Transcripts For SFGTV Our 20240704 :

SFGTV Our July 4, 2024

Member preston, absent. Member walton. Here chair williams, absent. Acknowledging that we do not have quorum but we have an extremely Important Information that is presented to the committee today we will proceed with the meeting, and we would like to start with the Ramaytush Ohlone land acknowledgment. We acknowledge that were are the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. As the indigenous stewards and in accordance with their traditions the Ramaytush Ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place as well as as peoples that that reside in their traditional territory. Working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the Ramaytush Ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. I would like to move on to agenda item 2 which is an opportunity for Public Comment on matters that are not on the agenda. At this time we will take in person Public Comments followed by phone Public Comments. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment in person please line up at the podium now. Each person will have two minutes to speak. For the record there are no in person Public Comments. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment over the phone please call 4156550001 and enter access code 26647160145 and then press pound and then pound again. If you have already done so please dial star three to line up to speak. The system prompt will inticate you have raised your hand. Please indicate when you system notes youre unmute and you can start your comments and you have two minutes to speak. Moderator do we have any Public Comments . For the record there are no phone Public Comments. Thank you. So we will move on to what is the core of todays meeting which is a number of presentations related to the ocoh funding and spending and can we begin with the Controllers Office report. Okay. Good morning Committee Members. Todays agenda focuses on providing a budget and programmatic updates on all of thektivity in the ocoh fund so far in the fiscal year. I will be providing a Financial Update on the budget side which will demonstrate all of the funding that was budgeted across the various Service Areas and their programs, how that spending has progressed so far and what do departments expect to spend over the next half of the fiscal year. Departments are here today to then provide complementary information which is an update on where programs are this in terms of implementation and those presentations will follow next. Together these two vital pieces of information are intended to offer a starting point for your budget recommendations for the next two budget years, so you will have a sense what funds are available as well as the status of programs. As a reminder about context before we sort of dive into the details the ocoh fund has a built in multiyear spending plan and the information today only offers a one year window into that plan, so as you look at some of the really big numbers thats really important context here, and relatedly the fiscal year runs from july 1 to june 30, so all of the information today only focuses on that timeframe. I obviously want to maximize the time for questions with departments and the program epidemic implementation epidemic len Program Implementation updates but its available on the website and i know we have several members unable to make it today so it will be there for them to review. Okay. So i wanted to offer a bit of glossary up front so as we look through the details you have an understanding of what is the information that youre actually looking at, and the starting point of this analysis is whats call the revised budget. This amount compipes any remaining funds from the Previous Year william annual allocation that goes into each service area and of course the three population categories within permanent housing so both its the annual sort of like percentage allocation that each of the Service Areas gets as part of ocoh as well as any unspent funds from the Previous Year. The actuals are basically the year to date spending, and so thats all of the spending that has happened between july 1, 2023 and january 24, 2024. You also see a category of spending thats projected additional year end expenditure, and thats the amount that departments project to spend then between january 24 and june 30, 2024 which will mark the end of the fiscal year. You will see a category called obligated funds and this will primary sort of correspond with programs and Service Areas that are run by hsh and these are funds that have been earmarked for planned use in future years and we can sort of talk more about that as you see that come up in the presentation, but just wanted to sort of state that up front. The last category is projected year end total balance, and so then this is the funding thats projected to remain and then roll over into the next fiscal year. Just a reminder ocoh is a continuing fund which means that anything that is not spent sort of rolls into the fund in the next fiscal year. Just additional context here that projected year end total balance is really crucial in tack willing short falls both in the current fiscal year as well as the next two budget years, and so just as a reminder from a couple of weeks ago were looking at and likely the best Case Scenario here about 140 million of short fall over the three years so thats this current year and then the next two budget years ahead of us, but we will get sort of a better revenue update at our next meeting when the Controllers Office is going to present on that and the last note about presentation there are both charts and Tables Available throughout the presentation so really depending on your individual preference i am mostly going to stay on the charts but please feel free to reference the accompanying tables if thats easier for to you follow along. Im going to take a quick water break. Im am recovering from a cold. Just one second. Okay. Great. So like i mentioned the starting point here is really the revised budget for fiscal year 2324. Now again this is the sum of the annual allocation for each of the Service Areas, and then any remaining funds from the Previous Year. Just for some context again the percentage allocations are not going to line up exactly with what is on this chart, so the annual allocations are 50 of the fund goes to housing, 25 to Mental Health, 15 to prevention and 10 to shelter and hygiene but this is the total fund these are the total amounts so both from Previous Years and then from this annual allocation, but really the Important Information is that the starting point for fiscal year 2324 is that the revised budget amount across all of the Service Areas including the funded administration to seven 94. 3 million so thats the break out that you see here in front of you. So this first chart and im starting at the fund level but we will sort of going into the details of each of the service area. This chart provides a break down of the 794 point 3 million separated into operations versus acquisition costs. Permanent housing and Mental Health funds can be used towards acquisition costs or Program Operations cost and these function really differently, so Acquisition Funding can be used to purchase rehabilitate or construct buildings, and you know just the way that works is that thats not sort of like an ongoing you know its like one time big costs. Operating costs however they include personnel expenses, contracts to District Service providers and other Service Delivery expenses so they behave really differently from acquisition costs. That differentiation is not pertinent to Homelessness Prevention or the shelter and hygiene Service Areas since all the funding in those areas is entirely operational. Another note about operational funding here is that particularly for housing it does include all of the populations so youre kind of seeing it rolled up across populations, but it also includes all of the reserves in housing, all of the receives amounts in shelter as well as prevention. Operational funding here also includes the unallocated funding that the committee voted on last meeting just a couple of weeks ago, so all of that is being rolled up into that operations funding