Nine-month Strathmore cleanup nears completion Boston Chimney & Tower Co. employees lower their scaffolding as they take down the smokestack at the former Strathmore paper mill in Turners Falls. Staff Photo/Paul Franz Boston Chimney & Tower Co. employees take down the smokestack at the former Strathmore paper mill in Turners Falls brick by brick on Wednesday. Staff Photo/Paul Franz The smokestack at the former Strathmore paper mill in Turners Falls is expected to be totally gone by the end of this month. Staff Photo/Paul Franz Related stories TURNERS FALLS — The crumbling smokestack of the former Strathmore mill is expected to be totally gone by the end of December, capping off a nine-month cleanup of the old building that the town hopes will improve the prospects of not just the Strathmore, but of the larger Canal District.