The Center for Biological Diversity and Greenpeace México strongly condemn the United States’ heavy-handed intervention into Mexico’s decision to phase out genetically engineered (GE) corn that’s produced using pesticide-intensive farming practices and the herbicide glyphosate.
Last week the new U.S. agriculture trade chief Doug McKalip demanded Mexico provide answers to questions about the planned phaseout by Feb. 14 as part of the United States’ threats to respond to Mexico’s decision with punitive steps, including filing formal trade complaints.
In response, on Monday Mexico issued a new decree eliminating the January 2024 deadline for phasing out industrial and feed corn that is genetically engineered, with no firm replacement date provided. Mexico maintained its commitment to phase out GE corn for flour, dough and tortillas, and established a March 31, 2024 date for phasing out glyphosate.