Transcripts For SFGTV Homelessness 20240704 :

SFGTV Homelessness July 4, 2024

Commission matters a lot to discuss today and look forward to having a productive meeting today. With the shared vision from us all is this we would like to prevent and end homelessness. I would like to read the Ramaytush Ohlone land acknowledgment. Ramaytush oholone land acknowledgement the San Francisco homelessness and Oversight Commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush rahmytoosh ohlone olonee who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. As the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. As guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the Ramaytush Ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. And i will turn it to our Commission Secretary for Public Comment policy and call the roll. This meeting is in hybrid and in person at city all in room 416 and broadcast on sfgovtv members in person and remote will have know opportunity to provide Public Comment specific to each presentation and general Public Comment. Members of the public had wish to provide remote will be heard in the order that commenters have added themselves to the queue. Have up to 3 minutes after each presentation. To upon comment remote the number to use is 4156550001. Access code 2481 664 7286 afternoon entering the code press pound to enter the woo. When the item is called press star 3. Wait until the host calls you on to peek ensure are in a quiet location and turn off tv or computers around you. Thank you for your cooperation. Commissioners brings you on item 2 roll call. Respond with present when i call your name. Chair butler. Present. Voice chair dufty excused. Commissioner albright. Present. Commissioner upon evans. Present. Commissioner guerrero. Present. Commission laguana. Present. Homelessness shirreen mc spadden is present and adam radke. We have a quorum. You are now on item 3 announcements of sounds producing device. Ringing of sound prugs electronics are prohibited at this meeting. If the commission may remove from the meeting and ringing and use of a cell phone or other sounding producing electronic device. Thank you for your cooperation. Thank you. Item 4 announcements by the chair. The announcement i have i would like to have an effective and efficient meeting. Which means that most of agenda items will be certainly making sure we are in time so i will keep fooim time for each item to get us throughout agenda but i will not negate fact we have our comments and our questions and so i will yield as much time to make sure we are productive. This places us on item number 5. The adoption of july 6 Meeting Minutes i ask the commissioners if you have comments or questions around our Meeting Minutes from the last meeting. Chair butler. I need to recuse i was not present. Thank you. Motion to approve the minutes. Second. A motion to approve the minutes and a second. All in favor . Do we need Public Comment. Thank you. Public comment. Are there member who is wish to comment regarding our minutes. There are no callers, chair. Thank you very much will now id like to ask all in favor indicate by saying, aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Ayes have temperature thank you the minutes are approved. This places us on item 6 our directors report and we have our executive director shirreen mc spadden here to provide our report. Thank you and good morning. Chair butler and commissioners. Pleased to be here and i will wait for a minute while the power point come up. I will start with data and updates the dash boards presented are linked and rabble in hsh data hub on our website. I will start with out reach. Out roach in june had 1, 980 engagements due to staffing challenges it was lower than it has been. Butt homeless out reach team ended at 42, 590 encounters over their contracted goal of 35,000 for the year. Cord nayedent row assessments they stayed consistent in june with 962. Assessments total. Closed out with more then and there 2,000 more completed than the last year showing increase capacity. And then moving on with cord nayed entry. Developed and updated defy nigsz of homelessness policy. This includes definitions for population, living situations and connections to San Francisco. The local homeless board will be reviewing this document at their upcoming meeting the team that connects shelter guests to service went to the pier thirtyfour site and made progress including connecting households to rehouse and 8 in home supportive service. The next multidevelopary team be in august at the sanctuary shelter. We now have full Demographic Data from 2223 engaged with cord nayedent row and steps of the house being process. We are referring black Indigenous People of color to housing moving them in a similar rate. We are not losing people long the way in the housing process. And moving on to problem solving. This past fiscal year we served double the number of households through problem solving. Helped 920 house resolve homelessness. Compared to 500 last year. In 202223 dispursed 2. 8 million in Financial Assistance to households responsibling homelessness. With 2. 2 million to move in assist analysis. 159,000 to furniture linked to housing resolution. 142,000 to rental assistance and 133,000 going to travel and relocation support outside of san frap to a safe housing connection. 84 that resolved with problem solving over 24. 10 families and 6 youth under 24. We are look forward to seeing the investments grow with the addition of 75 slots of problem solving. [speak fast]. And for housing place ams our placements rose in june. 191 placements. 