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Commissioner melgar a absent. Commissioner peskin present. Commissioner preston. I said Commission Commissioner peskin first. Commissioner peskin present. Thank you. And commissioner ronen absent. Commissioner safai absent. Commissioner stefani absent. Commissioner walton is present we have quorum. Thank you madam clerk. And thanks for those able to show up and madam clerk i believe Public Comment on an item, when the item is called, dial 3 to be added to the queue to speak. Do not press 3 again or you will be removed from the queue. Watch sf cable channel 26 or 99 depending on your provider watch www. Sfgovtv. Org. Phone number 1 415 6550001 access code 2662 182 5815 to raise your hand, press 3 when Public Comment is called press star three to be added to the queue when the system says your system is unmuted youll speak. When your 2 minutes are up, we will move on to the next caller. Calls will be taken in the order in which they are received. Best practices to speak slowly and clearly. Thank you clearing throat madam clerk. Commissioner ronen is recovery from surgery we wish her a 1350id any recovery and excuse her from the 13wir89 of at the meeting and heard from the 0e9 commissioners theyre detailed and requested to be excused from the early part of this meeting and im going to do that as well. And then before calling our next item as chair, i want to invoke the reels rules to amendment the Public Comment for thirty minutes my attention to the and workplace madam clerk call the call the next item. Chair id like to recognize that k34i6rd has arrived. Hello commissioner stefani. 2. Community Advisory Committee report information i think we have C Organization c here for this report. Hello. Good morning commissioners. Our february meeting the cac approved the transportation take a look at was the allocation of prop l funds for the traffic calming and the thank you for having me. Update. The Mission Street transit items discussions between the members about the parking in the survey and the double parking in the transbuilding lanes citywide and those members noting how direction and the need for this prevention and in addition to expanding to address the needs for this for the parking first place and we also received a presentation on the district wound multi model transportation study which district one represent again for the role of bus shelters along geary street with the project and asked for a better transparency in the process and noted that some subdivision in d one are asked that addressed and requested that the mobility hub feature with the connections to reach the bus shelters and a presentation by the caltrain and a lively discussion for the ridership for the prepandemic relationship and asked to make caltrain a viable option for attending events and to expand partnerships with local transit agencies to improve the caltrain stations including in San Francisco and members requested that the caltrain has a policy requiring that must enroll the employees to be eligible and to consider allowing the companies to be pass this for employees and several members cited personal experiences with the go pass impasses from some employees and. Thank you very much. And im available for any questions that you may have. Thank you, chair seagull no colleagues questions or comments and open up for Public Comment and none o none any remote Public Comment on item two. Comments on item 2 . No Public Comment. Public comment is closed. And. Thank you, again. Chair seagull and madam clerk next item. 3. Approve the minutes of the february 27, 2024, meeting action microphone feedback an action item. Open up for Public Comment again anyone in the chamber like to speak on item three please come forward not seeing any and. Checking no Public Comment on item 3. No Public Comment. Public comment is closed. And a motion to approve item three . Moved by commissioner peskin and seconded by commissioner dorsey. Commissioner chan. Aye. Commissioner engardio, aye. Commissioner engardio, aye. Chair mandelman, aye. Commissioner peskin, aye. Commissioner preston, aye. Commissioner stefani, aye. Xhvrndz and. There be 8 is and the motion to approved. Great. Call the next item. 4. State and federal legislation update information microphone feedback mark watts thank you, commissioners and today staff is not recommending any new positions but they are proposing to add senate bill 915 and to the watch listed ill provide a brief overview but to catch in sacramento mid february with the deadline for introduction of bills and um, stated the initial review identified Small Business owner some more in the order of 45 to 55 active rebuilt Transportation Demand management agencies i believe will be bringing or staff will be bringing microphone feedback some of those bills for attention at the future hearings for meetings and in the microphone feedback coming week the Senate Transportation committee will schedule at the bills april 9th and 22 and the assembly with the heavily build outs is considering organizing on 8 and 15 and the 22 so april will be very active microphone feedback full of legislative interests and bills moving forward im for sequentially substantially and covering the two bills for the ab 281 by the Assembly Member also the author of the measure on the ballot in nova that deals with the threshold level this measure is intended to be clean up legislation to provide more specificity in the invitation to be approved in november. And were adding spot watch we can monitor throughout the year at present the measure details the kinds of projects that would be eligible more Affordable Housing and direction to the california state outdoor for best practices and stacey the requirement