STOCKBRIDGE â The city of Stockbridge continues to move forward with plans to create its own police department and move away from police protection provided by Henry County. The council voted unanimously March 30 to approve a job description and an annual pay scale for a police chief ranging from $92,581.93 to $143,501.98, depending on experience. In a job description posted for the chiefâs position, the city states that the chief will be responsible for supervising a department of 57 sworn officers and five civilian employees and providing police protection for an area of 13.31 square miles. Stockbridge has a population of about 30,000. During discussion of the pay scale, City Manager Randy Knighton said the city expects to fill the chiefâs position first and then allow the chief to hire his command staff and move forward with âputting in place the necessary ingredients for a full-fledged police department.â