32 views The Winchester Star WINCHESTER — Hollow Road Solar LLC, National Fruit Orchards Inc. and Diane Holmes are suing the Frederick County Board of Supervisors for denying a conditional-use permit for a utility-scale solar power generating facility in Gore. The lawsuit, filed in Frederick County Circuit Court last month, seeks a court order for the supervisors to approve the CUP. The lawsuit also states the plaintiffs are entitled to a redress in the amount of $7.5 million. On March 10, the supervisors voted 6-1 to deny the CUP. Had the permit been approved, it would have been the third solar facility approved by the supervisors within the past year. Supervisors J. Douglas McCarthy, Shawn Graber, Blaine Dunn, Bob Wells, David Stegmaier and Judith McCann-Slaughter voted against the permit. Board Chairman Charles DeHaven Jr. voted in favor of it.