for local entities for ac one and beyond that ab 20 of one by senator amy the thomas vehicle measure staff is working closely with the mta staff to develop the recommendations for better transparency on deployment and between mta staff and the Transportation Authority working with the Assembly Staff to make sure that the thomas Autonomous Vehicles are focusing on safety and the ev and others understand the impacts for the public pilots i understand that in addition to these information items microphone feedback there is a yet to come scombrand item and goes with is a matter of fact, member for and the update asked by staff to report on where activities stands today microphone feedback with a g one 77 staff continues to work closely with the Assembly Members office and mta and to anticipate a series of if you have any questions the gentleman is available on staff level to go into detail microphone feedback into addition they are the other measure senate bill 915 over the last week was substantive development for senate bill 915 and senator weiners measure that deals with the future funding area and it looks like with the leadership of the senate there be a merging of that 34ur with sb 926 by senator rob that deals about how to councilmember horland some of the transit agencies in the bay and those two bills Public School marked to one other bill i believe the number will be inter103 one but without details that is my report for today and just the last more detailed. Thank you very much. Thank you for the opportunity and thank you, mr. Watt open up for Public Comment. Speaking on the floor. Um, thank you. Good morning chair chair mandelman and for the record, im with team goals and lots of things here i think some good things. I support the Government Measure to lower the threshold for taxtion taxes are necessary to get the take measures back. I do support the gathering of data for ab and statistics and certainly for Safe Environments and this data will not make identifiable information a Public Record shouldnt be any name or address or other information and should be and a bridge toll to keep the Transportation Systems going and with an increase less than compatible bridges and tunnels and other places like no new york i think in new york is 11 like 16 without that schedule and consolidation im in neutral of it. Im not sure how to take 26 different agencies bell ringing that is going to be a hard one and i certainly dont think the bigger ones should be consolidate im advocating for caltrain to be put to death or muni into that Something Else overall worth watching and ill talk about senate bill 915 later. Thank you. Thank you. Anyone in the chamber talk about item 4 come forward no one in any remote Public Comment. No Public Comment. And Public Comment is closed. And thanks again, mr. Watts and madam clerk call the next item. And. 5. Adopt a support position on senate bill 915 cortese action. Commissioner commissioner chan. Thank you chair mandelman colleagues, i really want to thank the chair and you um, together for circling this item today, we have heard from the residents about the challenges and safety concerns surrounding the wild west with Autonomous Vehicles the streets and neighborhoods are not lavatories and senate bill 915 allows the power for local improvements to set up rule for ev based on the rules and we want to say in how those operates in the streets that fraud the deployment of robbing both altercation four city and counties to allow businesses to provide Autonomous Vehicle services and gun begin to address maximum rate for passenger fairs for local altercations and kaepz establishments for data transparency establishments of enter operation vehicles for emergency responds and a process insuring the disability accessibility for for health and safety i hope we can confirm our support for senate bill 915 and guardrails on the city streets and a reminder that colleagues, we have a similar resolution at the board of supervisors as well um, i believe is couple of weeks ago we hope to have your support today. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner chan and thank you for your work on this and no other colleagues on the roster i believe we have Public Comment mr. C. Before we have Public Comment i want to note we have received Public Comment on this item on the website. Good morning. We dont want r o b o why do we need those what happens okay. I say more but thats enough so and. Okay. Thank you now, mr. P r e a. Thanks again chair mandelman and members for the record wrote you a letter hope you got to read it i rise in opposition to this many reasons. Main im a disabled person and use those services and explain discriminated and take advantage of of this service part it didnt discriminate against me no fun when youre passed up on a bus stop i dont know the reason why. I rode an a b over here today. It was fine but things we read about didnt happen i do support there this should be accountability taxtion a roman numeral state that has the technology continues to improve 3450i7bdz im sure they go through preinspections i used tobacco a professional driver and i was really good at that. But cars have blind spots im concerned about taking away an option because local jurisdictions can refuse to consider not to even look at the matter not to to hear the voices of people like myself bell ringing as one that needs the accessibility to navigate this city or whatever reasons i have for delinquents im not afraid of using this service and cant support in bill that bill burglary mar lists people like me bell ringing i hope you vote no. No more Public Comment on all the time 5 in the room so lets see if any remote Public Comment . There is no remote Public Comment. Public comment