Star Wars: Lucasfilm Shares Throwback to 1977 Holiday Ad ✖ The holiday-themed Star Wars content keeps pouring in and we can't get enough! We have already seen Lucasfilm's holiday card, which features Grogu and Din Djarin on a sleigh ride. Rosario Dawson, who played Ahsoka Tano on The Mandalorian, also shared a fun holiday greeting featuring her Star Wars character. Now, Lucasfilm is taking it back to 1977 to show off an original holiday ad for the first Star Wars film. "A special holiday-themed ad was created to run in US newspapers over the Christmas weekend in 1977, and featured season’s greetings from all the major characters. Even Tarkin and Vader made begrudging appearances to spread the holiday cheer. #tbt," Lucasfilm wrote. You can check out the as in the Instagram post below: