Transcripts For SFGTV Mayors 20240703 :

SFGTV Mayors July 3, 2024

Sfgovtv. It is open caption and sign language interpreted if you need any other accommodations or have difficulty attending please at the end sends an email call. You can also join the webinar by phone dial in 4156550001 access code 2664 975 6460 did i say my name is sherri the Mayors Disability Council holds 10 Public Meetings a year and they are generally held on the third friday of the mom um, from 1 to 4 00 p. M. More information about past or upcoming meeting visit the motion carries. Our next regular Public Meeting on friday june 21st. From one to 4 00 p. M. It will also be a hybrid meeting and broadcast on sfgovtv we thank you 2024 joining us your clerk is john. Who will be performing his function with the use of an als interpreter city clerk call the roll. Yes waiting for the camera to get the camera up for me there we go. At this time, i will do roll call. Cochair madrid, cochair albers present. Councilmember leasure present councilmember senhaux present. Councilmember arack. Present. Present. Okay. Thank you. Now and clerk read the agenda for todays meeting. Agenda for today is well begin with welcome and roll call. We have number 2, an action the council which are not on todays meeting agenda. Each member of the public may address the council for up to three minutes, rustling of papers. number more information item. 4. Information item cochair report. 5. Information item report from the Mayors Office on disability. Disability. Covid19 Health Ordinance update presented by dr. Susan phillip, health officer, city and county of San Francisco, department of Public Health Public Health Public Health priorities from representatives of Disability Community organizations. Presented by fiona hinze, dignity fund coalition. Coalition. Third coalition. Third coalition. Third of Disability Community organizations. Presented by allegra heathstout and itzel romero,senior and disability action sda i forget to he mention before number 7 and moving forward. Moving forward. Of Disability Community organizations. Presented by allegra heathstout and itzel romero,senior and disability action sda . 9. Information item correspondence. And 10 general Public Comment and 11. 11. Information item Council Member comments and announcements. 12. Action item adjournment. Im going to turn it over to cochair albers thank you, counselors is possession to accept the agenda. I move to accept the i move to accept the do i have a second . All in favor, say aye. Aye. Opposed . Okay. Motion has passed to accept the agenda. We will move on to um, general Public Comment clerk read the instructions. The public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council which are not on todays meeting agenda. Each member of the determines that, in the interest of time, comments may be limited to a shorter time when there are a large number of Public Comments. Brown act forbids the council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public a reminder that council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at Public Comment. If you would like a response from the council,please provide your Contact Information by email message to mdc sfgov. Org with the subject mdc comment reply request, or call 4155546789. If you join raise hand to make a comment. Making a Public Comment on webex. If you join the webinar using your tablet or smartphone webex app, click on the three Horizontal Dots icon and then click on raise hand. also use the q a feature in Webex Webinar to make a comment. It is located on the top part of the video after touching the screen. If you are using a desktop or laptop computer, raise hand and q a icons are located at the bottom of the video screen. If you join by phone, dial 3 to indicate you would like to make a comment. The clerk will prompt you when its your turn. Well start now with anybody joining us inperson. If you like to make a comment at this time come and line up at the podium or have comment card located at the front of room. With information to the franchise of your comment. Scanning the room no Public Comment at this time. Debt any do we have any hands raised on the webinar . Cochair albers im going to turn it over to. Thank you. Thank you very much. Okay. We are moving on to an informational item which is the cochair report the motion carries. Sent a letter to the board in opposition of the proposed quick bill project on freda which will removal parking pays by needed by the students and faculty. With disabilities to attend city college motion passes. Have been recruiting individuals to fill the vacancies think mdc we encourage anyone in the public to contact us if youre interested in joining the mdc. So if i are interested completely email um, mdc at sfgov. Org or call. Um, thats it for my cochairs report for this month. Um, we are now more importantly to our next informational item which is the report from our thank you. Good afternoon. Im nicole brown. Thanks for joining us today and thanks for watching on testifying or on line im going to highlight a few items from the full written agenda today. Um, the full agenda will be posted on line at on the landing page as sfgovtv back M Organization d following todays meeting if thank you, want to engage with his contact at sfgov. Org or by calling us so a few elective updates for today for may 2024 update around file 2 three 1005 the Building Code extending the