70 of place ams were adults. 10 families and 19 were young adults. Between 18 and 24 years of age. We increase our housing place am in fiscal 22 23. With 2, 600 over the year. The 12 increase in place ams from left year. Showing the impact of the housing we brought online through the homelessness recovery plan. We have a new housing dash board n. Total we have 13, 237 units of Supportive Housing with 16, 732 beds. Housing for adults over 18 and specific to youth, makes up 10, 891 of the units or 82 of the portfolio. Housing for families with minor children makes up 2, 346 of the units. Or 18 . With 5, 730 beds of the beds 2, 080 for people who are unhoused in 1, 072 for veterans. 830 for youth between 18 and 24 including parenting youth. Can you see the data on the website. This is an improvement from the inventory project to add units. We are glad to have this public to help people understands our system better. Do you mind reading that again. Did i cut out. It is just i could not see it on the slide. The numbers. So, in total we have 13, 237. Units of Supportive Housing 16, 702 beds. Housing for adults over 18 including housing specific to youth, makes up 10, 891 or 82 of the total portfolio. Housing for families with minor children makes up 2, 346 of the units. Or 18 of the portfolio with 5, 730 beds. And of these beds 2, 080 for people who are chronically unhoused. 1, 072 for vet reasons and 830 for youth. Well make sure that is on our website so you have the details. Can i request a question. You may not know the answer. I would not expect you to. Out of curiosity. What percentage of in single occupancy hotel . Commissioner, can i have you poke in the mic. Sorry. When percentage of well, 13,000 in single occupancy holing. I dont know. We can get this, we will put together a charter this shows exactly what type buildings the houses units are in or whether they are subsidies. That is included in this number. Great. Thank you. So for housing vacancies we increased accomplice ams and inventory we are seeing vacancies tick down to 7 . This month you see in the chart on the bottom right vacancies of continues to decrease down to 8 opinion 7 with 759 vacancies. We talked before why we have vacancies in the system. Well have some because of the turn and because of units off line for maintenance and for hold for example transfers. We want to be down with the number that is more like 3 huh human we need to act on quicker. And then in terms of housing accomplice am continuing housing accomplice am updates. The decreased vacancy show the housing accomplice am team usa work. In several strategy its reduce the vacancies unit refuse at and participation protocol to prioritize clients engaged and not refused. Expanding the roll of case managers document readiness. Completing the inventory tracking all housing in the one system. For transparency. Sorry. And better work floechl conducting i direct accomplice am pilot with healthy Street Center this summer. Through the pilot we move 12 people from the streets to permanent Supportive Housing. In the Evaluation Phase with that really want to make sure we focus on equity in that system and had it is successful and we are move being people in who are ready to stay in their units. And we will be relunching that as an on Going Program the middle of the month. And some of the recent accomplice ams where the lack of the hotel guests pending move ins. We stopped tracking shelter in accomplice hotel guest out come the end of 2223. And in totally quarters left to stable housing locations. 1, 835 people including 2 thirds of eligible for the housing process moved into housing. And then in terms of the emergency housing vouch are roll out. Move ins are continuing through the voucher system. We are getting close on issuing all of our ehvs. With over 1,000 referrals. We are continuing to refer newhouse holds based on original referral source to reissue expired vouchers. Late july nan 38 vouchers issued. Some reissued and 675 households move in the to units. Families and adults the largest move nothing housing with 216 families housed. And turning to updates from housing a focus group with permanent Housing Residents and providers for equity on ph s cites hsh and the majors office of housing and community development, developed a new San Francisco Emergency Rental Assistance Program policy that supports psh residentses to use this program. To access the program tenants work with providers to develop a payment plan for back rent and payments for 3 months once that is done the provide are helps with an e rap application to pave back rent. They are under way at city garden family permanent Supportive Housing and expect full lease up to happen by october of 23. Moving on to shelter. We rolled out the newark did you tell reservation system last month to make referrals to cites. We have preliminary data from the wait list. July 5 and 24 there were 18 sign ups on average. 3 quarters of sign ups online and 25 over the phone. During the weekdays when reservations happened, there were average 23 shelter reservations made daily. As a snapshot of july 25th, 250 on the wait list and 3 people gone on shelter. And then in terms of the over all shelter inventory. I reminder or public dash board is live showing shelter capacity and occupancy. July 28 we had 90 rate with systems capacity of 3, 136 beds. And moving on for additional updates. I will start with local legislative update. We got approval for piece of legislation through the board process before the august recess. And this included 3 shelter booking arrangements. Agreement with providence foundation. This agreement allows to continue the oasis and support. A revenue agreement with San Francisco house to use 50 project based vouchers at city gardens. Acquisition of 1174 foalom and approval to apply for funning for 42 otis street. All 2325 budget legislation including the our city our home trailing legislation. And before recess, we introduced Grant Agreement amendments this would be heard in september to extend services for 4 programs. And the sum and are pull we have additional legislation on the horizon that will be taken to the board. Including 5 Service Agreement amendments. 