Brown ales. Photo by Rodney Margison by GREG SIERING Cooler weather always sends me looking for darker, maltier ales, especially when I am searching for a beer that pairs well with chili or a rich stew, and brown ales are a perfect fit. Brown ales are deep, malt-forward beers that are usually lightly hopped and moderate in alcohol content. English versions can take on bready or even nutty flavors, although chocolate and caramel usually dominate, with low to moderate sweetness. They might have a hint of coffee taste from roasted malts, but deep roast bitterness is found more in porters, which sit nearby on the style spectrum. Aside from some aggressive American craft variations, brown ales are lightly hopped, usually with English hops that contribute subtle floral or earthy characteristics. Overall, brown ales are smooth, easy-to-drink beers that rely on subtle, well-blended flavors.