Rodney Heard is survived by his wife, Lisa, six children and numerous grandchildren Author: Alex Fees (KSDK) Updated: 5:13 PM CDT June 28, 2021 ST. LOUIS — Funeral services took place Monday for St. Louis Firefighter Rodney Heard, who served the community for 22 years. Heard died from COVID-19, June 15. His memorial service was held at New Spring Church on Lewis and Clark Boulevard. St. Louis Fire Department officials say Heard served in several neighborhood fire houses before going to work in department support services. The memorial service made for quite a sight in the parking lot of New Spring Church, with no less than 15 firetrucks lined up, forming a frame for a very large American flag and providing a pathway for Heard’s remains to enter and exit his memorial service. Friends, family, fellow firefighters and others gathered to pay their respects.