3 lose or lose extensions. And the proposed acquisition of 42 otis. We have legislation to update the starnsd of care for city shelters. A new mo you cans going to the port for extended term at safe Navigation Centerful legislation requesting authorization to apply for the 20 tea hud annual grant. And we participate in several hearings including the hsh plan. A hearing on city contracts and a hearing on the Housing First model. This summer we are working on responses to the civil grand jury report titled hitting the performance bulls eye. Better out come in Homeless Service 3 finings and 4 recommendations i gallon through the first is that inconsistent metrics in our agreements imparris the ability tom evaluate the contractual performance. We agree. This is long a need in the department. Now we have the Data Infrastructure we focussed on for the last several years zoechl all the client level data in the one system and focus on standard iegz the metrics the civil grand injury recommended. This will be done drawing on the forth coming Performance Measurement plan from our strategic plan. The second recommendation is include measures in all agreements to track out for subpopulations. I was told to we should not use subpopulation we will find another word. When we mean is all of the populations we focus on whether older, transgender people, people color, et cetera. We will be looking to track those out come pacific low so this people can see how we are thinking about that and how we are thinking about the interventions we need to provide. Since all agreements include requirements about data, this has been completed. So, and then moving on the second finding called out insufficient Program Monitoring imparris ability to evaluate providers. This is true. We partially disagreeful we have policies to improve Program Monitoring. Per the recommendation to fiscal monitoring we are in the process of rolling out the policies to all programs, teams in fiscal 2324. The third noted that the city Performance Scorecards the control are manages dont report on the 11 population in our plan. We disagree with this a Performance Scorecards are not the place to provide this did thea. We will develop reporting about the strategy plans subpopulations not the greatest word based on the Performance Measurement plan not on the performance scorecard. Updates from the other bodies. The local homeless cordinating board is starting the work on the continuum of care application in full force this summer. The application is due on september 28. And the leads on this will present on the care application to the commission. There are 2 open seats the Commission Must consider apointing the shelter are monitor staffing is moving over to hsh. And we are introducing the stoornsd of care legislation in the fall there are 4 vacant seatos this committee. The shelter Grievance Committee is conducting all meeting in personal with the next on september 12. And on that committee there are 6 vacant seats well is a lot of work the next month or 2. And an update from Equity Office we launched the bipoc lead funds in july 17th. Mrksz are open until august 14 and issue intent to award in september. This fund is tindzed for organization hos have at least 70 black Indigenous People color to use for Capacity Building, official or technical acest asbestos. There is 900,000 available in total and recommend organizations apply between am 25,000 and 100,000. More information and stepos how to apply is on the hsh website. Please share this with your net works. Also appropriating the third serious of Racial Equity staff train nothing september and october. And as i always end hsh is hiring. We appreciate your support to director candidates to our departmentful positions are posted on the dhr website. I got my staff here who can help answer questions. Thank you for your presentation today. Are there questions or comments from the commission . Commissioners . The graphs are helpful. And i think that you know thinking about accessibility how people can tune to better understanding where the system is at and developmentment it is irrelevant in like gears are moving. You know. From this presentation thats what i take away. And so i thought is there politic to have a visual map of the Housing Stock . So, just an idea. Thank you. Thats a good suggestion and we can do that. May i addon that be helpful to see what the vacancies are. My understanding 98 percent are in the tenderloin. Got t. We have that information and we are happy to share. Thank you. Director. First, i just want to commend you. On this excellent report. Clearly a lot of work went in it and so thank you and thank you to your staff. For putting all this together. I want to commend you on just an instructor ing amount of progress made on different fronts. And it is visible. It is nice to see a lot of progress on issues that have been difficult to find progress o. I appreciate you. And appreciate your staff and the work you are doing. I think showing in t

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