Transcripts For SFGTV Rescheduled 20240704 :

SFGTV Rescheduled July 4, 2024

Harrison is present. Hartwigschulman is absent. Commissioner simi is present. With three members present, we have quorum for the sanitation and streets commission. Public comment is taken for all informational and action items on todays agenda. To comment in person, we ask you please line up against the wall furthest from the door, the audience right, when Public Comment is called. For members of the public wishing to comment on items from outside the hearing room, you may do so by joining the webinar via the link shown on page 2 of todays agenda. And to be recognized, please select the raise your hand icon in the webinar. You may also comment outside from the chamber by dialing, 14156550001 and using the meeting id of 26620992831, , and to raise your hand to be recognized please press 3. The telephone log in information is also available on pages 1 and 2 of todays agenda. Commenters may speak for up to three minutes per item and youll receive a 30 second notice when your speaking time is about to expire. In the event we have many commenters the chair may reduce Public Comment to less then 3 minute per person. Please note you must limit comments to the topic of the agenda item discussed. If commenters do not stay on topic, the chair may interrupt and ask to limit your comments to the item at hand. We ask Public Comment be made in a civil respectful manner and you refrain from the use of profanity. Abusive or hate speech will not be tolerated. Please address your remarks to the commission as a whole, not individual commissioners or staff. And the public is always welcome to submit comments in writing via email at sas. Commission sfgov. Org or by mail to 49 south van ness suite 1600, San Francisco california 94103. On behalf of the commission, i like to extend our thank tuesday the staff of sfgotv for putting on this meeting and one procedural matter to remind the commission, since we do have the of only three commissioners present today, if there is a need to take a break at any time, please let the chair know that we can have a recess since if anyone leaves the room, we will lose quorum for the meeting. Mr. Chair. Thank you. I assume you all had a opportunity to look at our agenda. Does anyone have a wish to amend the order of the agenda . Seeing nonehearing no further request, i have a couple announcements, which i dont have. So, that concludes my announcements. Mr. Fuller, do you have announcements . I only have one announcement and that is that, the form 700 ethics filing is due april 2 and commissioners should receive a couple email reminders about that. It is a very important filing for every commissioner to complete. I know commissioner eusope as a new commissioner does not need to meet that deadline, but all other commissioners do. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing that system or if there is any questions that myself or other staff can help answer in completing that very important filing. Thats the only announce ment i have. Okay, thank you. Can you please call the first item . Item 1 is general Public Comment, which is for topics under the commissions mandate, but not related to a specific item on todays agenda. Members of the public who wish to make three minutes of general Public Comment in person may line up against the wall furthest from the door and if you are commenting from outside the chamber, please press the raise your hand button in the webinar, or press star 3 on your phone to be recognized if you called in. Looking in the room, it does not appear that any in person commenters have come forward. And sfgovtv is indicating we do not have callers who expressed interest on speaking on general Public Comment either, so that concludes general Public Comment. Okay. That concludes the general Public Comment. Please call the next item. Item 2 is communications and directors report. Director of public works, charla short is here to present and this is a informational item. Good morning commissioners. I hope all is well with you. For the record im carla short public works director and i have a couple topics to touch on this morning. Commissioners, happy to report we met last month deadline to present the budget plan to the mayor office. I want to give a thanks to budget team. They did a outstanding job crafting a proposal that minimizes impacts on Core Services and preserves jobs. The mayor will make a final decision on what to include in her city wide budget plan, which must be sent to the board of supervisors by june 1. I do not envy the mayor w. A projected deficit of 800 million. My staff and i will continue to work closely with her budget team and with the controller and board of supervisors throughout the budget process. Lunar new year, public works crews were out in force in china town throughout the month of february for deep cleaning and beautification operation during the Lunar New Year Holiday Season. This time of year draws big crowds to the historic neighborhood for array of shopping eating and cultural festivity. The year of the dragon work began predawn and deep 92 to the night. Steam cleaning, wiping out graffiti to ready the historic neighborhood for the busiest Holiday Season of the year. Also ran more specialized operations, including power wash the iconic dragon grate at bush street and grant avenue, scrubbing the broadway tunnel and touching up paint on the dragon lamp post along grant avenue. The street repair team conducted a proactive pothole sweep to ready the roads for the Chinese New Year parade which followed a 1. 