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Swansea working on first comprehensive plan in 20 years : vi
Swansea working on first comprehensive plan in 20 years : vi
Swansea working on first comprehensive plan in 20 years
The comprehensive plan addresses economic development, housing, land use, natural and cultural resources, open space, transportation, and facilities.
Related Keywords
Massachusetts ,
United States ,
Joseph Case High School ,
John Hansen ,
Jim Devol ,
Taylor Perez ,
Mallory Aronstein ,
Danica Belknap ,
Debbie Gannon ,
Greg Sullivan ,
Paul Treloar ,
Luther Store Museum ,
Planning Department ,
Redevelopment Authority ,
Economic Development District ,
Swansea Capital Planning Committee ,
Swansea Free Public Library Building Committee ,
Recreation Committee ,
Housing Authority ,
Cultural Council ,
Beach Committee ,
Planner John Hansen ,
Southeastern Regional Planning ,
Administrator Mallory Aronstein ,
Zoning Board ,
Swansea Capital Planning ,
Luther Store ,