is closed. Commissioner chan would you like to move approval. San francisco so moved and madam clerk call the roll. Commissioner chan. Commissioner dorsey. Chair mandelman, aye. Commissioner peskin, aye. Commissioner preston, aye. Im sorry. Commissioner safai. Commissioner stefani, aye. Commissioner walton there are 9 is and this emotional is approved. Thank you madam clerk and call the next item. 6. Adopt the 2023 prop l 5year Prioritization Program for Transportation Demand management action. Principle transportation exert. Were having technical difficulties but back up so this morning have one for your consideration as a reminder the expenditure plan required development and board approval for the preorganization are continuing as a prerequisite for the allocation for the program along with the adoption of prop l there are a background on the process for the boards approved 25 out of 28 programs and clearing throat the Transportation Demand management or tdm is a Small Program within prop l with a big impact we have a variety of policies and incentives and enforcement that will shift to the transit and biking and less congested times and improve the Transportation Demand management and theyre lower for the Transportation System and as well as cost is in line with the bio way with 380,000 annually. So the um, passenger prop l and changes by the pandemic helps us with the tdm program that is the Funding Source for. Um, is he to do that we proposed updates to the city tdm Strategic Plan for the First Time Since 2017 the only project for the tdms at this time since the intent to use the plan to identify and prioritize those as fund by prop l and recommending a place holder for the plan in the next we have initiated work on a tdm analysis for the streevenlg plan with the travel survey have provided funding for this in San Francisco to provide us a much needed post pandemic and this is the guidance for the vacation and combining data with best practices and other 278dz efforts we see this update with the mta staff and continue that tdm working group with the Planning Department and the Regional Agency like bart and caltrain for this to reduce the barriers and those investments will travel with the trips and more less congested times and we expect this for adoption in 2025 and for the last prop l funds to a place holders for the place holder for allocation for prior to the Strategic Plan updates and conditions including that the projects are consist with the recommendation and that the projects for the tdm and criteria such as supporting the mode shares and cost effectiveness the Strategic Plan doesnt leverage those plans the resources for the efforts and however the plan will help to position the recommended tdms for discretionary grants and will continue and we are working with the project sponsors for the remaining ones and bring those to the board followed by adoption of the Strategy Plan im available for questions. And staff from oat agencies here as well. Thank you, mr. Picking for the record any questions or comments none so open up for Public Comment. Seen for team fold that is really important i think the transportation i take a lot and my transportation patterns whatever are typical not a commute im certainly thinking that the criteria schwarzenegger help to influence um, transportation when there is anymore capacity in the system sometimes might be own a bart and other times it is by how do we move people i try to do that washington, d. C. Is having the prices own their metro the biggest um, plan for Transportation Demand management um, which is in progress in new york city called the crisis really called the Central Business district ive spoken and because we have too many cars on the road 40i can we get more people into the buses and owe trains and other shared vehicles like electrical riders and r v bell ringing people are riding bikes. Tdm can certainly help make the streets safer im a pedestrian and try crossing three 4 in new york city cars block the intersection all the time that is hard to cross the streets we have that issue here im sure so this a Great Program i look forward to more details thank you, bell ringing new york is the worst example the streets you are talking about sir, im sorry im sorry i dont want to be personal or i hope everyone understand this is not just in San Francisco but new york city and unintelligible is. I dont see any other Public Comment in the chambers coughing any remote Public Comment on this . There is no remote comment microphone feedback . Public comment is closed. Motion to approve item 6 . Moved by commissioner peskin and seconded by commissioner dorsey. Same house, same call. Without objection the motion me . 7. Allocate 1,440,000 and appropriate 108,000 in prop l funds, with conditions, for four requests action reduction 100,000 . Multisponsor tdm Strategic Plan update Transportation Authority 108,000, sfmta 40,000 . We have linda to present this item. Hi, good morning commissioners sfgovtv we have our slides up and looks like we are not seeing the screen yet. Thank you. So this presentation today includes 4 requests. The first prop l for the Mission Street 4. Million and the temporary link were implementing in covid and fulltime on Mission Street and routes 14 and regional expressway the project will have the transit and traveling lanes for collisions and allow more operations in the current curve site parking on the streets and will have 82 percent for the prop l. So the top photo for the crosssection for the temporary trait lanes for implementing and the bottom is the Cross Sections as is changes were implemented and will be permanent those are the changes to the number of parking and passenger loading for emergency travel lanes and following