The latest planning applications in the Grantham area Published: 07:00, 30 December 2020 Grantham, S20/2008: Dr S Boardman - Two storey extension to side and rear. First floor extension over existing garage. To render the whole property at 16 New Beacon Road. Leadenham, S20/2059: Rothwell - Removal of hedgerows where they intersect with the pipeline within the working corridor of Lincoln to Ancaster Pipeline Scheme at Land To The South Of Long Lane, Temple Bruer With Temple High Grange, Leadenham North. Grantham, S20/2062: Mr John Toole - Outline for 9 dwellings all with 3 bedroom terraced houses at Walled Garden, Westbourne Place. Planning Applications (12078486) Great Gonerby, S20/2111: Mrs Melanie Embling - Section 73 application for the removal of condition 3 (boundary hedging) of planning approval S05/1628 at 9B Grantham Road.