that were showing here. And then as a reminder because i talked about reserves and housing shelter and prevention dph is a little bit unique that the Acquisition Fund has been used as a mechanism to protect Mental Health programs spending against revenue volatility, so just something to remember as we sort of dive into those details. So well get into each of the Service Areas. This is a view of permanent housing expenditures to date as well as projections by population, so this view allows all to see the various spending categories which is what departments have spent year to date, the projected amount they expect to spend over the next half of the fiscal year, the obligated funds that i mentioned at the top of the presentation, and then the projected remaining funds by each of the populations within the service area. As a reminder within permanent housing adults have the largest budget so 55 of the housing funding must go to serve this population followed by families at 25 and youth at 20 so thats sort of what you see come through on this chart. And i will give you all a second to sort of digest. Moving on to all households. This view of permanent housing shows this spending by all of the programs that fit within the service area but across all populations, so these are are all the category was operational costs again no Acquisition Funding is reflected here. And as a reminder this umbrella of operational costs does include reserves and unallocated costs, and of course this funding works differently than Program Operations, but is also really vital to making sure that operations can continue even when there is revenue volatility, and thats particularly important in the housing bucket because of the nature of housing programming is such that once the city makes a commitment it has to be more or less ongoing so just an Important Note here in processing this information. Similarly for adults heres a view of the programming that focuses specifically on adults and so here you see the various programs across scattered site, across site pdh. There is rapid rehousing, of course the reserve category, allocated cost which are costs that are not sort of tied to any one program but sort of help run programs across the service area and then [inaudible] subsidies. Again is i similar view of programming that focuses specifically on families. Just a note here since i am moving between charts the obligated funds are really only pertinent to programming for adults which is why you wont see that up here within families and you also wont see that amongst the youth, so you all can see it appears for the adults but not for the families and youth. And then lastly for permanent housing heres the categories of expenditures and of course the projections for the youth category. Coming to Mental Health again this is Mental Health operations. This doesnt include the Acquisition Funding that is part of the Mental Health service area, and so this again really shows us the operational spend thats related to the running of the various programs in Mental Health. Moving on to prevention reminder there are only operational costs within this area, and so heres a spending break down that you see, and i just wanted to note and again something for us to come back to given that departments are here today is a big chunk of the reserve has been categorized as obligated funds and this really speaks to that multiyear spending plan they was mentioning up top which is that these funding have been primarily earmarked for 2425 and 2526 problem solving and prevention Spending Plans, so if youre all interested into digging that we can do that after the presentation but wanted to note it looks really different than the other charts, and then again as a reminder prevention programs does include a partnership between both the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing and the Mayors Office of housing and community development. The last category is shelter and hygiene which is of course is the smallest category within the ocoh fund so again you see the sort of operational view of the programs that are part of this service area. As a reminder departments are all here to provide Program Implementation updates that really speak to you know the budget side of a lot of what youre seeing here so any sort of Program Specific questions that you have would be good questions to bring up as part of those presentations, and then i wanted to mention to you all that the next set of liaison meetings which will happen over the next couple of weeks are happening in the next couple of weeks in march will focus exclusively on the budget, so another opportunity for you all i know this is a lot of information for you all to really have some time to review, process and then use those meetings to sort of really dig into your specific questions with departments at this point yeah, the intention today is not for us all to have [off mic]. Take a breath. Total grasp of the amount of funding but a good important look today, and then for those meetings i will circulate an email and ask you all to tell me what questions you have since we wont have a chance to meet before them so stay tuned for that, but yeah thats sort of concludes my presentation and we can move to questions. May i have ask a question [off mic]. Hi. Thank you so much for all the work on this. So i just have some clarifying questions, and then some other stuff, but basically i wanted to i wanted to basically ask about the reserves that were not i mean that were not delineated in permanent housing prevention and shelter. Do you have the amount of the reserves in those categories . Oh its on the prevention okay. So okay so its delineateed in the further slides. Yeah. Okay. And then in terms of the year end balance we still dont have we still dont have a differentiation between one time funds and ongoing . We dont at this time member friedenback. Correct. Theres not a delineation of that in the year end balance. Okay. So we will have that at the further update from the controller at the next meeting . I will have to work with departments to see how easy it is to yank out of the big numbers and let me try to figure out if that is feasible. Okay. Because thats kind of a huge deal, yeah, and then i had some questions around the obligated versus the projected year end balance, and so i think probably the best way to ask my questions is to do it to do it in categories, so for example going to slide 17 we have the unallocated youth permanent housing, and so is that including our recommendations from the last meeting . Where those put in the unral indicated category or were they considered i mean can you talk about unallocated and kind of similar questions around its a little bit confusing for me around the obligated funds because in some categories like for example if we have a family in a subsidy that is ongoing and i know so this only goes for this year. I guess trying to figure out what is our actual obligation on an ongoing basis for future subsidy, operating cost for housing, et cetera that kind of getting back to the balance between the one time and the ongoing and just kind of doing a check around with this decrease in revenue we still have enough to cover subsidies for people next year . We still have enough for the operating . I mean you know like that and i guess going back to the unallocated more and talk about what is included and what is not included in that category . Yeah, we will definitely need Agency Support in the second question but i guess i can kick us off. Given this information was pulled on january 24 and because you all voted on the unallocated spending plan just a couple of weeks ago thats where, so the amount you all voted on part of it shows up in the unallocated bucket, correct, and i will let hsh kind of speak to how to further understand the unallocated amount and i think they would be best to talk about the obligated. Okay. Good morning kristin rolin budget rec for hsh, so for for obligated we were accounted for things put out in sois that we know are going to be committed to projects but we might not be able to get out the door by the end of this year, so currently that doesnt include the Spending Plans a

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