the implementation of the temporary emergency lane projects a series of surveys for the groups as well as the technical evaluations and will be designed in the spring and this request for the vision zero lefthand turn traffic calming one hundred thousand for the construction and under this program have completed work by prop k and work orders to be identified and mta requests funds for the traffic calming measures at the 13 of the locations and will be determined the packet is the district streets 4, 5, 6 and 9 a prop l after implementation the staff will raise support by the nearby organizations outreach for those and upon completion of the location staff will evaluate the lefthand turn calming and average those speeds with other evaluations for the speed limit reduction to fund the construction and mta quickly implementing the state elective ab 43 to reduce the speed limits by implementing new 20 mileperhour for the signage and education and as of january 2024 the mta has mroementd the slower speed limits and 2023 was if you wanted and knitted the design and construction outreach materials and evaluation and support for the highest campaign with the light banners and others things the project for this street will support that. And the last request for one hundred and 48 thousand for the Strategic Plan and allocation of prop l for the tdm Strategic Plan will be monitored and prop l which you acted on and tdm develops a new list of measures for the post pandemic and the plan will identify the projects led by sponsors sf and bart and caltrain and use the plan for other Funding Sources. We expect to present in Strategic Plan for adoption in two 25 and this includes 40 thousand for so with that, im available for questions. And we have project manager available and sfgovtv im finished my presentation we will have no questions open up for Public Comment. Thats valuable and it is great but not investing the best dollars. Actually unintelligible but otherwise, i see we already are 125ishd that zero so vision zero i said before just to be clear, zero vision the very least i can say unintelligible . So 13 and vision zero proof that is enough. Thanks again chair mandelman and members for the record with team fold and those are decent those are good i like the idea of traffic calming. And reducing the exceeds on the street. This idea of lefthand turn calming seeing the picture with the stripes i think should help to slow down and reduces infliction in the neighborhood and slowing down and taking the speed limit down to 20 will not slow down the directives but it can make it easier for me to navigate the streets we passed this now going to allocate the money to begin the work um, of the tdm. And so im always some support of traffic calming should not be stressful for anyone by feet or bikes or scooters or shared vehicles a v, etc. I think that will help to make better streets bell ringing i could or dont see this is any reason not to get a yes. Any Public Comment . Notice remote Public Comment. All right. Public comment is closed. Motion to approve item 7 by commissioner dorsey and seconded by commissioner walton and. Same house, same call. Meetings and madam clerk call the next item. 8. Other items introduction of new items information. And i dont see anyone own little roster madam clerk. 9. Public comment. And if anyone in the chamber like to comment under general Public Comment. Um, thank you, again chair mandelman and members i will be brief for the record. And nothing is done i have to catch a plane so how do we continue to work this is a building the safety and most equitable and most inclusive Transportation System in San Francisco . Why just as we speak about the bayview transportation but in new york and new jersey and las vegas and spoke in denver those are issues are state and National Pledge of allegiance and im going to hear from you not easy for me being here different from Everything Else but friends say well go and speak no way so how do i translate my message of seeking for transportation . That will be easier for me to use . Whether or not walking in the streets or taking um, muni and bart and scooters and ev i just like had i go to new york city bell ringing they have buses the legendary Transportation System called a subway why knows if any of you have used that ive been using if for 54 years and seen the changes and ive seen the leadership not easy being here with im glad i came to be when i anyway, thank you. Next speaker. Were going to make that transportation. It is coming in yes, we dont surely that what is is the robots. Okay. unintelligible . But it is what the activists is so on top of that electrical unintelligible if you get a fire it is still unintelligible they explode and a theyre difficult to repair it it takes time. And it is recycling is wrong and people makes more pollution and unintelligible so, yes on top way more way more theyre trying to attack the community and remove for black community no good youll pay more it is coming you pay for we dont want the streets dangerous. All right. Lets see any remote Public Comment. No Public Comment. All right. Public comment is closed. And madam clerk call the next item. 10. Adjournment. Were adjourned. gavel [meeting adjourned]television. A lot of housing advocates to speak out again poison pills that president peskin my name is jay the San Francisco oregon director for mba action and from the Action Coalition owe a lot of housing advocates as well as some of our elected leaders joining us to push back against this i want to briefly just mention this is not unfortunately, the first thing by the had to get to the with president peskin this is not his first anti Housing Action a long

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