programming and as many will be able to attest to, we had bumps and some hiccups along the way and even though it is not their fault, they stayed with us in that process, and so the ability to pivot during the pandemic when we didnt have inperson opportunities and we had to go to stipends or the ability to figure how to give wages, all those things and more in the sense that i dont know how many people alvin this year have you processed through opportunities for all . So, for them to figure how to make sure that over 3,000 young people can get paid through this program, give it up for them one more time. [applause] i also want to ask the folks from collective impact, mo magic, magic zone if they can stand up to give them a round of applause. [applause] i want to give special shout and thanks to those folks who have also agreed to be partners and help to fill in the gap and have helped to create the additional programs when we dont have enough placements so the csi model. I wanted to start with that because i usually forget it. I also want to ask the folks from the Human Rights Commission the opportunity for all team to get around of applause as well, baize because they have been making it happen. I dont know where they are, i think they are up front processing people. I see nicole. Dont want tothere is kamisha who is managing and stepped into that work. Nicole in the back. I did all that because i always always forget and the truth of the matter this program would not happen without each and every one of those folks. I ask you indulge me one more time because i want to ask the senior fellows to come up front to give a round of applause for making all the work happens. All the fellows, senior fellows, all the folks please i want folks and then we have some in the wings if you want to wave. We have over 40 or 50 i dont know, folks who have been 90, over 90 interns and fellows who are help making this program happen. Who are leading the work and helping to supervise and organize and coordinate and make it happen, so if you see your fellow up here, you should give them a round of applause and some screens and some shouts. They are the ones helping make sure your checks get paid, that your time sheets get run, that all that happens. [applause] right . So, i want to thank them and the evolution of this program and the work that continued to happen leads me to i would say probably one of the most important people that has been helping to lead this work and im going to ask everybody to do like a round of standing applause for sarah williams. [applause] sarah has beenif yall dont know it you should be grateful because sarah has been helping process the applications, the one process the placements, the one who is making sure you get paid, helping find the money when we run out so you all should give a huge amount of gratitude for sarah, because none of us would be here today without sarah doing the job she does so thank you sarah, you are appreciated. So, thank you to our fellows. We are going keep the program moving. I are want to say they talk all the time about people being fashioninable late. I want to thank Paul Henderson being fashionable late. He was making a statement what not to do when you show up to work. Be on time. Again, the whole point of opportunities for all was to create opportunities for everyone, but to build pipelines, and so you your charge today is to help us make sure that it doesnt end with the summer. That we are working to make sure that folks get to go to jobs in the library or the airport, or with bank of america and jycy has done their part and i know the Police Department would love to have all you sign up to come and work. But, it is not just about a summer job, and so usually when i come to these spaces and places, i will not do it today but i am going to make mention of this, this is a job interview. You dont know who will be in this room. You dont know what impression you are going to make, but this is a social net work you are building. These are relationships forming. This is a opportunity to do whatever the next thing is that you may want to do, so when you show up, you show up as your best self. You show up to dress to impress, right . You think about who is it that is in the room, whether it is the person who is had head of the department of Police Accountability or the chief of police, whether it is the mayor. Where do you you next internship to be . If you want your next internship to be in a law firm you want to dress to impress the law firm. If you want to be a entertainer, make sure when somebody is who is up here, they see you and when you connect with them after the performance that they take you serious. Everything is a opportunity and so many times i have seen people lose or waist the opportunity. When you show up at an event like this, what are you doing to make sure somebody remembers you for the next time around, the next go round . You dont me to do like im about to do with carl and say, are you paying attention . You want me to be like, hey, that is is a great job that you are doing over there, and are maybe next year you can be fellow or you could lead a program, or ill say the program with bank of america is pretty prestigious and it is a whole other application process. I think we only have how many spots . Only 5. I have seen peoplethe mayor actually started her career as a teller in a bank. So, every opportunity is the opportunity for greatness and i would say, when you come into this place, you want to make sure when i see you, why were you sleeped or scrunched in your seat . Why did you come like you were going to bed in your pajamas . Everything is a opportunity. Every moment you show up somewhere you never know who someone is or what they have access to or where they can help you open the door. So, when you think about opportunities for all, dont think this is about the 6 weeks of getting a check, think about what it is you want do with your future. That was mayor breeds purpose. That was her intention when she created opportunities for all because she came from a place where she felt she had more opportunities then other folk jz it made a difference in her life. The question is, what will you do with this opportunity . How will you come back . How will you support, engage and make not just your life better but the community, city, neighborhood, bay area, the region better . I am grateful for all of you in these seats today. Im grateful what is coming next and