3 mile route at second and market street, snaked around union square and chinatown and wrapped up at carney street. The parade is one of the largest cleanup Event Operations of the year and call frz a highly coriographed effort. The crews more then 3 dozen strong used push brooms, grabers rakes shovels leaf blowers mechanical sweepers and flusher trucksism the morning after the parade the streets looked graitd. I attended the parade and got to see crews in action. The operation fsh well executed. Kudos to the team for a job well done. Next up arbor day, i want to remind everyone our annual arbor day Tree Planting work day and family fun fair will take place tomorrow. In the tenderloin nopa and hayes valley. The bureau of urban forestry crews with help of more then 150 volunteers getting close to 200 as of this morning will plant 100 new street trees in district 5 neighborhood. The kick off event and fair held at new traditions elementary school, 2050 hayes street. The fest iivities are under way at 9 a. M. And the fair runs until 1 p. M. We will have bucket truck rides, plantder box planting Face Painting and a small heard of grazing goats. Arbor day is my favorite day of the year and i hope you can join us. The third street bridge, last march the third street bridge historic bridge sustained significant damage during a storm when three barges came lose from tethers and slammed forcing the closure of the east side sidewalk. While the drawbridge remained operational, the sidewalk remained closed. Happy to report that our trade workers painter carpenter and sheet metal works have been on the job to complete the needed repairs in time fwr the giant home opener april 5 and they should be out with a craen as we speak today, the first crane bringing in the new steel for us today. Yesterday i attended mayor breed annual state of the city address, which she delivered at pier 27. There was one portion that resinated with me especially those who work for City Government and been putting in a lot of effort to keep San Francisco moving forward. She said, im tired of the people who talk about San Francisco as if our troubles are inevitable and successes a fluke. Our successes are not a flute nor fleeting, thaiare the product of years of hard work, collaboration, investment, creativity and perseverance. The output of thousands of people in government and out who believe in service not cynicism. Commissionerss, i see that every day as public works. Staff is putting thin hard work and committed to keeping San Francisco moving in the right direction. Whether fixing a bridge, cleaning up after a civic celebration, planting trees or paving the streets, our team s work as making a difference. We believe in the city and we are proud of the city. Lastly, im thrilled to announce [indiscernible] served as acting public works director january 2020 to august 2021 has come back to the department in the new position of Deputy Director of strategic initiatives. He started his job on monday and jumped right in. His portfolio is wide ranging, man jsing special projects, working on organizational improvements and efficiency insuring compliance with Small Business enterprise in federal contracting and much more. Hes part of the executive team and very excited to have him back at public works and i like to invite up to the podium to introduce himself. Good morning commissioners. Im joining you, i was working with commissioner simi at bart, so we were old friends there. Just to give you a brief background or brief history of my background as director short mentioned, i was previously acting director of public works, and before that i spent nearly 15 years here in the city in various departments. I wascity purchaser at one point and oversaw the contracts for puc and before that work at human right commission and over the course of my time at the city there was something about working at the Public Works Department and streets and sanitation that is special. I enjoyed every minute of my time at bart there was something that was drawing me back to be here and i feel blessed and honored and have this opportunity and i look forward to working with you all. Thank you. Thank you very much and welcome. Thanks. Thank you. With that, happy to take any questions from the commission. Any questions for the general directors report . Not questions, so much but wanted to say, while departier from bart was devastated, glad you have come somewhere where you can make San Francisco a better place, so congratulations on the hire. Any further discussion from the Commission Regarding the directors report . Hearing none, well move on. No further discussion, secretary fuller, please call the next item. Mr. Chair, well need to take Public Comment first on the directors report. Members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on item 2, the directors report may line up against the wall furthest from the door on your right. Commenting outside the chamber, please pres the raise your hand button in the webinar or 3 if you called in. Well take in person commenters first. We do not in person speakers on this item and let me check with sfgotv, there are no callers outside the hearing room on this item either. Can we have the next item, please . Item 3 is the consent calendar, including the draft minutes from the november 20, 2023 meeting of the commission and draft minutes from the january 22, 2024 joint meeting with the public works commission. This is a action item and commissioners staff or member of the public may request a item on the consent calendar be heard individually, but before any motion is made, im happy to take any questions or corrections to either of the minutes. Where there questions from the commission . Hearing nonehfmove to the next item. Commissioner, well need a motion and vote on this. Motion Public Comment. Motion to accept the minutes of ill make a motion. Second . Second. Thank you. I have a motion and a second to accept the minutes. Approve the minutes. Members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 3, the consent calendar and motion to adopt each item within it may line up against the wall furthest from it the door. If you comment outside the chamber, please press the