SOM Governor Whitmer proclaims May as Women's Health Month FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: MDDHS, Chelsea Wuth, 517-241-2112 LANSING, Mich. - Healthy women are the cornerstone of healthy societies, and improving the health of Michigan women and girls has the potential to drive health improvements for all communities across the state. To help reaffirm the state's commitment to improving the health of all Michigan women, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is joining with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and Michigan Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health in proclaiming May as Women's Health Month. "The health of every woman in Michigan is crucial to the overall well-being of our state," said Governor Whitmer. "By designating May as Women's Health Month, we recognize the urgency of using state investments to drive equality and expand access to healthcare by removing as many barriers as possible. We can achieve better outcomes for women and families through programs like Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies - an initiative designed to prevent maternal deaths and addresses racial disparities and inequities. This Women's Health Month, I want to recommit the state of Michigan to improving the health and well-being of every woman in our state."