deadline for date for places of accommodation which is better known as a assessable business ordinance. Has been extended to the end of the calendar year bell ringing file has been duplicated and additional amendments tend to change the programs are currently under consideration and mo d continues to be in conversation with the supervisors offers and encourage the members of the public wishing to be involved with that Initiative Contact mo d or the Supervisors Office directly. The other legislation resolution that is still out there is the one on the only on the un plaza protest of 1977 reminder for the counselors we want the commemoration when it happens of the historic rights protest to be as assessable as possible to the disabled community and which means more than the architecture placement of status and please continue it keep an eye on that that the commerce can be universally assessable to everyone at boo physical and for those with disabilities have minor vision as well as folks with mental disabilities plug that one more time i dont have additional updates related to the elective items that are the as a reminder are the California Public utilities mo d is a party to the under your recommendation as council those are the Autonomous Vehicles and the Transportation Network companies and no updates expect that mta it isnt process of facilitating the access fund and those mrashgsdz are currently under review for the access providers as was brought to you last month in april. With federal legislation no movement on the access amendment i encourage mo d and nbc to be engaged with what happened there clearing throat . Okay. So along with news on that announcements i mentioned last time again the mo d along with all city departments and Little Market building have moved locations as of today very um, busy several weeks for the members of the committee and staff will be working on a inperson remote and he would sometimes inperson sometimes remote but also be someone inperson at the our new location the permanent spaces is conducted which is 1455 Market Street building 1455 market we expect the permanent space will be completed within 4 to 6 months and same location second floor and until then business as usual we appreciate the publics patience during the first few days of transition where the technology and communications are set up at 4001455 Market Street and say uptodate with changes to continue to follow the admonition o D Distribution list on the website nominates and as a reminder sfgov back mo d and scroll to describe and the button at the bottom of the a page to so added to the distribution list the best way to stay outofdate and a couple of more announcements a considerable amount of time for disability and Affordable Housing news assessment did council will engage with that temple during the season during efrng hearing about the advocacy requests and i anticipate that request related to the disability and aging Affordable Housing assessment of will be among those but please do recognize to continue monitor that. Next id like to welcome alicia who is Mayors Disability Council compliance and civic coordinator thank you and her duties includes clerk and liaison for the council and the liaison to the Disabilities Community on legislation matter and tracking and recommending stuart Program Improvements and were thrilled to have you and i want to take a moment to thank both john who is filled in youre or during our live meetings and a the last few months thank you, john and to Deputy Director debbie has really do a lot of work to fill a hole in the liaison with Council Members. Thank you very much. And i have a few more things to announce and talk about first, i want to continue to remind you of items as you preserve may want to continue to track and several i will skip the ones ive mentioned earlier in the report and highlight again that you may want to be um, thinking about communication, assess for the city and county of San Francisco in response to both folks providing Public Comment in meetings and also the ongoing need to address and introduce communication access for deaf individuals. As i mentioned several times that the Controllers Office is in progress with single room sro sro assessment and we received mo d an update we expect a full report to be released to the public symptom in the fall of 2024 not as aggregate as the timeline by done a lot of work in the Controllers Office toein about their scope and really getting a good handle on the citywide singleroom occupancies inventory so a lot of work towards that in the meantime several supervisors including preston and supervisor stefani called for a hearing or considering legislation for the sros and folks may want to continue to monitor that and the Emergency Management and response for people with disabilities is another big topic that council is interested in the past. Um, we continue to be engaged with efforts related to the disagree response and planning the public rightofway and shelters, etc. This is a couple of things and then i think as the last thing i want to say is this Council Knows and put out messages to the public and press release so today is my final public hearing with you all as is director of mo d the interim director will be deputy city administrator Jennifer Johnson i want to say its been an honor and privilege to be your director for the past seven years and this council raised a place a Critical Role