The 2020 Golden Issue Award for Best Letterer ✖ Welcome back to the annual Golden Issue Awards. Every year, the staff at ComicBook takes a look back at the year and selects the best of what comics, movies, television, anime, games, and the rest of pop culture had to offer. 2020 was a rough year in many respects, and unfortunately, the comics industry felt the squeeze of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the global economic impact that spun out of it. That didn't stop some truly remarkable work coming out of the American comics industry last year, though, and we're here today to celebrate our pick for the year's top letterer. Letterers are sometimes the unsung heroes in comics, bringing the thoughts and words of our favorite characters to life, as well as helping to shape the worlds they live in, with stylized fonts, sound effects, and other details rarely paid attention to by many readers. In more recent years, talent like letterers, colorists, and editors have finally begun to get some love from fans and critics, but they still deserve so much more.