raise your hand button or 3 on your phone to be recognized. We have no inperson commenters and we do not have any callers either, so that concludes Public Comment on this item. Okay. Do i hear a motion to adopt the consent calendar . And all items contained in it . Ill make that motion. Second . Second. I have a motion and second to approve or adopt the consent calendar. All in favor . Aye. Motion passed. Item 4 is the bureau of urban forestry performance measure report. Bureau manager Nicolas Crawford is here to present the report and this is a informational item. Good morning. Should i move up . Good morning, Nicolas Crawford bureau urban forsty and initially this was going to be a month or two ago and i couldnt make it to that, so i had designated two of our leaders to give the presentation and excited to introduce you to those folks and we rescheduled to a day they couldnt but i could be here so i want to bring them to future meetings and introduce to more othf urban forestry team. So, our urban Forestry Program is within operations and we are excited to share updates on how things are going, some challenges that we are facing, and happy to take questions as we go along or at the end, whatever you prefer. So, this is a synapsis of our progress on pruning all the trees in San Francisco. All the street trees we are responsible for through the streettreesf and our work started with the worst first. The trees that needed the most help, had the most conflicts with traffic and pedestrians and we have been fanning out to the rest of the city to some of the trees that were in better shape at the start of the program and it has been all most 7 years since this started and we are moving into the outskirts of the city that we havent hit yet and some of the trees have grown quite a bit since the start of the program. There is definitely a sense of urgency here. In total we pruned 70 percent so that is the completed, plus that active wedge there, so actually today marks the end of one of our big contracts and the contractors got to the end of today and finished pruning all the trees that we assigned to them and that leaves just under 30 percent of the city to prune. At this point, we are taking stock of this, what does this mean . It has talken us longer then initially projected. I think 5 years seemed overly optimistic in hindsight and thought we would be done certainly by 7 years and now we have more trees to prune, but we know these are the less severe cases. Fewer removals, more quick pruning types of stops, but we are still considering how much longer this is going to take us. But, i think a big part of it was we created infrastructure for a Brand New Program that never existed before. We hired staff, purchased equipment, created a framework for issuing contracts and now that we have that and we tested it, we put it through a pandemic, we think that we sorted out quite a bit of optimization so that as we go forward we can accelbrate progress on our work. So, this slide isgot a lot of information jammed into it, so i will disassemble and talk through each part. From left to right we go through the fiscal years, 2020 to today, and then the top row is for pruning. Our maintenance pruning. The middle row is for tree removal, which would include what we consider maintenance removal. The tree died or reached a point we cant stabilize with pruning. It is falling apart on itself or Something Like that. And then the bottomremovals also include storm work, so if we show up and half the tree is collapsed and the other half is unstable, well remove that too. And then that bottom row is stump grinding, so when we do removals with contractors, we package the stumps along with that, but there is still a lot of outlying stump we might encounter and we are issuing those to contractors and doing those internally as separate mobilization. So, you can see some of the trends here. During the pandemic, it was really contractor heavy in the 2020 column, and that was a function of our staff being shorthanded and reassigned to do a lot of Disaster Service work throughout the city with a lot of Pandemic Response things, and our contractors we gave them the directive. We are not sure if it is safe to work and these are times when we didnt even know if working on the sidewalk was safe for people to do. We told them only do safety related removals, so you can see there is a spike in removals. We made a lot of progress on the maintenance removals that we were go ing to do anyway, but consolidated them in 2020. A lot less of the pruning work. And then, in 2021, that recovers quite a bit where we went back to pruning. That year fortunately we didnt have that bad a storm season, so removal numbers dropped quite a bit, which we always want to see. But our pruning numbers still hadnt recovered, and that was a function of us pulling back on a lot of contracts. We were given direction that we might be losing 5 or 6 million of funding for our streettreesf program. Fortunately the worst Case Projections didnt materialize, but we still have to scale back our spending. And then, we were able to still get as much Maintenance Work done with the funding we had. The priority is hold on to our staff. We held off on buying equipment, but that would have longterm impacts for the following years unfortunately. 2022, some growth in our pruning work and then we had the really bad october storms in that fiscal year, which lead to a uptick in removals and then last year, 2023, that was a really good growth year getting a lot more pruning done. We are catching our stride and had been able to hire a few folks through emergency mechanisms. Arborists to prune trees and do the removal work, but there is ton of storms last year, both the new year storm and the march storms and we think it was over 900 trees possibly as many as a thousand trees related to that, so

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