no advancing the perspective of deaf and disables people in the community to all of you all of you come back members thank you for your help personally for taking your role seriously and in housing and employment seriously and please continue toal the tools available to i resolutions and conversations with city and board of supervisors representative and letters of advocate sill and make change and improve the lives of people with disabilities thank you, each for your service youve been a pleasure to work with you. And that that concludes my report. For today. Thank you director nicole bohn that being said, were going to go off the agenda for a minute because wed like to thank you, director nicole bohn for your service and mentorship and direction for us as members of council and for the city city and county of San Francisco. Um, we wish you well and carrying on your your inelect and bring it to our new role our honor for that thats what i bell ringing want to say and any other Council Council can just this if in we have something for you bell ringing any other come back members can jump in. We have something for you. Thank you. laughter youre in good health i. Thank you. laughter. thank you, everyone for those that may not be able to see i have a lovely bow can i have spring flowers and also thank you. calling names. and alex is not here but really been a great place. Thank you. laughter. the wanted to make a comment on behalf of the council for the appreciation for director nicole bohn so many appreciation for your expertise and youre legislative advise regarding access ive learned from i personally and understand how you were involved been aspiration and the letters and really moving actions forward and it is important for our work showing us how to speak up and access and public pace were watching the variance things coming forward and oats he legislation and i have wrthd and such a surprise into my roll here on the council, i want to personally thank you, thank you for all the lessons and i agree so important to listen and learn and to work with the effectively offered that feedback is comments becomes Public Policy so thank you for all the impact youve made were going to miss you. Thank you. Denise and hello nicole that is patricia i want to thank you for your support. And youre intelligence i wish you the best in our role. And good luck. Thank you very much. Parking very much appreciated. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, for your services i bring a value perspective to the group im glad youre here. Denise im sad to see you go nicole been a pleasure to work with you youve been a mentor and friend to myself and the council and youre always there to lend advise and supporting us for people with disabilities so i really thank you, been a pleasure thinking you and pleasure working with our staff theyre dedication and commitment i wetland wish you lucky know youll be scenic for the Mayors Office on and well know youll continue to do best you can. Thank you. Denise that is thank you, sherry and everyone very, very touched. Um, and with that, are we able to move to the bulk of our meeting today . multiple voices . Thank you very much. Thank you very much. And thank you. laughter. all right. Were going to move on to our next item discussion item discussion item it is discussion item it is discussion item it is covid19 Health Ordinance update presented by dr. Susan phillip, health officer, city and county of San Francisco, department of Public Health dph um, so dr. Susan phillip, health officer, city and county of San Francisco, department of Public Health dph are you with us. Hi and wait one second. We need our mic and welcome. Thank you. The microphone is on i believe that the slides are hang on were going to double checking. I do see them here should i believe advancing them. For the control room please bring up the power point and. Control room please display the power point. I will. Control room please bring up the power point. Control room . We need the power point slides please. The phone is ringing, the phone is ringing [off mic. ] yeah. If if theyre connected to your screen. Yeah. One moment everybody technical difficulties thank you for your patience. Dont worry. Thank you alicia. laughter. what is the appropriate you want to wait for the slides. I would defer to you director im happy to read through the slides that complains the information we want to share. We have your slides. I think in the interest of time lets proceed. And if you wouldnt mind to make sure you cover everything on the slides that would be great. Yes. Is that okay . With you cochair. Yes. Thats quite acceptable. Thank you my name is dr. Susan phillip, health officer, city and county of San Francisco, department of Public Health dph of the Population Health and very grateful to the council and to director nicole bohn and her team for the invitation to speak with you. And if i may say for just a moment a pleasure working with director nicole bohn and her team throughout covid and beyond. We spoke a lot. And i have to say that um, her expertise but her advocacy and her commitment to take the most health proposed approaches in San Francisco bend the community of people in San Francisco living with disabilities she was an advocate but nicole would always take my call and answer questions and help me make the best possible decisions in v

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