i just want to say thank you, because the program wouldnt exist without you. But you are the key to the program continuing. The ability to make it happen is based how you show up and how you engage. I just want to say, so, i just wanted to say that there are opportunities to expand and do this work and im going to put on the spot, because we have been happy this year to have a partnership with the department of Police Accountability that expanded to work with student from college. We were able to use the university of San Francisco to house them. They are working and say Paul Henderson is one of thbest partners to hire people as fellows and work in his department so i want to provide space a little bit for director henderson to share a little about what he is doing this summer so give up for paul. Always fashioninably late, henderson. [applause] put your timers on. After three minutes we need to make sure he knows his time is up. You know i wasnt prepared for this. Check out these shoes though. Since we are here, since we are herealright. I dont like crowds and im shy. Im just kidding. I got a packed audience. This isi was not expecting to talk today, but this Program Means so much to me. Seeing the young people here means so much to me. My career startedi grew up in bayview, a 4th generation san franciscans, but coming into the city, i started as an intern. I started in city hall working and volunteering and trying to learn. I always felt like things happen to my community, rather then for my community, and for me, education and experience was my way of giving back to the city and trying to become a better person to learn how the city operated. How decisions were made and coming into the pipeline, i began as a intern. I worked hard to get good grades. Not always so successful but my work experiences were fantasticism people reached out to me and the best allies i had didnt necessarily come from the bayview. Didnt necessarily look like me, but being able to reach out and follow those opportunities and stay connected to the people that i was exposed to from the programs as a intern made all the difference in the world for me and the trajectory for my career. Being able to once i got out of school to come back to the city where i grew up where my mother and father grew up and the rest of my family was here. Cant tell how meaningful that is to find a job that want a job that was a career, because i was committed to doing the work that i cared about deeply has meant eeverything to me and i hope all of you take the opportunity and the experiences that you have both to build out a network that define and shape the trajectory for your academic careers and professional careers when you are out of schools, that is the value of a program like this. You are not just sitting at a desk not doing anything, you create opportunities for meet people and learn how systems work and how the systems fit in the operation and everything that makes San Francisco the great place we are all so lucky to be in for this summer. I are want d to make sure from my agency at the department of Police Accountability that i leaned into the responsibility to try to make sure everyone has as great a opportunity as possible. I hope i have done that and set an x example for other departments to see how much they can do if they lean into the opportunity to have young folks like you be a part of the city family. Look forward working with all of you in the future, cant wait for all of you to come and look forward seeing all of you as City Employees in the future and ally employees in the future for folk s outside the city working with the program to create opportunity for the young people. This is absolutely the future. You are absolutely the future. It has been a pleasure and honor to be working with all of you over the summer. I cant wait to see what you all do during the year and what next Years Program looks like. Thank you all so much for being here today. Really a honor. [applause] alright. Thank you paul. So, at this point i are want to bring up the person who is responsible for the creation of this program, who really wanted to make sure that every young person in the city and county of San Francisco had an opportunity not just for a internship, but for a paid internship. I want to just thank her for her vision, her commitment and her dedication. When things were getting rough and folks were asking for things to be cut and to beto make budget make tough budget decisions, she never ever compromised on making sure that there were opportunities for young people, understanding you are critical for the success of this city. Without further ado, welcome and give a warm welcome to mayor london nicole breed. [applause] alright we at chase center. There needs to be more energy in the room [applause] i heard steph curry might be here tonight for a movie premier. You had ryan nicole getting your pumped. You have stunt a man coming aboard and going to rock this place, so lets show some energy. Let me tell you something, when i was growing up your age withwasnt that long ago, there were really some serious challenges in the city. You think the challenges that exist now are problem, way back then before social media, before the ability to access cell phones and other things that you all enjoy, we had a lot of challenges in the city and are there was once a time where we could not offer a paid internship to young people in San Francisco. But i was one of the lucky ones and some of you probably know a little bit about how i grew up in San Francisco. I grew up in Public Housing where my grandmother raised me and during a time whereinteresting, we didnt have a Good Relationship with the Police Department. We had a lot of contversery, poverty, hopelessness and dispair. The reason im here today where now im in charge of the city, the Police Department, the policies, in charge of a 14 billion annual budget, the reason why that happened had everything to do with my start. With my start at age 14 as a intern, where i worked at a place called the Family School, which is no longer open. One of my first jobs was to answer the phone. Now i know you all are doing some really fun and exciting projects. I heard some are working at places like google and for the giants and doing some really funeverybody is looking at each other. Who is doing that . I know jessica is here who worked in my office. People worked in the public and private sector and hopefully you had some rewarding